InControl 2 API
The InControl 2 API opens up a world of possibilities for integrating our platform with your custom apps, web site, or other third party software.
You have no rights with respect to the API or any portion thereof and shall not use the API or any portion thereof except as expressly set forth herein. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, You agree not to (i) modify or create derivative works of the API; (ii) sublicense, lease, rent, assign, distribute, repackage, rebrand, or otherwise transfer or disclose the API, any portion thereof or any documentation to any third party; (iii) use the API on or in connection with any application other than Peplink InControl; or (iv) cause, assist or permit any third party (including an end-user) to do any of the foregoing.
use the API for any illegal or unauthorized purpose;
remove or alter any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices contained in the API or any other Peplink content, including but not limited to maps and/or driving directions;
submit content that falsely expresses or implies that such content is sponsored or endorsed by Peplink; or
transmit any viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses, or any items of a destructive nature.
You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Peplink, and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, and employees, advertisers, licensors, and partners, from and against any third party claim arising from or in any way related to your use of the API, violation of these Terms of Use or any other actions connected with use of any Peplink Applications, including any liability or expense arising from all claims, losses, damages (actual and consequential), suits, judgments, litigation costs and attorneys' fees, of every kind and nature. In such a case, Peplink will provide You with written notice of such claim, suit or action.
"Intellectual Property Rights" shall mean any and all rights existing under patent law, copyright law, semiconductor chip protection law, moral rights law, trade secret law, trademark law, unfair competition law, publicity rights law, privacy rights law, and any and all other proprietary rights, and any and all applications, renewals, extensions and restorations thereof, now or hereafter in force and effect worldwide. As between You and Peplink, You acknowledge that Peplink owns all right, title and interest, including without limitation all Intellectual Property Rights, in and to the API, including but not limited to the API and any mapping data accessed by virtue of the API, and that You shall not acquire any right, title, or interest in or to the API, except the limited license expressly set forth in the Terms of Use. You agree that You shall not disclose anything related, directly or indirectly, about the API to any third parties. You further acknowledge that You will only disclose the API to your colleagues on "need-to-know" basis.
Term. The term of the Terms of Use shall commence on the date upon which You agree to the Terms of Use and shall continue in force thereafter, unless terminated as provided herein.

I agree to comply with the above Peplink InControl API License Agreement And Terms Of Use
InControl 2 API uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization. It supports common OAuth 2.0 scenarios such as those for web server, installed, and client-side applications.
To begin, you will have to obtain an OAuth 2.0 client ID. If your app will access your InControl account only, you could get an ID by clicking on your username on the top of your InControl screen and scrolling down to the section "Client Application". If your app will allow any InControl users to sign-in and access their data, you can obtain an ID by sending an e-mail with your company name, company URL, app name, and redirect URI prefix to
After you obtained a client ID, your client application should use it to request an authorization token from our authorization endpoints. Then it should request and extract an access token from the response from our token endpoint, and send the token to the InControl 2.0 API.
For more details about the OAuth 2.0, please refer to the RFC 6749.
You may also click the Get Access Token button below to obtain an access token and experiment the API below.
Unless specified, all timestamps returned from the API are also in the corresponding group's time zone.
Authorization Endpoint:
Token Endpoint:
Access Token Location:
Token Response:
Usage Example:
Refresh token:
API Request Rate Limit
The API request rate limit is 20 requests per second per organization for the public InControl. No limit for InControl Appliance.
A "429" response code will be returned if the rate limit is reached.
API Error Responses
OpenAPI specification
The OpenAPI specification can be found in HERE
Sample shell script implementation
A sample script can be downloaded from HERE
Obtain token using "client_credentials" flow example [show]
InControl 2 API uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization. It supports common OAuth 2.0 scenarios such as those for web server, installed, and client-side applications.
To begin, you will have to obtain an OAuth 2.0 client ID. If your app will access your InControl account only, you could get an ID by clicking on your username on the top of your InControl screen and scrolling down to the section "Client Application". If your app will allow any InControl users to sign-in and access their data, you can obtain an ID by sending an e-mail with your company name, company URL, app name, and redirect URI prefix to
After you obtained a client ID, your client application should use it to request an authorization token from our authorization endpoints. Then it should request and extract an access token from the response from our token endpoint, and send the token to the InControl 2.0 API.
For more details about the OAuth 2.0, please refer to the RFC 6749.
You may also click the Get Access Token button below to obtain an access token and experiment the API below.
Unless specified, all timestamps returned from the API are also in the corresponding group's time zone.
- Required Parameters: client_id, client_secret, grant_type, redirect_uri, code
- Method: POST
- Form Encode: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- Authorization header with 'Bearer' prefix [OR]
- 'access_token' URL parameter
- Content-Type: application/json
- {"access_token":"your_access_token", "expires_in": 172799, "token_type":"Bearer", "refresh_token":"your_refresh_token"}
- access_token: The access token string for API call.
- expires_in: Duration of time in seconds the access token is granted for, default: 2 days.
- token_type: Type of token
- refresh_token: When access token expires, you may renew the access token through the OAuth "refresh_token" flow.
By default, the refresh_token expires 30 days after the access token expires.
- Obtain Accessible organization list:[ACCESS_TOKEN]
- Obtain group list:[ACCESS_TOKEN]
- Method: POST
- Encoding: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- Data: client_id=[your_client_id]&client_secret=[your_client_secret]&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=[your_refresh_token]
API Request Rate Limit
A "429" response code will be returned if the rate limit is reached.
API Error Responses
- When the access token expired or invalid
- Response code: 401
- {"error": "invalid_accessor","error_description":"Error message here"}
- When the access token reach rate limit
- Response code: 429
- {"error": "rate_limit_exceeded","error_description":"Error message here"}
- When the request is unauthorized
- Response code: 401
- {"error": "unauthorized","error_description":"Error message here"}
- When the organization_id is invalid
- Response code: 404
- {"error": "org_not_found","error_description":"Error message here"}
OpenAPI specification
The OpenAPI specification can be found in HERE
Sample shell script implementation
Obtain token using "client_credentials" flow example [show]
OAuth has different grant type, depends on the your application needs, to obtain the access token with client ID and client secret, you may grant access thru the "client_credentials" flow, for detail information regarding OAuth, please refer to below URL.
Create RESTful API client
1) Login to InControl2
2) In any organization/network/device overview, on the top right hand corner, click on your login email address before the "Sign out" link, that would bring you to account setting page.
3) At the bottom of the page, there is a "Client Application" section, click on "New Client"
4) Enter the name and checked "Enable", other fields can be leave blank, then click "Save"
5) Click on the application name that you just created, you should see "Client ID" and "Client Secret" at the bottom of the popup window
Now you can obtain a token with that client ID and secret
With HTTP Call
Encoding: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Data: client_id=[your_client_id]&client_secret=[your_client_secret]&grant_type=client_credentials
With CURL command:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" --data "client_id=[your_client_id]&client_secret=[your_client_secret]&grant_type=client_credentials"
With C#
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
var postData = "client_id=MyClientId";
postData += "&client_secret=MySecret";
postData += "&grant_type=client_credentials";
var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
request.ContentLength = data.Length;
using (var stream = request.GetRequestStream())
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
var responseString = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
With Java 7
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL("").getConnection();
connection.setHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
String parameters = "client_id=my_client_id&client_secret=my_client_secret&grant_type=client_credentials";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
String responseString = reader.readLine();
With Java 8
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL("").openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
String parameters = "client_id=my_client_id&client_secret=my_client_secret&grant_type=client_credentials";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
String responseString = reader.readLine();
Token Response
If success, you will receive response like below
{"access_token":"your_access_token", "expires_in": 172799, "token_type":"Bearer", "refresh_token":"your_refresh_token"}
Now you can access our system with access token.[your_access_token]
Hope above helps, for any question related to InControl2 API, please send email to "".
Create RESTful API client
1) Login to InControl2
2) In any organization/network/device overview, on the top right hand corner, click on your login email address before the "Sign out" link, that would bring you to account setting page.
3) At the bottom of the page, there is a "Client Application" section, click on "New Client"
4) Enter the name and checked "Enable", other fields can be leave blank, then click "Save"
5) Click on the application name that you just created, you should see "Client ID" and "Client Secret" at the bottom of the popup window
Now you can obtain a token with that client ID and secret
With HTTP Call
Encoding: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Data: client_id=[your_client_id]&client_secret=[your_client_secret]&grant_type=client_credentials
With CURL command:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" --data "client_id=[your_client_id]&client_secret=[your_client_secret]&grant_type=client_credentials"
With C#
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
var postData = "client_id=MyClientId";
postData += "&client_secret=MySecret";
postData += "&grant_type=client_credentials";
var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
request.ContentLength = data.Length;
using (var stream = request.GetRequestStream())
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
var responseString = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
With Java 7
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL("").getConnection();
connection.setHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
String parameters = "client_id=my_client_id&client_secret=my_client_secret&grant_type=client_credentials";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
String responseString = reader.readLine();
With Java 8
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL("").openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
String parameters = "client_id=my_client_id&client_secret=my_client_secret&grant_type=client_credentials";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
String responseString = reader.readLine();
Token Response
If success, you will receive response like below
{"access_token":"your_access_token", "expires_in": 172799, "token_type":"Bearer", "refresh_token":"your_refresh_token"}
Now you can access our system with access token.[your_access_token]
Hope above helps, for any question related to InControl2 API, please send email to "".
Obtain Access Token:
[expand all] | [hide all]
Pretty Print
Result data element only
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
survey_id | Path | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
survey_id | Path | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
survey_id | Path | String | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
survey_id | Path | String | ||
question_id | Path | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
survey_id | Path | String | ||
data | Raw | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
survey_id | Path | String | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
survey_id | Path | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[organization_list_obj]): Response data object, } organization_list_obj { id (string): Organization identifier, name (string): Organization name, primary (boolean): Indicates if the organization is primary, status (string): Organization status, migrateStatus (integer): Indicates the migrate status if the organization is created from a group., }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "id": "", "name": "", "primary": true, "status": "", "migrateStatus": 0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[organization_list_obj] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | string |
Organization identifier
name | string |
Organization name
primary | boolean |
Indicates if the organization is primary
status | string |
Organization status
migrateStatus | integer |
Indicates the migrate status if the organization is created from a group.
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
with_groups | Query | boolean |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (organization): Response data object, } organization { id (string): Organization identifier, name (string): Organization name, address (string): Static location address, createdAt (string): Creation date and time, updatedAt (string): Last updated date and time, longitude (number): Static location longitude, latitude (number): Static location latitude, country (string): Organization country, lastActivityDate (string): Last activity of organization, adServerUrl (string): Ad server url, status (string): Organization status, primary (boolean): Indicates if the organization is primary, googleMapEnabled (integer): Indicates which Map service enabled, 0 - OpenStreetMap, 1 or 2 - OpenMapTiles, speedUnit (string): Unit, "km"-Metric, "miles"-Imperial, "knot"-Nautical, migrateStatus (integer): Indicates the migrate status if the organization is created from group., adminSettings (string): Organization admin settings, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "id": "", "name": "", "address": "", "createdAt": "", "updatedAt": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "country": "", "lastActivityDate": "", "adServerUrl": "", "status": "", "primary": true, "googleMapEnabled": 0, "speedUnit": "", "migrateStatus": 0, "adminSettings": "" } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | organization |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | string |
Organization identifier
name | string |
Organization name
address | string |
Static location address
createdAt | string |
Creation date and time
updatedAt | string |
Last updated date and time
longitude | number |
Static location longitude
latitude | number |
Static location latitude
country | string |
Organization country
lastActivityDate | string |
Last activity of organization
adServerUrl | string |
Ad server url
status | string |
Organization status
primary | boolean |
Indicates if the organization is primary
googleMapEnabled | integer |
Indicates which Map service enabled, 0 - OpenStreetMap, 1 or 2 - OpenMapTiles
0, 1, 2 |
speedUnit | string |
Unit, "km"-Metric, "miles"-Imperial, "knot"-Nautical
km, miles, knot |
migrateStatus | integer |
Indicates the migrate status if the organization is created from group.
adminSettings | string |
Organization admin settings
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String |
Get bandwidth usage per device in the organization
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
type |
hourly,daily,monthly |
Query | String | |
report_date |
Format: type=monthly: yyyy-MM, type=daily: yyyy-MM-dd, type=hourly: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
wan_id |
Default: 0 - All WANs
Query | int | |
device_ids |
Example: device_ids=1,2,3
Query | String | |
include_details |
If wan_id=0 and include_details=true, return usages for each WAN accordingly
Query | boolean | |
show_devices_with_usages_only | Query | boolean |
Get bandwidth usage per device in the organization
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
type |
hourly,daily,monthly |
Query | String | |
report_date |
Format: type=monthly: yyyy-MM, type=daily: yyyy-MM-dd, type=hourly: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
wan_id |
Default: 0 - All WANs
Query | int | |
device_ids |
Example: device_ids=1,2,3
Query | String | |
include_details |
If wan_id=0 and include_details=true, return usages for each WAN accordingly
Query | boolean | |
show_devices_with_usages_only | Query | boolean |
Get an organization's device list.
When has_status is specified, for online devices, some status information (e.g. (WAN) interfaces, (data) usage, etc.) will be included. The system will trigger the devices to report the data in real-time. Before the fresh data (i.e. received in last 2 minutes) is available, no status information will be included. When fresh data is available (typically 1 to 2 seconds after a trigger), the status information will be included.
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[device_list_obj]): Response data object, } device_list_obj { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, usage (number): Current bandwidth usage, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, client_count (integer): Current client count, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, config_rollback (boolean): Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl., config_rollback_date (string): Config roll back date and time, ic2_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl, outstanding_patch_ids (array[string]): Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches, device_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device, sp_default (boolean): Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, note (string): Note, address (string): Location address, follow_loc_dev (integer): Device's ID of the followed location device, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, gps_support (boolean): Indicates if the device support gps, gps_exist (boolean): Indicates if the device with any gps records, support_ssid_count (number): Supported number of SSIDs, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, fw_pending_trial_round (integer): Firmware update trial count, fw_pending_max_no_of_trial (integer): Maximum number of firmware update trial count, fw_pending_ver (string): Version of the firmware to be updated, fw_pending_schedule_time (string): Scheduled firmware update start time, fw_pending_upgrade_time (string): Actual firmware update time, fw_pending_status (integer): Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive, fw_pending_group_time (string): Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone, is_master_device (boolean): Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device, fw_managmed (string): (only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level, wifi_cfg (string): Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time, ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time, ddns_name (string): "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_available (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available, ddns_resolve_private_ip (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service - Resolve Private IP address" enabled, onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, interfaces (array[interface|interface_polling_obj]): Device interfaces information, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, ssid_profiles_applied (array[ssid_profiles_applied]): Applied SSID profiles, hardware_version (string): Hardware version, mvpn_version (string): MVPN version, radio_bands (array[radio_band]): Radio bands, loc_display (boolean): Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude, extap_proxy_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device is a AP controller, extap_proxy_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller, wlan_probe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data", wlan_probe_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl, dpi_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection, dpi_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection, low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode, ra_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance, watchdog_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog, ra_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support remote assistance, watchdog_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog, ap_router_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, route_isolation (boolean): PepVPN Route Isolation, hub_support (boolean): , dr_support (boolean): , endpoint_support (boolean): , handshake_port (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion Configuration) Handshake port, refuse_legacy (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion Configuration) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware, peer_connections (integer): PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, is_default_password (boolean): Indicates if default password is used in device web admin,, is_wlan_ap_suspended (boolean): Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended, is_ap_schedule_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled, is_ha_enabled (boolean): Indicates if high availability enabled, is_ha_slave (boolean): Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit, ha_role (string): High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave), ha_status (string): High Availability Status, ha_transition_time (string): Last Transition Date and time, periph_status_available (boolean): Indicates if periph status is available, periph_status (periph_status): Periph status, gobi_sim_lock_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support SIM lock, gobi_sim_locks (array[string]): , poe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support poe, } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } interface_polling_obj { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, name (string): Interface name, msg (string): "Polling from device" indicates the interface data is not ready yet., } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_profiles_applied { id (integer): System generated SSID profile identifier, ssid (string): SSID, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the portal is external captive portal, wpa_passphrase (string): WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users, } radio_band { radio_bands (integer): Unique identifier of the radio band, active_band (string): The active frequency band, txpower (number): Output power, channel (integer): Channel, channel_mode (string): Channel Mode, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, } periph_status { cpu_load (usage_data): CPU load, power_state (power_state): Power State, power_usage (usage_data): Power Usage, fan_speed (usage_data): Fan speed, thermal_sensor (temperature): Thermal Sensor, } usage_data { name (string): Name, value (number): Value, total (number): Total, voltage (number): Voltage, current (number): Current, percentage (number): Percentage, active (boolean): Active, } power_state { name (string): Name, connect (boolean): Indicates if the power is connected, } temperature { temperature (number): Temperature, max (number): Maximum, threshold (number): Threshold, min (number): Minimum, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "usage": 0.0, "product_id": 0, "client_count": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "config_rollback": true, "config_rollback_date": "", "ic2_config_apply_locked": true, "outstanding_patch_ids": [ "" ], "device_config_apply_locked": true, "sp_default": true, "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "note": "", "address": "", "follow_loc_dev": 0, "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "gps_support": true, "gps_exist": true, "support_ssid_count": 0.0, "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "fw_pending_trial_round": 0, "fw_pending_max_no_of_trial": 0, "fw_pending_ver": "", "fw_pending_schedule_time": "", "fw_pending_upgrade_time": "", "fw_pending_status": 0, "fw_pending_group_time": "", "is_master_device": true, "fw_managmed": "", "wifi_cfg": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date": "", "ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_available": true, "ddns_resolve_private_ip": true, "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "interfaces": { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" }, "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "ssid_profiles_applied": [ { "id": 0, "ssid": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "portal_id": 0, "enabled": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "wpa_passphrase": "" } ], "hardware_version": "", "mvpn_version": "", "radio_bands": [ { "radio_bands": 0, "active_band": "", "txpower": 0.0, "channel": 0, "channel_mode": "" } ], "loc_display": true, "extap_proxy_supported": true, "extap_proxy_enabled": true, "wlan_probe_supported": true, "wlan_probe_enabled": true, "dpi_supported": true, "dpi_enabled": true, "low_data_usage_mode": true, "ra_enabled": true, "watchdog_enabled": true, "ra_supported": true, "watchdog_supported": true, "ap_router_mode": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "site_id": "", "route_isolation": true, "hub_support": true, "dr_support": true, "endpoint_support": true, "handshake_port": true, "refuse_legacy": true, "peer_connections": 0, "pepvpn_peers": 0, "is_default_password": true, "is_wlan_ap_suspended": true, "is_ap_schedule_enabled": true, "is_ha_enabled": true, "is_ha_slave": true, "ha_role": "", "ha_status": "", "ha_transition_time": "", "periph_status_available": true, "periph_status": { "cpu_load": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "power_state": { "name": "", "connect": true }, "power_usage": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "fan_speed": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "thermal_sensor": { "temperature": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "threshold": 0.0, "min": 0.0 } }, "gobi_sim_lock_supported": true, "gobi_sim_locks": [ "" ], "poe_supported": true } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[device_list_obj] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
usage | number |
Current bandwidth usage
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
client_count | integer |
Current client count
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
config_rollback | boolean |
Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl.
config_rollback_date | string |
Config roll back date and time
ic2_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl
outstanding_patch_ids | array[string] |
Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches
device_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device
sp_default | boolean |
Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
note | string |
address | string |
Location address
follow_loc_dev | integer |
Device's ID of the followed location device
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
gps_support | boolean |
Indicates if the device support gps
gps_exist | boolean |
Indicates if the device with any gps records
support_ssid_count | number |
Supported number of SSIDs
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
fw_pending_trial_round | integer |
Firmware update trial count
fw_pending_max_no_of_trial | integer |
Maximum number of firmware update trial count
fw_pending_ver | string |
Version of the firmware to be updated
fw_pending_schedule_time | string |
Scheduled firmware update start time
fw_pending_upgrade_time | string |
Actual firmware update time
fw_pending_status | integer |
Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive
0, 1 |
fw_pending_group_time | string |
Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone
is_master_device | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device
fw_managmed | string |
(only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level
wifi_cfg | string |
Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device
group, device, not_managed |
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time
ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time
ddns_name | string |
"Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_available | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available
ddns_resolve_private_ip | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service - Resolve Private IP address" enabled
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
interfaces | array[interface|interface_polling_obj] |
Device interfaces information
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
ssid_profiles_applied | array[ssid_profiles_applied] |
Applied SSID profiles
hardware_version | string |
Hardware version
mvpn_version | string |
MVPN version
radio_bands | array[radio_band] |
Radio bands
loc_display | boolean |
Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude
extap_proxy_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a AP controller
extap_proxy_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller
wlan_probe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data"
wlan_probe_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl
dpi_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection
dpi_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection
low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode
ra_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ra_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ap_router_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
route_isolation | boolean |
PepVPN Route Isolation
hub_support | boolean | |
dr_support | boolean | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
handshake_port | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion Configuration) Handshake port
refuse_legacy | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion Configuration) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware
peer_connections | integer |
PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
is_default_password | boolean |
Indicates if default password is used in device web admin,
is_wlan_ap_suspended | boolean |
Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended
is_ap_schedule_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled
is_ha_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if high availability enabled
is_ha_slave | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit
ha_role | string |
High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave)
ha_status | string |
High Availability Status
ha_transition_time | string |
Last Transition Date and time
periph_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if periph status is available
periph_status | periph_status |
Periph status
gobi_sim_lock_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support SIM lock
gobi_sim_locks | array[string] | |
poe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support poe
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
name | string |
Interface name
msg | string |
"Polling from device" indicates the interface data is not ready yet.
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated SSID profile identifier
ssid | string |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl
vlan_id | integer |
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the portal is external captive portal
wpa_passphrase | string |
WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users
Field | Type | Description |
radio_bands | integer |
Unique identifier of the radio band
active_band | string |
The active frequency band
txpower | number |
Output power
channel | integer |
channel_mode | string |
Channel Mode
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Field | Type | Description |
cpu_load | usage_data |
CPU load
power_state | power_state |
Power State
power_usage | usage_data |
Power Usage
fan_speed | usage_data |
Fan speed
thermal_sensor | temperature |
Thermal Sensor
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
value | number |
total | number |
voltage | number |
current | number |
percentage | number |
active | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
connect | boolean |
Indicates if the power is connected
Field | Type | Description |
temperature | number |
max | number |
threshold | number |
min | number |
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
device_ids | Query | List | ||
device_count | Query | int | ||
has_status | Query | boolean | ||
fetch_hwmon | Query | boolean | ||
with_pepvpn_peer_info | Query | boolean |
Get an organization's devices list with most basic information only (for shorter load time with large device list)
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[device_list_basic_obj]): Response data object, } device_list_basic_obj { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, note (string): Note, address (string): Location address, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, route_isolation (boolean): PepVPN Route Isolation, hub_support (boolean): , dr_support (boolean): , endpoint_support (boolean): , mvpn_license (integer): , } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "product_id": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "note": "", "address": "", "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "site_id": "", "pepvpn_peers": 0, "route_isolation": true, "hub_support": true, "dr_support": true, "endpoint_support": true, "mvpn_license": 0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[device_list_basic_obj] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
note | string |
address | string |
Location address
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
route_isolation | boolean |
PepVPN Route Isolation
hub_support | boolean | |
dr_support | boolean | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
mvpn_license | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
with_interfaces | Query | boolean | ||
with_device_tags | Query | boolean | ||
is_device_only | Query | boolean |
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
include_details | Query | boolean | ||
columns | Query | List |
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
Query | String | |||
include_details | Query | boolean | ||
columns | Query | List |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
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response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[device]): Response data object, } device { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, usage (number): Current bandwidth usage, tx (number): Current upload usage, rx (number): Current download usage, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, client_count (integer): Current client count, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, config_rollback (boolean): Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl., config_rollback_date (string): Config roll back date and time, ic2_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl, outstanding_patch_ids (array[string]): Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches, device_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device, sp_default (boolean): Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, tag_info (array[tag_info]): List of Device tags information, note (string): Note, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, address (string): Location address, location_timestamp (string): Location recorded time, follow_loc_dev (integer): Device's ID of the followed location device, follow_loc_dev_info (follow_loc_dev_info): Followed location device information, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if the returned location is a static one, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, gps_support (boolean): Indicates if the device support gps, gps_exist (boolean): Indicates if the device with any gps records, support_ssid_count (number): Supported number of SSIDs, radio_modules (array[radio_module]): Supported radio modules, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, v6_license (string): Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, fw_pending_trial_round (integer): Firmware update trial count, fw_pending_max_no_of_trial (integer): Maximum number of firmware update trial count, fw_pending_ver (string): Version of the firmware to be updated, fw_pending_schedule_time (string): Scheduled firmware update start time, fw_pending_upgrade_time (string): Actual firmware update time, fw_pending_status (integer): Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive, fw_pending_group_time (string): Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone, is_master_device (boolean): Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device, fw_managmed (string): (only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level, wifi_cfg (string): Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_available (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time, ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time, onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, ssid_profiles (array[ssid_profile]): SSID profiles, ssid_profiles_applied (array[ssid_profiles_applied]): Applied SSID profiles, hardware_version (string): Hardware version, mvpn_version (string): MVPN version, radio_bands (array[radio_band]): Radio bands, loc_display (boolean): Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude, extap_proxy_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device is a AP controller, extap_proxy_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller, wlan_probe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data", wlan_probe_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl, dpi_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection, dpi_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection, low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode, ra_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance, watchdog_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog, ra_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support remote assistance, watchdog_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog, ap_router_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, handshake_port (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port, refuse_legacy (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware, peer_connections (integer): PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, is_default_password (boolean): Indicates if default password is used in device web admin, is_apply_bulk_config (boolean): Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config, is_wlan_ap_suspended (boolean): Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended, is_ap_schedule_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled, is_ha_enabled (boolean): Indicates if high availability enabled, is_ha_slave (boolean): Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit, ha_role (string): High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave), ha_status (string): High Availability Status, ha_transition_time (string): Last Transition Date and time, periph_status_available (boolean): Indicates if periph status is available, periph_status (periph_status): Periph status, port_status_available (boolean): Indicates if port status is available, port_status (port_status): Port status, gobi_sim_lock_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support SIM lock, gobi_sim_locks (array[string]): , poe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support poe, admin_conf (admin_conf): Admin configuration, outbound_policy_managed (boolean): , firewall_rules_managed (boolean): , is_apply_import_lan (boolean): , is_apply_csv_override (boolean): , is_wlc_enabled (boolean): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan (integer): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns (array[string]): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type (string): , mgnt_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_vlans (array[vlan_interface]): , max_lacp_group_support (integer): , max_port_per_lacp_group (integer): , endpoint_support (boolean): , slow_response (boolean): , slow_response_start_time (string): , wlan_mac_list (array[wlan_mac_list]): , slot_module_list (array[slot_module]): List of slot module information, vlan_managed (boolean): (device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed, icmg_mvpn (boolean): , icmg_wan (boolean): Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl, icmg_schedule_reboot (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot, icmg_schedule (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule, icmg_wlan (boolean): Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl, icmg_portal (boolean): Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl, icmg_lan (boolean): Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl, icmg_sdswitch (boolean): , icmg_outbound (boolean): Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl, icmg_firewall (boolean): Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl, icmg_admin (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } follow_loc_dev_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the followed device, sn (string): S/N of the followed device, name (string): Device name of the followed device, onlineStatus (string): Online status of the followed device, } radio_module { module_id (integer): System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier, frequency_band (string): Supported radio frequency bands, active_frequency_band (string): The active frequency band, } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, } ssid_profiles_applied { id (integer): System generated SSID profile identifier, ssid (string): SSID, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the portal is external captive portal, wpa_passphrase (string): WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users, } radio_band { radio_bands (integer): Unique identifier of the radio band, active_band (string): The active frequency band, txpower (number): Output power, channel (integer): Channel, channel_mode (string): Channel Mode, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, } periph_status { cpu_load (usage_data): CPU load, power_state (power_state): Power State, power_usage (usage_data): Power Usage, fan_speed (usage_data): Fan speed, thermal_sensor (temperature): Thermal Sensor, } usage_data { name (string): Name, value (number): Value, total (number): Total, voltage (number): Voltage, current (number): Current, percentage (number): Percentage, active (boolean): Active, } power_state { name (string): Name, connect (boolean): Indicates if the power is connected, } temperature { temperature (number): Temperature, max (number): Maximum, threshold (number): Threshold, min (number): Minimum, } port_status { } admin_conf { managed (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is enabled, protocol (string): , admin_auth (string): , admin_user_auth (string): , version (integer): , admin_name (string): Admin User Name, admin_password (string): Admin password, admin_readonly_name (string): Read-only User Name, admin_readonly_password (string): Read-only User password, admin_radius_enable (boolean): Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled, } wlan_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio_band (string): Radio band, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, enabled (boolean): , encryption (string): , portal_id (integer): , } slot_module { slot (integer): Module slot, hw_ver (string): Module hardware version, sn (string): Module S/N, model (string): Module model, product_name (string): Module product name, expiry_date (string): Module expiry date and time, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "usage": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "product_id": 0, "client_count": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "config_rollback": true, "config_rollback_date": "", "ic2_config_apply_locked": true, "outstanding_patch_ids": [ "" ], "device_config_apply_locked": true, "sp_default": true, "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "tag_info": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "note": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "address": "", "location_timestamp": "", "follow_loc_dev": 0, "follow_loc_dev_info": { "id": 0, "sn": "", "name": "", "onlineStatus": "" }, "isStatic": true, "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "gps_support": true, "gps_exist": true, "support_ssid_count": 0.0, "radio_modules": [ { "module_id": 0, "frequency_band": "", "active_frequency_band": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "v6_license": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "fw_pending_trial_round": 0, "fw_pending_max_no_of_trial": 0, "fw_pending_ver": "", "fw_pending_schedule_time": "", "fw_pending_upgrade_time": "", "fw_pending_status": 0, "fw_pending_group_time": "", "is_master_device": true, "fw_managmed": "", "wifi_cfg": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_available": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date": "", "ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date": "", "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "ssid_profiles": [ { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } ], "ssid_profiles_applied": [ { "id": 0, "ssid": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "portal_id": 0, "enabled": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "wpa_passphrase": "" } ], "hardware_version": "", "mvpn_version": "", "radio_bands": [ { "radio_bands": 0, "active_band": "", "txpower": 0.0, "channel": 0, "channel_mode": "" } ], "loc_display": true, "extap_proxy_supported": true, "extap_proxy_enabled": true, "wlan_probe_supported": true, "wlan_probe_enabled": true, "dpi_supported": true, "dpi_enabled": true, "low_data_usage_mode": true, "ra_enabled": true, "watchdog_enabled": true, "ra_supported": true, "watchdog_supported": true, "ap_router_mode": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "site_id": "", "handshake_port": true, "refuse_legacy": true, "peer_connections": 0, "pepvpn_peers": 0, "is_default_password": true, "is_apply_bulk_config": true, "is_wlan_ap_suspended": true, "is_ap_schedule_enabled": true, "is_ha_enabled": true, "is_ha_slave": true, "ha_role": "", "ha_status": "", "ha_transition_time": "", "periph_status_available": true, "periph_status": { "cpu_load": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "power_state": { "name": "", "connect": true }, "power_usage": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "fan_speed": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "thermal_sensor": { "temperature": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "threshold": 0.0, "min": 0.0 } }, "port_status_available": true, "port_status": {}, "gobi_sim_lock_supported": true, "gobi_sim_locks": [ "" ], "poe_supported": true, "admin_conf": { "managed": true, "protocol": "", "admin_auth": "", "admin_user_auth": "", "version": 0, "admin_name": "", "admin_password": "", "admin_readonly_name": "", "admin_readonly_password": "", "admin_radius_enable": true }, "outbound_policy_managed": true, "firewall_rules_managed": true, "is_apply_import_lan": true, "is_apply_csv_override": true, "is_wlc_enabled": true, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan": 0, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns": [ "" ], "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type": "", "mgnt_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_vlans": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "max_lacp_group_support": 0, "max_port_per_lacp_group": 0, "endpoint_support": true, "slow_response": true, "slow_response_start_time": "", "wlan_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio_band": "", "radio": "", "security": "", "enabled": true, "encryption": "", "portal_id": 0 } ], "slot_module_list": [ { "slot": 0, "hw_ver": "", "sn": "", "model": "", "product_name": "", "expiry_date": "" } ], "vlan_managed": true, "icmg_mvpn": true, "icmg_wan": true, "icmg_schedule_reboot": true, "icmg_schedule": true, "icmg_wlan": true, "icmg_portal": true, "icmg_lan": true, "icmg_sdswitch": true, "icmg_outbound": true, "icmg_firewall": true, "icmg_admin": true } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[device] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
usage | number |
Current bandwidth usage
tx | number |
Current upload usage
rx | number |
Current download usage
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
client_count | integer |
Current client count
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
config_rollback | boolean |
Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl.
