A Moving Workplace

A Moving Workplace

Enterprise companies tend to have high expectations and forecasts. Peplink was approached by a multinational technology company with a simple requirement; to provide connectivity for their fleet of shuttle buses carrying their employees to and from work. 


Their fleet of moving vehicles will need to utilize cellular connectivity since fixed ethernet lines are unavailable and satellite is generally expensive. But how reliable could one cellular connection be?


Peplink’s diverse range of devices can cater to more and more sectors across the globe such as working remotely and IoT applications. Each shuttle bus was equipped with a powerful HD4 MBX, a powerhouse and feature-rich router that supports up to 4 cellular connections.

A Peplink SD Power Management Unit was connected directly to the bus’ battery to effectively regulate the power being supplied to the HD4 MBX and all onboard devices. This enables the PoE output function to optimally power up the AP One AX Lite, providing uninterrupted Wi-Fi for all staff.

Peplink’s innovative Smart Reader and Time & Attendance app was also implemented into this setup, allowing all members of staff to clock in and out, and enable Wi-Fi on their devices.


With redundant SIM slots, the HD4 MBX provides users with low latency, high speeds, and above all, a stable connection for employees to accomplish their work. And when combined with a FusionHub virtual endpoint, SpeedFusion is activated. Within this SpeedFusion tunnel are fine-tuned algorithms to distribute packets and application types to specific WAN links. One such algorithm is Traffic Steering, which has allowed the team to reliably and confidently use cloud office applications such as Google G Suite and Microsoft Office 365, long before they step foot into the office for the day.

Whether it’s bonding all 4 connections together to create one high-bandwidth tunnel or providing Hot Failover should the primary link fail, Peplink’s ecosystem and functionality provides unrivalled network resilience. 

Best of all, everything can be controlled via InControl 2, a cloud-based management platform. This allows the administrator(s) to monitor data usage, access GPS information, dictate what types of traffic to prioritize, and much much more.


  • Multi-WAN quad-cellular powerhouse router
  • Future-proof device, allowing new technologies to be implemented via the expansion module. 
  • Able to create a SpeedFusion tunnel to a FusionHub and benefit from SpeedFusion technologies.
  • A low-voltage disconnect monitor, a DC-DC converter, and a DC distribution panel.
  • Take power from sources with low or fluctuating voltage and turn them into a reliable streams of 52V power.
  • Able to support 2 power inputs and 4 power outputs.
  • Dual-Band Wi-Fi 6 access point for higher transmission rate. 
  • 4×4 MU-MIMO offering uninterrupted data transmission.
  • Supports up to 256 concurrent users.

  • SpeedFusion virtual appliance end-point for self-hosting SpeedFusion VPN tunnels.
  • Access applications through aggregated bandwidth.
  • Maintain the integrity of live sessions even if a WAN connection breaks.