config_rollback_date | string |
Config roll back date and time
ic2_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl
outstanding_patch_ids | array[string] |
Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches
device_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device
sp_default | boolean |
Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
tag_info | array[tag_info] |
List of Device tags information
note | string |
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
address | string |
Location address
location_timestamp | string |
Location recorded time
follow_loc_dev | integer |
Device's ID of the followed location device
follow_loc_dev_info | follow_loc_dev_info |
Followed location device information
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if the returned location is a static one
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
gps_support | boolean |
Indicates if the device support gps
gps_exist | boolean |
Indicates if the device with any gps records
support_ssid_count | number |
Supported number of SSIDs
radio_modules | array[radio_module] |
Supported radio modules
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
v6_license | string |
Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license
enabled, disabled |
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
fw_pending_trial_round | integer |
Firmware update trial count
fw_pending_max_no_of_trial | integer |
Maximum number of firmware update trial count
fw_pending_ver | string |
Version of the firmware to be updated
fw_pending_schedule_time | string |
Scheduled firmware update start time
fw_pending_upgrade_time | string |
Actual firmware update time
fw_pending_status | integer |
Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive
0, 1 |
fw_pending_group_time | string |
Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone
is_master_device | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device
fw_managmed | string |
(only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level
wifi_cfg | string |
Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device
group, device, not_managed |
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_available | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time
ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
ssid_profiles | array[ssid_profile] |
SSID profiles
ssid_profiles_applied | array[ssid_profiles_applied] |
Applied SSID profiles
hardware_version | string |
Hardware version
mvpn_version | string |
MVPN version
radio_bands | array[radio_band] |
Radio bands
loc_display | boolean |
Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude
extap_proxy_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a AP controller
extap_proxy_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller
wlan_probe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data"
wlan_probe_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl
dpi_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection
dpi_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection
low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode
ra_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ra_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ap_router_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
handshake_port | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port
refuse_legacy | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware
peer_connections | integer |
PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
is_default_password | boolean |
Indicates if default password is used in device web admin
is_apply_bulk_config | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config
is_wlan_ap_suspended | boolean |
Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended
is_ap_schedule_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled
is_ha_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if high availability enabled
is_ha_slave | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit
ha_role | string |
High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave)
ha_status | string |
High Availability Status
ha_transition_time | string |
Last Transition Date and time
periph_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if periph status is available
periph_status | periph_status |
Periph status
port_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if port status is available
port_status | port_status |
Port status
gobi_sim_lock_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support SIM lock
gobi_sim_locks | array[string] | |
poe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support poe
admin_conf | admin_conf |
Admin configuration
outbound_policy_managed | boolean | |
firewall_rules_managed | boolean | |
is_apply_import_lan | boolean | |
is_apply_csv_override | boolean | |
is_wlc_enabled | boolean | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan | integer | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns | array[string] | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type | string | |
mgnt_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_vlans | array[vlan_interface] | |
max_lacp_group_support | integer | |
max_port_per_lacp_group | integer | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
slow_response | boolean | |
slow_response_start_time | string | |
wlan_mac_list | array[wlan_mac_list] | |
slot_module_list | array[slot_module] |
List of slot module information
vlan_managed | boolean |
(device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed
icmg_mvpn | boolean | |
icmg_wan | boolean |
Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl
icmg_schedule_reboot | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot
icmg_schedule | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule
icmg_wlan | boolean |
Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl
icmg_portal | boolean |
Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl
icmg_lan | boolean |
Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl
icmg_sdswitch | boolean | |
icmg_outbound | boolean |
Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl
icmg_firewall | boolean |
Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl
icmg_admin | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the followed device
sn | string |
S/N of the followed device
name | string |
Device name of the followed device
onlineStatus | string |
Online status of the followed device
Field | Type | Description |
module_id | integer |
System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier
frequency_band | string |
Supported radio frequency bands
active_frequency_band | string |
The active frequency band
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated SSID profile identifier
ssid | string |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl
vlan_id | integer |
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the portal is external captive portal
wpa_passphrase | string |
WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users
Field | Type | Description |
radio_bands | integer |
Unique identifier of the radio band
active_band | string |
The active frequency band
txpower | number |
Output power
channel | integer |
channel_mode | string |
Channel Mode
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Field | Type | Description |
cpu_load | usage_data |
CPU load
power_state | power_state |
Power State
power_usage | usage_data |
Power Usage
fan_speed | usage_data |
Fan speed
thermal_sensor | temperature |
Thermal Sensor
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
value | number |
total | number |
voltage | number |
current | number |
percentage | number |
active | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
connect | boolean |
Indicates if the power is connected
Field | Type | Description |
temperature | number |
max | number |
threshold | number |
min | number |
Field | Type | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
managed | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is enabled
protocol | string | |
admin_auth | string | |
admin_user_auth | string | |
version | integer | |
admin_name | string |
Admin User Name
admin_password | string |
Admin password
admin_readonly_name | string |
Read-only User Name
admin_readonly_password | string |
Read-only User password
admin_radius_enable | boolean |
Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio_band | string |
Radio band
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
enabled | boolean | |
encryption | string | |
portal_id | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
slot | integer |
Module slot
hw_ver | string |
Module hardware version
sn | string |
Module S/N
model | string |
Module model
product_name | string |
Module product name
expiry_date | string |
Module expiry date and time
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
device_id | Path | Integer |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
ticket_id | Query | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
device_ids[] | Form | List | ||
retain_config |
Default true if not specified
Form | Boolean |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (device_tags_data): Request data object, } device_tags_data { device_ids (array[integer]): Device identifiers, tag_names (array[string]): Device tags, } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | device_tags_data |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
device_ids | array[integer] |
Device identifiers
tag_names | array[string] |
Device tags
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
data | Raw | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (device_tags_data): Request data object, } device_tags_data { device_ids (array[integer]): Device identifiers, tag_names (array[string]): Device tags, } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | device_tags_data |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
device_ids | array[integer] |
Device identifiers
tag_names | array[string] |
Device tags
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
data | Raw | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (create_group_data): Request data object, } create_group_data { name (string): Name of the group, note (string): Description of the group, country (string): Static location country, address (string): Static location address, longitude (number): Static location longitude, latitude (number): Static location latitude, timezone_id (string): Timezone, clone_network_id (integer): ID of the group that config shall be cloned from, clone_ssid (boolean): True: to clone SSID profiles, clone_vlan (boolean): True: to clone VLAN networks, clone_captive_portal (boolean): True: to clone captive portal profiles, clone_device_schedule (boolean): True: to clone device schedules, schedule_reboot_enabled (boolean): True: Reboot schedule managed by IC2. False: Follow existing reboot schedule setting in device, apply_timezone (boolean): Default True: Devices follow this time zone setting, clone_firewall_rule (boolean): True: to clone firewall rules, clone_outbound_policy (boolean): True: to clone outbound policies, } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Request Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "data": { "name": "", "note": "", "country": "", "address": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "timezone_id": "", "clone_network_id": 0, "clone_ssid": true, "clone_vlan": true, "clone_captive_portal": true, "clone_device_schedule": true, "schedule_reboot_enabled": true, "apply_timezone": true, "clone_firewall_rule": true, "clone_outbound_policy": true } }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | create_group_data |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
Name of the group
note | string |
Description of the group
country | string |
Static location country
address | string |
Static location address
longitude | number |
Static location longitude
latitude | number |
Static location latitude
timezone_id | string |
Etc/GMT+12, Etc/GMT+11, Pacific/Honolulu, America/Anchorage, America/Los_Angeles, America/Tijuana, America/Phoenix, America/Denver, America/Chihuahua, America/Costa_Rica, America/Regina, America/Chicago, America/Mexico_City, America/Bogota, America/New_York, America/Indiana/Indianapolis, America/Caracas, America/Halifax, America/Santiago, America/La_Paz, America/Cuiaba, America/Asuncion, America/St_Johns, America/Sao_Paulo, America/Bahia, America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires, America/Montevideo, America/Godthab, America/Cayenne, Etc/GMT+2, Atlantic/South_Georgia, Atlantic/Azores, Atlantic/Cape_Verde, Africa/Casablanca, Atlantic/Reykjavik, Europe/London, Etc/GMT+0, Europe/Amsterdam, Europe/Belgrade, Europe/Paris, Europe/Sarajevo, Africa/Algiers, Africa/Windhoek, Asia/Amman, Europe/Athens, Asia/Beirut, Africa/Cairo, Africa/Harare, Europe/Helsinki, Europe/Kaliningrad, Europe/Nicosia, Asia/Damascus, Asia/Istanbul, Asia/Jerusalem, Asia/Baghdad, Asia/Kuwait, Africa/Nairobi, Europe/Moscow, Asia/Tehran, Asia/Dubai, Asia/Baku, Asia/Yerevan, Indian/Mauritius, Asia/Tbilisi, Asia/Kabul, Asia/Yekaterinburg, Asia/Karachi, Asia/Tashkent, Asia/Calcutta, Asia/Colombo, Asia/Katmandu, Asia/Novosibirsk, Asia/Dhaka, Asia/Rangoon, Asia/Bangkok, Asia/Krasnoyarsk, Asia/Hong_Kong, Asia/Singapore, Asia/Taipei, Asia/Irkutsk, Asia/Ulaanbaatar, Australia/Perth, Asia/Tokyo, Asia/Seoul, Asia/Yakutsk, Australia/Adelaide, Australia/Darwin, Australia/Brisbane, Pacific/Port_Moresby, Australia/Melbourne, Australia/Hobart, Asia/Vladivostok, Australia/Lord_Howe, Pacific/Guadalcanal, Asia/Magadan, Pacific/Auckland, Pacific/Fiji, Pacific/Tongatapu |
clone_network_id | integer |
ID of the group that config shall be cloned from
clone_ssid | boolean |
True: to clone SSID profiles
clone_vlan | boolean |
True: to clone VLAN networks
clone_captive_portal | boolean |
True: to clone captive portal profiles
clone_device_schedule | boolean |
True: to clone device schedules
schedule_reboot_enabled | boolean |
True: Reboot schedule managed by IC2. False: Follow existing reboot schedule setting in device
apply_timezone | boolean |
Default True: Devices follow this time zone setting
clone_firewall_rule | boolean |
True: to clone firewall rules
clone_outbound_policy | boolean |
True: to clone outbound policies
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[group]): Response data object, } group { id (integer): Group identifier, name (string): Name of the group, online_device_count (integer): Number of online devices in this group, offline_device_count (integer): Number of offline devices in this group, client_count (integer): Number of clients in this group, expiry_count (integer): Number of expired devices in this group, expiry_soon_count (integer): Number of expiring-soon devices in this group, group_type (string): Group type, timezone (string): Group timezone, country (string): Static location country, address (string): Static location address, longitude (number): Static location longitude, latitude (number): Static location latitude, note (string): Note, incontrol_redirect (string): External InControl Appliance Setting - "Use External InControl Appliance" setting, incontrol_host1 (string): External InControl Appliance Setting - Primary Appliance Address, incontrol_host2 (string): External InControl Appliance Setting - Secondary Appliance Address, incontrol_redirect_xtag (string): External InControl Appliance Setting - Device Selection, incontrol_redirect_device_tags (array[tag_info]): External InControl Appliance Setting - Selected device tags, failover_to_ic2 (boolean): External InControl Appliance Setting - Indicates if "Fail over to Peplink InControl in Public Cloud" is enabled, custom_common_name (string): External InControl Appliance Setting - Custom Common Name, custom_certificate (string): External InControl Appliance Setting - Custom Certificate, is_gps_tracking_disabled (boolean): Indicates if GPS Location Collection is disabled, is_apply_bulk_config (boolean): Indicates if the group has bulk configuration settings, is_suspend_config_update (boolean): Indicates if Device Configuration is disabled, is_suspend_device_reporting (boolean): Indicates if Device Reporting is disabled, is_suspend_live_status (boolean): Indicates if Live Status Queries is disabled, is_suspend_firmware_upgrade (boolean): Indicates if Firmware Management is disabled, favorite (boolean): Indicated if the group is marked as favorite in InControl (starred), contenthub_threshold_enabled (boolean): InControl Notifications setting - Indicates if ContentHub Storage Threshold is enabled, contenthub_threshold (integer): ContentHub Storage Threshold, wan_disconnected_notify_time (integer): InControl Device List Disconnected WAN Icon Setting - WAN disconnected notify time, in seconds, default 0 = no warning, is_low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if Low Data Usage Mode is enabled, gps_location_sampling (integer): GPS Location Collection, 0 - Disabled, 2 - 30 location points every minute (default), 60 - 60 location points every hour, 1800 - 1 location point every 30 minutes, 3600 - 1 location point every hour, min_heartbreak_interval (integer): Minimum Communication Interval in seconds, locked_devices (integer): Number of locked device in this group, Only appears when is_show_detail=true, outstanding_patch_devices (integer): Number of devices that its configuration is on hold in this group, Only appears when is_show_detail=true, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "id": 0, "name": "", "online_device_count": 0, "offline_device_count": 0, "client_count": 0, "expiry_count": 0, "expiry_soon_count": 0, "group_type": "", "timezone": "", "country": "", "address": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "note": "", "incontrol_redirect": "", "incontrol_host1": "", "incontrol_host2": "", "incontrol_redirect_xtag": "", "incontrol_redirect_device_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "failover_to_ic2": true, "custom_common_name": "", "custom_certificate": "", "is_gps_tracking_disabled": true, "is_apply_bulk_config": true, "is_suspend_config_update": true, "is_suspend_device_reporting": true, "is_suspend_live_status": true, "is_suspend_firmware_upgrade": true, "favorite": true, "contenthub_threshold_enabled": true, "contenthub_threshold": 0, "wan_disconnected_notify_time": 0, "is_low_data_usage_mode": true, "gps_location_sampling": 0, "min_heartbreak_interval": 0, "locked_devices": 0, "outstanding_patch_devices": 0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[group] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Group identifier
name | string |
Name of the group
online_device_count | integer |
Number of online devices in this group
offline_device_count | integer |
Number of offline devices in this group
client_count | integer |
Number of clients in this group
expiry_count | integer |
Number of expired devices in this group
expiry_soon_count | integer |
Number of expiring-soon devices in this group
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
timezone | string |
Group timezone
country | string |
Static location country
address | string |
Static location address
longitude | number |
Static location longitude
latitude | number |
Static location latitude
note | string |
incontrol_redirect | string |
External InControl Appliance Setting - "Use External InControl Appliance" setting
incontrol_host1 | string |
External InControl Appliance Setting - Primary Appliance Address
incontrol_host2 | string |
External InControl Appliance Setting - Secondary Appliance Address
incontrol_redirect_xtag | string |
External InControl Appliance Setting - Device Selection
none, include, includeall, exclude |
incontrol_redirect_device_tags | array[tag_info] |
External InControl Appliance Setting - Selected device tags
failover_to_ic2 | boolean |
External InControl Appliance Setting - Indicates if "Fail over to Peplink InControl in Public Cloud" is enabled
custom_common_name | string |
External InControl Appliance Setting - Custom Common Name
custom_certificate | string |
External InControl Appliance Setting - Custom Certificate
is_gps_tracking_disabled | boolean |
Indicates if GPS Location Collection is disabled
is_apply_bulk_config | boolean |
Indicates if the group has bulk configuration settings
is_suspend_config_update | boolean |
Indicates if Device Configuration is disabled
is_suspend_device_reporting | boolean |
Indicates if Device Reporting is disabled
is_suspend_live_status | boolean |
Indicates if Live Status Queries is disabled
is_suspend_firmware_upgrade | boolean |
Indicates if Firmware Management is disabled
favorite | boolean |
Indicated if the group is marked as favorite in InControl (starred)
contenthub_threshold_enabled | boolean |
InControl Notifications setting - Indicates if ContentHub Storage Threshold is enabled
contenthub_threshold | integer |
ContentHub Storage Threshold
wan_disconnected_notify_time | integer |
InControl Device List Disconnected WAN Icon Setting - WAN disconnected notify time, in seconds, default 0 = no warning
2.8.3 |
is_low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if Low Data Usage Mode is enabled
gps_location_sampling | integer |
GPS Location Collection, 0 - Disabled, 2 - 30 location points every minute (default), 60 - 60 location points every hour, 1800 - 1 location point every 30 minutes, 3600 - 1 location point every hour
0, 2, 60, 1800, 3600 |
min_heartbreak_interval | integer |
Minimum Communication Interval in seconds
locked_devices | integer |
Number of locked device in this group, Only appears when is_show_detail=true
outstanding_patch_devices | integer |
Number of devices that its configuration is on hold in this group, Only appears when is_show_detail=true
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
is_show_detail | Query | Boolean |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (group): Response data object, } group { id (integer): Group identifier, name (string): Name of the group, online_device_count (integer): Number of online devices in this group, offline_device_count (integer): Number of offline devices in this group, client_count (integer): Number of clients in this group, expiry_count (integer): Number of expired devices in this group, expiry_soon_count (integer): Number of expiring-soon devices in this group, group_type (string): Group type, timezone (string): Group timezone, country (string): Static location country, address (string): Static location address, longitude (number): Static location longitude, latitude (number): Static location latitude, note (string): Note, incontrol_redirect (string): External InControl Appliance Setting - "Use External InControl Appliance" setting, incontrol_host1 (string): External InControl Appliance Setting - Primary Appliance Address, incontrol_host2 (string): External InControl Appliance Setting - Secondary Appliance Address, incontrol_redirect_xtag (string): External InControl Appliance Setting - Device Selection, incontrol_redirect_device_tags (array[tag_info]): External InControl Appliance Setting - Selected device tags, failover_to_ic2 (boolean): External InControl Appliance Setting - Indicates if "Fail over to Peplink InControl in Public Cloud" is enabled, custom_common_name (string): External InControl Appliance Setting - Custom Common Name, custom_certificate (string): External InControl Appliance Setting - Custom Certificate, is_gps_tracking_disabled (boolean): Indicates if GPS Location Collection is disabled, is_apply_bulk_config (boolean): Indicates if the group has bulk configuration settings, is_suspend_config_update (boolean): Indicates if Device Configuration is disabled, is_suspend_device_reporting (boolean): Indicates if Device Reporting is disabled, is_suspend_live_status (boolean): Indicates if Live Status Queries is disabled, is_suspend_firmware_upgrade (boolean): Indicates if Firmware Management is disabled, favorite (boolean): Indicated if the group is marked as favorite in InControl (starred), contenthub_threshold_enabled (boolean): InControl Notifications setting - Indicates if ContentHub Storage Threshold is enabled, contenthub_threshold (integer): ContentHub Storage Threshold, wan_disconnected_notify_time (integer): InControl Device List Disconnected WAN Icon Setting - WAN disconnected notify time, in seconds, default 0 = no warning, is_low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if Low Data Usage Mode is enabled, gps_location_sampling (integer): GPS Location Collection, 0 - Disabled, 2 - 30 location points every minute (default), 60 - 60 location points every hour, 1800 - 1 location point every 30 minutes, 3600 - 1 location point every hour, min_heartbreak_interval (integer): Minimum Communication Interval in seconds, locked_devices (integer): Number of locked device in this group, Only appears when is_show_detail=true, outstanding_patch_devices (integer): Number of devices that its configuration is on hold in this group, Only appears when is_show_detail=true, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "id": 0, "name": "", "online_device_count": 0, "offline_device_count": 0, "client_count": 0, "expiry_count": 0, "expiry_soon_count": 0, "group_type": "", "timezone": "", "country": "", "address": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "note": "", "incontrol_redirect": "", "incontrol_host1": "", "incontrol_host2": "", "incontrol_redirect_xtag": "", "incontrol_redirect_device_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "failover_to_ic2": true, "custom_common_name": "", "custom_certificate": "", "is_gps_tracking_disabled": true, "is_apply_bulk_config": true, "is_suspend_config_update": true, "is_suspend_device_reporting": true, "is_suspend_live_status": true, "is_suspend_firmware_upgrade": true, "favorite": true, "contenthub_threshold_enabled": true, "contenthub_threshold": 0, "wan_disconnected_notify_time": 0, "is_low_data_usage_mode": true, "gps_location_sampling": 0, "min_heartbreak_interval": 0, "locked_devices": 0, "outstanding_patch_devices": 0 } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | group |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Group identifier
name | string |
Name of the group
online_device_count | integer |
Number of online devices in this group
offline_device_count | integer |
Number of offline devices in this group
client_count | integer |
Number of clients in this group
expiry_count | integer |
Number of expired devices in this group
expiry_soon_count | integer |
Number of expiring-soon devices in this group
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
timezone | string |
Group timezone
country | string |
Static location country
address | string |
Static location address
longitude | number |
Static location longitude
latitude | number |
Static location latitude
note | string |
incontrol_redirect | string |
External InControl Appliance Setting - "Use External InControl Appliance" setting
incontrol_host1 | string |
External InControl Appliance Setting - Primary Appliance Address
incontrol_host2 | string |
External InControl Appliance Setting - Secondary Appliance Address
incontrol_redirect_xtag | string |
External InControl Appliance Setting - Device Selection
none, include, includeall, exclude |
incontrol_redirect_device_tags | array[tag_info] |
External InControl Appliance Setting - Selected device tags
failover_to_ic2 | boolean |
External InControl Appliance Setting - Indicates if "Fail over to Peplink InControl in Public Cloud" is enabled
custom_common_name | string |
External InControl Appliance Setting - Custom Common Name
custom_certificate | string |
External InControl Appliance Setting - Custom Certificate
is_gps_tracking_disabled | boolean |
Indicates if GPS Location Collection is disabled
is_apply_bulk_config | boolean |
Indicates if the group has bulk configuration settings
is_suspend_config_update | boolean |
Indicates if Device Configuration is disabled
is_suspend_device_reporting | boolean |
Indicates if Device Reporting is disabled
is_suspend_live_status | boolean |
Indicates if Live Status Queries is disabled
is_suspend_firmware_upgrade | boolean |
Indicates if Firmware Management is disabled
favorite | boolean |
Indicated if the group is marked as favorite in InControl (starred)
contenthub_threshold_enabled | boolean |
InControl Notifications setting - Indicates if ContentHub Storage Threshold is enabled
contenthub_threshold | integer |
ContentHub Storage Threshold
wan_disconnected_notify_time | integer |
InControl Device List Disconnected WAN Icon Setting - WAN disconnected notify time, in seconds, default 0 = no warning
2.8.3 |
is_low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if Low Data Usage Mode is enabled
gps_location_sampling | integer |
GPS Location Collection, 0 - Disabled, 2 - 30 location points every minute (default), 60 - 60 location points every hour, 1800 - 1 location point every 30 minutes, 3600 - 1 location point every hour
0, 2, 60, 1800, 3600 |
min_heartbreak_interval | integer |
Minimum Communication Interval in seconds
locked_devices | integer |
Number of locked device in this group, Only appears when is_show_detail=true
outstanding_patch_devices | integer |
Number of devices that its configuration is on hold in this group, Only appears when is_show_detail=true
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
is_show_detail | Query | Boolean |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (access_control_list): Response data object, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | access_control_list |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
with_reference | Query | boolean |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
acl_id | Path | int | ||
with_reference | Query | boolean |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
acl_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
acl_id | Path | int |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (array[add_device_request]): Request data object, } add_device_request { sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, if not specified, the device name would be same as sn., latitude (number): Location latitude, if not specified, the device location would be same as group location., longitude (number): Location longitude, if not specified, the device location would be same as group location., address (string): Location address, if not specified, the device location would be same as group location., } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[add_device_response]): Response data object, } add_device_response { sn (string): Device S/N, id (integer): Device identifier, name (string): Device name, latitude (number): Location latitude, longitude (number): Location longitude, address (string): Location address, status (string): Indicate if the add device process is success or not, message (string): Result message,
invalid_device: Invalid serial number
already_registered: Device already registered in InControl
not_found: Device not found
ready_register_expired:When add device success, this warning message exists if the device already expired., }
Request Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "data": [ { "sn": "", "name": "", "latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "address": "" } ] }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "sn": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "address": "", "status": "", "message": "" } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | array[add_device_request] |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name, if not specified, the device name would be same as sn.
latitude | number |
Location latitude, if not specified, the device location would be same as group location.
longitude | number |
Location longitude, if not specified, the device location would be same as group location.
address | string |
Location address, if not specified, the device location would be same as group location.
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[add_device_response] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
sn | string |
Device S/N
id | integer |
Device identifier
name | string |
Device name
latitude | number |
Location latitude
longitude | number |
Location longitude
address | string |
Location address
status | string |
Indicate if the add device process is success or not
success, fail |
message | string |
Result message,
invalid_device: Invalid serial number already_registered: Device already registered in InControl not_found: Device not found ready_register_expired:When add device success, this warning message exists if the device already expired. invalid_device, already_registered, not_found, ready_register_expired |
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | Integer | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
type |
hourly,daily,monthly |
Query | String | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
wan_id | Query | int | ||
include_details | Query | boolean |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
bandwidth_usage { from_date (string): Usage start date, to_date (string): Usage end date, up (number): Upload value (MB for hourly, daily, monthly, kbps for per-minute), down (number): Download value (MB for hourly, daily, monthly, kbps for per-minute), }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
from_date | string |
Usage start date
to_date | string |
Usage end date
up | number |
Upload value (MB for hourly, daily, monthly, kbps for per-minute)
down | number |
Download value (MB for hourly, daily, monthly, kbps for per-minute)
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
type |
hourly,daily,monthly |
Query | String | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
wan_id | Query | int | ||
product_id | Query | int | ||
include_details | Query | boolean | ||
product_ids | Query | List | ||
device_tags | Query | List | ||
xtags |
include,includeall,exclude |
Query | String | |
wan_name | Query | String | ||
skip_empty_group_desc | Query | Boolean |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[captive_portal_user_info]): Response data object, } captive_portal_user_info { access_mode (string): Captive portal access mode, social_network_user_id (string): User id collected in social mode, email (string): Email collected in e-mail or social mode, visit_count (number): No. of visit, first_login (string): First login date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format, last_login (string): Last login date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format, mobile_number (string): Mobile number collected in e-mail or SMS mode, first_name (string): First name collected in e-mail mode, last_name (string): Last name collected in e-mail mode, gender (string): Gender collected in e-mail mode, country (string): Country collected in e-mail mode, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "access_mode": "", "social_network_user_id": "", "email": "", "visit_count": 0.0, "first_login": "", "last_login": "", "mobile_number": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "gender": "", "country": "" } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[captive_portal_user_info] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
access_mode | string |
Captive portal access mode
social_network_user_id | string |
User id collected in social mode
string |
Email collected in e-mail or social mode
visit_count | number |
No. of visit
first_login | string |
First login date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format
last_login | string |
Last login date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format
mobile_number | string |
Mobile number collected in e-mail or SMS mode
first_name | string |
First name collected in e-mail mode
last_name | string |
Last name collected in e-mail mode
gender | string |
Gender collected in e-mail mode
country | string |
Country collected in e-mail mode
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
active | Query | Boolean |
Get captive portal user info in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
captive_portal_user_info_csv { "Access Mode" (string): Captive portal access mode, "Social Network ID" (string): User id collected in social mode, "E-mail Address" (string): Email collected in e-mail or social mode (Facebook, Google ID, LinkedIn), "Visit Count" (number): No. of visit, "First Login" (string): First login date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format, "Last Login" (string): Last login date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format, "Mobile Number" (string): Mobile number collected in e-mail or SMS mode, "Name" (string): First name and Last name collected in e-mail mode, "Gender" (string): Gender collected in e-mail mode, "Country" (string): Country collected in e-mail mode, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
"Access Mode","Social Network ID","E-mail Address","Visit Count","First Login","Last Login","Mobile Number","Name","Gender","Country"
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Access Mode" | string |
Captive portal access mode
"Social Network ID" | string |
User id collected in social mode
"E-mail Address" | string |
Email collected in e-mail or social mode (Facebook, Google ID, LinkedIn)
"Visit Count" | number |
No. of visit
"First Login" | string |
First login date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format
"Last Login" | string |
Last login date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format
"Mobile Number" | string |
Mobile number collected in e-mail or SMS mode
"Name" | string |
First name and Last name collected in e-mail mode
"Gender" | string |
Gender collected in e-mail mode
"Country" | string |
Country collected in e-mail mode
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
active | Query | Boolean |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[client]): Response data object, } client { client_id (string): Unique identifier of the client, mac (string): MAC address, device (device): The device the client currently attached to, duration (integer): Wi-Fi connection duration in seconds, connection_type (string): Connected via Wi-Fi or Ethernet, status (string): Online status, ssid (string): SSID the client connected to, channel (integer): Wi-Fi channel of the client connection, ip (string): IP address, channel_width (number): Wi-Fi channel width, radio_mode (string): Wi-Fi radio mode, signal (number): Signal strength, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, radius (number): The distance from the longitude and latitude the client could locate, last_seen (string): Last seen date and time of the client, } device { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, usage (number): Current bandwidth usage, tx (number): Current upload usage, rx (number): Current download usage, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, client_count (integer): Current client count, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, config_rollback (boolean): Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl., config_rollback_date (string): Config roll back date and time, ic2_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl, outstanding_patch_ids (array[string]): Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches, device_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device, sp_default (boolean): Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, tag_info (array[tag_info]): List of Device tags information, note (string): Note, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, address (string): Location address, location_timestamp (string): Location recorded time, follow_loc_dev (integer): Device's ID of the followed location device, follow_loc_dev_info (follow_loc_dev_info): Followed location device information, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if the returned location is a static one, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, gps_support (boolean): Indicates if the device support gps, gps_exist (boolean): Indicates if the device with any gps records, support_ssid_count (number): Supported number of SSIDs, radio_modules (array[radio_module]): Supported radio modules, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, v6_license (string): Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, fw_pending_trial_round (integer): Firmware update trial count, fw_pending_max_no_of_trial (integer): Maximum number of firmware update trial count, fw_pending_ver (string): Version of the firmware to be updated, fw_pending_schedule_time (string): Scheduled firmware update start time, fw_pending_upgrade_time (string): Actual firmware update time, fw_pending_status (integer): Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive, fw_pending_group_time (string): Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone, is_master_device (boolean): Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device, fw_managmed (string): (only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level, wifi_cfg (string): Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_available (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time, ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time, onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, ssid_profiles (array[ssid_profile]): SSID profiles, ssid_profiles_applied (array[ssid_profiles_applied]): Applied SSID profiles, hardware_version (string): Hardware version, mvpn_version (string): MVPN version, radio_bands (array[radio_band]): Radio bands, loc_display (boolean): Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude, extap_proxy_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device is a AP controller, extap_proxy_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller, wlan_probe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data", wlan_probe_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl, dpi_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection, dpi_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection, low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode, ra_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance, watchdog_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog, ra_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support remote assistance, watchdog_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog, ap_router_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, handshake_port (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port, refuse_legacy (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware, peer_connections (integer): PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, is_default_password (boolean): Indicates if default password is used in device web admin, is_apply_bulk_config (boolean): Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config, is_wlan_ap_suspended (boolean): Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended, is_ap_schedule_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled, is_ha_enabled (boolean): Indicates if high availability enabled, is_ha_slave (boolean): Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit, ha_role (string): High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave), ha_status (string): High Availability Status, ha_transition_time (string): Last Transition Date and time, periph_status_available (boolean): Indicates if periph status is available, periph_status (periph_status): Periph status, port_status_available (boolean): Indicates if port status is available, port_status (port_status): Port status, gobi_sim_lock_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support SIM lock, gobi_sim_locks (array[string]): , poe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support poe, admin_conf (admin_conf): Admin configuration, outbound_policy_managed (boolean): , firewall_rules_managed (boolean): , is_apply_import_lan (boolean): , is_apply_csv_override (boolean): , is_wlc_enabled (boolean): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan (integer): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns (array[string]): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type (string): , mgnt_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_vlans (array[vlan_interface]): , max_lacp_group_support (integer): , max_port_per_lacp_group (integer): , endpoint_support (boolean): , slow_response (boolean): , slow_response_start_time (string): , wlan_mac_list (array[wlan_mac_list]): , slot_module_list (array[slot_module]): List of slot module information, vlan_managed (boolean): (device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed, icmg_mvpn (boolean): , icmg_wan (boolean): Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl, icmg_schedule_reboot (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot, icmg_schedule (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule, icmg_wlan (boolean): Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl, icmg_portal (boolean): Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl, icmg_lan (boolean): Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl, icmg_sdswitch (boolean): , icmg_outbound (boolean): Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl, icmg_firewall (boolean): Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl, icmg_admin (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } follow_loc_dev_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the followed device, sn (string): S/N of the followed device, name (string): Device name of the followed device, onlineStatus (string): Online status of the followed device, } radio_module { module_id (integer): System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier, frequency_band (string): Supported radio frequency bands, active_frequency_band (string): The active frequency band, } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, } ssid_profiles_applied { id (integer): System generated SSID profile identifier, ssid (string): SSID, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the portal is external captive portal, wpa_passphrase (string): WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users, } radio_band { radio_bands (integer): Unique identifier of the radio band, active_band (string): The active frequency band, txpower (number): Output power, channel (integer): Channel, channel_mode (string): Channel Mode, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, } periph_status { cpu_load (usage_data): CPU load, power_state (power_state): Power State, power_usage (usage_data): Power Usage, fan_speed (usage_data): Fan speed, thermal_sensor (temperature): Thermal Sensor, } usage_data { name (string): Name, value (number): Value, total (number): Total, voltage (number): Voltage, current (number): Current, percentage (number): Percentage, active (boolean): Active, } power_state { name (string): Name, connect (boolean): Indicates if the power is connected, } temperature { temperature (number): Temperature, max (number): Maximum, threshold (number): Threshold, min (number): Minimum, } port_status { } admin_conf { managed (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is enabled, protocol (string): , admin_auth (string): , admin_user_auth (string): , version (integer): , admin_name (string): Admin User Name, admin_password (string): Admin password, admin_readonly_name (string): Read-only User Name, admin_readonly_password (string): Read-only User password, admin_radius_enable (boolean): Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled, } wlan_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio_band (string): Radio band, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, enabled (boolean): , encryption (string): , portal_id (integer): , } slot_module { slot (integer): Module slot, hw_ver (string): Module hardware version, sn (string): Module S/N, model (string): Module model, product_name (string): Module product name, expiry_date (string): Module expiry date and time, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "client_id": "", "mac": "", "device": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "usage": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "product_id": 0, "client_count": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "config_rollback": true, "config_rollback_date": "", "ic2_config_apply_locked": true, "outstanding_patch_ids": [ "" ], "device_config_apply_locked": true, "sp_default": true, "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "tag_info": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "note": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "address": "", "location_timestamp": "", "follow_loc_dev": 0, "follow_loc_dev_info": { "id": 0, "sn": "", "name": "", "onlineStatus": "" }, "isStatic": true, "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "gps_support": true, "gps_exist": true, "support_ssid_count": 0.0, "radio_modules": [ { "module_id": 0, "frequency_band": "", "active_frequency_band": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "v6_license": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "fw_pending_trial_round": 0, "fw_pending_max_no_of_trial": 0, "fw_pending_ver": "", "fw_pending_schedule_time": "", "fw_pending_upgrade_time": "", "fw_pending_status": 0, "fw_pending_group_time": "", "is_master_device": true, "fw_managmed": "", "wifi_cfg": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_available": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date": "", "ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date": "", "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "ssid_profiles": [ { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } ], "ssid_profiles_applied": [ { "id": 0, "ssid": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "portal_id": 0, "enabled": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "wpa_passphrase": "" } ], "hardware_version": "", "mvpn_version": "", "radio_bands": [ { "radio_bands": 0, "active_band": "", "txpower": 0.0, "channel": 0, "channel_mode": "" } ], "loc_display": true, "extap_proxy_supported": true, "extap_proxy_enabled": true, "wlan_probe_supported": true, "wlan_probe_enabled": true, "dpi_supported": true, "dpi_enabled": true, "low_data_usage_mode": true, "ra_enabled": true, "watchdog_enabled": true, "ra_supported": true, "watchdog_supported": true, "ap_router_mode": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "site_id": "", "handshake_port": true, "refuse_legacy": true, "peer_connections": 0, "pepvpn_peers": 0, "is_default_password": true, "is_apply_bulk_config": true, "is_wlan_ap_suspended": true, "is_ap_schedule_enabled": true, "is_ha_enabled": true, "is_ha_slave": true, "ha_role": "", "ha_status": "", "ha_transition_time": "", "periph_status_available": true, "periph_status": { "cpu_load": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "power_state": { "name": "", "connect": true }, "power_usage": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "fan_speed": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "thermal_sensor": { "temperature": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "threshold": 0.0, "min": 0.0 } }, "port_status_available": true, "port_status": {}, "gobi_sim_lock_supported": true, "gobi_sim_locks": [ "" ], "poe_supported": true, "admin_conf": { "managed": true, "protocol": "", "admin_auth": "", "admin_user_auth": "", "version": 0, "admin_name": "", "admin_password": "", "admin_readonly_name": "", "admin_readonly_password": "", "admin_radius_enable": true }, "outbound_policy_managed": true, "firewall_rules_managed": true, "is_apply_import_lan": true, "is_apply_csv_override": true, "is_wlc_enabled": true, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan": 0, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns": [ "" ], "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type": "", "mgnt_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_vlans": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "max_lacp_group_support": 0, "max_port_per_lacp_group": 0, "endpoint_support": true, "slow_response": true, "slow_response_start_time": "", "wlan_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio_band": "", "radio": "", "security": "", "enabled": true, "encryption": "", "portal_id": 0 } ], "slot_module_list": [ { "slot": 0, "hw_ver": "", "sn": "", "model": "", "product_name": "", "expiry_date": "" } ], "vlan_managed": true, "icmg_mvpn": true, "icmg_wan": true, "icmg_schedule_reboot": true, "icmg_schedule": true, "icmg_wlan": true, "icmg_portal": true, "icmg_lan": true, "icmg_sdswitch": true, "icmg_outbound": true, "icmg_firewall": true, "icmg_admin": true }, "duration": 0, "connection_type": "", "status": "", "ssid": "", "channel": 0, "ip": "", "channel_width": 0.0, "radio_mode": "", "signal": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "radius": 0.0, "last_seen": "" } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[client] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
client_id | string |
Unique identifier of the client
mac | string |
MAC address
device | device |
The device the client currently attached to
duration | integer |
Wi-Fi connection duration in seconds
connection_type | string |
Connected via Wi-Fi or Ethernet
wireless, ethernet |
status | string |
Online status
active, inactive |
ssid | string |
SSID the client connected to
channel | integer |
Wi-Fi channel of the client connection
ip | string |
IP address
channel_width | number |
Wi-Fi channel width
radio_mode | string |
Wi-Fi radio mode
signal | number |
Signal strength
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
radius | number |
The distance from the longitude and latitude the client could locate
last_seen | string |
Last seen date and time of the client
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
usage | number |
Current bandwidth usage
tx | number |
Current upload usage
rx | number |
Current download usage
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
client_count | integer |
Current client count
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
config_rollback | boolean |
Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl.
config_rollback_date | string |
Config roll back date and time
ic2_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl
outstanding_patch_ids | array[string] |
Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches
device_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device
sp_default | boolean |
Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
tag_info | array[tag_info] |
List of Device tags information
note | string |
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
address | string |
Location address
location_timestamp | string |
Location recorded time
follow_loc_dev | integer |
Device's ID of the followed location device
follow_loc_dev_info | follow_loc_dev_info |
Followed location device information
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if the returned location is a static one
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
gps_support | boolean |
Indicates if the device support gps
gps_exist | boolean |
Indicates if the device with any gps records
support_ssid_count | number |
Supported number of SSIDs
radio_modules | array[radio_module] |
Supported radio modules
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
v6_license | string |
Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license
enabled, disabled |
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
fw_pending_trial_round | integer |
Firmware update trial count
fw_pending_max_no_of_trial | integer |
Maximum number of firmware update trial count
fw_pending_ver | string |
Version of the firmware to be updated
fw_pending_schedule_time | string |
Scheduled firmware update start time
fw_pending_upgrade_time | string |
Actual firmware update time
fw_pending_status | integer |
Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive
0, 1 |
fw_pending_group_time | string |
Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone
is_master_device | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device
fw_managmed | string |
(only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level
wifi_cfg | string |
Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device
group, device, not_managed |
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_available | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time
ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
ssid_profiles | array[ssid_profile] |
SSID profiles
ssid_profiles_applied | array[ssid_profiles_applied] |
Applied SSID profiles
hardware_version | string |
Hardware version
mvpn_version | string |
MVPN version
radio_bands | array[radio_band] |
Radio bands
loc_display | boolean |
Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude
extap_proxy_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a AP controller
extap_proxy_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller
wlan_probe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data"
wlan_probe_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl
dpi_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection
dpi_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection
low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode
ra_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ra_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ap_router_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
handshake_port | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port
refuse_legacy | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware
peer_connections | integer |
PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
is_default_password | boolean |
Indicates if default password is used in device web admin
is_apply_bulk_config | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config
is_wlan_ap_suspended | boolean |
Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended
is_ap_schedule_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled
is_ha_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if high availability enabled
is_ha_slave | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit
ha_role | string |
High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave)
ha_status | string |
High Availability Status
ha_transition_time | string |
Last Transition Date and time
periph_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if periph status is available
periph_status | periph_status |
Periph status
port_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if port status is available
port_status | port_status |
Port status
gobi_sim_lock_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support SIM lock
gobi_sim_locks | array[string] | |
poe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support poe
admin_conf | admin_conf |
Admin configuration
outbound_policy_managed | boolean | |
firewall_rules_managed | boolean | |
is_apply_import_lan | boolean | |
is_apply_csv_override | boolean | |
is_wlc_enabled | boolean | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan | integer | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns | array[string] | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type | string | |
mgnt_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_vlans | array[vlan_interface] | |
max_lacp_group_support | integer | |
max_port_per_lacp_group | integer | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
slow_response | boolean | |
slow_response_start_time | string | |
wlan_mac_list | array[wlan_mac_list] | |
slot_module_list | array[slot_module] |
List of slot module information
vlan_managed | boolean |
(device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed
icmg_mvpn | boolean | |
icmg_wan | boolean |
Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl
icmg_schedule_reboot | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot
icmg_schedule | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule
icmg_wlan | boolean |
Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl
icmg_portal | boolean |
Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl
icmg_lan | boolean |
Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl
icmg_sdswitch | boolean | |
icmg_outbound | boolean |
Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl
icmg_firewall | boolean |
Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl
icmg_admin | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the followed device
sn | string |
S/N of the followed device
name | string |
Device name of the followed device
onlineStatus | string |
Online status of the followed device
Field | Type | Description |
module_id | integer |
System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier
frequency_band | string |
Supported radio frequency bands
active_frequency_band | string |
The active frequency band
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated SSID profile identifier
ssid | string |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl
vlan_id | integer |
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the portal is external captive portal
wpa_passphrase | string |
WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users
Field | Type | Description |
radio_bands | integer |
Unique identifier of the radio band
active_band | string |
The active frequency band
txpower | number |
Output power
channel | integer |
channel_mode | string |
Channel Mode
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Field | Type | Description |
cpu_load | usage_data |
CPU load
power_state | power_state |
Power State
power_usage | usage_data |
Power Usage
fan_speed | usage_data |
Fan speed
thermal_sensor | temperature |
Thermal Sensor
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
value | number |
total | number |
voltage | number |
current | number |
percentage | number |
active | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
connect | boolean |
Indicates if the power is connected
Field | Type | Description |
temperature | number |
max | number |
threshold | number |
min | number |
Field | Type | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
managed | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is enabled
protocol | string | |
admin_auth | string | |
admin_user_auth | string | |
version | integer | |
admin_name | string |
Admin User Name
admin_password | string |
Admin password
admin_readonly_name | string |
Read-only User Name
admin_readonly_password | string |
Read-only User password
admin_radius_enable | boolean |
Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio_band | string |
Radio band
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
enabled | boolean | |
encryption | string | |
portal_id | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
slot | integer |
Module slot
hw_ver | string |
Module hardware version
sn | string |
Module S/N
model | string |
Module model
product_name | string |
Module product name
expiry_date | string |
Module expiry date and time
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
client_id_list | Query | List | ||
client_id_list[] | Query | List | ||
show_inactive | Query | boolean | ||
show_portal_user_only |
Since: 2.8.3
Query | boolean |
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
client_id_list | Query | List | ||
client_id_list[] | Query | List | ||
show_inactive | Query | boolean | ||
show_portal_user_only |
Since: 2.8.3
Query | boolean |
Get a client's information in group level
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (client): Response data object, } client { client_id (string): Unique identifier of the client, mac (string): MAC address, device (device): The device the client currently attached to, duration (integer): Wi-Fi connection duration in seconds, connection_type (string): Connected via Wi-Fi or Ethernet, status (string): Online status, ssid (string): SSID the client connected to, channel (integer): Wi-Fi channel of the client connection, ip (string): IP address, channel_width (number): Wi-Fi channel width, radio_mode (string): Wi-Fi radio mode, signal (number): Signal strength, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, radius (number): The distance from the longitude and latitude the client could locate, last_seen (string): Last seen date and time of the client, } device { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, usage (number): Current bandwidth usage, tx (number): Current upload usage, rx (number): Current download usage, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, client_count (integer): Current client count, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, config_rollback (boolean): Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl., config_rollback_date (string): Config roll back date and time, ic2_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl, outstanding_patch_ids (array[string]): Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches, device_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device, sp_default (boolean): Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, tag_info (array[tag_info]): List of Device tags information, note (string): Note, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, address (string): Location address, location_timestamp (string): Location recorded time, follow_loc_dev (integer): Device's ID of the followed location device, follow_loc_dev_info (follow_loc_dev_info): Followed location device information, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if the returned location is a static one, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, gps_support (boolean): Indicates if the device support gps, gps_exist (boolean): Indicates if the device with any gps records, support_ssid_count (number): Supported number of SSIDs, radio_modules (array[radio_module]): Supported radio modules, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, v6_license (string): Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, fw_pending_trial_round (integer): Firmware update trial count, fw_pending_max_no_of_trial (integer): Maximum number of firmware update trial count, fw_pending_ver (string): Version of the firmware to be updated, fw_pending_schedule_time (string): Scheduled firmware update start time, fw_pending_upgrade_time (string): Actual firmware update time, fw_pending_status (integer): Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive, fw_pending_group_time (string): Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone, is_master_device (boolean): Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device, fw_managmed (string): (only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level, wifi_cfg (string): Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_available (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time, ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time, onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, ssid_profiles (array[ssid_profile]): SSID profiles, ssid_profiles_applied (array[ssid_profiles_applied]): Applied SSID profiles, hardware_version (string): Hardware version, mvpn_version (string): MVPN version, radio_bands (array[radio_band]): Radio bands, loc_display (boolean): Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude, extap_proxy_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device is a AP controller, extap_proxy_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller, wlan_probe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data", wlan_probe_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl, dpi_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection, dpi_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection, low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode, ra_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance, watchdog_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog, ra_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support remote assistance, watchdog_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog, ap_router_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, handshake_port (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port, refuse_legacy (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware, peer_connections (integer): PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, is_default_password (boolean): Indicates if default password is used in device web admin, is_apply_bulk_config (boolean): Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config, is_wlan_ap_suspended (boolean): Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended, is_ap_schedule_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled, is_ha_enabled (boolean): Indicates if high availability enabled, is_ha_slave (boolean): Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit, ha_role (string): High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave), ha_status (string): High Availability Status, ha_transition_time (string): Last Transition Date and time, periph_status_available (boolean): Indicates if periph status is available, periph_status (periph_status): Periph status, port_status_available (boolean): Indicates if port status is available, port_status (port_status): Port status, gobi_sim_lock_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support SIM lock, gobi_sim_locks (array[string]): , poe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support poe, admin_conf (admin_conf): Admin configuration, outbound_policy_managed (boolean): , firewall_rules_managed (boolean): , is_apply_import_lan (boolean): , is_apply_csv_override (boolean): , is_wlc_enabled (boolean): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan (integer): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns (array[string]): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type (string): , mgnt_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_vlans (array[vlan_interface]): , max_lacp_group_support (integer): , max_port_per_lacp_group (integer): , endpoint_support (boolean): , slow_response (boolean): , slow_response_start_time (string): , wlan_mac_list (array[wlan_mac_list]): , slot_module_list (array[slot_module]): List of slot module information, vlan_managed (boolean): (device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed, icmg_mvpn (boolean): , icmg_wan (boolean): Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl, icmg_schedule_reboot (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot, icmg_schedule (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule, icmg_wlan (boolean): Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl, icmg_portal (boolean): Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl, icmg_lan (boolean): Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl, icmg_sdswitch (boolean): , icmg_outbound (boolean): Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl, icmg_firewall (boolean): Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl, icmg_admin (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } follow_loc_dev_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the followed device, sn (string): S/N of the followed device, name (string): Device name of the followed device, onlineStatus (string): Online status of the followed device, } radio_module { module_id (integer): System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier, frequency_band (string): Supported radio frequency bands, active_frequency_band (string): The active frequency band, } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, } ssid_profiles_applied { id (integer): System generated SSID profile identifier, ssid (string): SSID, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the portal is external captive portal, wpa_passphrase (string): WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users, } radio_band { radio_bands (integer): Unique identifier of the radio band, active_band (string): The active frequency band, txpower (number): Output power, channel (integer): Channel, channel_mode (string): Channel Mode, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, } periph_status { cpu_load (usage_data): CPU load, power_state (power_state): Power State, power_usage (usage_data): Power Usage, fan_speed (usage_data): Fan speed, thermal_sensor (temperature): Thermal Sensor, } usage_data { name (string): Name, value (number): Value, total (number): Total, voltage (number): Voltage, current (number): Current, percentage (number): Percentage, active (boolean): Active, } power_state { name (string): Name, connect (boolean): Indicates if the power is connected, } temperature { temperature (number): Temperature, max (number): Maximum, threshold (number): Threshold, min (number): Minimum, } port_status { } admin_conf { managed (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is enabled, protocol (string): , admin_auth (string): , admin_user_auth (string): , version (integer): , admin_name (string): Admin User Name, admin_password (string): Admin password, admin_readonly_name (string): Read-only User Name, admin_readonly_password (string): Read-only User password, admin_radius_enable (boolean): Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled, } wlan_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio_band (string): Radio band, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, enabled (boolean): , encryption (string): , portal_id (integer): , } slot_module { slot (integer): Module slot, hw_ver (string): Module hardware version, sn (string): Module S/N, model (string): Module model, product_name (string): Module product name, expiry_date (string): Module expiry date and time, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "client_id": "", "mac": "", "device": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "usage": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "product_id": 0, "client_count": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "config_rollback": true, "config_rollback_date": "", "ic2_config_apply_locked": true, "outstanding_patch_ids": [ "" ], "device_config_apply_locked": true, "sp_default": true, "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "tag_info": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "note": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "address": "", "location_timestamp": "", "follow_loc_dev": 0, "follow_loc_dev_info": { "id": 0, "sn": "", "name": "", "onlineStatus": "" }, "isStatic": true, "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "gps_support": true, "gps_exist": true, "support_ssid_count": 0.0, "radio_modules": [ { "module_id": 0, "frequency_band": "", "active_frequency_band": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "v6_license": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "fw_pending_trial_round": 0, "fw_pending_max_no_of_trial": 0, "fw_pending_ver": "", "fw_pending_schedule_time": "", "fw_pending_upgrade_time": "", "fw_pending_status": 0, "fw_pending_group_time": "", "is_master_device": true, "fw_managmed": "", "wifi_cfg": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_available": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date": "", "ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date": "", "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "ssid_profiles": [ { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } ], "ssid_profiles_applied": [ { "id": 0, "ssid": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "portal_id": 0, "enabled": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "wpa_passphrase": "" } ], "hardware_version": "", "mvpn_version": "", "radio_bands": [ { "radio_bands": 0, "active_band": "", "txpower": 0.0, "channel": 0, "channel_mode": "" } ], "loc_display": true, "extap_proxy_supported": true, "extap_proxy_enabled": true, "wlan_probe_supported": true, "wlan_probe_enabled": true, "dpi_supported": true, "dpi_enabled": true, "low_data_usage_mode": true, "ra_enabled": true, "watchdog_enabled": true, "ra_supported": true, "watchdog_supported": true, "ap_router_mode": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "site_id": "", "handshake_port": true, "refuse_legacy": true, "peer_connections": 0, "pepvpn_peers": 0, "is_default_password": true, "is_apply_bulk_config": true, "is_wlan_ap_suspended": true, "is_ap_schedule_enabled": true, "is_ha_enabled": true, "is_ha_slave": true, "ha_role": "", "ha_status": "", "ha_transition_time": "", "periph_status_available": true, "periph_status": { "cpu_load": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "power_state": { "name": "", "connect": true }, "power_usage": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "fan_speed": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "thermal_sensor": { "temperature": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "threshold": 0.0, "min": 0.0 } }, "port_status_available": true, "port_status": {}, "gobi_sim_lock_supported": true, "gobi_sim_locks": [ "" ], "poe_supported": true, "admin_conf": { "managed": true, "protocol": "", "admin_auth": "", "admin_user_auth": "", "version": 0, "admin_name": "", "admin_password": "", "admin_readonly_name": "", "admin_readonly_password": "", "admin_radius_enable": true }, "outbound_policy_managed": true, "firewall_rules_managed": true, "is_apply_import_lan": true, "is_apply_csv_override": true, "is_wlc_enabled": true, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan": 0, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns": [ "" ], "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type": "", "mgnt_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_vlans": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "max_lacp_group_support": 0, "max_port_per_lacp_group": 0, "endpoint_support": true, "slow_response": true, "slow_response_start_time": "", "wlan_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio_band": "", "radio": "", "security": "", "enabled": true, "encryption": "", "portal_id": 0 } ], "slot_module_list": [ { "slot": 0, "hw_ver": "", "sn": "", "model": "", "product_name": "", "expiry_date": "" } ], "vlan_managed": true, "icmg_mvpn": true, "icmg_wan": true, "icmg_schedule_reboot": true, "icmg_schedule": true, "icmg_wlan": true, "icmg_portal": true, "icmg_lan": true, "icmg_sdswitch": true, "icmg_outbound": true, "icmg_firewall": true, "icmg_admin": true }, "duration": 0, "connection_type": "", "status": "", "ssid": "", "channel": 0, "ip": "", "channel_width": 0.0, "radio_mode": "", "signal": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "radius": 0.0, "last_seen": "" } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | client |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
client_id | string |
Unique identifier of the client
mac | string |
MAC address
device | device |
The device the client currently attached to
duration | integer |
Wi-Fi connection duration in seconds
connection_type | string |
Connected via Wi-Fi or Ethernet
wireless, ethernet |
status | string |
Online status
active, inactive |
ssid | string |
SSID the client connected to
channel | integer |
Wi-Fi channel of the client connection
ip | string |
IP address
channel_width | number |
Wi-Fi channel width
radio_mode | string |
Wi-Fi radio mode
signal | number |
Signal strength
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
radius | number |
The distance from the longitude and latitude the client could locate
last_seen | string |
Last seen date and time of the client
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
usage | number |
Current bandwidth usage
tx | number |
Current upload usage
rx | number |
Current download usage
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
client_count | integer |
Current client count
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
config_rollback | boolean |
Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl.
config_rollback_date | string |
Config roll back date and time
ic2_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl
outstanding_patch_ids | array[string] |
Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches
device_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device
sp_default | boolean |
Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
tag_info | array[tag_info] |
List of Device tags information
note | string |
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
address | string |
Location address
location_timestamp | string |
Location recorded time
follow_loc_dev | integer |
Device's ID of the followed location device
follow_loc_dev_info | follow_loc_dev_info |
Followed location device information
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if the returned location is a static one
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
gps_support | boolean |
Indicates if the device support gps
gps_exist | boolean |
Indicates if the device with any gps records
support_ssid_count | number |
Supported number of SSIDs
radio_modules | array[radio_module] |
Supported radio modules
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
v6_license | string |
Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license
enabled, disabled |
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
fw_pending_trial_round | integer |
Firmware update trial count
fw_pending_max_no_of_trial | integer |
Maximum number of firmware update trial count
fw_pending_ver | string |
Version of the firmware to be updated
fw_pending_schedule_time | string |
Scheduled firmware update start time
fw_pending_upgrade_time | string |
Actual firmware update time
fw_pending_status | integer |
Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive
0, 1 |
fw_pending_group_time | string |
Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone
is_master_device | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device
fw_managmed | string |
(only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level
wifi_cfg | string |
Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device
group, device, not_managed |
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_available | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time
ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
ssid_profiles | array[ssid_profile] |
SSID profiles
ssid_profiles_applied | array[ssid_profiles_applied] |
Applied SSID profiles
hardware_version | string |
Hardware version
mvpn_version | string |
MVPN version
radio_bands | array[radio_band] |
Radio bands
loc_display | boolean |
Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude
extap_proxy_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a AP controller
extap_proxy_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller
wlan_probe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data"
wlan_probe_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl
dpi_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection
dpi_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection
low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode
ra_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ra_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ap_router_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
handshake_port | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port
refuse_legacy | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware
peer_connections | integer |
PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
is_default_password | boolean |
Indicates if default password is used in device web admin
is_apply_bulk_config | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config
is_wlan_ap_suspended | boolean |
Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended
is_ap_schedule_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled
is_ha_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if high availability enabled
is_ha_slave | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit
ha_role | string |
High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave)
ha_status | string |
High Availability Status
ha_transition_time | string |
Last Transition Date and time
periph_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if periph status is available
periph_status | periph_status |
Periph status
port_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if port status is available
port_status | port_status |
Port status
gobi_sim_lock_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support SIM lock
gobi_sim_locks | array[string] | |
poe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support poe
admin_conf | admin_conf |
Admin configuration
outbound_policy_managed | boolean | |
firewall_rules_managed | boolean | |
is_apply_import_lan | boolean | |
is_apply_csv_override | boolean | |
is_wlc_enabled | boolean | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan | integer | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns | array[string] | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type | string | |
mgnt_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_vlans | array[vlan_interface] | |
max_lacp_group_support | integer | |
max_port_per_lacp_group | integer | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
slow_response | boolean | |
slow_response_start_time | string | |
wlan_mac_list | array[wlan_mac_list] | |
slot_module_list | array[slot_module] |
List of slot module information
vlan_managed | boolean |
(device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed
icmg_mvpn | boolean | |
icmg_wan | boolean |
Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl
icmg_schedule_reboot | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot
icmg_schedule | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule
icmg_wlan | boolean |
Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl
icmg_portal | boolean |
Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl
icmg_lan | boolean |
Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl
icmg_sdswitch | boolean | |
icmg_outbound | boolean |
Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl
icmg_firewall | boolean |
Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl
icmg_admin | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the followed device
sn | string |
S/N of the followed device
name | string |
Device name of the followed device
onlineStatus | string |
Online status of the followed device
Field | Type | Description |
module_id | integer |
System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier
frequency_band | string |
Supported radio frequency bands
active_frequency_band | string |
The active frequency band
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated SSID profile identifier
ssid | string |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl
vlan_id | integer |
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the portal is external captive portal
wpa_passphrase | string |
WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users
Field | Type | Description |
radio_bands | integer |
Unique identifier of the radio band
active_band | string |
The active frequency band
txpower | number |
Output power
channel | integer |
channel_mode | string |
Channel Mode
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Field | Type | Description |
cpu_load | usage_data |
CPU load
power_state | power_state |
Power State
power_usage | usage_data |
Power Usage
fan_speed | usage_data |
Fan speed
thermal_sensor | temperature |
Thermal Sensor
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
value | number |
total | number |
voltage | number |
current | number |
percentage | number |
active | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
connect | boolean |
Indicates if the power is connected
Field | Type | Description |
temperature | number |
max | number |
threshold | number |
min | number |
Field | Type | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
managed | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is enabled
protocol | string | |
admin_auth | string | |
admin_user_auth | string | |
version | integer | |
admin_name | string |
Admin User Name
admin_password | string |
Admin password
admin_readonly_name | string |
Read-only User Name
admin_readonly_password | string |
Read-only User password
admin_radius_enable | boolean |
Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio_band | string |
Radio band
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
enabled | boolean | |
encryption | string | |
portal_id | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
slot | integer |
Module slot
hw_ver | string |
Module hardware version
sn | string |
Module S/N
model | string |
Module model
product_name | string |
Module product name
expiry_date | string |
Module expiry date and time
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String |
Get captive portal access logs by client
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String | ||
cp_id | Query | int | ||
report_type | Query | String | ||
access_mode | Query | String | ||
user_id | Query | String | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
limit |
No. of records to retrieve, default 500
Query | int | |
page |
page. no, starts with 1
Query | int |
Get captive portal user info by client
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[captive_portal_user_info]): Response data object, } captive_portal_user_info { access_mode (string): Captive portal access mode, social_network_user_id (string): User id collected in social mode, email (string): Email collected in e-mail or social mode, visit_count (number): No. of visit, first_login (string): First login date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format, last_login (string): Last login date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format, mobile_number (string): Mobile number collected in e-mail or SMS mode, first_name (string): First name collected in e-mail mode, last_name (string): Last name collected in e-mail mode, gender (string): Gender collected in e-mail mode, country (string): Country collected in e-mail mode, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "access_mode": "", "social_network_user_id": "", "email": "", "visit_count": 0.0, "first_login": "", "last_login": "", "mobile_number": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "gender": "", "country": "" } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[captive_portal_user_info] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
access_mode | string |
Captive portal access mode
social_network_user_id | string |
User id collected in social mode
string |
Email collected in e-mail or social mode
visit_count | number |
No. of visit
first_login | string |
First login date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format
last_login | string |
Last login date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format
mobile_number | string |
Mobile number collected in e-mail or SMS mode
first_name | string |
First name collected in e-mail mode
last_name | string |
Last name collected in e-mail mode
gender | string |
Gender collected in e-mail mode
country | string |
Country collected in e-mail mode
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String | ||
active | Query | Boolean |
Get a client's bandwidth usage in last 45 days
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (client_daily_usage): Response data object, } client_daily_usage { date (string): Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, vlan (number): VLAN ID (For vlan usage), rx (number): Usage received, tx (number): Usage transmitted, total (number): Total usage, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "date": "", "vlan": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "total": 0.0 } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | client_daily_usage |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
date | string |
Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD format
vlan | number |
VLAN ID (For vlan usage)
rx | number |
Usage received
tx | number |
Usage transmitted
total | number |
Total usage
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String |
Get a client's bandwidth usage in last 45 days in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
client_daily_usages_csv { "Date" (string): Date and time, "vlan" (number): VLAN ID (For vlan usage), "Download" (number): Usage received, "Upload" (number): Usage transmitted, "Total" (number): Total usage, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Date" | string |
Date and time
"vlan" | number |
VLAN ID (For vlan usage)
"Download" | number |
Usage received
"Upload" | number |
Usage transmitted
"Total" | number |
Total usage
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String |
Get a clients' vlan usage in group level in last 45 days
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (client_daily_usage): Response data object, } client_daily_usage { date (string): Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, vlan (number): VLAN ID (For vlan usage), rx (number): Usage received, tx (number): Usage transmitted, total (number): Total usage, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "date": "", "vlan": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "total": 0.0 } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | client_daily_usage |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
date | string |
Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD format
vlan | number |
VLAN ID (For vlan usage)
rx | number |
Usage received
tx | number |
Usage transmitted
total | number |
Total usage
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String | ||
vlan_id | Query | Integer |
Get a clients' vlan usage in group level in last 45 days in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
client_daily_usages_csv { "Date" (string): Date and time, "vlan" (number): VLAN ID (For vlan usage), "Download" (number): Usage received, "Upload" (number): Usage transmitted, "Total" (number): Total usage, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Date" | string |
Date and time
"vlan" | number |
VLAN ID (For vlan usage)
"Download" | number |
Usage received
"Upload" | number |
Usage transmitted
"Total" | number |
Total usage
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String | ||
vlan_id | Query | Integer |
Get a client's hourly bandwidth usage
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (client_hourly_usage): Response data object, } client_hourly_usage { date (string): Report date and time, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format, vlan (number): VLAN ID (For vlan usage), rx (number): Usage received, tx (number): Usage transmitted, total (number): Total usage, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "date": "", "vlan": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "total": 0.0 } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | client_hourly_usage |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
date | string |
Report date and time, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format
vlan | number |
VLAN ID (For vlan usage)
rx | number |
Usage received
tx | number |
Usage transmitted
total | number |
Total usage
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String | ||
start |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Get a client's hourly bandwidth usage in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
client_hourly_usage_csv { "Date" (string): Report date and time, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format, "vlan" (number): VLAN ID (For vlan usage), "Download" (number): Usage received, "Upload" (number): Usage transmitted, "Total" (number): Total usage, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Date" | string |
Report date and time, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format
"vlan" | number |
VLAN ID (For vlan usage)
"Download" | number |
Usage received
"Upload" | number |
Usage transmitted
"Total" | number |
Total usage
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String | ||
start |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Get a clients' hourly vlan usage in group level
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (client_daily_usage): Response data object, } client_daily_usage { date (string): Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, vlan (number): VLAN ID (For vlan usage), rx (number): Usage received, tx (number): Usage transmitted, total (number): Total usage, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "date": "", "vlan": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "total": 0.0 } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | client_daily_usage |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
date | string |
Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD format
vlan | number |
VLAN ID (For vlan usage)
rx | number |
Usage received
tx | number |
Usage transmitted
total | number |
Total usage
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String | ||
vlan_id | Query | Integer | ||
start |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Get a clients' hourly vlan usage in group level in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
client_daily_usages_csv { "Date" (string): Date and time, "vlan" (number): VLAN ID (For vlan usage), "Download" (number): Usage received, "Upload" (number): Usage transmitted, "Total" (number): Total usage, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Date" | string |
Date and time
"vlan" | number |
VLAN ID (For vlan usage)
"Download" | number |
Usage received
"Upload" | number |
Usage transmitted
"Total" | number |
Total usage
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String | ||
vlan_id | Query | Integer | ||
start |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Get group level client usage summary
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (client_usage_summary): Response data object, } client_usage_summary { clients_with_usage (integer): Sum of daily clients count with usage for the period, client_data_usage (number): All clients data usages for the period in MB, total_client_count (integer): Total client count for the period, daily_clients_with_usage (integer): Average daily clients count with usage for the period, daily_per_client_data_usage (number): Daily per client usage for the period in MB, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "clients_with_usage": 0, "client_data_usage": 0.0, "total_client_count": 0, "daily_clients_with_usage": 0, "daily_per_client_data_usage": 0.0 } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | client_usage_summary |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
clients_with_usage | integer |
Sum of daily clients count with usage for the period
client_data_usage | number |
All clients data usages for the period in MB
total_client_count | integer |
Total client count for the period
daily_clients_with_usage | integer |
Average daily clients count with usage for the period
daily_per_client_data_usage | number |
Daily per client usage for the period in MB
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
id | Path | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Get failed test device list report
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
profile_id | Path | int | ||
test_type |
Path | String | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
daily,weekly,monthly |
Query | String |
Get connection test results summary report
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
daily,weekly,monthly |
Query | String |
Get connection test details report
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
profile_id | Path | int | ||
test_type |
Path | String | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
daily,weekly,monthly |
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
summary | Query | boolean | ||
extra_fields | Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
cp_id | Query | Integer | ||
include_social | Query | Boolean |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
cp_id | Path | Integer |
Get captive portal user info
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
cp_id | Path | int | ||
token | Query | String | ||
username | Query | String | ||
batch_id | Query | String |
Get captive portal usage portal list
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start_date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end_date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[captive_portal_access_log]): Response data object, } captive_portal_access_log { access_mode (string): access type, average_session_time (integer): average access time per session in seconds, date (string): log date, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format, landing (integer): landing page access count, login (integer): login page access count, login_fail (integer): failed login count, logout (integer): logout page access count, no_of_clients (integer): client count (unique mac address), session_count (integer): total no. of sessions, ssid (string): connected SSID, total_bandwidth (integer): total bandwidth consumed in KB, total_session (integer): total session time consumed in seconds, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "access_mode": "", "average_session_time": 0, "date": "", "landing": 0, "login": 0, "login_fail": 0, "logout": 0, "no_of_clients": 0, "session_count": 0, "ssid": "", "total_bandwidth": 0, "total_session": 0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[captive_portal_access_log] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
access_mode | string |
access type
average_session_time | integer |
average access time per session in seconds
date | string |
log date, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format
landing | integer |
landing page access count
login | integer |
login page access count
login_fail | integer |
failed login count
logout | integer |
logout page access count
no_of_clients | integer |
client count (unique mac address)
session_count | integer |
total no. of sessions
ssid | string |
connected SSID
total_bandwidth | integer |
total bandwidth consumed in KB
total_session | integer |
total session time consumed in seconds
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start_date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end_date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
cp_id | Query | int |
Get captive portal usage reports in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start_date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end_date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
cp_id | Query | int | ||
portal_name | Query | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (custom_mtn_request): Request data object, } custom_mtn_request { imsi (string): IMSI, custom_mtn (string): Custom MTN, remark (string): Remark, } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | custom_mtn_request |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
custom_mtn | string |
Custom MTN
remark | string |
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (custom_mtn_request): Request data object, } custom_mtn_request { imsi (string): IMSI, custom_mtn (string): Custom MTN, remark (string): Remark, } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | custom_mtn_request |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
custom_mtn | string |
Custom MTN
remark | string |
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String | ||
field | Path | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[device_list_obj]): Response data object, } device_list_obj { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, usage (number): Current bandwidth usage, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, client_count (integer): Current client count, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, config_rollback (boolean): Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl., config_rollback_date (string): Config roll back date and time, ic2_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl, outstanding_patch_ids (array[string]): Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches, device_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device, sp_default (boolean): Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, note (string): Note, address (string): Location address, follow_loc_dev (integer): Device's ID of the followed location device, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, gps_support (boolean): Indicates if the device support gps, gps_exist (boolean): Indicates if the device with any gps records, support_ssid_count (number): Supported number of SSIDs, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, fw_pending_trial_round (integer): Firmware update trial count, fw_pending_max_no_of_trial (integer): Maximum number of firmware update trial count, fw_pending_ver (string): Version of the firmware to be updated, fw_pending_schedule_time (string): Scheduled firmware update start time, fw_pending_upgrade_time (string): Actual firmware update time, fw_pending_status (integer): Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive, fw_pending_group_time (string): Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone, is_master_device (boolean): Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device, fw_managmed (string): (only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level, wifi_cfg (string): Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time, ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time, ddns_name (string): "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_available (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available, ddns_resolve_private_ip (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service - Resolve Private IP address" enabled, onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, interfaces (array[interface|interface_polling_obj]): Device interfaces information, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, ssid_profiles_applied (array[ssid_profiles_applied]): Applied SSID profiles, hardware_version (string): Hardware version, mvpn_version (string): MVPN version, radio_bands (array[radio_band]): Radio bands, loc_display (boolean): Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude, extap_proxy_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device is a AP controller, extap_proxy_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller, wlan_probe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data", wlan_probe_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl, dpi_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection, dpi_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection, low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode, ra_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance, watchdog_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog, ra_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support remote assistance, watchdog_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog, ap_router_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, route_isolation (boolean): PepVPN Route Isolation, hub_support (boolean): , dr_support (boolean): , endpoint_support (boolean): , handshake_port (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion Configuration) Handshake port, refuse_legacy (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion Configuration) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware, peer_connections (integer): PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, is_default_password (boolean): Indicates if default password is used in device web admin,, is_wlan_ap_suspended (boolean): Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended, is_ap_schedule_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled, is_ha_enabled (boolean): Indicates if high availability enabled, is_ha_slave (boolean): Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit, ha_role (string): High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave), ha_status (string): High Availability Status, ha_transition_time (string): Last Transition Date and time, periph_status_available (boolean): Indicates if periph status is available, periph_status (periph_status): Periph status, gobi_sim_lock_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support SIM lock, gobi_sim_locks (array[string]): , poe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support poe, } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } interface_polling_obj { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, name (string): Interface name, msg (string): "Polling from device" indicates the interface data is not ready yet., } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_profiles_applied { id (integer): System generated SSID profile identifier, ssid (string): SSID, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the portal is external captive portal, wpa_passphrase (string): WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users, } radio_band { radio_bands (integer): Unique identifier of the radio band, active_band (string): The active frequency band, txpower (number): Output power, channel (integer): Channel, channel_mode (string): Channel Mode, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, } periph_status { cpu_load (usage_data): CPU load, power_state (power_state): Power State, power_usage (usage_data): Power Usage, fan_speed (usage_data): Fan speed, thermal_sensor (temperature): Thermal Sensor, } usage_data { name (string): Name, value (number): Value, total (number): Total, voltage (number): Voltage, current (number): Current, percentage (number): Percentage, active (boolean): Active, } power_state { name (string): Name, connect (boolean): Indicates if the power is connected, } temperature { temperature (number): Temperature, max (number): Maximum, threshold (number): Threshold, min (number): Minimum, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "usage": 0.0, "product_id": 0, "client_count": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "config_rollback": true, "config_rollback_date": "", "ic2_config_apply_locked": true, "outstanding_patch_ids": [ "" ], "device_config_apply_locked": true, "sp_default": true, "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "note": "", "address": "", "follow_loc_dev": 0, "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "gps_support": true, "gps_exist": true, "support_ssid_count": 0.0, "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "fw_pending_trial_round": 0, "fw_pending_max_no_of_trial": 0, "fw_pending_ver": "", "fw_pending_schedule_time": "", "fw_pending_upgrade_time": "", "fw_pending_status": 0, "fw_pending_group_time": "", "is_master_device": true, "fw_managmed": "", "wifi_cfg": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date": "", "ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_available": true, "ddns_resolve_private_ip": true, "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "interfaces": { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" }, "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "ssid_profiles_applied": [ { "id": 0, "ssid": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "portal_id": 0, "enabled": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "wpa_passphrase": "" } ], "hardware_version": "", "mvpn_version": "", "radio_bands": [ { "radio_bands": 0, "active_band": "", "txpower": 0.0, "channel": 0, "channel_mode": "" } ], "loc_display": true, "extap_proxy_supported": true, "extap_proxy_enabled": true, "wlan_probe_supported": true, "wlan_probe_enabled": true, "dpi_supported": true, "dpi_enabled": true, "low_data_usage_mode": true, "ra_enabled": true, "watchdog_enabled": true, "ra_supported": true, "watchdog_supported": true, "ap_router_mode": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "site_id": "", "route_isolation": true, "hub_support": true, "dr_support": true, "endpoint_support": true, "handshake_port": true, "refuse_legacy": true, "peer_connections": 0, "pepvpn_peers": 0, "is_default_password": true, "is_wlan_ap_suspended": true, "is_ap_schedule_enabled": true, "is_ha_enabled": true, "is_ha_slave": true, "ha_role": "", "ha_status": "", "ha_transition_time": "", "periph_status_available": true, "periph_status": { "cpu_load": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "power_state": { "name": "", "connect": true }, "power_usage": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "fan_speed": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "thermal_sensor": { "temperature": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "threshold": 0.0, "min": 0.0 } }, "gobi_sim_lock_supported": true, "gobi_sim_locks": [ "" ], "poe_supported": true } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[device_list_obj] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
usage | number |
Current bandwidth usage
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
client_count | integer |
Current client count
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
config_rollback | boolean |
Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl.
config_rollback_date | string |
Config roll back date and time
ic2_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl
outstanding_patch_ids | array[string] |
Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches
device_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device
sp_default | boolean |
Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
note | string |
address | string |
Location address
follow_loc_dev | integer |
Device's ID of the followed location device
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
gps_support | boolean |
Indicates if the device support gps
gps_exist | boolean |
Indicates if the device with any gps records
support_ssid_count | number |
Supported number of SSIDs
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
fw_pending_trial_round | integer |
Firmware update trial count
fw_pending_max_no_of_trial | integer |
Maximum number of firmware update trial count
fw_pending_ver | string |
Version of the firmware to be updated
fw_pending_schedule_time | string |
Scheduled firmware update start time
fw_pending_upgrade_time | string |
Actual firmware update time
fw_pending_status | integer |
Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive
0, 1 |
fw_pending_group_time | string |
Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone
is_master_device | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device
fw_managmed | string |
(only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level
wifi_cfg | string |
Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device
group, device, not_managed |
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time
ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time
ddns_name | string |
"Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_available | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available
ddns_resolve_private_ip | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service - Resolve Private IP address" enabled
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
interfaces | array[interface|interface_polling_obj] |
Device interfaces information
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
ssid_profiles_applied | array[ssid_profiles_applied] |
Applied SSID profiles
hardware_version | string |
Hardware version
mvpn_version | string |
MVPN version
radio_bands | array[radio_band] |
Radio bands
loc_display | boolean |
Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude
extap_proxy_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a AP controller
extap_proxy_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller
wlan_probe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data"
wlan_probe_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl
dpi_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection
dpi_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection
low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode
ra_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ra_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ap_router_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
route_isolation | boolean |
PepVPN Route Isolation
hub_support | boolean | |
dr_support | boolean | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
handshake_port | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion Configuration) Handshake port
refuse_legacy | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion Configuration) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware
peer_connections | integer |
PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
is_default_password | boolean |
Indicates if default password is used in device web admin,
is_wlan_ap_suspended | boolean |
Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended
is_ap_schedule_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled
is_ha_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if high availability enabled
is_ha_slave | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit
ha_role | string |
High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave)
ha_status | string |
High Availability Status
ha_transition_time | string |
Last Transition Date and time
periph_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if periph status is available
periph_status | periph_status |
Periph status
gobi_sim_lock_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support SIM lock
gobi_sim_locks | array[string] | |
poe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support poe
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
name | string |
Interface name
msg | string |
"Polling from device" indicates the interface data is not ready yet.
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated SSID profile identifier
ssid | string |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl
vlan_id | integer |
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the portal is external captive portal
wpa_passphrase | string |
WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users
Field | Type | Description |
radio_bands | integer |
Unique identifier of the radio band
active_band | string |
The active frequency band
txpower | number |
Output power
channel | integer |
channel_mode | string |
Channel Mode
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Field | Type | Description |
cpu_load | usage_data |
CPU load
power_state | power_state |
Power State
power_usage | usage_data |
Power Usage
fan_speed | usage_data |
Fan speed
thermal_sensor | temperature |
Thermal Sensor
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
value | number |
total | number |
voltage | number |
current | number |
percentage | number |
active | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
connect | boolean |
Indicates if the power is connected
Field | Type | Description |
temperature | number |
max | number |
threshold | number |
min | number |
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_ids | Query | List | ||
device_count | Query | int | ||
has_status | Query | boolean | ||
fetch_hwmon | Query | boolean | ||
with_pepvpn_peer_info | Query | boolean |
Get a group's device list with most basic information only (for shorter load time with large device list)
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[device_list_basic_obj]): Response data object, } device_list_basic_obj { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, note (string): Note, address (string): Location address, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, route_isolation (boolean): PepVPN Route Isolation, hub_support (boolean): , dr_support (boolean): , endpoint_support (boolean): , mvpn_license (integer): , } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "product_id": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "note": "", "address": "", "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "site_id": "", "pepvpn_peers": 0, "route_isolation": true, "hub_support": true, "dr_support": true, "endpoint_support": true, "mvpn_license": 0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[device_list_basic_obj] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
note | string |
address | string |
Location address
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
route_isolation | boolean |
PepVPN Route Isolation
hub_support | boolean | |
dr_support | boolean | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
mvpn_license | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
with_interfaces | Query | boolean | ||
with_device_tags | Query | boolean | ||
is_device_only | Query | boolean |
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
include_details | Query | boolean | ||
columns | Query | List |
Get an organization's devices list in CSV Format by email
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
include_details | Query | boolean | ||
columns | Query | List |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (array[update_devices_note_request]): Request data object, } update_devices_note_request { id (integer): Device identifier, note (string): Note, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | array[update_devices_note_request] |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Device identifier
note | string |
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (device): Response data object, } device { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, usage (number): Current bandwidth usage, tx (number): Current upload usage, rx (number): Current download usage, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, client_count (integer): Current client count, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, config_rollback (boolean): Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl., config_rollback_date (string): Config roll back date and time, ic2_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl, outstanding_patch_ids (array[string]): Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches, device_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device, sp_default (boolean): Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, tag_info (array[tag_info]): List of Device tags information, note (string): Note, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, address (string): Location address, location_timestamp (string): Location recorded time, follow_loc_dev (integer): Device's ID of the followed location device, follow_loc_dev_info (follow_loc_dev_info): Followed location device information, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if the returned location is a static one, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, gps_support (boolean): Indicates if the device support gps, gps_exist (boolean): Indicates if the device with any gps records, support_ssid_count (number): Supported number of SSIDs, radio_modules (array[radio_module]): Supported radio modules, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, v6_license (string): Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, fw_pending_trial_round (integer): Firmware update trial count, fw_pending_max_no_of_trial (integer): Maximum number of firmware update trial count, fw_pending_ver (string): Version of the firmware to be updated, fw_pending_schedule_time (string): Scheduled firmware update start time, fw_pending_upgrade_time (string): Actual firmware update time, fw_pending_status (integer): Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive, fw_pending_group_time (string): Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone, is_master_device (boolean): Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device, fw_managmed (string): (only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level, wifi_cfg (string): Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_available (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time, ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time, onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, ssid_profiles (array[ssid_profile]): SSID profiles, ssid_profiles_applied (array[ssid_profiles_applied]): Applied SSID profiles, hardware_version (string): Hardware version, mvpn_version (string): MVPN version, radio_bands (array[radio_band]): Radio bands, loc_display (boolean): Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude, extap_proxy_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device is a AP controller, extap_proxy_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller, wlan_probe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data", wlan_probe_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl, dpi_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection, dpi_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection, low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode, ra_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance, watchdog_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog, ra_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support remote assistance, watchdog_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog, ap_router_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, handshake_port (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port, refuse_legacy (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware, peer_connections (integer): PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, is_default_password (boolean): Indicates if default password is used in device web admin, is_apply_bulk_config (boolean): Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config, is_wlan_ap_suspended (boolean): Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended, is_ap_schedule_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled, is_ha_enabled (boolean): Indicates if high availability enabled, is_ha_slave (boolean): Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit, ha_role (string): High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave), ha_status (string): High Availability Status, ha_transition_time (string): Last Transition Date and time, periph_status_available (boolean): Indicates if periph status is available, periph_status (periph_status): Periph status, port_status_available (boolean): Indicates if port status is available, port_status (port_status): Port status, gobi_sim_lock_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support SIM lock, gobi_sim_locks (array[string]): , poe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support poe, admin_conf (admin_conf): Admin configuration, outbound_policy_managed (boolean): , firewall_rules_managed (boolean): , is_apply_import_lan (boolean): , is_apply_csv_override (boolean): , is_wlc_enabled (boolean): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan (integer): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns (array[string]): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type (string): , mgnt_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_vlans (array[vlan_interface]): , max_lacp_group_support (integer): , max_port_per_lacp_group (integer): , endpoint_support (boolean): , slow_response (boolean): , slow_response_start_time (string): , wlan_mac_list (array[wlan_mac_list]): , slot_module_list (array[slot_module]): List of slot module information, vlan_managed (boolean): (device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed, icmg_mvpn (boolean): , icmg_wan (boolean): Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl, icmg_schedule_reboot (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot, icmg_schedule (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule, icmg_wlan (boolean): Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl, icmg_portal (boolean): Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl, icmg_lan (boolean): Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl, icmg_sdswitch (boolean): , icmg_outbound (boolean): Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl, icmg_firewall (boolean): Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl, icmg_admin (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } follow_loc_dev_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the followed device, sn (string): S/N of the followed device, name (string): Device name of the followed device, onlineStatus (string): Online status of the followed device, } radio_module { module_id (integer): System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier, frequency_band (string): Supported radio frequency bands, active_frequency_band (string): The active frequency band, } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, } ssid_profiles_applied { id (integer): System generated SSID profile identifier, ssid (string): SSID, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the portal is external captive portal, wpa_passphrase (string): WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users, } radio_band { radio_bands (integer): Unique identifier of the radio band, active_band (string): The active frequency band, txpower (number): Output power, channel (integer): Channel, channel_mode (string): Channel Mode, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, } periph_status { cpu_load (usage_data): CPU load, power_state (power_state): Power State, power_usage (usage_data): Power Usage, fan_speed (usage_data): Fan speed, thermal_sensor (temperature): Thermal Sensor, } usage_data { name (string): Name, value (number): Value, total (number): Total, voltage (number): Voltage, current (number): Current, percentage (number): Percentage, active (boolean): Active, } power_state { name (string): Name, connect (boolean): Indicates if the power is connected, } temperature { temperature (number): Temperature, max (number): Maximum, threshold (number): Threshold, min (number): Minimum, } port_status { } admin_conf { managed (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is enabled, protocol (string): , admin_auth (string): , admin_user_auth (string): , version (integer): , admin_name (string): Admin User Name, admin_password (string): Admin password, admin_readonly_name (string): Read-only User Name, admin_readonly_password (string): Read-only User password, admin_radius_enable (boolean): Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled, } wlan_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio_band (string): Radio band, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, enabled (boolean): , encryption (string): , portal_id (integer): , } slot_module { slot (integer): Module slot, hw_ver (string): Module hardware version, sn (string): Module S/N, model (string): Module model, product_name (string): Module product name, expiry_date (string): Module expiry date and time, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "usage": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "product_id": 0, "client_count": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "config_rollback": true, "config_rollback_date": "", "ic2_config_apply_locked": true, "outstanding_patch_ids": [ "" ], "device_config_apply_locked": true, "sp_default": true, "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "tag_info": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "note": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "address": "", "location_timestamp": "", "follow_loc_dev": 0, "follow_loc_dev_info": { "id": 0, "sn": "", "name": "", "onlineStatus": "" }, "isStatic": true, "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "gps_support": true, "gps_exist": true, "support_ssid_count": 0.0, "radio_modules": [ { "module_id": 0, "frequency_band": "", "active_frequency_band": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "v6_license": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "fw_pending_trial_round": 0, "fw_pending_max_no_of_trial": 0, "fw_pending_ver": "", "fw_pending_schedule_time": "", "fw_pending_upgrade_time": "", "fw_pending_status": 0, "fw_pending_group_time": "", "is_master_device": true, "fw_managmed": "", "wifi_cfg": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_available": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date": "", "ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date": "", "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "ssid_profiles": [ { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } ], "ssid_profiles_applied": [ { "id": 0, "ssid": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "portal_id": 0, "enabled": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "wpa_passphrase": "" } ], "hardware_version": "", "mvpn_version": "", "radio_bands": [ { "radio_bands": 0, "active_band": "", "txpower": 0.0, "channel": 0, "channel_mode": "" } ], "loc_display": true, "extap_proxy_supported": true, "extap_proxy_enabled": true, "wlan_probe_supported": true, "wlan_probe_enabled": true, "dpi_supported": true, "dpi_enabled": true, "low_data_usage_mode": true, "ra_enabled": true, "watchdog_enabled": true, "ra_supported": true, "watchdog_supported": true, "ap_router_mode": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "site_id": "", "handshake_port": true, "refuse_legacy": true, "peer_connections": 0, "pepvpn_peers": 0, "is_default_password": true, "is_apply_bulk_config": true, "is_wlan_ap_suspended": true, "is_ap_schedule_enabled": true, "is_ha_enabled": true, "is_ha_slave": true, "ha_role": "", "ha_status": "", "ha_transition_time": "", "periph_status_available": true, "periph_status": { "cpu_load": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "power_state": { "name": "", "connect": true }, "power_usage": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "fan_speed": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "thermal_sensor": { "temperature": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "threshold": 0.0, "min": 0.0 } }, "port_status_available": true, "port_status": {}, "gobi_sim_lock_supported": true, "gobi_sim_locks": [ "" ], "poe_supported": true, "admin_conf": { "managed": true, "protocol": "", "admin_auth": "", "admin_user_auth": "", "version": 0, "admin_name": "", "admin_password": "", "admin_readonly_name": "", "admin_readonly_password": "", "admin_radius_enable": true }, "outbound_policy_managed": true, "firewall_rules_managed": true, "is_apply_import_lan": true, "is_apply_csv_override": true, "is_wlc_enabled": true, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan": 0, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns": [ "" ], "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type": "", "mgnt_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_vlans": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "max_lacp_group_support": 0, "max_port_per_lacp_group": 0, "endpoint_support": true, "slow_response": true, "slow_response_start_time": "", "wlan_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio_band": "", "radio": "", "security": "", "enabled": true, "encryption": "", "portal_id": 0 } ], "slot_module_list": [ { "slot": 0, "hw_ver": "", "sn": "", "model": "", "product_name": "", "expiry_date": "" } ], "vlan_managed": true, "icmg_mvpn": true, "icmg_wan": true, "icmg_schedule_reboot": true, "icmg_schedule": true, "icmg_wlan": true, "icmg_portal": true, "icmg_lan": true, "icmg_sdswitch": true, "icmg_outbound": true, "icmg_firewall": true, "icmg_admin": true } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | device |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
usage | number |
Current bandwidth usage
tx | number |
Current upload usage
rx | number |
Current download usage
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
client_count | integer |
Current client count
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
config_rollback | boolean |
Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl.
config_rollback_date | string |
Config roll back date and time
ic2_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl
outstanding_patch_ids | array[string] |
Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches
device_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device
sp_default | boolean |
Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
tag_info | array[tag_info] |
List of Device tags information
note | string |
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
address | string |
Location address
location_timestamp | string |
Location recorded time
follow_loc_dev | integer |
Device's ID of the followed location device
follow_loc_dev_info | follow_loc_dev_info |
Followed location device information
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if the returned location is a static one
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
gps_support | boolean |
Indicates if the device support gps
gps_exist | boolean |
Indicates if the device with any gps records
support_ssid_count | number |
Supported number of SSIDs
radio_modules | array[radio_module] |
Supported radio modules
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
v6_license | string |
Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license
enabled, disabled |
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
fw_pending_trial_round | integer |
Firmware update trial count
fw_pending_max_no_of_trial | integer |
Maximum number of firmware update trial count
fw_pending_ver | string |
Version of the firmware to be updated
fw_pending_schedule_time | string |
Scheduled firmware update start time
fw_pending_upgrade_time | string |
Actual firmware update time
fw_pending_status | integer |
Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive
0, 1 |
fw_pending_group_time | string |
Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone
is_master_device | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device
fw_managmed | string |
(only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level
wifi_cfg | string |
Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device
group, device, not_managed |
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_available | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time
ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
ssid_profiles | array[ssid_profile] |
SSID profiles
ssid_profiles_applied | array[ssid_profiles_applied] |
Applied SSID profiles
hardware_version | string |
Hardware version
mvpn_version | string |
MVPN version
radio_bands | array[radio_band] |
Radio bands
loc_display | boolean |
Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude
extap_proxy_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a AP controller
extap_proxy_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller
wlan_probe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data"
wlan_probe_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl
dpi_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection
dpi_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection
low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode
ra_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ra_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ap_router_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
handshake_port | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port
refuse_legacy | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware
peer_connections | integer |
PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
is_default_password | boolean |
Indicates if default password is used in device web admin
is_apply_bulk_config | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config
is_wlan_ap_suspended | boolean |
Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended
is_ap_schedule_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled
is_ha_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if high availability enabled
is_ha_slave | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit
ha_role | string |
High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave)
ha_status | string |
High Availability Status
ha_transition_time | string |
Last Transition Date and time
periph_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if periph status is available
periph_status | periph_status |
Periph status
port_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if port status is available
port_status | port_status |
Port status
gobi_sim_lock_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support SIM lock
gobi_sim_locks | array[string] | |
poe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support poe
admin_conf | admin_conf |
Admin configuration
outbound_policy_managed | boolean | |
firewall_rules_managed | boolean | |
is_apply_import_lan | boolean | |
is_apply_csv_override | boolean | |
is_wlc_enabled | boolean | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan | integer | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns | array[string] | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type | string | |
mgnt_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_vlans | array[vlan_interface] | |
max_lacp_group_support | integer | |
max_port_per_lacp_group | integer | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
slow_response | boolean | |
slow_response_start_time | string | |
wlan_mac_list | array[wlan_mac_list] | |
slot_module_list | array[slot_module] |
List of slot module information
vlan_managed | boolean |
(device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed
icmg_mvpn | boolean | |
icmg_wan | boolean |
Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl
icmg_schedule_reboot | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot
icmg_schedule | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule
icmg_wlan | boolean |
Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl
icmg_portal | boolean |
Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl
icmg_lan | boolean |
Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl
icmg_sdswitch | boolean | |
icmg_outbound | boolean |
Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl
icmg_firewall | boolean |
Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl
icmg_admin | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the followed device
sn | string |
S/N of the followed device
name | string |
Device name of the followed device
onlineStatus | string |
Online status of the followed device
Field | Type | Description |
module_id | integer |
System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier
frequency_band | string |
Supported radio frequency bands
active_frequency_band | string |
The active frequency band
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated SSID profile identifier
ssid | string |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl
vlan_id | integer |
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the portal is external captive portal
wpa_passphrase | string |
WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users
Field | Type | Description |
radio_bands | integer |
Unique identifier of the radio band
active_band | string |
The active frequency band
txpower | number |
Output power
channel | integer |
channel_mode | string |
Channel Mode
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Field | Type | Description |
cpu_load | usage_data |
CPU load
power_state | power_state |
Power State
power_usage | usage_data |
Power Usage
fan_speed | usage_data |
Fan speed
thermal_sensor | temperature |
Thermal Sensor
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
value | number |
total | number |
voltage | number |
current | number |
percentage | number |
active | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
connect | boolean |
Indicates if the power is connected
Field | Type | Description |
temperature | number |
max | number |
threshold | number |
min | number |
Field | Type | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
managed | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is enabled
protocol | string | |
admin_auth | string | |
admin_user_auth | string | |
version | integer | |
admin_name | string |
Admin User Name
admin_password | string |
Admin password
admin_readonly_name | string |
Read-only User Name
admin_readonly_password | string |
Read-only User password
admin_radius_enable | boolean |
Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio_band | string |
Radio band
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
enabled | boolean | |
encryption | string | |
portal_id | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
slot | integer |
Module slot
hw_ver | string |
Module hardware version
sn | string |
Module S/N
model | string |
Module model
product_name | string |
Module product name
expiry_date | string |
Module expiry date and time
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Get an AirProbe's AirMonitor data by date and time
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
datetime |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
duration |
0 - 60
Query | int | |
band |
2400,5000 |
Query | String |
Get an AirProbe's AirMonitor Channel Util data by date and time
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
duration |
0 - 60
Query | int | |
band |
2400,5000 |
Query | String |
Get dates on which an AirProbe is with AirMonitor data
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (device_air_monitor_dates): Response data object, } device_air_monitor_dates { data (array[device_air_monitor_date]): , } device_air_monitor_date { date (string): Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, hours (array[integer]): List of available hours, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "data": [ { "date": "", "hours": [ 0 ] } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | device_air_monitor_dates |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
data | array[device_air_monitor_date] |
Field | Type | Description |
date | string |
Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD format
hours | array[integer] |
List of available hours
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Get performance test data
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
profile_id | Query | Integer | ||
profile_name | Query | String | ||
type |
iperf,nslookup,nuttcp,ping,speedtest,wget,traceroute,portscan,all |
Query | String | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Get performance test list
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String |
Get a device's availability report
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[device_availability_report]): Response data object, } device_availability_report { group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, unixtime (integer): Report date in unixtime, group_time (string): Report date in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format, online_min (integer): Total online time in the report date in minutes, uptime_min (integer): Total uptime in the report date in minutes, internet_availability (number): Internet availability = "Total amount of InControl online time of the device in the day" / "Total uptime of the device in the day", device_availability (number): Device availability = "Total uptime of the device in the day" / "Total amount of time of the day", }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "unixtime": 0, "group_time": "", "online_min": 0, "uptime_min": 0, "internet_availability": 0.0, "device_availability": 0.0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[device_availability_report] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
unixtime | integer |
Report date in unixtime
group_time | string |
Report date in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format
online_min | integer |
Total online time in the report date in minutes
uptime_min | integer |
Total uptime in the report date in minutes
internet_availability | number |
Internet availability = "Total amount of InControl online time of the device in the day" / "Total uptime of the device in the day"
device_availability | number |
Device availability = "Total uptime of the device in the day" / "Total amount of time of the day"
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Get a device's availability report in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[device_availability_report]): Response data object, } device_availability_report { group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, unixtime (integer): Report date in unixtime, group_time (string): Report date in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format, online_min (integer): Total online time in the report date in minutes, uptime_min (integer): Total uptime in the report date in minutes, internet_availability (number): Internet availability = "Total amount of InControl online time of the device in the day" / "Total uptime of the device in the day", device_availability (number): Device availability = "Total uptime of the device in the day" / "Total amount of time of the day", }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "unixtime": 0, "group_time": "", "online_min": 0, "uptime_min": 0, "internet_availability": 0.0, "device_availability": 0.0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[device_availability_report] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
unixtime | integer |
Report date in unixtime
group_time | string |
Report date in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format
online_min | integer |
Total online time in the report date in minutes
uptime_min | integer |
Total uptime in the report date in minutes
internet_availability | number |
Internet availability = "Total amount of InControl online time of the device in the day" / "Total uptime of the device in the day"
device_availability | number |
Device availability = "Total uptime of the device in the day" / "Total amount of time of the day"
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Get a device's life-time, real-time, hourly, daily, monthly and per-minute reporting data
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (bandwidth_report): Response data object, } bandwidth_report { type (string): Report type, group_id (integer): Group identifier, device_id (integer): Device identifier, wans (array[bandwidth_wan]): , Usages (array[bandwidth_usage]): , sn (string): Device's serial number, } bandwidth_wan { id (integer): WAN identifier, name (string): WAN name, } bandwidth_usage { from_date (string): Usage start date, to_date (string): Usage end date, up (number): Upload value (MB for hourly, daily, monthly, kbps for per-minute), down (number): Download value (MB for hourly, daily, monthly, kbps for per-minute), }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "type": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "wans": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "Usages": [ { "from_date": "", "to_date": "", "up": 0.0, "down": 0.0 } ], "sn": "" } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | bandwidth_report |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Report type
group_id | integer |
Group identifier
device_id | integer |
Device identifier
wans | array[bandwidth_wan] | |
Usages | array[bandwidth_usage] | |
sn | string |
Device's serial number
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
WAN identifier
name | string |
WAN name
Field | Type | Description |
from_date | string |
Usage start date
to_date | string |
Usage end date
up | number |
Upload value (MB for hourly, daily, monthly, kbps for per-minute)
down | number |
Download value (MB for hourly, daily, monthly, kbps for per-minute)
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
type |
lifetime,realtime,hourly,daily,monthly,minutely |
Query | String | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
wan_id | Query | int | ||
include_details | Query | boolean |
Get a device's bandwidth usage in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
bandwidth_usage { from_date (string): Usage start date, to_date (string): Usage end date, up (number): Upload value (MB for hourly, daily, monthly, kbps for per-minute), down (number): Download value (MB for hourly, daily, monthly, kbps for per-minute), }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
from_date | string |
Usage start date
to_date | string |
Usage end date
up | number |
Upload value (MB for hourly, daily, monthly, kbps for per-minute)
down | number |
Download value (MB for hourly, daily, monthly, kbps for per-minute)
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
type |
hourly,daily,monthly,minutely |
Query | String | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
wan_id | Query | int |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[client]): Response data object, } client { client_id (string): Unique identifier of the client, mac (string): MAC address, device (device): The device the client currently attached to, duration (integer): Wi-Fi connection duration in seconds, connection_type (string): Connected via Wi-Fi or Ethernet, status (string): Online status, ssid (string): SSID the client connected to, channel (integer): Wi-Fi channel of the client connection, ip (string): IP address, channel_width (number): Wi-Fi channel width, radio_mode (string): Wi-Fi radio mode, signal (number): Signal strength, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, radius (number): The distance from the longitude and latitude the client could locate, last_seen (string): Last seen date and time of the client, } device { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, usage (number): Current bandwidth usage, tx (number): Current upload usage, rx (number): Current download usage, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, client_count (integer): Current client count, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, config_rollback (boolean): Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl., config_rollback_date (string): Config roll back date and time, ic2_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl, outstanding_patch_ids (array[string]): Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches, device_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device, sp_default (boolean): Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, tag_info (array[tag_info]): List of Device tags information, note (string): Note, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, address (string): Location address, location_timestamp (string): Location recorded time, follow_loc_dev (integer): Device's ID of the followed location device, follow_loc_dev_info (follow_loc_dev_info): Followed location device information, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if the returned location is a static one, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, gps_support (boolean): Indicates if the device support gps, gps_exist (boolean): Indicates if the device with any gps records, support_ssid_count (number): Supported number of SSIDs, radio_modules (array[radio_module]): Supported radio modules, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, v6_license (string): Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, fw_pending_trial_round (integer): Firmware update trial count, fw_pending_max_no_of_trial (integer): Maximum number of firmware update trial count, fw_pending_ver (string): Version of the firmware to be updated, fw_pending_schedule_time (string): Scheduled firmware update start time, fw_pending_upgrade_time (string): Actual firmware update time, fw_pending_status (integer): Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive, fw_pending_group_time (string): Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone, is_master_device (boolean): Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device, fw_managmed (string): (only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level, wifi_cfg (string): Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_available (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time, ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time, onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, ssid_profiles (array[ssid_profile]): SSID profiles, ssid_profiles_applied (array[ssid_profiles_applied]): Applied SSID profiles, hardware_version (string): Hardware version, mvpn_version (string): MVPN version, radio_bands (array[radio_band]): Radio bands, loc_display (boolean): Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude, extap_proxy_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device is a AP controller, extap_proxy_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller, wlan_probe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data", wlan_probe_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl, dpi_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection, dpi_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection, low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode, ra_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance, watchdog_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog, ra_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support remote assistance, watchdog_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog, ap_router_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, handshake_port (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port, refuse_legacy (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware, peer_connections (integer): PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, is_default_password (boolean): Indicates if default password is used in device web admin, is_apply_bulk_config (boolean): Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config, is_wlan_ap_suspended (boolean): Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended, is_ap_schedule_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled, is_ha_enabled (boolean): Indicates if high availability enabled, is_ha_slave (boolean): Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit, ha_role (string): High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave), ha_status (string): High Availability Status, ha_transition_time (string): Last Transition Date and time, periph_status_available (boolean): Indicates if periph status is available, periph_status (periph_status): Periph status, port_status_available (boolean): Indicates if port status is available, port_status (port_status): Port status, gobi_sim_lock_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support SIM lock, gobi_sim_locks (array[string]): , poe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support poe, admin_conf (admin_conf): Admin configuration, outbound_policy_managed (boolean): , firewall_rules_managed (boolean): , is_apply_import_lan (boolean): , is_apply_csv_override (boolean): , is_wlc_enabled (boolean): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan (integer): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns (array[string]): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type (string): , mgnt_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_vlans (array[vlan_interface]): , max_lacp_group_support (integer): , max_port_per_lacp_group (integer): , endpoint_support (boolean): , slow_response (boolean): , slow_response_start_time (string): , wlan_mac_list (array[wlan_mac_list]): , slot_module_list (array[slot_module]): List of slot module information, vlan_managed (boolean): (device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed, icmg_mvpn (boolean): , icmg_wan (boolean): Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl, icmg_schedule_reboot (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot, icmg_schedule (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule, icmg_wlan (boolean): Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl, icmg_portal (boolean): Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl, icmg_lan (boolean): Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl, icmg_sdswitch (boolean): , icmg_outbound (boolean): Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl, icmg_firewall (boolean): Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl, icmg_admin (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } follow_loc_dev_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the followed device, sn (string): S/N of the followed device, name (string): Device name of the followed device, onlineStatus (string): Online status of the followed device, } radio_module { module_id (integer): System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier, frequency_band (string): Supported radio frequency bands, active_frequency_band (string): The active frequency band, } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, } ssid_profiles_applied { id (integer): System generated SSID profile identifier, ssid (string): SSID, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the portal is external captive portal, wpa_passphrase (string): WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users, } radio_band { radio_bands (integer): Unique identifier of the radio band, active_band (string): The active frequency band, txpower (number): Output power, channel (integer): Channel, channel_mode (string): Channel Mode, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, } periph_status { cpu_load (usage_data): CPU load, power_state (power_state): Power State, power_usage (usage_data): Power Usage, fan_speed (usage_data): Fan speed, thermal_sensor (temperature): Thermal Sensor, } usage_data { name (string): Name, value (number): Value, total (number): Total, voltage (number): Voltage, current (number): Current, percentage (number): Percentage, active (boolean): Active, } power_state { name (string): Name, connect (boolean): Indicates if the power is connected, } temperature { temperature (number): Temperature, max (number): Maximum, threshold (number): Threshold, min (number): Minimum, } port_status { } admin_conf { managed (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is enabled, protocol (string): , admin_auth (string): , admin_user_auth (string): , version (integer): , admin_name (string): Admin User Name, admin_password (string): Admin password, admin_readonly_name (string): Read-only User Name, admin_readonly_password (string): Read-only User password, admin_radius_enable (boolean): Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled, } wlan_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio_band (string): Radio band, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, enabled (boolean): , encryption (string): , portal_id (integer): , } slot_module { slot (integer): Module slot, hw_ver (string): Module hardware version, sn (string): Module S/N, model (string): Module model, product_name (string): Module product name, expiry_date (string): Module expiry date and time, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "client_id": "", "mac": "", "device": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "usage": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "product_id": 0, "client_count": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "config_rollback": true, "config_rollback_date": "", "ic2_config_apply_locked": true, "outstanding_patch_ids": [ "" ], "device_config_apply_locked": true, "sp_default": true, "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "tag_info": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "note": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "address": "", "location_timestamp": "", "follow_loc_dev": 0, "follow_loc_dev_info": { "id": 0, "sn": "", "name": "", "onlineStatus": "" }, "isStatic": true, "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "gps_support": true, "gps_exist": true, "support_ssid_count": 0.0, "radio_modules": [ { "module_id": 0, "frequency_band": "", "active_frequency_band": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "v6_license": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "fw_pending_trial_round": 0, "fw_pending_max_no_of_trial": 0, "fw_pending_ver": "", "fw_pending_schedule_time": "", "fw_pending_upgrade_time": "", "fw_pending_status": 0, "fw_pending_group_time": "", "is_master_device": true, "fw_managmed": "", "wifi_cfg": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_available": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date": "", "ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date": "", "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "ssid_profiles": [ { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } ], "ssid_profiles_applied": [ { "id": 0, "ssid": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "portal_id": 0, "enabled": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "wpa_passphrase": "" } ], "hardware_version": "", "mvpn_version": "", "radio_bands": [ { "radio_bands": 0, "active_band": "", "txpower": 0.0, "channel": 0, "channel_mode": "" } ], "loc_display": true, "extap_proxy_supported": true, "extap_proxy_enabled": true, "wlan_probe_supported": true, "wlan_probe_enabled": true, "dpi_supported": true, "dpi_enabled": true, "low_data_usage_mode": true, "ra_enabled": true, "watchdog_enabled": true, "ra_supported": true, "watchdog_supported": true, "ap_router_mode": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "site_id": "", "handshake_port": true, "refuse_legacy": true, "peer_connections": 0, "pepvpn_peers": 0, "is_default_password": true, "is_apply_bulk_config": true, "is_wlan_ap_suspended": true, "is_ap_schedule_enabled": true, "is_ha_enabled": true, "is_ha_slave": true, "ha_role": "", "ha_status": "", "ha_transition_time": "", "periph_status_available": true, "periph_status": { "cpu_load": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "power_state": { "name": "", "connect": true }, "power_usage": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "fan_speed": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "thermal_sensor": { "temperature": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "threshold": 0.0, "min": 0.0 } }, "port_status_available": true, "port_status": {}, "gobi_sim_lock_supported": true, "gobi_sim_locks": [ "" ], "poe_supported": true, "admin_conf": { "managed": true, "protocol": "", "admin_auth": "", "admin_user_auth": "", "version": 0, "admin_name": "", "admin_password": "", "admin_readonly_name": "", "admin_readonly_password": "", "admin_radius_enable": true }, "outbound_policy_managed": true, "firewall_rules_managed": true, "is_apply_import_lan": true, "is_apply_csv_override": true, "is_wlc_enabled": true, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan": 0, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns": [ "" ], "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type": "", "mgnt_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_vlans": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "max_lacp_group_support": 0, "max_port_per_lacp_group": 0, "endpoint_support": true, "slow_response": true, "slow_response_start_time": "", "wlan_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio_band": "", "radio": "", "security": "", "enabled": true, "encryption": "", "portal_id": 0 } ], "slot_module_list": [ { "slot": 0, "hw_ver": "", "sn": "", "model": "", "product_name": "", "expiry_date": "" } ], "vlan_managed": true, "icmg_mvpn": true, "icmg_wan": true, "icmg_schedule_reboot": true, "icmg_schedule": true, "icmg_wlan": true, "icmg_portal": true, "icmg_lan": true, "icmg_sdswitch": true, "icmg_outbound": true, "icmg_firewall": true, "icmg_admin": true }, "duration": 0, "connection_type": "", "status": "", "ssid": "", "channel": 0, "ip": "", "channel_width": 0.0, "radio_mode": "", "signal": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "radius": 0.0, "last_seen": "" } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[client] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
client_id | string |
Unique identifier of the client
mac | string |
MAC address
device | device |
The device the client currently attached to
duration | integer |
Wi-Fi connection duration in seconds
connection_type | string |
Connected via Wi-Fi or Ethernet
wireless, ethernet |
status | string |
Online status
active, inactive |
ssid | string |
SSID the client connected to
channel | integer |
Wi-Fi channel of the client connection
ip | string |
IP address
channel_width | number |
Wi-Fi channel width
radio_mode | string |
Wi-Fi radio mode
signal | number |
Signal strength
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
radius | number |
The distance from the longitude and latitude the client could locate
last_seen | string |
Last seen date and time of the client
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
usage | number |
Current bandwidth usage
tx | number |
Current upload usage
rx | number |
Current download usage
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
client_count | integer |
Current client count
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
config_rollback | boolean |
Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl.
config_rollback_date | string |
Config roll back date and time
ic2_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl
outstanding_patch_ids | array[string] |
Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches
device_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device
sp_default | boolean |
Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
tag_info | array[tag_info] |
List of Device tags information
note | string |
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
address | string |
Location address
location_timestamp | string |
Location recorded time
follow_loc_dev | integer |
Device's ID of the followed location device
follow_loc_dev_info | follow_loc_dev_info |
Followed location device information
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if the returned location is a static one
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
gps_support | boolean |
Indicates if the device support gps
gps_exist | boolean |
Indicates if the device with any gps records
support_ssid_count | number |
Supported number of SSIDs
radio_modules | array[radio_module] |
Supported radio modules
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
v6_license | string |
Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license
enabled, disabled |
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
fw_pending_trial_round | integer |
Firmware update trial count
fw_pending_max_no_of_trial | integer |
Maximum number of firmware update trial count
fw_pending_ver | string |
Version of the firmware to be updated
fw_pending_schedule_time | string |
Scheduled firmware update start time
fw_pending_upgrade_time | string |
Actual firmware update time
fw_pending_status | integer |
Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive
0, 1 |
fw_pending_group_time | string |
Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone
is_master_device | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device
fw_managmed | string |
(only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level
wifi_cfg | string |
Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device
group, device, not_managed |
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_available | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time
ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
ssid_profiles | array[ssid_profile] |
SSID profiles
ssid_profiles_applied | array[ssid_profiles_applied] |
Applied SSID profiles
hardware_version | string |
Hardware version
mvpn_version | string |
MVPN version
radio_bands | array[radio_band] |
Radio bands
loc_display | boolean |
Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude
extap_proxy_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a AP controller
extap_proxy_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller
wlan_probe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data"
wlan_probe_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl
dpi_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection
dpi_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection
low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode
ra_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ra_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ap_router_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
handshake_port | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port
refuse_legacy | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware
peer_connections | integer |
PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
is_default_password | boolean |
Indicates if default password is used in device web admin
is_apply_bulk_config | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config
is_wlan_ap_suspended | boolean |
Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended
is_ap_schedule_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled
is_ha_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if high availability enabled
is_ha_slave | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit
ha_role | string |
High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave)
ha_status | string |
High Availability Status
ha_transition_time | string |
Last Transition Date and time
periph_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if periph status is available
periph_status | periph_status |
Periph status
port_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if port status is available
port_status | port_status |
Port status
gobi_sim_lock_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support SIM lock
gobi_sim_locks | array[string] | |
poe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support poe
admin_conf | admin_conf |
Admin configuration
outbound_policy_managed | boolean | |
firewall_rules_managed | boolean | |
is_apply_import_lan | boolean | |
is_apply_csv_override | boolean | |
is_wlc_enabled | boolean | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan | integer | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns | array[string] | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type | string | |
mgnt_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_vlans | array[vlan_interface] | |
max_lacp_group_support | integer | |
max_port_per_lacp_group | integer | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
slow_response | boolean | |
slow_response_start_time | string | |
wlan_mac_list | array[wlan_mac_list] | |
slot_module_list | array[slot_module] |
List of slot module information
vlan_managed | boolean |
(device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed
icmg_mvpn | boolean | |
icmg_wan | boolean |
Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl
icmg_schedule_reboot | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot
icmg_schedule | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule
icmg_wlan | boolean |
Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl
icmg_portal | boolean |
Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl
icmg_lan | boolean |
Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl
icmg_sdswitch | boolean | |
icmg_outbound | boolean |
Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl
icmg_firewall | boolean |
Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl
icmg_admin | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the followed device
sn | string |
S/N of the followed device
name | string |
Device name of the followed device
onlineStatus | string |
Online status of the followed device
Field | Type | Description |
module_id | integer |
System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier
frequency_band | string |
Supported radio frequency bands
active_frequency_band | string |
The active frequency band
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated SSID profile identifier
ssid | string |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl
vlan_id | integer |
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the portal is external captive portal
wpa_passphrase | string |
WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users
Field | Type | Description |
radio_bands | integer |
Unique identifier of the radio band
active_band | string |
The active frequency band
txpower | number |
Output power
channel | integer |
channel_mode | string |
Channel Mode
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Field | Type | Description |
cpu_load | usage_data |
CPU load
power_state | power_state |
Power State
power_usage | usage_data |
Power Usage
fan_speed | usage_data |
Fan speed
thermal_sensor | temperature |
Thermal Sensor
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
value | number |
total | number |
voltage | number |
current | number |
percentage | number |
active | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
connect | boolean |
Indicates if the power is connected
Field | Type | Description |
temperature | number |
max | number |
threshold | number |
min | number |
Field | Type | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
managed | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is enabled
protocol | string | |
admin_auth | string | |
admin_user_auth | string | |
version | integer | |
admin_name | string |
Admin User Name
admin_password | string |
Admin password
admin_readonly_name | string |
Read-only User Name
admin_readonly_password | string |
Read-only User password
admin_radius_enable | boolean |
Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio_band | string |
Radio band
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
enabled | boolean | |
encryption | string | |
portal_id | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
slot | integer |
Module slot
hw_ver | string |
Module hardware version
sn | string |
Module S/N
model | string |
Module model
product_name | string |
Module product name
expiry_date | string |
Module expiry date and time
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
client_id_list | Query | List | ||
client_id_list[] | Query | List | ||
port | Query | List | ||
port[] | Query | List | ||
show_inactive | Query | boolean |
Get a group's live clients list in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
client_id_list | Query | List | ||
client_id_list[] | Query | List | ||
port | Query | List | ||
port[] | Query | List | ||
show_inactive | Query | boolean |
Get a client's information in device level
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (client): Response data object, } client { client_id (string): Unique identifier of the client, mac (string): MAC address, device (device): The device the client currently attached to, duration (integer): Wi-Fi connection duration in seconds, connection_type (string): Connected via Wi-Fi or Ethernet, status (string): Online status, ssid (string): SSID the client connected to, channel (integer): Wi-Fi channel of the client connection, ip (string): IP address, channel_width (number): Wi-Fi channel width, radio_mode (string): Wi-Fi radio mode, signal (number): Signal strength, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, radius (number): The distance from the longitude and latitude the client could locate, last_seen (string): Last seen date and time of the client, } device { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, usage (number): Current bandwidth usage, tx (number): Current upload usage, rx (number): Current download usage, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, client_count (integer): Current client count, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, config_rollback (boolean): Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl., config_rollback_date (string): Config roll back date and time, ic2_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl, outstanding_patch_ids (array[string]): Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches, device_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device, sp_default (boolean): Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, tag_info (array[tag_info]): List of Device tags information, note (string): Note, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, address (string): Location address, location_timestamp (string): Location recorded time, follow_loc_dev (integer): Device's ID of the followed location device, follow_loc_dev_info (follow_loc_dev_info): Followed location device information, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if the returned location is a static one, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, gps_support (boolean): Indicates if the device support gps, gps_exist (boolean): Indicates if the device with any gps records, support_ssid_count (number): Supported number of SSIDs, radio_modules (array[radio_module]): Supported radio modules, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, v6_license (string): Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, fw_pending_trial_round (integer): Firmware update trial count, fw_pending_max_no_of_trial (integer): Maximum number of firmware update trial count, fw_pending_ver (string): Version of the firmware to be updated, fw_pending_schedule_time (string): Scheduled firmware update start time, fw_pending_upgrade_time (string): Actual firmware update time, fw_pending_status (integer): Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive, fw_pending_group_time (string): Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone, is_master_device (boolean): Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device, fw_managmed (string): (only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level, wifi_cfg (string): Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_available (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time, ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time, onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, ssid_profiles (array[ssid_profile]): SSID profiles, ssid_profiles_applied (array[ssid_profiles_applied]): Applied SSID profiles, hardware_version (string): Hardware version, mvpn_version (string): MVPN version, radio_bands (array[radio_band]): Radio bands, loc_display (boolean): Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude, extap_proxy_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device is a AP controller, extap_proxy_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller, wlan_probe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data", wlan_probe_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl, dpi_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection, dpi_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection, low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode, ra_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance, watchdog_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog, ra_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support remote assistance, watchdog_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog, ap_router_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, handshake_port (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port, refuse_legacy (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware, peer_connections (integer): PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, is_default_password (boolean): Indicates if default password is used in device web admin, is_apply_bulk_config (boolean): Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config, is_wlan_ap_suspended (boolean): Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended, is_ap_schedule_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled, is_ha_enabled (boolean): Indicates if high availability enabled, is_ha_slave (boolean): Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit, ha_role (string): High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave), ha_status (string): High Availability Status, ha_transition_time (string): Last Transition Date and time, periph_status_available (boolean): Indicates if periph status is available, periph_status (periph_status): Periph status, port_status_available (boolean): Indicates if port status is available, port_status (port_status): Port status, gobi_sim_lock_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support SIM lock, gobi_sim_locks (array[string]): , poe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support poe, admin_conf (admin_conf): Admin configuration, outbound_policy_managed (boolean): , firewall_rules_managed (boolean): , is_apply_import_lan (boolean): , is_apply_csv_override (boolean): , is_wlc_enabled (boolean): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan (integer): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns (array[string]): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type (string): , mgnt_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_vlans (array[vlan_interface]): , max_lacp_group_support (integer): , max_port_per_lacp_group (integer): , endpoint_support (boolean): , slow_response (boolean): , slow_response_start_time (string): , wlan_mac_list (array[wlan_mac_list]): , slot_module_list (array[slot_module]): List of slot module information, vlan_managed (boolean): (device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed, icmg_mvpn (boolean): , icmg_wan (boolean): Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl, icmg_schedule_reboot (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot, icmg_schedule (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule, icmg_wlan (boolean): Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl, icmg_portal (boolean): Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl, icmg_lan (boolean): Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl, icmg_sdswitch (boolean): , icmg_outbound (boolean): Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl, icmg_firewall (boolean): Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl, icmg_admin (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } follow_loc_dev_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the followed device, sn (string): S/N of the followed device, name (string): Device name of the followed device, onlineStatus (string): Online status of the followed device, } radio_module { module_id (integer): System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier, frequency_band (string): Supported radio frequency bands, active_frequency_band (string): The active frequency band, } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, } ssid_profiles_applied { id (integer): System generated SSID profile identifier, ssid (string): SSID, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the portal is external captive portal, wpa_passphrase (string): WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users, } radio_band { radio_bands (integer): Unique identifier of the radio band, active_band (string): The active frequency band, txpower (number): Output power, channel (integer): Channel, channel_mode (string): Channel Mode, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, } periph_status { cpu_load (usage_data): CPU load, power_state (power_state): Power State, power_usage (usage_data): Power Usage, fan_speed (usage_data): Fan speed, thermal_sensor (temperature): Thermal Sensor, } usage_data { name (string): Name, value (number): Value, total (number): Total, voltage (number): Voltage, current (number): Current, percentage (number): Percentage, active (boolean): Active, } power_state { name (string): Name, connect (boolean): Indicates if the power is connected, } temperature { temperature (number): Temperature, max (number): Maximum, threshold (number): Threshold, min (number): Minimum, } port_status { } admin_conf { managed (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is enabled, protocol (string): , admin_auth (string): , admin_user_auth (string): , version (integer): , admin_name (string): Admin User Name, admin_password (string): Admin password, admin_readonly_name (string): Read-only User Name, admin_readonly_password (string): Read-only User password, admin_radius_enable (boolean): Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled, } wlan_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio_band (string): Radio band, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, enabled (boolean): , encryption (string): , portal_id (integer): , } slot_module { slot (integer): Module slot, hw_ver (string): Module hardware version, sn (string): Module S/N, model (string): Module model, product_name (string): Module product name, expiry_date (string): Module expiry date and time, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "client_id": "", "mac": "", "device": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "usage": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "product_id": 0, "client_count": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "config_rollback": true, "config_rollback_date": "", "ic2_config_apply_locked": true, "outstanding_patch_ids": [ "" ], "device_config_apply_locked": true, "sp_default": true, "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "tag_info": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "note": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "address": "", "location_timestamp": "", "follow_loc_dev": 0, "follow_loc_dev_info": { "id": 0, "sn": "", "name": "", "onlineStatus": "" }, "isStatic": true, "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "gps_support": true, "gps_exist": true, "support_ssid_count": 0.0, "radio_modules": [ { "module_id": 0, "frequency_band": "", "active_frequency_band": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "v6_license": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "fw_pending_trial_round": 0, "fw_pending_max_no_of_trial": 0, "fw_pending_ver": "", "fw_pending_schedule_time": "", "fw_pending_upgrade_time": "", "fw_pending_status": 0, "fw_pending_group_time": "", "is_master_device": true, "fw_managmed": "", "wifi_cfg": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_available": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date": "", "ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date": "", "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "ssid_profiles": [ { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } ], "ssid_profiles_applied": [ { "id": 0, "ssid": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "portal_id": 0, "enabled": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "wpa_passphrase": "" } ], "hardware_version": "", "mvpn_version": "", "radio_bands": [ { "radio_bands": 0, "active_band": "", "txpower": 0.0, "channel": 0, "channel_mode": "" } ], "loc_display": true, "extap_proxy_supported": true, "extap_proxy_enabled": true, "wlan_probe_supported": true, "wlan_probe_enabled": true, "dpi_supported": true, "dpi_enabled": true, "low_data_usage_mode": true, "ra_enabled": true, "watchdog_enabled": true, "ra_supported": true, "watchdog_supported": true, "ap_router_mode": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "site_id": "", "handshake_port": true, "refuse_legacy": true, "peer_connections": 0, "pepvpn_peers": 0, "is_default_password": true, "is_apply_bulk_config": true, "is_wlan_ap_suspended": true, "is_ap_schedule_enabled": true, "is_ha_enabled": true, "is_ha_slave": true, "ha_role": "", "ha_status": "", "ha_transition_time": "", "periph_status_available": true, "periph_status": { "cpu_load": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "power_state": { "name": "", "connect": true }, "power_usage": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "fan_speed": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "thermal_sensor": { "temperature": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "threshold": 0.0, "min": 0.0 } }, "port_status_available": true, "port_status": {}, "gobi_sim_lock_supported": true, "gobi_sim_locks": [ "" ], "poe_supported": true, "admin_conf": { "managed": true, "protocol": "", "admin_auth": "", "admin_user_auth": "", "version": 0, "admin_name": "", "admin_password": "", "admin_readonly_name": "", "admin_readonly_password": "", "admin_radius_enable": true }, "outbound_policy_managed": true, "firewall_rules_managed": true, "is_apply_import_lan": true, "is_apply_csv_override": true, "is_wlc_enabled": true, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan": 0, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns": [ "" ], "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type": "", "mgnt_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_vlans": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "max_lacp_group_support": 0, "max_port_per_lacp_group": 0, "endpoint_support": true, "slow_response": true, "slow_response_start_time": "", "wlan_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio_band": "", "radio": "", "security": "", "enabled": true, "encryption": "", "portal_id": 0 } ], "slot_module_list": [ { "slot": 0, "hw_ver": "", "sn": "", "model": "", "product_name": "", "expiry_date": "" } ], "vlan_managed": true, "icmg_mvpn": true, "icmg_wan": true, "icmg_schedule_reboot": true, "icmg_schedule": true, "icmg_wlan": true, "icmg_portal": true, "icmg_lan": true, "icmg_sdswitch": true, "icmg_outbound": true, "icmg_firewall": true, "icmg_admin": true }, "duration": 0, "connection_type": "", "status": "", "ssid": "", "channel": 0, "ip": "", "channel_width": 0.0, "radio_mode": "", "signal": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "radius": 0.0, "last_seen": "" } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | client |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
client_id | string |
Unique identifier of the client
mac | string |
MAC address
device | device |
The device the client currently attached to
duration | integer |
Wi-Fi connection duration in seconds
connection_type | string |
Connected via Wi-Fi or Ethernet
wireless, ethernet |
status | string |
Online status
active, inactive |
ssid | string |
SSID the client connected to
channel | integer |
Wi-Fi channel of the client connection
ip | string |
IP address
channel_width | number |
Wi-Fi channel width
radio_mode | string |
Wi-Fi radio mode
signal | number |
Signal strength
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
radius | number |
The distance from the longitude and latitude the client could locate
last_seen | string |
Last seen date and time of the client
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
usage | number |
Current bandwidth usage
tx | number |
Current upload usage
rx | number |
Current download usage
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
client_count | integer |
Current client count
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
config_rollback | boolean |
Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl.
config_rollback_date | string |
Config roll back date and time
ic2_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl
outstanding_patch_ids | array[string] |
Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches
device_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device
sp_default | boolean |
Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
tag_info | array[tag_info] |
List of Device tags information
note | string |
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
address | string |
Location address
location_timestamp | string |
Location recorded time
follow_loc_dev | integer |
Device's ID of the followed location device
follow_loc_dev_info | follow_loc_dev_info |
Followed location device information
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if the returned location is a static one
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
gps_support | boolean |
Indicates if the device support gps
gps_exist | boolean |
Indicates if the device with any gps records
support_ssid_count | number |
Supported number of SSIDs
radio_modules | array[radio_module] |
Supported radio modules
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
v6_license | string |
Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license
enabled, disabled |
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
fw_pending_trial_round | integer |
Firmware update trial count
fw_pending_max_no_of_trial | integer |
Maximum number of firmware update trial count
fw_pending_ver | string |
Version of the firmware to be updated
fw_pending_schedule_time | string |
Scheduled firmware update start time
fw_pending_upgrade_time | string |
Actual firmware update time
fw_pending_status | integer |
Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive
0, 1 |
fw_pending_group_time | string |
Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone
is_master_device | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device
fw_managmed | string |
(only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level
wifi_cfg | string |
Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device
group, device, not_managed |
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_available | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time
ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
ssid_profiles | array[ssid_profile] |
SSID profiles
ssid_profiles_applied | array[ssid_profiles_applied] |
Applied SSID profiles
hardware_version | string |
Hardware version
mvpn_version | string |
MVPN version
radio_bands | array[radio_band] |
Radio bands
loc_display | boolean |
Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude
extap_proxy_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a AP controller
extap_proxy_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller
wlan_probe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data"
wlan_probe_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl
dpi_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection
dpi_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection
low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode
ra_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ra_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ap_router_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
handshake_port | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port
refuse_legacy | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware
peer_connections | integer |
PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
is_default_password | boolean |
Indicates if default password is used in device web admin
is_apply_bulk_config | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config
is_wlan_ap_suspended | boolean |
Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended
is_ap_schedule_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled
is_ha_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if high availability enabled
is_ha_slave | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit
ha_role | string |
High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave)
ha_status | string |
High Availability Status
ha_transition_time | string |
Last Transition Date and time
periph_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if periph status is available
periph_status | periph_status |
Periph status
port_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if port status is available
port_status | port_status |
Port status
gobi_sim_lock_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support SIM lock
gobi_sim_locks | array[string] | |
poe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support poe
admin_conf | admin_conf |
Admin configuration
outbound_policy_managed | boolean | |
firewall_rules_managed | boolean | |
is_apply_import_lan | boolean | |
is_apply_csv_override | boolean | |
is_wlc_enabled | boolean | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan | integer | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns | array[string] | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type | string | |
mgnt_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_vlans | array[vlan_interface] | |
max_lacp_group_support | integer | |
max_port_per_lacp_group | integer | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
slow_response | boolean | |
slow_response_start_time | string | |
wlan_mac_list | array[wlan_mac_list] | |
slot_module_list | array[slot_module] |
List of slot module information
vlan_managed | boolean |
(device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed
icmg_mvpn | boolean | |
icmg_wan | boolean |
Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl
icmg_schedule_reboot | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot
icmg_schedule | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule
icmg_wlan | boolean |
Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl
icmg_portal | boolean |
Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl
icmg_lan | boolean |
Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl
icmg_sdswitch | boolean | |
icmg_outbound | boolean |
Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl
icmg_firewall | boolean |
Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl
icmg_admin | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the followed device
sn | string |
S/N of the followed device
name | string |
Device name of the followed device
onlineStatus | string |
Online status of the followed device
Field | Type | Description |
module_id | integer |
System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier
frequency_band | string |
Supported radio frequency bands
active_frequency_band | string |
The active frequency band
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated SSID profile identifier
ssid | string |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl
vlan_id | integer |
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the portal is external captive portal
wpa_passphrase | string |
WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users
Field | Type | Description |
radio_bands | integer |
Unique identifier of the radio band
active_band | string |
The active frequency band
txpower | number |
Output power
channel | integer |
channel_mode | string |
Channel Mode
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Field | Type | Description |
cpu_load | usage_data |
CPU load
power_state | power_state |
Power State
power_usage | usage_data |
Power Usage
fan_speed | usage_data |
Fan speed
thermal_sensor | temperature |
Thermal Sensor
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
value | number |
total | number |
voltage | number |
current | number |
percentage | number |
active | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
connect | boolean |
Indicates if the power is connected
Field | Type | Description |
temperature | number |
max | number |
threshold | number |
min | number |
Field | Type | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
managed | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is enabled
protocol | string | |
admin_auth | string | |
admin_user_auth | string | |
version | integer | |
admin_name | string |
Admin User Name
admin_password | string |
Admin password
admin_readonly_name | string |
Read-only User Name
admin_readonly_password | string |
Read-only User password
admin_radius_enable | boolean |
Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio_band | string |
Radio band
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
enabled | boolean | |
encryption | string | |
portal_id | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
slot | integer |
Module slot
hw_ver | string |
Module hardware version
sn | string |
Module S/N
model | string |
Module model
product_name | string |
Module product name
expiry_date | string |
Module expiry date and time
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String |
Get captive portal access logs by client
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String | ||
cp_id | Query | int | ||
report_type | Query | String | ||
access_mode | Query | String | ||
user_id | Query | String | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
limit |
No. of records to retrieve, default 500
Query | int | |
page |
page. no, starts with 1
Query | int |
Get a clients' bandwidth usage in device level in last 45 days
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (client_daily_usage): Response data object, } client_daily_usage { date (string): Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, vlan (number): VLAN ID (For vlan usage), rx (number): Usage received, tx (number): Usage transmitted, total (number): Total usage, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "date": "", "vlan": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "total": 0.0 } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | client_daily_usage |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
date | string |
Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD format
vlan | number |
VLAN ID (For vlan usage)
rx | number |
Usage received
tx | number |
Usage transmitted
total | number |
Total usage
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String |
Get a clients' bandwidth usage in device level in last 45 days in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
client_daily_usages_csv { "Date" (string): Date and time, "vlan" (number): VLAN ID (For vlan usage), "Download" (number): Usage received, "Upload" (number): Usage transmitted, "Total" (number): Total usage, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Date" | string |
Date and time
"vlan" | number |
VLAN ID (For vlan usage)
"Download" | number |
Usage received
"Upload" | number |
Usage transmitted
"Total" | number |
Total usage
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String |
Get a clients' vlan usage in device level in last 45 days
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (client_daily_usage): Response data object, } client_daily_usage { date (string): Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, vlan (number): VLAN ID (For vlan usage), rx (number): Usage received, tx (number): Usage transmitted, total (number): Total usage, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "date": "", "vlan": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "total": 0.0 } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | client_daily_usage |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
date | string |
Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD format
vlan | number |
VLAN ID (For vlan usage)
rx | number |
Usage received
tx | number |
Usage transmitted
total | number |
Total usage
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String | ||
vlan_id | Query | Integer |
Get a clients' vlan usage in device level in last 45 days in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
client_daily_usages_csv { "Date" (string): Date and time, "vlan" (number): VLAN ID (For vlan usage), "Download" (number): Usage received, "Upload" (number): Usage transmitted, "Total" (number): Total usage, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Date" | string |
Date and time
"vlan" | number |
VLAN ID (For vlan usage)
"Download" | number |
Usage received
"Upload" | number |
Usage transmitted
"Total" | number |
Total usage
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String | ||
vlan_id | Query | Integer |
Get a clients' hourly bandwidth usage in device level
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (client_hourly_usage): Response data object, } client_hourly_usage { date (string): Report date and time, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format, vlan (number): VLAN ID (For vlan usage), rx (number): Usage received, tx (number): Usage transmitted, total (number): Total usage, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "date": "", "vlan": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "total": 0.0 } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | client_hourly_usage |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
date | string |
Report date and time, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format
vlan | number |
VLAN ID (For vlan usage)
rx | number |
Usage received
tx | number |
Usage transmitted
total | number |
Total usage
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String | ||
start |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Get a clients' hourly bandwidth usage in device level in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
client_hourly_usage_csv { "Date" (string): Report date and time, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format, "vlan" (number): VLAN ID (For vlan usage), "Download" (number): Usage received, "Upload" (number): Usage transmitted, "Total" (number): Total usage, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Date" | string |
Report date and time, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format
"vlan" | number |
VLAN ID (For vlan usage)
"Download" | number |
Usage received
"Upload" | number |
Usage transmitted
"Total" | number |
Total usage
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String | ||
start |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Get a clients' hourly vlan usage in device level
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (client_daily_usage): Response data object, } client_daily_usage { date (string): Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, vlan (number): VLAN ID (For vlan usage), rx (number): Usage received, tx (number): Usage transmitted, total (number): Total usage, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "date": "", "vlan": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "total": 0.0 } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | client_daily_usage |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
date | string |
Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD format
vlan | number |
VLAN ID (For vlan usage)
rx | number |
Usage received
tx | number |
Usage transmitted
total | number |
Total usage
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String | ||
vlan_id | Query | Integer | ||
start |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Get a clients' hourly vlan usage in device level in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
client_daily_usages_csv { "Date" (string): Date and time, "vlan" (number): VLAN ID (For vlan usage), "Download" (number): Usage received, "Upload" (number): Usage transmitted, "Total" (number): Total usage, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Date" | string |
Date and time
"vlan" | number |
VLAN ID (For vlan usage)
"Download" | number |
Usage received
"Upload" | number |
Usage transmitted
"Total" | number |
Total usage
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
client_id | Path | String | ||
vlan_id | Query | Integer | ||
start |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Get device level client usage summary
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (client_usage_summary): Response data object, } client_usage_summary { clients_with_usage (integer): Sum of daily clients count with usage for the period, client_data_usage (number): All clients data usages for the period in MB, total_client_count (integer): Total client count for the period, daily_clients_with_usage (integer): Average daily clients count with usage for the period, daily_per_client_data_usage (number): Daily per client usage for the period in MB, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "clients_with_usage": 0, "client_data_usage": 0.0, "total_client_count": 0, "daily_clients_with_usage": 0, "daily_per_client_data_usage": 0.0 } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | client_usage_summary |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
clients_with_usage | integer |
Sum of daily clients count with usage for the period
client_data_usage | number |
All clients data usages for the period in MB
total_client_count | integer |
Total client count for the period
daily_clients_with_usage | integer |
Average daily clients count with usage for the period
daily_per_client_data_usage | number |
Daily per client usage for the period in MB
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get a device's configuration file list
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[config_files]): Response data object, } config_files { date (string): Backup date, file_list (array[config_file]): Configuration file, } config_file { size (integer): file size in byte, time (string): Backup time, id (integer): File ID (For download), }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "date": "", "file_list": [ { "size": 0, "time": "", "id": 0 } ] } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[config_files] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
date | string |
Backup date
file_list | array[config_file] |
Configuration file
Field | Type | Description |
size | integer |
file size in byte
time | string |
Backup time
id | integer |
File ID (For download)
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Get a device's configuration file
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
id | Path | int | ||
zip | Query | Boolean |
Restore a device's configuration file
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
id | Path | int |
Convert a device's configuration file and apply to a compatible device
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
target_device_id | Path | int | ||
id | Path | int |
Get failed test device list report by device
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
profile_id | Path | int | ||
test_type |
Path | String | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
daily,weekly,monthly |
Query | String |
Get connection test results summary
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
daily,weekly,monthly |
Query | String | |
summary | Query | boolean |
Get a device's content blocking log
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
type | Query | String | ||
domain | Query | String | ||
category | Query | String | ||
client_ip | Query | String | ||
source_ip | Query | String | ||
source_port | Query | String | ||
destination_ip | Query | String | ||
destination_port | Query | String | ||
protocol |
Query | String | |
page |
start with 1
Query | Integer | |
limit | Query | Integer |
Get a device's content blocking log dates
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String |
Fetches a list of valid conversion targets
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
summary | Query | boolean | ||
extra_fields | Query | String |
Get a device level captive portal
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
cp_id | Path | Integer |
Get captive portal user info
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
cp_id | Path | int | ||
token | Query | String | ||
username | Query | String | ||
batch_id | Query | String |
Get captive porta user agent reports
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
cp_id | Query | Integer | ||
start_date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end_date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Get captive portal usage portal list
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start_date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end_date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String |
Get a captive portal's usage reports
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[captive_portal_access_log]): Response data object, } captive_portal_access_log { access_mode (string): access type, average_session_time (integer): average access time per session in seconds, date (string): log date, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format, landing (integer): landing page access count, login (integer): login page access count, login_fail (integer): failed login count, logout (integer): logout page access count, no_of_clients (integer): client count (unique mac address), session_count (integer): total no. of sessions, ssid (string): connected SSID, total_bandwidth (integer): total bandwidth consumed in KB, total_session (integer): total session time consumed in seconds, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "access_mode": "", "average_session_time": 0, "date": "", "landing": 0, "login": 0, "login_fail": 0, "logout": 0, "no_of_clients": 0, "session_count": 0, "ssid": "", "total_bandwidth": 0, "total_session": 0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[captive_portal_access_log] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
access_mode | string |
access type
average_session_time | integer |
average access time per session in seconds
date | string |
log date, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format
landing | integer |
landing page access count
login | integer |
login page access count
login_fail | integer |
failed login count
logout | integer |
logout page access count
no_of_clients | integer |
client count (unique mac address)
session_count | integer |
total no. of sessions
ssid | string |
connected SSID
total_bandwidth | integer |
total bandwidth consumed in KB
total_session | integer |
total session time consumed in seconds
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start_date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end_date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
cp_id | Query | int |
Get a captive portal's usage reports in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start_date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end_date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
cp_id | Query | int | ||
portal_name | Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Get a device's daily client count
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[client_count]): Response data object, } client_count { day (string): Date, value (integer): Client count, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "day": "", "value": 0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[client_count] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
day | string |
value | integer |
Client count
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get a device's daily client count in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
client_count_csv { "Day" (string): Date, "Count" (integer): Client count, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Day" | string |
"Count" | integer |
Client count
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get a device's daily client list
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[client_count_report]): Response data object, } client_count_report { day (string): Report day, hour (integer): Report hour, value (number): Value, wifi_client_connected (number): Number of WiFi client connected, usages (number): Client usage, client_mac (string): Client MAC, client_name (string): Client name, client_ip (string): Client IP, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "day": "", "hour": 0, "value": 0.0, "wifi_client_connected": 0.0, "usages": 0.0, "client_mac": "", "client_name": "", "client_ip": "" } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[client_count_report] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
day | string |
Report day
hour | integer |
Report hour
value | number |
wifi_client_connected | number |
Number of WiFi client connected
usages | number |
Client usage
client_mac | string |
Client MAC
client_name | string |
Client name
client_ip | string |
Client IP
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
time |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get a device's hourly client list
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
time |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Execute device API for GET request endpoint
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (devapi_response): Response data object, } devapi_response { stat (string): Response status from device API, response (object): Response data from device API, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "stat": "", "response": {} } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | devapi_response |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
stat | string |
Response status from device API
response | object |
Response data from device API
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
api |
as the "function endpoint" in device API
Path | String |
Execute device API for POST request endpoint
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (devapi_response): Response data object, } devapi_response { stat (string): Response status from device API, response (object): Response data from device API, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "stat": "", "response": {} } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | devapi_response |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
stat | string |
Response status from device API
response | object |
Response data from device API
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
api |
as the "function endpoint" in device API
Path | String | |
data |
URL encoded post data
Form | String | |
json_data |
JSON post data
Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (dpi_report): Response data object, } dpi_report { name (string): DPI protocol, percentage_size (number): Volume by percentage, percentage_packets (number): Number of packets by percentage, packets (integer): Volume, size (integer): Number of packets, usages (array[dpi_usage]): List of DPI usages, } dpi_usage { timestamp (string): Usage timestamp in yyyy-MM-dd:HH:mm:ss, size (integer): Volume, packets (integer): Number of packets, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "name": "", "percentage_size": 0.0, "percentage_packets": 0.0, "packets": 0, "size": 0, "usages": [ { "timestamp": "", "size": 0, "packets": 0 } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | dpi_report |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
DPI protocol
percentage_size | number |
Volume by percentage
percentage_packets | number |
Number of packets by percentage
packets | integer |
size | integer |
Number of packets
usages | array[dpi_usage] |
List of DPI usages
Field | Type | Description |
timestamp | string |
Usage timestamp in yyyy-MM-dd:HH:mm:ss
size | integer |
packets | integer |
Number of packets
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
top | Query | int |
Get a device's hourly DPI result
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (dpi_report): Response data object, } dpi_report { name (string): DPI protocol, percentage_size (number): Volume by percentage, percentage_packets (number): Number of packets by percentage, packets (integer): Volume, size (integer): Number of packets, usages (array[dpi_usage]): List of DPI usages, } dpi_usage { timestamp (string): Usage timestamp in yyyy-MM-dd:HH:mm:ss, size (integer): Volume, packets (integer): Number of packets, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "name": "", "percentage_size": 0.0, "percentage_packets": 0.0, "packets": 0, "size": 0, "usages": [ { "timestamp": "", "size": 0, "packets": 0 } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | dpi_report |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
DPI protocol
percentage_size | number |
Volume by percentage
percentage_packets | number |
Number of packets by percentage
packets | integer |
size | integer |
Number of packets
usages | array[dpi_usage] |
List of DPI usages
Field | Type | Description |
timestamp | string |
Usage timestamp in yyyy-MM-dd:HH:mm:ss
size | integer |
packets | integer |
Number of packets
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
top | Query | int |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[event_log]): Response data object, } event_log { id (string): System generated identifier, ts (string): Event occurring time, device_name (string): Device name, device_id (integer): Device identifier, ssid (string): SSID, client_name (string): Client device name, client_id (string): A unique client identifier, client_mac (string): Client's MAC address, event_type (string): Event type, detail (string): Event message, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "id": "", "ts": "", "device_name": "", "device_id": 0, "ssid": "", "client_name": "", "client_id": "", "client_mac": "", "event_type": "", "detail": "" } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[event_log] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | string |
System generated identifier
ts | string |
Event occurring time
device_name | string |
Device name
device_id | integer |
Device identifier
ssid | string |
client_name | string |
Client device name
client_id | string |
A unique client identifier
client_mac | string |
Client's MAC address
event_type | string |
Event type
detail | string |
Event message
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
page_no | Query | Integer | ||
direction |
0 = older, 1 = newer
Query | Integer | |
row_per_page |
This parameter specifies the maximum number of events to be returned.
Query | int | |
events | Query | String | ||
from_date |
This parameter specifies the earliest date and time of events you want to retrieve for the current page.
If the number of events between from_date and to_date is more than "row_per_page" and if the "direction" is 1, the oldest "row_per_page" events will be returned. If from_date is more than 7 days earlier than to_date, from_date will be set to 7 days before to_date. When retrieving events newer than the current page (i.e. direction is 1), set this field to 1 second later than the latest event on the current page. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
to_date |
This parameter specifies the latest date and time of events you want to retrieve for the current page.
If the number of events between from_date and to_date is more than "row_per_page" and if the "direction" is 0, the newest "row_per_page" events will be returned. Initially, this should typically be set to the current date and time for retrieving the latest events. When retrieving events older than the current page (i.e. direction is 0), set this field to 1 second earlier than the oldest event on the current page. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
from_bound |
This parameter specifies the earliest date and time of the entire period of events you want to retrieve.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
to_bound |
This parameter specifies the latest date and time of the entire period of events you want to retrieve.
To retrieve the latest log, this should be the current date and time. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
keyword | Query | String | ||
filter |
filter keyword in details
Query | String |
Get a date list in which a device's archived event log is available
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[device_event_log_archive_date_list]): Response data object, } device_event_log_archive_date_list { log_date (string): Event log date in yyyy-MM-dd, file_size (number): Device event log csv file size, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "log_date": "", "file_size": 0.0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[device_event_log_archive_date_list] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
log_date | string |
Event log date in yyyy-MM-dd
file_size | number |
Device event log csv file size
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Get a device's archived event log
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
event_log_csv { "Date/Time" (string): Event date and time, "Device" (string): Device name, "SSID" (string): SSID, "Client MAC" (string): Client MAC address, "Client Name" (string): Client name, "Type" (string): Event log type, "Details" (string): Event message, "Longitude" (number): Device's longitude, "Latitude" (number): Device's latitude, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
"Date/Time","Device","SSID","Client MAC","Client Name","Type","Details","Longitude","Latitude"
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Date/Time" | string |
Event date and time
"Device" | string |
Device name
"SSID" | string |
"Client MAC" | string |
Client MAC address
"Client Name" | string |
Client name
"Type" | string |
Event log type
"Details" | string |
Event message
"Longitude" | number |
Device's longitude
"Latitude" | number |
Device's latitude
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Path | String |
Get device's event log in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
event_log_csv { "Date/Time" (string): Event date and time, "Device" (string): Device name, "SSID" (string): SSID, "Client MAC" (string): Client MAC address, "Client Name" (string): Client name, "Type" (string): Event log type, "Details" (string): Event message, "Longitude" (number): Device's longitude, "Latitude" (number): Device's latitude, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
"Date/Time","Device","SSID","Client MAC","Client Name","Type","Details","Longitude","Latitude"
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Date/Time" | string |
Event date and time
"Device" | string |
Device name
"SSID" | string |
"Client MAC" | string |
Client MAC address
"Client Name" | string |
Client name
"Type" | string |
Event log type
"Details" | string |
Event message
"Longitude" | number |
Device's longitude
"Latitude" | number |
Device's latitude
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
events | Query | String | ||
from_bound |
This parameter specifies the earliest date and time of the entire period of events you want to retrieve.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
to_bound |
This parameter specifies the latest date and time of the entire period of events you want to retrieve.
To retrieve the latest log, this should be the current date and time. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
from_date |
This parameter specifies the earliest date and time of events you want to retrieve for the current page.
If the number of events between from_date and to_date is more than "row_per_page" and if the "direction" is 1, the oldest "row_per_page" events will be returned. If from_date is more than 7 days earlier than to_date, from_date will be set to 7 days before to_date. When retrieving events newer than the current page (i.e. direction is 1), set this field to 1 second later than the latest event on the current page. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
to_date |
This parameter specifies the latest date and time of events you want to retrieve for the current page.
If the number of events between from_date and to_date is more than "row_per_page" and if the "direction" is 0, the newest "row_per_page" events will be returned. Initially, this should typically be set to the current date and time for retrieving the latest events. When retrieving events older than the current page (i.e. direction is 0), set this field to 1 second earlier than the oldest event on the current page. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
keyword | Query | String | ||
no_of_record |
No. of record to download, maximum 50000 records
Query | int | |
ssid | Query | boolean |
Get a device's monthly event log archive files in zip format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
event_log_csv { "Date/Time" (string): Event date and time, "Device" (string): Device name, "SSID" (string): SSID, "Client MAC" (string): Client MAC address, "Client Name" (string): Client name, "Type" (string): Event log type, "Details" (string): Event message, "Longitude" (number): Device's longitude, "Latitude" (number): Device's latitude, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "\"Date/Time\"": "", "\"Device\"": "", "\"SSID\"": "", "\"Client MAC\"": "", "\"Client Name\"": "", "\"Type\"": "", "\"Details\"": "", "\"Longitude\"": 0.0, "\"Latitude\"": 0.0 }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Date/Time" | string |
Event date and time
"Device" | string |
Device name
"SSID" | string |
"Client MAC" | string |
Client MAC address
"Client Name" | string |
Client name
"Type" | string |
Event log type
"Details" | string |
Event message
"Longitude" | number |
Device's longitude
"Latitude" | number |
Device's latitude
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
month |
Format: yyyyMM
Path | String |
Get list of event log types
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
source_ip | Query | String | ||
source_mac | Query | String | ||
source_port | Query | String | ||
destination_ip | Query | String | ||
destination_mac | Query | String | ||
destination_port | Query | String | ||
status |
Query | String | |
protocol |
Query | String | |
page |
start with 1
Query | Integer | |
limit | Query | Integer |
Get a device's firewall log dates
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String |
Get available GPS record dates
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[gps_date]): Response data object, } gps_date { day (string): Available date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "day": "" } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[gps_date] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
day | string |
Available date, in YYYY-MM-DD format
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
month |
Format: yyyy-MM
Query | String |
Get Smart Reader's HMI display state
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Get a device's hourly client count report
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[hourly_client_count]): Response data object, } hourly_client_count { day (string): Date, hour (integer): Hour in 24 hour format, value (integer): Client count, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "day": "", "hour": 0, "value": 0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[hourly_client_count] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
day | string |
hour | integer |
Hour in 24 hour format
value | integer |
Client count
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get a device's hourly client count report in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
hourly_client_count_csv { "Day" (string): Date, "Hour" (integer): Hour in 24 hour format, "Count" (integer): Client count, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Day" | string |
"Hour" | integer |
Hour in 24 hour format
"Count" | integer |
Client count
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get a device's hourly client list
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[client_count_report]): Response data object, } client_count_report { day (string): Report day, hour (integer): Report hour, value (number): Value, wifi_client_connected (number): Number of WiFi client connected, usages (number): Client usage, client_mac (string): Client MAC, client_name (string): Client name, client_ip (string): Client IP, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "day": "", "hour": 0, "value": 0.0, "wifi_client_connected": 0.0, "usages": 0.0, "client_mac": "", "client_name": "", "client_ip": "" } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[client_count_report] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
day | string |
Report day
hour | integer |
Report hour
value | number |
wifi_client_connected | number |
Number of WiFi client connected
usages | number |
Client usage
client_mac | string |
Client MAC
client_name | string |
Client name
client_ip | string |
Client IP
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
time |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get a device's hourly client list in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
time |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (device): Response data object, } device { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, usage (number): Current bandwidth usage, tx (number): Current upload usage, rx (number): Current download usage, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, client_count (integer): Current client count, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, config_rollback (boolean): Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl., config_rollback_date (string): Config roll back date and time, ic2_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl, outstanding_patch_ids (array[string]): Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches, device_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device, sp_default (boolean): Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, tag_info (array[tag_info]): List of Device tags information, note (string): Note, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, address (string): Location address, location_timestamp (string): Location recorded time, follow_loc_dev (integer): Device's ID of the followed location device, follow_loc_dev_info (follow_loc_dev_info): Followed location device information, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if the returned location is a static one, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, gps_support (boolean): Indicates if the device support gps, gps_exist (boolean): Indicates if the device with any gps records, support_ssid_count (number): Supported number of SSIDs, radio_modules (array[radio_module]): Supported radio modules, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, v6_license (string): Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, fw_pending_trial_round (integer): Firmware update trial count, fw_pending_max_no_of_trial (integer): Maximum number of firmware update trial count, fw_pending_ver (string): Version of the firmware to be updated, fw_pending_schedule_time (string): Scheduled firmware update start time, fw_pending_upgrade_time (string): Actual firmware update time, fw_pending_status (integer): Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive, fw_pending_group_time (string): Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone, is_master_device (boolean): Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device, fw_managmed (string): (only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level, wifi_cfg (string): Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_available (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time, ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time, onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, ssid_profiles (array[ssid_profile]): SSID profiles, ssid_profiles_applied (array[ssid_profiles_applied]): Applied SSID profiles, hardware_version (string): Hardware version, mvpn_version (string): MVPN version, radio_bands (array[radio_band]): Radio bands, loc_display (boolean): Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude, extap_proxy_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device is a AP controller, extap_proxy_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller, wlan_probe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data", wlan_probe_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl, dpi_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection, dpi_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection, low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode, ra_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance, watchdog_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog, ra_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support remote assistance, watchdog_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog, ap_router_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, handshake_port (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port, refuse_legacy (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware, peer_connections (integer): PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, is_default_password (boolean): Indicates if default password is used in device web admin, is_apply_bulk_config (boolean): Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config, is_wlan_ap_suspended (boolean): Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended, is_ap_schedule_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled, is_ha_enabled (boolean): Indicates if high availability enabled, is_ha_slave (boolean): Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit, ha_role (string): High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave), ha_status (string): High Availability Status, ha_transition_time (string): Last Transition Date and time, periph_status_available (boolean): Indicates if periph status is available, periph_status (periph_status): Periph status, port_status_available (boolean): Indicates if port status is available, port_status (port_status): Port status, gobi_sim_lock_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support SIM lock, gobi_sim_locks (array[string]): , poe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support poe, admin_conf (admin_conf): Admin configuration, outbound_policy_managed (boolean): , firewall_rules_managed (boolean): , is_apply_import_lan (boolean): , is_apply_csv_override (boolean): , is_wlc_enabled (boolean): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan (integer): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns (array[string]): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type (string): , mgnt_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_vlans (array[vlan_interface]): , max_lacp_group_support (integer): , max_port_per_lacp_group (integer): , endpoint_support (boolean): , slow_response (boolean): , slow_response_start_time (string): , wlan_mac_list (array[wlan_mac_list]): , slot_module_list (array[slot_module]): List of slot module information, vlan_managed (boolean): (device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed, icmg_mvpn (boolean): , icmg_wan (boolean): Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl, icmg_schedule_reboot (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot, icmg_schedule (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule, icmg_wlan (boolean): Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl, icmg_portal (boolean): Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl, icmg_lan (boolean): Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl, icmg_sdswitch (boolean): , icmg_outbound (boolean): Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl, icmg_firewall (boolean): Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl, icmg_admin (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } follow_loc_dev_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the followed device, sn (string): S/N of the followed device, name (string): Device name of the followed device, onlineStatus (string): Online status of the followed device, } radio_module { module_id (integer): System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier, frequency_band (string): Supported radio frequency bands, active_frequency_band (string): The active frequency band, } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, } ssid_profiles_applied { id (integer): System generated SSID profile identifier, ssid (string): SSID, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the portal is external captive portal, wpa_passphrase (string): WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users, } radio_band { radio_bands (integer): Unique identifier of the radio band, active_band (string): The active frequency band, txpower (number): Output power, channel (integer): Channel, channel_mode (string): Channel Mode, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, } periph_status { cpu_load (usage_data): CPU load, power_state (power_state): Power State, power_usage (usage_data): Power Usage, fan_speed (usage_data): Fan speed, thermal_sensor (temperature): Thermal Sensor, } usage_data { name (string): Name, value (number): Value, total (number): Total, voltage (number): Voltage, current (number): Current, percentage (number): Percentage, active (boolean): Active, } power_state { name (string): Name, connect (boolean): Indicates if the power is connected, } temperature { temperature (number): Temperature, max (number): Maximum, threshold (number): Threshold, min (number): Minimum, } port_status { } admin_conf { managed (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is enabled, protocol (string): , admin_auth (string): , admin_user_auth (string): , version (integer): , admin_name (string): Admin User Name, admin_password (string): Admin password, admin_readonly_name (string): Read-only User Name, admin_readonly_password (string): Read-only User password, admin_radius_enable (boolean): Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled, } wlan_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio_band (string): Radio band, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, enabled (boolean): , encryption (string): , portal_id (integer): , } slot_module { slot (integer): Module slot, hw_ver (string): Module hardware version, sn (string): Module S/N, model (string): Module model, product_name (string): Module product name, expiry_date (string): Module expiry date and time, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "usage": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "product_id": 0, "client_count": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "config_rollback": true, "config_rollback_date": "", "ic2_config_apply_locked": true, "outstanding_patch_ids": [ "" ], "device_config_apply_locked": true, "sp_default": true, "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "tag_info": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "note": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "address": "", "location_timestamp": "", "follow_loc_dev": 0, "follow_loc_dev_info": { "id": 0, "sn": "", "name": "", "onlineStatus": "" }, "isStatic": true, "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "gps_support": true, "gps_exist": true, "support_ssid_count": 0.0, "radio_modules": [ { "module_id": 0, "frequency_band": "", "active_frequency_band": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "v6_license": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "fw_pending_trial_round": 0, "fw_pending_max_no_of_trial": 0, "fw_pending_ver": "", "fw_pending_schedule_time": "", "fw_pending_upgrade_time": "", "fw_pending_status": 0, "fw_pending_group_time": "", "is_master_device": true, "fw_managmed": "", "wifi_cfg": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_available": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date": "", "ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date": "", "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "ssid_profiles": [ { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } ], "ssid_profiles_applied": [ { "id": 0, "ssid": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "portal_id": 0, "enabled": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "wpa_passphrase": "" } ], "hardware_version": "", "mvpn_version": "", "radio_bands": [ { "radio_bands": 0, "active_band": "", "txpower": 0.0, "channel": 0, "channel_mode": "" } ], "loc_display": true, "extap_proxy_supported": true, "extap_proxy_enabled": true, "wlan_probe_supported": true, "wlan_probe_enabled": true, "dpi_supported": true, "dpi_enabled": true, "low_data_usage_mode": true, "ra_enabled": true, "watchdog_enabled": true, "ra_supported": true, "watchdog_supported": true, "ap_router_mode": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "site_id": "", "handshake_port": true, "refuse_legacy": true, "peer_connections": 0, "pepvpn_peers": 0, "is_default_password": true, "is_apply_bulk_config": true, "is_wlan_ap_suspended": true, "is_ap_schedule_enabled": true, "is_ha_enabled": true, "is_ha_slave": true, "ha_role": "", "ha_status": "", "ha_transition_time": "", "periph_status_available": true, "periph_status": { "cpu_load": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "power_state": { "name": "", "connect": true }, "power_usage": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "fan_speed": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "thermal_sensor": { "temperature": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "threshold": 0.0, "min": 0.0 } }, "port_status_available": true, "port_status": {}, "gobi_sim_lock_supported": true, "gobi_sim_locks": [ "" ], "poe_supported": true, "admin_conf": { "managed": true, "protocol": "", "admin_auth": "", "admin_user_auth": "", "version": 0, "admin_name": "", "admin_password": "", "admin_readonly_name": "", "admin_readonly_password": "", "admin_radius_enable": true }, "outbound_policy_managed": true, "firewall_rules_managed": true, "is_apply_import_lan": true, "is_apply_csv_override": true, "is_wlc_enabled": true, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan": 0, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns": [ "" ], "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type": "", "mgnt_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_vlans": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "max_lacp_group_support": 0, "max_port_per_lacp_group": 0, "endpoint_support": true, "slow_response": true, "slow_response_start_time": "", "wlan_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio_band": "", "radio": "", "security": "", "enabled": true, "encryption": "", "portal_id": 0 } ], "slot_module_list": [ { "slot": 0, "hw_ver": "", "sn": "", "model": "", "product_name": "", "expiry_date": "" } ], "vlan_managed": true, "icmg_mvpn": true, "icmg_wan": true, "icmg_schedule_reboot": true, "icmg_schedule": true, "icmg_wlan": true, "icmg_portal": true, "icmg_lan": true, "icmg_sdswitch": true, "icmg_outbound": true, "icmg_firewall": true, "icmg_admin": true } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | device |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
usage | number |
Current bandwidth usage
tx | number |
Current upload usage
rx | number |
Current download usage
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
client_count | integer |
Current client count
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
config_rollback | boolean |
Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl.
config_rollback_date | string |
Config roll back date and time
ic2_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl
outstanding_patch_ids | array[string] |
Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches
device_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device
sp_default | boolean |
Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
tag_info | array[tag_info] |
List of Device tags information
note | string |
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
address | string |
Location address
location_timestamp | string |
Location recorded time
follow_loc_dev | integer |
Device's ID of the followed location device
follow_loc_dev_info | follow_loc_dev_info |
Followed location device information
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if the returned location is a static one
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
gps_support | boolean |
Indicates if the device support gps
gps_exist | boolean |
Indicates if the device with any gps records
support_ssid_count | number |
Supported number of SSIDs
radio_modules | array[radio_module] |
Supported radio modules
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
v6_license | string |
Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license
enabled, disabled |
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
fw_pending_trial_round | integer |
Firmware update trial count
fw_pending_max_no_of_trial | integer |
Maximum number of firmware update trial count
fw_pending_ver | string |
Version of the firmware to be updated
fw_pending_schedule_time | string |
Scheduled firmware update start time
fw_pending_upgrade_time | string |
Actual firmware update time
fw_pending_status | integer |
Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive
0, 1 |
fw_pending_group_time | string |
Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone
is_master_device | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device
fw_managmed | string |
(only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level
wifi_cfg | string |
Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device
group, device, not_managed |
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_available | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time
ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
ssid_profiles | array[ssid_profile] |
SSID profiles
ssid_profiles_applied | array[ssid_profiles_applied] |
Applied SSID profiles
hardware_version | string |
Hardware version
mvpn_version | string |
MVPN version
radio_bands | array[radio_band] |
Radio bands
loc_display | boolean |
Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude
extap_proxy_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a AP controller
extap_proxy_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller
wlan_probe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data"
wlan_probe_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl
dpi_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection
dpi_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection
low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode
ra_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ra_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ap_router_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
handshake_port | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port
refuse_legacy | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware
peer_connections | integer |
PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
is_default_password | boolean |
Indicates if default password is used in device web admin
is_apply_bulk_config | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config
is_wlan_ap_suspended | boolean |
Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended
is_ap_schedule_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled
is_ha_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if high availability enabled
is_ha_slave | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit
ha_role | string |
High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave)
ha_status | string |
High Availability Status
ha_transition_time | string |
Last Transition Date and time
periph_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if periph status is available
periph_status | periph_status |
Periph status
port_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if port status is available
port_status | port_status |
Port status
gobi_sim_lock_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support SIM lock
gobi_sim_locks | array[string] | |
poe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support poe
admin_conf | admin_conf |
Admin configuration
outbound_policy_managed | boolean | |
firewall_rules_managed | boolean | |
is_apply_import_lan | boolean | |
is_apply_csv_override | boolean | |
is_wlc_enabled | boolean | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan | integer | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns | array[string] | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type | string | |
mgnt_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_vlans | array[vlan_interface] | |
max_lacp_group_support | integer | |
max_port_per_lacp_group | integer | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
slow_response | boolean | |
slow_response_start_time | string | |
wlan_mac_list | array[wlan_mac_list] | |
slot_module_list | array[slot_module] |
List of slot module information
vlan_managed | boolean |
(device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed
icmg_mvpn | boolean | |
icmg_wan | boolean |
Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl
icmg_schedule_reboot | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot
icmg_schedule | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule
icmg_wlan | boolean |
Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl
icmg_portal | boolean |
Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl
icmg_lan | boolean |
Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl
icmg_sdswitch | boolean | |
icmg_outbound | boolean |
Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl
icmg_firewall | boolean |
Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl
icmg_admin | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the followed device
sn | string |
S/N of the followed device
name | string |
Device name of the followed device
onlineStatus | string |
Online status of the followed device
Field | Type | Description |
module_id | integer |
System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier
frequency_band | string |
Supported radio frequency bands
active_frequency_band | string |
The active frequency band
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated SSID profile identifier
ssid | string |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl
vlan_id | integer |
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the portal is external captive portal
wpa_passphrase | string |
WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users
Field | Type | Description |
radio_bands | integer |
Unique identifier of the radio band
active_band | string |
The active frequency band
txpower | number |
Output power
channel | integer |
channel_mode | string |
Channel Mode
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Field | Type | Description |
cpu_load | usage_data |
CPU load
power_state | power_state |
Power State
power_usage | usage_data |
Power Usage
fan_speed | usage_data |
Fan speed
thermal_sensor | temperature |
Thermal Sensor
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
value | number |
total | number |
voltage | number |
current | number |
percentage | number |
active | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
connect | boolean |
Indicates if the power is connected
Field | Type | Description |
temperature | number |
max | number |
threshold | number |
min | number |
Field | Type | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
managed | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is enabled
protocol | string | |
admin_auth | string | |
admin_user_auth | string | |
version | integer | |
admin_name | string |
Admin User Name
admin_password | string |
Admin password
admin_readonly_name | string |
Read-only User Name
admin_readonly_password | string |
Read-only User password
admin_radius_enable | boolean |
Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio_band | string |
Radio band
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
enabled | boolean | |
encryption | string | |
portal_id | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
slot | integer |
Module slot
hw_ver | string |
Module hardware version
sn | string |
Module S/N
model | string |
Module model
product_name | string |
Module product name
expiry_date | string |
Module expiry date and time
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
field |
Any field in top level of device detail JSON, e.g. sn, fw_ver, usage, product_name etc.
Query | List |
Get a device's detail information of a specified field
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (device): Response data object, } device { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, usage (number): Current bandwidth usage, tx (number): Current upload usage, rx (number): Current download usage, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, client_count (integer): Current client count, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, config_rollback (boolean): Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl., config_rollback_date (string): Config roll back date and time, ic2_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl, outstanding_patch_ids (array[string]): Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches, device_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device, sp_default (boolean): Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, tag_info (array[tag_info]): List of Device tags information, note (string): Note, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, address (string): Location address, location_timestamp (string): Location recorded time, follow_loc_dev (integer): Device's ID of the followed location device, follow_loc_dev_info (follow_loc_dev_info): Followed location device information, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if the returned location is a static one, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, gps_support (boolean): Indicates if the device support gps, gps_exist (boolean): Indicates if the device with any gps records, support_ssid_count (number): Supported number of SSIDs, radio_modules (array[radio_module]): Supported radio modules, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, v6_license (string): Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, fw_pending_trial_round (integer): Firmware update trial count, fw_pending_max_no_of_trial (integer): Maximum number of firmware update trial count, fw_pending_ver (string): Version of the firmware to be updated, fw_pending_schedule_time (string): Scheduled firmware update start time, fw_pending_upgrade_time (string): Actual firmware update time, fw_pending_status (integer): Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive, fw_pending_group_time (string): Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone, is_master_device (boolean): Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device, fw_managmed (string): (only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level, wifi_cfg (string): Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_available (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time, ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time, onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, ssid_profiles (array[ssid_profile]): SSID profiles, ssid_profiles_applied (array[ssid_profiles_applied]): Applied SSID profiles, hardware_version (string): Hardware version, mvpn_version (string): MVPN version, radio_bands (array[radio_band]): Radio bands, loc_display (boolean): Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude, extap_proxy_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device is a AP controller, extap_proxy_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller, wlan_probe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data", wlan_probe_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl, dpi_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection, dpi_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection, low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode, ra_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance, watchdog_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog, ra_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support remote assistance, watchdog_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog, ap_router_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, handshake_port (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port, refuse_legacy (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware, peer_connections (integer): PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, is_default_password (boolean): Indicates if default password is used in device web admin, is_apply_bulk_config (boolean): Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config, is_wlan_ap_suspended (boolean): Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended, is_ap_schedule_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled, is_ha_enabled (boolean): Indicates if high availability enabled, is_ha_slave (boolean): Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit, ha_role (string): High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave), ha_status (string): High Availability Status, ha_transition_time (string): Last Transition Date and time, periph_status_available (boolean): Indicates if periph status is available, periph_status (periph_status): Periph status, port_status_available (boolean): Indicates if port status is available, port_status (port_status): Port status, gobi_sim_lock_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support SIM lock, gobi_sim_locks (array[string]): , poe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support poe, admin_conf (admin_conf): Admin configuration, outbound_policy_managed (boolean): , firewall_rules_managed (boolean): , is_apply_import_lan (boolean): , is_apply_csv_override (boolean): , is_wlc_enabled (boolean): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan (integer): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns (array[string]): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type (string): , mgnt_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_vlans (array[vlan_interface]): , max_lacp_group_support (integer): , max_port_per_lacp_group (integer): , endpoint_support (boolean): , slow_response (boolean): , slow_response_start_time (string): , wlan_mac_list (array[wlan_mac_list]): , slot_module_list (array[slot_module]): List of slot module information, vlan_managed (boolean): (device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed, icmg_mvpn (boolean): , icmg_wan (boolean): Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl, icmg_schedule_reboot (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot, icmg_schedule (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule, icmg_wlan (boolean): Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl, icmg_portal (boolean): Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl, icmg_lan (boolean): Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl, icmg_sdswitch (boolean): , icmg_outbound (boolean): Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl, icmg_firewall (boolean): Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl, icmg_admin (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } follow_loc_dev_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the followed device, sn (string): S/N of the followed device, name (string): Device name of the followed device, onlineStatus (string): Online status of the followed device, } radio_module { module_id (integer): System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier, frequency_band (string): Supported radio frequency bands, active_frequency_band (string): The active frequency band, } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, } ssid_profiles_applied { id (integer): System generated SSID profile identifier, ssid (string): SSID, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the portal is external captive portal, wpa_passphrase (string): WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users, } radio_band { radio_bands (integer): Unique identifier of the radio band, active_band (string): The active frequency band, txpower (number): Output power, channel (integer): Channel, channel_mode (string): Channel Mode, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, } periph_status { cpu_load (usage_data): CPU load, power_state (power_state): Power State, power_usage (usage_data): Power Usage, fan_speed (usage_data): Fan speed, thermal_sensor (temperature): Thermal Sensor, } usage_data { name (string): Name, value (number): Value, total (number): Total, voltage (number): Voltage, current (number): Current, percentage (number): Percentage, active (boolean): Active, } power_state { name (string): Name, connect (boolean): Indicates if the power is connected, } temperature { temperature (number): Temperature, max (number): Maximum, threshold (number): Threshold, min (number): Minimum, } port_status { } admin_conf { managed (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is enabled, protocol (string): , admin_auth (string): , admin_user_auth (string): , version (integer): , admin_name (string): Admin User Name, admin_password (string): Admin password, admin_readonly_name (string): Read-only User Name, admin_readonly_password (string): Read-only User password, admin_radius_enable (boolean): Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled, } wlan_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio_band (string): Radio band, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, enabled (boolean): , encryption (string): , portal_id (integer): , } slot_module { slot (integer): Module slot, hw_ver (string): Module hardware version, sn (string): Module S/N, model (string): Module model, product_name (string): Module product name, expiry_date (string): Module expiry date and time, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "usage": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "product_id": 0, "client_count": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "config_rollback": true, "config_rollback_date": "", "ic2_config_apply_locked": true, "outstanding_patch_ids": [ "" ], "device_config_apply_locked": true, "sp_default": true, "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "tag_info": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "note": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "address": "", "location_timestamp": "", "follow_loc_dev": 0, "follow_loc_dev_info": { "id": 0, "sn": "", "name": "", "onlineStatus": "" }, "isStatic": true, "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "gps_support": true, "gps_exist": true, "support_ssid_count": 0.0, "radio_modules": [ { "module_id": 0, "frequency_band": "", "active_frequency_band": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "v6_license": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "fw_pending_trial_round": 0, "fw_pending_max_no_of_trial": 0, "fw_pending_ver": "", "fw_pending_schedule_time": "", "fw_pending_upgrade_time": "", "fw_pending_status": 0, "fw_pending_group_time": "", "is_master_device": true, "fw_managmed": "", "wifi_cfg": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_available": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date": "", "ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date": "", "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "ssid_profiles": [ { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } ], "ssid_profiles_applied": [ { "id": 0, "ssid": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "portal_id": 0, "enabled": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "wpa_passphrase": "" } ], "hardware_version": "", "mvpn_version": "", "radio_bands": [ { "radio_bands": 0, "active_band": "", "txpower": 0.0, "channel": 0, "channel_mode": "" } ], "loc_display": true, "extap_proxy_supported": true, "extap_proxy_enabled": true, "wlan_probe_supported": true, "wlan_probe_enabled": true, "dpi_supported": true, "dpi_enabled": true, "low_data_usage_mode": true, "ra_enabled": true, "watchdog_enabled": true, "ra_supported": true, "watchdog_supported": true, "ap_router_mode": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "site_id": "", "handshake_port": true, "refuse_legacy": true, "peer_connections": 0, "pepvpn_peers": 0, "is_default_password": true, "is_apply_bulk_config": true, "is_wlan_ap_suspended": true, "is_ap_schedule_enabled": true, "is_ha_enabled": true, "is_ha_slave": true, "ha_role": "", "ha_status": "", "ha_transition_time": "", "periph_status_available": true, "periph_status": { "cpu_load": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "power_state": { "name": "", "connect": true }, "power_usage": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "fan_speed": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "thermal_sensor": { "temperature": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "threshold": 0.0, "min": 0.0 } }, "port_status_available": true, "port_status": {}, "gobi_sim_lock_supported": true, "gobi_sim_locks": [ "" ], "poe_supported": true, "admin_conf": { "managed": true, "protocol": "", "admin_auth": "", "admin_user_auth": "", "version": 0, "admin_name": "", "admin_password": "", "admin_readonly_name": "", "admin_readonly_password": "", "admin_radius_enable": true }, "outbound_policy_managed": true, "firewall_rules_managed": true, "is_apply_import_lan": true, "is_apply_csv_override": true, "is_wlc_enabled": true, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan": 0, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns": [ "" ], "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type": "", "mgnt_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_vlans": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "max_lacp_group_support": 0, "max_port_per_lacp_group": 0, "endpoint_support": true, "slow_response": true, "slow_response_start_time": "", "wlan_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio_band": "", "radio": "", "security": "", "enabled": true, "encryption": "", "portal_id": 0 } ], "slot_module_list": [ { "slot": 0, "hw_ver": "", "sn": "", "model": "", "product_name": "", "expiry_date": "" } ], "vlan_managed": true, "icmg_mvpn": true, "icmg_wan": true, "icmg_schedule_reboot": true, "icmg_schedule": true, "icmg_wlan": true, "icmg_portal": true, "icmg_lan": true, "icmg_sdswitch": true, "icmg_outbound": true, "icmg_firewall": true, "icmg_admin": true } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | device |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
usage | number |
Current bandwidth usage
tx | number |
Current upload usage
rx | number |
Current download usage
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
client_count | integer |
Current client count
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
config_rollback | boolean |
Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl.
config_rollback_date | string |
Config roll back date and time
ic2_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl
outstanding_patch_ids | array[string] |
Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches
device_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device
sp_default | boolean |
Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
tag_info | array[tag_info] |
List of Device tags information
note | string |
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
address | string |
Location address
location_timestamp | string |
Location recorded time
follow_loc_dev | integer |
Device's ID of the followed location device
follow_loc_dev_info | follow_loc_dev_info |
Followed location device information
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if the returned location is a static one
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
gps_support | boolean |
Indicates if the device support gps
gps_exist | boolean |
Indicates if the device with any gps records
support_ssid_count | number |
Supported number of SSIDs
radio_modules | array[radio_module] |
Supported radio modules
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
v6_license | string |
Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license
enabled, disabled |
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
fw_pending_trial_round | integer |
Firmware update trial count
fw_pending_max_no_of_trial | integer |
Maximum number of firmware update trial count
fw_pending_ver | string |
Version of the firmware to be updated
fw_pending_schedule_time | string |
Scheduled firmware update start time
fw_pending_upgrade_time | string |
Actual firmware update time
fw_pending_status | integer |
Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive
0, 1 |
fw_pending_group_time | string |
Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone
is_master_device | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device
fw_managmed | string |
(only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level
wifi_cfg | string |
Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device
group, device, not_managed |
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_available | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time
ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
ssid_profiles | array[ssid_profile] |
SSID profiles
ssid_profiles_applied | array[ssid_profiles_applied] |
Applied SSID profiles
hardware_version | string |
Hardware version
mvpn_version | string |
MVPN version
radio_bands | array[radio_band] |
Radio bands
loc_display | boolean |
Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude
extap_proxy_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a AP controller
extap_proxy_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller
wlan_probe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data"
wlan_probe_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl
dpi_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection
dpi_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection
low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode
ra_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ra_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ap_router_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
handshake_port | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port
refuse_legacy | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware
peer_connections | integer |
PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
is_default_password | boolean |
Indicates if default password is used in device web admin
is_apply_bulk_config | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config
is_wlan_ap_suspended | boolean |
Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended
is_ap_schedule_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled
is_ha_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if high availability enabled
is_ha_slave | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit
ha_role | string |
High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave)
ha_status | string |
High Availability Status
ha_transition_time | string |
Last Transition Date and time
periph_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if periph status is available
periph_status | periph_status |
Periph status
port_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if port status is available
port_status | port_status |
Port status
gobi_sim_lock_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support SIM lock
gobi_sim_locks | array[string] | |
poe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support poe
admin_conf | admin_conf |
Admin configuration
outbound_policy_managed | boolean | |
firewall_rules_managed | boolean | |
is_apply_import_lan | boolean | |
is_apply_csv_override | boolean | |
is_wlc_enabled | boolean | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan | integer | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns | array[string] | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type | string | |
mgnt_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_vlans | array[vlan_interface] | |
max_lacp_group_support | integer | |
max_port_per_lacp_group | integer | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
slow_response | boolean | |
slow_response_start_time | string | |
wlan_mac_list | array[wlan_mac_list] | |
slot_module_list | array[slot_module] |
List of slot module information
vlan_managed | boolean |
(device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed
icmg_mvpn | boolean | |
icmg_wan | boolean |
Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl
icmg_schedule_reboot | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot
icmg_schedule | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule
icmg_wlan | boolean |
Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl
icmg_portal | boolean |
Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl
icmg_lan | boolean |
Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl
icmg_sdswitch | boolean | |
icmg_outbound | boolean |
Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl
icmg_firewall | boolean |
Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl
icmg_admin | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the followed device
sn | string |
S/N of the followed device
name | string |
Device name of the followed device
onlineStatus | string |
Online status of the followed device
Field | Type | Description |
module_id | integer |
System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier
frequency_band | string |
Supported radio frequency bands
active_frequency_band | string |
The active frequency band
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated SSID profile identifier
ssid | string |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl
vlan_id | integer |
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the portal is external captive portal
wpa_passphrase | string |
WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users
Field | Type | Description |
radio_bands | integer |
Unique identifier of the radio band
active_band | string |
The active frequency band
txpower | number |
Output power
channel | integer |
channel_mode | string |
Channel Mode
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Field | Type | Description |
cpu_load | usage_data |
CPU load
power_state | power_state |
Power State
power_usage | usage_data |
Power Usage
fan_speed | usage_data |
Fan speed
thermal_sensor | temperature |
Thermal Sensor
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
value | number |
total | number |
voltage | number |
current | number |
percentage | number |
active | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
connect | boolean |
Indicates if the power is connected
Field | Type | Description |
temperature | number |
max | number |
threshold | number |
min | number |
Field | Type | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
managed | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is enabled
protocol | string | |
admin_auth | string | |
admin_user_auth | string | |
version | integer | |
admin_name | string |
Admin User Name
admin_password | string |
Admin password
admin_readonly_name | string |
Read-only User Name
admin_readonly_password | string |
Read-only User password
admin_radius_enable | boolean |
Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio_band | string |
Radio band
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
enabled | boolean | |
encryption | string | |
portal_id | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
slot | integer |
Module slot
hw_ver | string |
Module hardware version
sn | string |
Module S/N
model | string |
Module model
product_name | string |
Module product name
expiry_date | string |
Module expiry date and time
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
field |
Any field in top level of device detail JSON, e.g. sn, fw_ver, usage, product_name etc.
Path | String |
Update IOT port state
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
port_id | Path | int | ||
state |
0 or on = on, 1 or off = off, 2 or powercycle = Power Cycle
Path | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
daily,weekly,monthly |
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[ipsec_history]): Response data object, } ipsec_history { up_time (string): Up date and time, down_time (string): Down date and time, duration (string): Duration between online time and offline time in h:mm:ss format, duration_in_second (integer): Duration between online time and offline time in seconds, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "up_time": "", "down_time": "", "duration": "", "duration_in_second": 0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[ipsec_history] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
up_time | string |
Up date and time
down_time | string |
Down date and time
duration | string |
Duration between online time and offline time in h:mm:ss format
duration_in_second | integer |
Duration between online time and offline time in seconds
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
limit |
No. of records to retrieve, default: 20
Query | Integer | |
page |
page. no, starts with 1
Query | Integer | |
sort |
Query | String | |
profile_name |
Profile name
Query | String |
Get a device's IPsec history in CSV
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[ipsec_history]): Response data object, } ipsec_history { up_time (string): Up date and time, down_time (string): Down date and time, duration (string): Duration between online time and offline time in h:mm:ss format, duration_in_second (integer): Duration between online time and offline time in seconds, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[ipsec_history] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
up_time | string |
Up date and time
down_time | string |
Down date and time
duration | string |
Duration between online time and offline time in h:mm:ss format
duration_in_second | integer |
Duration between online time and offline time in seconds
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
limit |
No. of records to retrieve, default: 20
Query | Integer | |
page |
page. no, starts with 1
Query | Integer | |
sort |
Query | String | |
profile_name |
Profile name
Query | String |
Get list of profile names in device's IPsec history
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[point]): Response data object, } point { lo (number): longitude, la (number): latitude, ts (string): timestamp, sp (number): speed, at (number): altitude, isExist (boolean): Indicates if any GPS location data ever, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if it is a static location, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "lo": 0.0, "la": 0.0, "ts": "", "sp": 0.0, "at": 0.0, "isExist": true, "isStatic": true } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[point] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
lo | number |
la | number |
ts | string |
sp | number |
at | number |
isExist | boolean |
Indicates if any GPS location data ever
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if it is a static location
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss. This field optional.
If this field is specified, all location records of the date after the time stamp will be returned. If the date is today and the time stamp is not 00:00:00, it will increase the device's location reporting frequency from one minute to two seconds in the coming two minutes. If this field is omitted, the last known location will be returned for GPS enabled devices. Its static location will be returned for non-GPS enabled devices. If you make this call regularly, you could receive only the changed coordinates by setting this parameter with the timestamp received from the last call. Then only the coordinates collected after the last call will be returned. |
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.
If specified, the time range between start and end would return, end time must be on the same day of 'start' parameter |
Query | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (device_location_list): Request data object, } device_location_list { location_list (array[device_location_point]): List of device location point, } device_location_point { timestamp (integer): Timestamp, number of seconds from the Unix epoch, la (number): Latitude, lo (number): Longitude, at (number): Altitude, sp (number): Speed, }
Request Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "data": { "location_list": [ { "timestamp": 0, "la": 0.0, "lo": 0.0, "at": 0.0, "sp": 0.0 } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | device_location_list |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
location_list | array[device_location_point] |
List of device location point
Field | Type | Description |
timestamp | integer |
Timestamp, number of seconds from the Unix epoch
la | number |
lo | number |
at | number |
sp | number |
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
data |
Example: {"data":{"location_list": [{"timestamp": 1546300800, "la": 0, "lo": 0}]}}
Raw | String |
Get a device's location in GPX format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Get a device's location in KML format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss, To specify the date and start time of location records to be returned. If it is omitted, the last reported location will be returned.
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (mediafast_usage): Response data object, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | mediafast_usage |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
type |
summary,detail |
Query | String | |
report_type |
hit,category,extension,submedia,type,client,device,bandwidth |
Query | String | |
no_of_record | Query | int | ||
keyword | Query | String | ||
search | Query | String | ||
order_by |
name,bandwidth_saved,total_bandwidth,accesses |
Query | String | |
order |
asc,desc |
Query | String |
Download MediaFast report in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
type |
summary,detail |
Query | String | |
report_type |
hit,category,extension,submedia,type,client,device,bandwidth |
Query | String | |
no_of_record | Query | int | ||
keyword | Query | String | ||
search | Query | String | ||
order_by |
name,bandwidth_saved,total_bandwidth,accesses |
Query | String | |
order |
asc,desc |
Query | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (update_device_note_request): Request data object, } update_device_note_request { note (string): Note, } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (device_list_basic_obj): Response data object, } device_list_basic_obj { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, note (string): Note, address (string): Location address, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, route_isolation (boolean): PepVPN Route Isolation, hub_support (boolean): , dr_support (boolean): , endpoint_support (boolean): , mvpn_license (integer): , } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "product_id": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "note": "", "address": "", "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "site_id": "", "pepvpn_peers": 0, "route_isolation": true, "hub_support": true, "dr_support": true, "endpoint_support": true, "mvpn_license": 0 } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | update_device_note_request |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
note | string |
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | device_list_basic_obj |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
note | string |
address | string |
Location address
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
route_isolation | boolean |
PepVPN Route Isolation
hub_support | boolean | |
dr_support | boolean | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
mvpn_license | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | Integer | ||
device_id | Path | Integer | ||
data | Raw | String |
Get a device's online/offline history
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[online_history]): Response data object, } online_history { online_time (string): Online date and time, offline_time (string): Offline date and time, duration (string): Duration between online time and offline time in h:mm:ss format, duration_in_second (integer): Duration between online time and offline time in seconds, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "online_time": "", "offline_time": "", "duration": "", "duration_in_second": 0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[online_history] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
online_time | string |
Online date and time
offline_time | string |
Offline date and time
duration | string |
Duration between online time and offline time in h:mm:ss format
duration_in_second | integer |
Duration between online time and offline time in seconds
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
limit |
No. of records to retrieve
Query | Integer | |
page |
page. no, starts with 1
Query | Integer | |
sort |
Query | String |
Get a device's online/offline history
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[online_history]): Response data object, } online_history { online_time (string): Online date and time, offline_time (string): Offline date and time, duration (string): Duration between online time and offline time in h:mm:ss format, duration_in_second (integer): Duration between online time and offline time in seconds, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[online_history] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
online_time | string |
Online date and time
offline_time | string |
Offline date and time
duration | string |
Duration between online time and offline time in h:mm:ss format
duration_in_second | integer |
Duration between online time and offline time in seconds
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
limit |
No. of records to retrieve
Query | int | |
page |
page. no, starts with 1
Query | int | |
sort |
Query | String |
Get a device's InTouch information
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (oobm_links_data): Response data object, } oobm_links_data { oobm_links (array[oobm_link]): List of InTouch basic settings, } oobm_link { f (): , id (integer): InTouch settings identifier, name (string): InTouch Device Name, group_name (string): Group Name, type (string): Type of InTouch settings, "web"- IP-based, "serial"- Serial-port-based, link (string): InTouch URL, ro_access (boolean): Indicates if it is accessible by organization and group viewers, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "oobm_links": [ { "id": 0, "name": "", "group_name": "", "type": "", "link": "", "ro_access": true } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | oobm_links_data |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
oobm_links | array[oobm_link] |
List of InTouch basic settings
Field | Type | Description |
f | ||
id | integer |
InTouch settings identifier
name | string |
InTouch Device Name
group_name | string |
Group Name
type | string |
Type of InTouch settings, "web"- IP-based, "serial"- Serial-port-based
link | string |
InTouch URL
ro_access | boolean |
Indicates if it is accessible by organization and group viewers
2.10.0 |
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Get a device's SpeedFusion VPN status
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (pepvpn_device_peer_detail): Response data object, } pepvpn_device_peer_detail { organization_id (string): Unique identifier of the organization, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_ids (array[integer]): List of Unique identifier of the device, peer_detail_list (array[pepvpn_device_peer_detail_list]): Peer Information, } pepvpn_device_peer_detail_list { type (string): Type of profile peer connection, status (string): Status of the peer, profilename (string): Profile name of the peer connecting to, username (string): username, bridge (string): bridge, server (string): server, client (string): client, secure (boolean): Indicates if the connection is secured or not, route (array[string]): Route of the connection. The field will only appear in Layer3 connection, subtunnel_id (integer): Subtunnel ID, subtunnel_name (string): Subtunnel Name, pid (integer): Profile ID, peer_id (string): Peer ID, conflict_route (array[string]): Conflict Route of the connection. The field will only appear in Layer3 connection, inactive_route (array[string]): Inactive Route of the connection. The field will only appear in Layer3 connection, profileId (string): Profile ID, peerId (string): Peer ID, device_id (integer): Peer device ID, device_network_id (integer): Group ID of the Peer device, name (string): Peer device name, device_status (string): Peer device status, device_location (device_gps_location): Peer device location, serial (string): Peer device S/N, serial_number (string): Peer device S/N, remote_device_id (integer): Remote Peer device ID, remote_network_id (integer): Group ID of the Remote Peer, remote_serial (string): Remote Peer device S/N, remote_name (string): Remote Peer device name, remote_device_status (integer): Remote Peer device status, remote_device_location (device_gps_location): Remote Peer device location, } device_gps_location { unixtime (integer): Location timestamp in unixtime, latitude (number): Latitude, longitude (number): Longitude, altitude (number): Altitude, speed (number): Speed, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "organization_id": "", "group_id": 0, "device_ids": [ 0 ], "peer_detail_list": [ { "type": "", "status": "", "profilename": "", "username": "", "bridge": "", "server": "", "client": "", "secure": true, "route": [ "" ], "subtunnel_id": 0, "subtunnel_name": "", "pid": 0, "peer_id": "", "conflict_route": [ "" ], "inactive_route": [ "" ], "profileId": "", "peerId": "", "device_id": 0, "device_network_id": 0, "name": "", "device_status": "", "device_location": { "unixtime": 0, "latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "altitude": 0.0, "speed": 0.0 }, "serial": "", "serial_number": "", "remote_device_id": 0, "remote_network_id": 0, "remote_serial": "", "remote_name": "", "remote_device_status": 0, "remote_device_location": { "unixtime": 0, "latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "altitude": 0.0, "speed": 0.0 } } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | pepvpn_device_peer_detail |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
organization_id | string |
Unique identifier of the organization
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_ids | array[integer] |
List of Unique identifier of the device
peer_detail_list | array[pepvpn_device_peer_detail_list] |
Peer Information
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of profile peer connection
l3, l2, nats, natc |
status | string |
Status of the peer
profilename | string |
Profile name of the peer connecting to
username | string |
bridge | string |
server | string |
client | string |
secure | boolean |
Indicates if the connection is secured or not
route | array[string] |
Route of the connection. The field will only appear in Layer3 connection
subtunnel_id | integer |
Subtunnel ID
subtunnel_name | string |
Subtunnel Name
pid | integer |
Profile ID
peer_id | string |
Peer ID
conflict_route | array[string] |
Conflict Route of the connection. The field will only appear in Layer3 connection
inactive_route | array[string] |
Inactive Route of the connection. The field will only appear in Layer3 connection
profileId | string |
Profile ID
peerId | string |
Peer ID
device_id | integer |
Peer device ID
device_network_id | integer |
Group ID of the Peer device
name | string |
Peer device name
device_status | string |
Peer device status
device_location | device_gps_location |
Peer device location
serial | string |
Peer device S/N
serial_number | string |
Peer device S/N
remote_device_id | integer |
Remote Peer device ID
remote_network_id | integer |
Group ID of the Remote Peer
remote_serial | string |
Remote Peer device S/N
remote_name | string |
Remote Peer device name
remote_device_status | integer |
Remote Peer device status
remote_device_location | device_gps_location |
Remote Peer device location
Field | Type | Description |
unixtime | integer |
Location timestamp in unixtime
latitude | number |
longitude | number |
altitude | number |
speed | number |
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Get a device's SpeedFusion VPN tunnel status
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[pepvpn_tunnel_status]): Response data object, } pepvpn_tunnel_status { sid (string): sid, timestamp (integer): Timestamp, organization_id (string): Unique identifier of the organization, iana_id (integer): iana_id, sn (string): Device S/N, status (integer): Status, stat (string): Status, tunnel_stat_list (pepvpn_tunnel_stat_list): Tunnel statistic information, } pepvpn_tunnel_stat_list { $peer_id (pepvpn_wan_order_obj): Tunnel information by peer ID, } pepvpn_wan_order_obj { $conn_id (pepvpn_wan_obj): Tunnel Statistic information by WAN ID, } pepvpn_wan_obj { name (string): WAN name, state (string): Status of the tunnel, rx (array[integer]): Receive bytes of the remote peer WAN, tx (array[integer]): Transmit bytes of the remote peer WAN, rtt (integer): Latency, time (pepvpn_time_obj): Time information of the tunnel, loss (array[integer]): Drop Rate, stime (integer): Time in second, Deprecated in fw7.1.0, nanostime (integer): Time in nanosecond, Deprecated in fw7.1.0, ack_miss (array[integer]): Deprecated in fw7.1.0, } pepvpn_time_obj { second (integer): Time in second, nanoSecond (integer): Time in nano second, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "sid": "", "timestamp": 0, "organization_id": "", "iana_id": 0, "sn": "", "status": 0, "stat": "", "tunnel_stat_list": { "$peer_id": { "$conn_id": { "name": "", "state": "", "rx": [ 0 ], "tx": [ 0 ], "rtt": 0, "time": { "second": 0, "nanoSecond": 0 }, "loss": [ 0 ], "stime": 0, "nanostime": 0, "ack_miss": [ 0 ] } } } } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[pepvpn_tunnel_status] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
sid | string |
timestamp | integer |
organization_id | string |
Unique identifier of the organization
iana_id | integer |
sn | string |
Device S/N
status | integer |
stat | string |
tunnel_stat_list | pepvpn_tunnel_stat_list |
Tunnel statistic information
Field | Type | Description |
$peer_id | pepvpn_wan_order_obj |
Tunnel information by peer ID
Field | Type | Description |
$conn_id | pepvpn_wan_obj |
Tunnel Statistic information by WAN ID
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
WAN name
state | string |
Status of the tunnel
rx | array[integer] |
Receive bytes of the remote peer WAN
tx | array[integer] |
Transmit bytes of the remote peer WAN
rtt | integer |
time | pepvpn_time_obj |
Time information of the tunnel
loss | array[integer] |
Drop Rate
stime | integer |
Time in second, Deprecated in fw7.1.0
nanostime | integer |
Time in nanosecond, Deprecated in fw7.1.0
ack_miss | array[integer] |
Deprecated in fw7.1.0
Field | Type | Description |
second | integer |
Time in second
nanoSecond | integer |
Time in nano second
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
peer_ids |
S/N related list of peer_id in SpeedFusion VPN status
Query | List |
Get device's monthly WAN availability
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
profile_name | Query | String |
Get Pepvpn Usages
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[pepvpn_bandwidth_usage]): Response data object, } pepvpn_bandwidth_usage { datetime (string): Usage timestamp in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss, return when detail=true, uuid (string): SpeedFusion VPN identifier, name (string): SpeedFusion VPN name, up (number): Upload usage in MB, down (number): Download usage in MB, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "datetime": "", "uuid": "", "name": "", "up": 0.0, "down": 0.0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[pepvpn_bandwidth_usage] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
datetime | string |
Usage timestamp in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss, return when detail=true
uuid | string |
SpeedFusion VPN identifier
name | string |
SpeedFusion VPN name
up | number |
Upload usage in MB
down | number |
Download usage in MB
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
report_type |
hourly,daily,monthly |
Path | String | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
detail |
Break down by date
Query | Boolean | |
sf_cloud_only |
SpeedFusion Cloud usage only
Query | Boolean | |
uuid | Query | String | ||
name | Query | String |
Get Pepvpn Usages in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
report_type | Path | String | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
detail |
Break down by date
Query | Boolean | |
sf_cloud_only |
SpeedFusion Cloud usage only
Query | Boolean | |
uuid | Query | String | ||
name | Query | String |
Get a Peplink SD Switch's PoE daily usage
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
month |
Format: yyyyMM
Query | String |
Get a Peplink SD Switch's PoE daily usage in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
month |
Format: yyyyMM
Query | String | |
port_id | Query | List |
Get a Peplink SD Switch's PoE hourly usage
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String |
Get a Peplink SD Switch's PoE hourly usage in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
port_id | Query | List |
Get a Peplink SD Switch's PoE monthly usage
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
year |
Format: yyyy
Query | Integer |
Get a Peplink SD Switch's PoE monthly usage in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
year |
Format: yyyy
Query | Integer | |
port_id | Query | List |
Get supported radio information
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (radio_support): Response data object, } radio_support { featureRadioConfigLst (array[radio_module]): , Refreshing (boolean): , } radio_module { module_id (integer): System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier, frequency_band (string): Supported radio frequency bands, active_frequency_band (string): The active frequency band, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "featureRadioConfigLst": [ { "module_id": 0, "frequency_band": "", "active_frequency_band": "" } ], "Refreshing": true } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | radio_support |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
featureRadioConfigLst | array[radio_module] | |
Refreshing | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
module_id | integer |
System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier
frequency_band | string |
Supported radio frequency bands
active_frequency_band | string |
The active frequency band
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[reader_log]): Response data object, } reader_log { time (string): Event time, card_id (string): Card ID, device (device): Device information, card_type (string): Card ID type, sn (string): Device S/N, status (string): Reader log status, latitude (integer): Device latitude, longitude (integer): Device longitude, gps_unixtime (integer): Device GPS timestamp in unixtime, } device { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, usage (number): Current bandwidth usage, tx (number): Current upload usage, rx (number): Current download usage, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, client_count (integer): Current client count, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, config_rollback (boolean): Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl., config_rollback_date (string): Config roll back date and time, ic2_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl, outstanding_patch_ids (array[string]): Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches, device_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device, sp_default (boolean): Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, tag_info (array[tag_info]): List of Device tags information, note (string): Note, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, address (string): Location address, location_timestamp (string): Location recorded time, follow_loc_dev (integer): Device's ID of the followed location device, follow_loc_dev_info (follow_loc_dev_info): Followed location device information, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if the returned location is a static one, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, gps_support (boolean): Indicates if the device support gps, gps_exist (boolean): Indicates if the device with any gps records, support_ssid_count (number): Supported number of SSIDs, radio_modules (array[radio_module]): Supported radio modules, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, v6_license (string): Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, fw_pending_trial_round (integer): Firmware update trial count, fw_pending_max_no_of_trial (integer): Maximum number of firmware update trial count, fw_pending_ver (string): Version of the firmware to be updated, fw_pending_schedule_time (string): Scheduled firmware update start time, fw_pending_upgrade_time (string): Actual firmware update time, fw_pending_status (integer): Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive, fw_pending_group_time (string): Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone, is_master_device (boolean): Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device, fw_managmed (string): (only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level, wifi_cfg (string): Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_available (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time, ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time, onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, ssid_profiles (array[ssid_profile]): SSID profiles, ssid_profiles_applied (array[ssid_profiles_applied]): Applied SSID profiles, hardware_version (string): Hardware version, mvpn_version (string): MVPN version, radio_bands (array[radio_band]): Radio bands, loc_display (boolean): Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude, extap_proxy_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device is a AP controller, extap_proxy_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller, wlan_probe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data", wlan_probe_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl, dpi_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection, dpi_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection, low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode, ra_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance, watchdog_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog, ra_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support remote assistance, watchdog_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog, ap_router_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, handshake_port (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port, refuse_legacy (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware, peer_connections (integer): PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, is_default_password (boolean): Indicates if default password is used in device web admin, is_apply_bulk_config (boolean): Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config, is_wlan_ap_suspended (boolean): Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended, is_ap_schedule_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled, is_ha_enabled (boolean): Indicates if high availability enabled, is_ha_slave (boolean): Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit, ha_role (string): High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave), ha_status (string): High Availability Status, ha_transition_time (string): Last Transition Date and time, periph_status_available (boolean): Indicates if periph status is available, periph_status (periph_status): Periph status, port_status_available (boolean): Indicates if port status is available, port_status (port_status): Port status, gobi_sim_lock_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support SIM lock, gobi_sim_locks (array[string]): , poe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support poe, admin_conf (admin_conf): Admin configuration, outbound_policy_managed (boolean): , firewall_rules_managed (boolean): , is_apply_import_lan (boolean): , is_apply_csv_override (boolean): , is_wlc_enabled (boolean): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan (integer): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns (array[string]): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type (string): , mgnt_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_vlans (array[vlan_interface]): , max_lacp_group_support (integer): , max_port_per_lacp_group (integer): , endpoint_support (boolean): , slow_response (boolean): , slow_response_start_time (string): , wlan_mac_list (array[wlan_mac_list]): , slot_module_list (array[slot_module]): List of slot module information, vlan_managed (boolean): (device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed, icmg_mvpn (boolean): , icmg_wan (boolean): Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl, icmg_schedule_reboot (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot, icmg_schedule (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule, icmg_wlan (boolean): Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl, icmg_portal (boolean): Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl, icmg_lan (boolean): Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl, icmg_sdswitch (boolean): , icmg_outbound (boolean): Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl, icmg_firewall (boolean): Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl, icmg_admin (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } follow_loc_dev_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the followed device, sn (string): S/N of the followed device, name (string): Device name of the followed device, onlineStatus (string): Online status of the followed device, } radio_module { module_id (integer): System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier, frequency_band (string): Supported radio frequency bands, active_frequency_band (string): The active frequency band, } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, } ssid_profiles_applied { id (integer): System generated SSID profile identifier, ssid (string): SSID, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the portal is external captive portal, wpa_passphrase (string): WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users, } radio_band { radio_bands (integer): Unique identifier of the radio band, active_band (string): The active frequency band, txpower (number): Output power, channel (integer): Channel, channel_mode (string): Channel Mode, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, } periph_status { cpu_load (usage_data): CPU load, power_state (power_state): Power State, power_usage (usage_data): Power Usage, fan_speed (usage_data): Fan speed, thermal_sensor (temperature): Thermal Sensor, } usage_data { name (string): Name, value (number): Value, total (number): Total, voltage (number): Voltage, current (number): Current, percentage (number): Percentage, active (boolean): Active, } power_state { name (string): Name, connect (boolean): Indicates if the power is connected, } temperature { temperature (number): Temperature, max (number): Maximum, threshold (number): Threshold, min (number): Minimum, } port_status { } admin_conf { managed (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is enabled, protocol (string): , admin_auth (string): , admin_user_auth (string): , version (integer): , admin_name (string): Admin User Name, admin_password (string): Admin password, admin_readonly_name (string): Read-only User Name, admin_readonly_password (string): Read-only User password, admin_radius_enable (boolean): Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled, } wlan_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio_band (string): Radio band, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, enabled (boolean): , encryption (string): , portal_id (integer): , } slot_module { slot (integer): Module slot, hw_ver (string): Module hardware version, sn (string): Module S/N, model (string): Module model, product_name (string): Module product name, expiry_date (string): Module expiry date and time, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "time": "", "card_id": "", "device": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "usage": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "product_id": 0, "client_count": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "config_rollback": true, "config_rollback_date": "", "ic2_config_apply_locked": true, "outstanding_patch_ids": [ "" ], "device_config_apply_locked": true, "sp_default": true, "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "tag_info": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "note": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "address": "", "location_timestamp": "", "follow_loc_dev": 0, "follow_loc_dev_info": { "id": 0, "sn": "", "name": "", "onlineStatus": "" }, "isStatic": true, "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "gps_support": true, "gps_exist": true, "support_ssid_count": 0.0, "radio_modules": [ { "module_id": 0, "frequency_band": "", "active_frequency_band": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "v6_license": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "fw_pending_trial_round": 0, "fw_pending_max_no_of_trial": 0, "fw_pending_ver": "", "fw_pending_schedule_time": "", "fw_pending_upgrade_time": "", "fw_pending_status": 0, "fw_pending_group_time": "", "is_master_device": true, "fw_managmed": "", "wifi_cfg": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_available": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date": "", "ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date": "", "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "ssid_profiles": [ { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } ], "ssid_profiles_applied": [ { "id": 0, "ssid": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "portal_id": 0, "enabled": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "wpa_passphrase": "" } ], "hardware_version": "", "mvpn_version": "", "radio_bands": [ { "radio_bands": 0, "active_band": "", "txpower": 0.0, "channel": 0, "channel_mode": "" } ], "loc_display": true, "extap_proxy_supported": true, "extap_proxy_enabled": true, "wlan_probe_supported": true, "wlan_probe_enabled": true, "dpi_supported": true, "dpi_enabled": true, "low_data_usage_mode": true, "ra_enabled": true, "watchdog_enabled": true, "ra_supported": true, "watchdog_supported": true, "ap_router_mode": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "site_id": "", "handshake_port": true, "refuse_legacy": true, "peer_connections": 0, "pepvpn_peers": 0, "is_default_password": true, "is_apply_bulk_config": true, "is_wlan_ap_suspended": true, "is_ap_schedule_enabled": true, "is_ha_enabled": true, "is_ha_slave": true, "ha_role": "", "ha_status": "", "ha_transition_time": "", "periph_status_available": true, "periph_status": { "cpu_load": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "power_state": { "name": "", "connect": true }, "power_usage": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "fan_speed": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "thermal_sensor": { "temperature": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "threshold": 0.0, "min": 0.0 } }, "port_status_available": true, "port_status": {}, "gobi_sim_lock_supported": true, "gobi_sim_locks": [ "" ], "poe_supported": true, "admin_conf": { "managed": true, "protocol": "", "admin_auth": "", "admin_user_auth": "", "version": 0, "admin_name": "", "admin_password": "", "admin_readonly_name": "", "admin_readonly_password": "", "admin_radius_enable": true }, "outbound_policy_managed": true, "firewall_rules_managed": true, "is_apply_import_lan": true, "is_apply_csv_override": true, "is_wlc_enabled": true, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan": 0, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns": [ "" ], "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type": "", "mgnt_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_vlans": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "max_lacp_group_support": 0, "max_port_per_lacp_group": 0, "endpoint_support": true, "slow_response": true, "slow_response_start_time": "", "wlan_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio_band": "", "radio": "", "security": "", "enabled": true, "encryption": "", "portal_id": 0 } ], "slot_module_list": [ { "slot": 0, "hw_ver": "", "sn": "", "model": "", "product_name": "", "expiry_date": "" } ], "vlan_managed": true, "icmg_mvpn": true, "icmg_wan": true, "icmg_schedule_reboot": true, "icmg_schedule": true, "icmg_wlan": true, "icmg_portal": true, "icmg_lan": true, "icmg_sdswitch": true, "icmg_outbound": true, "icmg_firewall": true, "icmg_admin": true }, "card_type": "", "sn": "", "status": "", "latitude": 0, "longitude": 0, "gps_unixtime": 0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[reader_log] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
time | string |
Event time
card_id | string |
Card ID
device | device |
Device information
card_type | string |
Card ID type
sn | string |
Device S/N
status | string |
Reader log status
Granted, Denied, Logs |
latitude | integer |
Device latitude
longitude | integer |
Device longitude
gps_unixtime | integer |
Device GPS timestamp in unixtime
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
usage | number |
Current bandwidth usage
tx | number |
Current upload usage
rx | number |
Current download usage
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
client_count | integer |
Current client count
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
config_rollback | boolean |
Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl.
config_rollback_date | string |
Config roll back date and time
ic2_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl
outstanding_patch_ids | array[string] |
Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches
device_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device
sp_default | boolean |
Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
tag_info | array[tag_info] |
List of Device tags information
note | string |
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
address | string |
Location address
location_timestamp | string |
Location recorded time
follow_loc_dev | integer |
Device's ID of the followed location device
follow_loc_dev_info | follow_loc_dev_info |
Followed location device information
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if the returned location is a static one
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
gps_support | boolean |
Indicates if the device support gps
gps_exist | boolean |
Indicates if the device with any gps records
support_ssid_count | number |
Supported number of SSIDs
radio_modules | array[radio_module] |
Supported radio modules
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
v6_license | string |
Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license
enabled, disabled |
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
fw_pending_trial_round | integer |
Firmware update trial count
fw_pending_max_no_of_trial | integer |
Maximum number of firmware update trial count
fw_pending_ver | string |
Version of the firmware to be updated
fw_pending_schedule_time | string |
Scheduled firmware update start time
fw_pending_upgrade_time | string |
Actual firmware update time
fw_pending_status | integer |
Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive
0, 1 |
fw_pending_group_time | string |
Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone
is_master_device | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device
fw_managmed | string |
(only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level
wifi_cfg | string |
Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device
group, device, not_managed |
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_available | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time
ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
ssid_profiles | array[ssid_profile] |
SSID profiles
ssid_profiles_applied | array[ssid_profiles_applied] |
Applied SSID profiles
hardware_version | string |
Hardware version
mvpn_version | string |
MVPN version
radio_bands | array[radio_band] |
Radio bands
loc_display | boolean |
Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude
extap_proxy_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a AP controller
extap_proxy_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller
wlan_probe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data"
wlan_probe_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl
dpi_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection
dpi_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection
low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode
ra_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ra_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ap_router_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
handshake_port | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port
refuse_legacy | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware
peer_connections | integer |
PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
is_default_password | boolean |
Indicates if default password is used in device web admin
is_apply_bulk_config | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config
is_wlan_ap_suspended | boolean |
Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended
is_ap_schedule_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled
is_ha_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if high availability enabled
is_ha_slave | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit
ha_role | string |
High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave)
ha_status | string |
High Availability Status
ha_transition_time | string |
Last Transition Date and time
periph_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if periph status is available
periph_status | periph_status |
Periph status
port_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if port status is available
port_status | port_status |
Port status
gobi_sim_lock_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support SIM lock
gobi_sim_locks | array[string] | |
poe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support poe
admin_conf | admin_conf |
Admin configuration
outbound_policy_managed | boolean | |
firewall_rules_managed | boolean | |
is_apply_import_lan | boolean | |
is_apply_csv_override | boolean | |
is_wlc_enabled | boolean | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan | integer | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns | array[string] | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type | string | |
mgnt_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_vlans | array[vlan_interface] | |
max_lacp_group_support | integer | |
max_port_per_lacp_group | integer | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
slow_response | boolean | |
slow_response_start_time | string | |
wlan_mac_list | array[wlan_mac_list] | |
slot_module_list | array[slot_module] |
List of slot module information
vlan_managed | boolean |
(device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed
icmg_mvpn | boolean | |
icmg_wan | boolean |
Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl
icmg_schedule_reboot | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot
icmg_schedule | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule
icmg_wlan | boolean |
Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl
icmg_portal | boolean |
Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl
icmg_lan | boolean |
Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl
icmg_sdswitch | boolean | |
icmg_outbound | boolean |
Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl
icmg_firewall | boolean |
Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl
icmg_admin | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the followed device
sn | string |
S/N of the followed device
name | string |
Device name of the followed device
onlineStatus | string |
Online status of the followed device
Field | Type | Description |
module_id | integer |
System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier
frequency_band | string |
Supported radio frequency bands
active_frequency_band | string |
The active frequency band
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated SSID profile identifier
ssid | string |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl
vlan_id | integer |
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the portal is external captive portal
wpa_passphrase | string |
WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users
Field | Type | Description |
radio_bands | integer |
Unique identifier of the radio band
active_band | string |
The active frequency band
txpower | number |
Output power
channel | integer |
channel_mode | string |
Channel Mode
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Field | Type | Description |
cpu_load | usage_data |
CPU load
power_state | power_state |
Power State
power_usage | usage_data |
Power Usage
fan_speed | usage_data |
Fan speed
thermal_sensor | temperature |
Thermal Sensor
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
value | number |
total | number |
voltage | number |
current | number |
percentage | number |
active | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
connect | boolean |
Indicates if the power is connected
Field | Type | Description |
temperature | number |
max | number |
threshold | number |
min | number |
Field | Type | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
managed | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is enabled
protocol | string | |
admin_auth | string | |
admin_user_auth | string | |
version | integer | |
admin_name | string |
Admin User Name
admin_password | string |
Admin password
admin_readonly_name | string |
Read-only User Name
admin_readonly_password | string |
Read-only User password
admin_radius_enable | boolean |
Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio_band | string |
Radio band
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
enabled | boolean | |
encryption | string | |
portal_id | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
slot | integer |
Module slot
hw_ver | string |
Module hardware version
sn | string |
Module S/N
model | string |
Module model
product_name | string |
Module product name
expiry_date | string |
Module expiry date and time
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
direction |
0 = older, 1 = newer
Query | Integer | |
row_per_page |
This parameter specifies the maximum number of events to be returned.
If it is larger than 100, it will be reset to 100. |
Query | int | |
from_date |
This parameter specifies the earliest date and time of events you want to retrieve for the current page.
If the number of events between from_date and to_date is more than "row_per_page" and if the "direction" is 1, the oldest "row_per_page" events will be returned. If from_date is more than 7 days earlier than to_date, from_date will be set to 7 days before to_date. When retrieving events newer than the current page (i.e. direction is 1), set this field to 1 second later than the latest event on the current page. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
to_date |
This parameter specifies the latest date and time of events you want to retrieve for the current page.
If the number of events between from_date and to_date is more than "row_per_page" and if the "direction" is 0, the newest "row_per_page" events will be returned. Initially, this should typically be set to the current date and time for retrieving the latest events. When retrieving events older than the current page (i.e. direction is 0), set this field to 1 second earlier than the oldest event on the current page. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
from_bound |
This parameter specifies the earliest date and time of the entire period of events you want to retrieve.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
to_bound |
This parameter specifies the latest date and time of the entire period of events you want to retrieve.
To retrieve the latest log, this should be the current date and time. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
status |
Log status - 'granted', 'denied', 'log', 'all'
Query | String | |
keyword |
Keyword search for 'card_id' field
Query | String |
Download a Smart Reader's log in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
direction |
0 = older, 1 = newer
Query | Integer | |
row_per_page |
This parameter specifies the maximum number of events to be returned.
If it is larger than 100, it will be reset to 100. |
Query | int | |
from_date |
This parameter specifies the earliest date and time of events you want to retrieve for the current page.
If the number of events between from_date and to_date is more than "row_per_page" and if the "direction" is 1, the oldest "row_per_page" events will be returned. If from_date is more than 7 days earlier than to_date, from_date will be set to 7 days before to_date. When retrieving events newer than the current page (i.e. direction is 1), set this field to 1 second later than the latest event on the current page. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
to_date |
This parameter specifies the latest date and time of events you want to retrieve for the current page.
If the number of events between from_date and to_date is more than "row_per_page" and if the "direction" is 0, the newest "row_per_page" events will be returned. Initially, this should typically be set to the current date and time for retrieving the latest events. When retrieving events older than the current page (i.e. direction is 0), set this field to 1 second earlier than the oldest event on the current page. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
from_bound |
This parameter specifies the earliest date and time of the entire period of events you want to retrieve.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
to_bound |
This parameter specifies the latest date and time of the entire period of events you want to retrieve.
To retrieve the latest log, this should be the current date and time. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
status |
Log status - 'granted', 'denied', 'log', 'all'
Query | String | |
keyword |
Keyword search for 'card_id' field
Query | String |
Get a group's Smart Reader's daily statistics
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
month |
Format: yyyyMM
Query | String |
Get a group's Smart Reader's daily statistics in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
month |
Format: yyyyMM
Query | String | |
type |
0: By access time, 1: By device
Query | int |
Get a device's Smart Reader monthly statistics
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
year |
Format: yyyy
Query | int |
Get a device's Smart Reader weekly statistics
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
year |
Format: yyyy
Query | int |
Get a device's sampled location
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[point]): Response data object, } point { lo (number): longitude, la (number): latitude, ts (string): timestamp, sp (number): speed, at (number): altitude, isExist (boolean): Indicates if any GPS location data ever, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if it is a static location, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "lo": 0.0, "la": 0.0, "ts": "", "sp": 0.0, "at": 0.0, "isExist": true, "isStatic": true } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[point] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
lo | number |
la | number |
ts | string |
sp | number |
at | number |
isExist | boolean |
Indicates if any GPS location data ever
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if it is a static location
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Get a device's daily SIM usage
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[sim_usage]): Response data object, } sim_usage { datetime (string): Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format, imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, carrier (string): Carrier name, rx (number): Upload usage (in KB), tx (number): Download usage (in KB), }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "datetime": "", "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "carrier": "", "rx": 0.0, "tx": 0.0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[sim_usage] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
datetime | string |
Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
carrier | string |
Carrier name
rx | number |
Upload usage (in KB)
tx | number |
Download usage (in KB)
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
wanId |
Query | Integer | |
slot |
SIM slot or type
Query | String | |
include_details |
Include details usage by IMSI
Query | boolean |
Get a device's daily SIM usage in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
wanId |
Query | Integer | |
slot |
SIM slot or type
Query | String | |
include_details |
Include details usage by IMSI
Query | boolean |
Get a device's hourly SIM usage
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[sim_usage]): Response data object, } sim_usage { datetime (string): Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format, imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, carrier (string): Carrier name, rx (number): Upload usage (in KB), tx (number): Download usage (in KB), }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "datetime": "", "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "carrier": "", "rx": 0.0, "tx": 0.0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[sim_usage] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
datetime | string |
Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
carrier | string |
Carrier name
rx | number |
Upload usage (in KB)
tx | number |
Download usage (in KB)
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
wanId |
Query | Integer | |
slot |
SIM slot or type
Query | String | |
include_details |
Include details usage by IMSI
Query | boolean |
Get a device's hourly SIM usage in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
wanId |
Query | Integer | |
slot |
SIM slot or type
Query | String | |
include_details |
Include details usage by IMSI
Query | boolean |
Get a device SIM usage by minute
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
wanId |
Query | Integer | |
slot |
SIM Slot or type
Query | String |
Get a device SIM usage by minute in csv format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
wanId |
Query | Integer | |
slot |
SIM Slot or type
Query | String |
Get a device's monthly SIM usage
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[sim_usage]): Response data object, } sim_usage { datetime (string): Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format, imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, carrier (string): Carrier name, rx (number): Upload usage (in KB), tx (number): Download usage (in KB), }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "datetime": "", "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "carrier": "", "rx": 0.0, "tx": 0.0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[sim_usage] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
datetime | string |
Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
carrier | string |
Carrier name
rx | number |
Upload usage (in KB)
tx | number |
Download usage (in KB)
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
wanId |
Query | Integer | |
slot |
SIM slot or type
Query | String | |
include_details |
Include details usage by IMSI
Query | boolean |
Get a device's monthly SIM usage in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
wanId |
Query | Integer | |
slot |
SIM slot or type
Query | String | |
include_details |
Include details usage by IMSI
Query | boolean |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (ssid_profile): Response data object, } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | ssid_profile |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
ssid_id | Path | int |
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Enable or disable a device level SSID profile
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (enable_ssid_profile_request): Request data object, } enable_ssid_profile_request { enabled (boolean): true - Enable the SSID profile; false - Disable the SSID profile., } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | enable_ssid_profile_request |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
enabled | boolean |
true - Enable the SSID profile; false - Disable the SSID profile.
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
ssid_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Download dynamic WPA shared key of a specified SSID
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
ssid_id | Path | int |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[ssid_usage]): Response data object, } ssid_usage { ssid (string): SSID, encryption (string): Type of encryption, usage (integer): Usage in bytes, clients_count (integer): Number of clients, usage_percent (number): Usage in %, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "ssid": "", "encryption": "", "usage": 0, "clients_count": 0, "usage_percent": 0.0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[ssid_usage] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
ssid | string |
encryption | string |
Type of encryption
usage | integer |
Usage in bytes
clients_count | integer |
Number of clients
usage_percent | number |
Usage in %
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
sort |
usage,client |
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get device's SSID usage list in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
ssid_usage_csv { "SSID" (string): SSID, "Encryption" (string): Type of encryption, "# Clients" (integer): Number of clients, "% Clients" (number): Number of clients in %, "Usage (MB)" (number): Bandwidth usage in MB, "% Usage" (number): Bandwidth usage in %, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
"SSID","Encryption","# Clients","% Clients","Usage (MB)","% Usage"
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"SSID" | string |
"Encryption" | string |
Type of encryption
"# Clients" | integer |
Number of clients
"% Clients" | number |
Number of clients in %
"Usage (MB)" | number |
Bandwidth usage in MB
"% Usage" | number |
Bandwidth usage in %
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
sort |
usage,client |
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (device_status): Response data object, } device_status { status (string): Device status, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "status": "" } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | device_status |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Get a Peplink SD Switch's port settings
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
port_id | Query | List |
Get a Peplink SD Switch's status
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (ws_command): Response data object, } ws_command { json (string): JSON from the command, success (boolean): Indicates the execution result, command_id (string): Command identifier, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "json": "", "success": true, "command_id": "" } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | ws_command |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
json | string |
JSON from the command
success | boolean |
Indicates the execution result
command_id | string |
Command identifier
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
firmware_ver |
Reboot firmware version ('f0' for firmware 1, 'f1' for firmware 2, or empty for current firmware)
,f0,f1 |
Form | String |
Get status of device's WAN performance analysis server
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Start device's WAN performance analysis server
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Stop device's WAN performance analysis server
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Get a device's top clients by usage
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[top_client]): Response data object, } top_client { client_name (string): Client name, manufacturer (string): Device manufacturer, usage (integer): Usage in bytes, usage_percent (number): Usage in %, mac (string): Device MAC address, client_id (string): Masked client identifier, rx (string): Upload usage in bytes, tx (string): Download usage in bytes, is_online (boolean): Indicates whether it is online, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "client_name": "", "manufacturer": "", "usage": 0, "usage_percent": 0.0, "mac": "", "client_id": "", "rx": "", "tx": "", "is_online": true } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[top_client] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
client_name | string |
Client name
manufacturer | string |
Device manufacturer
usage | integer |
Usage in bytes
usage_percent | number |
Usage in %
mac | string |
Device MAC address
client_id | string |
Masked client identifier
rx | string |
Upload usage in bytes
tx | string |
Download usage in bytes
is_online | boolean |
Indicates whether it is online
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String | |
limit | Query | int |
Get a device's top clients by usage in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
top_clients_csv { "Name" (string): , "Upload (MB)" (number): Upload rate in MB, "Download (MB)" (number): Download rate in MB, "Total (MB)" (number): Upload and download rate in MB, "% Usage" (number): Bandwidth usage in %, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Name" | string | |
"Upload (MB)" | number |
Upload rate in MB
"Download (MB)" | number |
Download rate in MB
"Total (MB)" | number |
Upload and download rate in MB
"% Usage" | number |
Bandwidth usage in %
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get a device's top client devices
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[top_manufacturer]): Response data object, } top_manufacturer { manufacturer (string): Device manufacturer, usage (integer): Usage in bytes, clients_count (integer): Number of clients, usage_percent (number): Usage in %, clients_percent (number): Number of clients in %, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "manufacturer": "", "usage": 0, "clients_count": 0, "usage_percent": 0.0, "clients_percent": 0.0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[top_manufacturer] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
manufacturer | string |
Device manufacturer
usage | integer |
Usage in bytes
clients_count | integer |
Number of clients
usage_percent | number |
Usage in %
clients_percent | number |
Number of clients in %
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get a device's top client devices in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
top_manufacturers_csv { "Manufacturer" (string): Name of the manufacturer, "# Clients" (integer): Number of clients, "% Clients" (number): Number of clients in %, "Usage (MB)" (number): Bandwidth usage in MB, "% Usage " (number): Bandwidth usage in %, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
"Manufacturer","# Clients","% Clients","Usage (MB)","% Usage "
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Manufacturer" | string |
Name of the manufacturer
"# Clients" | integer |
Number of clients
"% Clients" | number |
Number of clients in %
"Usage (MB)" | number |
Bandwidth usage in MB
"% Usage " | number |
Bandwidth usage in %
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[wan_usage]): Response data object, } wan_usage { day (string): Record date, value (integer): Usage data in MB, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "day": "", "value": 0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[wan_usage] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
day | string |
Record date
value | integer |
Usage data in MB
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Get a device's WAN usage in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
wan_usages_csv { "Day" (string): Date and time, "Usage (MB)" (number): Bandwidth usage in MB, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Day" | string |
Date and time
"Usage (MB)" | number |
Bandwidth usage in MB
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (ws_command): Response data object, } ws_command { json (string): JSON from the command, success (boolean): Indicates the execution result, command_id (string): Command identifier, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "json": "", "success": true, "command_id": "" } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | ws_command |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
json | string |
JSON from the command
success | boolean |
Indicates the execution result
command_id | string |
Command identifier
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
data |
{"data":[{"wan_id":1,"priority":1},{"wan_id":2,"priority":2}]} Note: if the device cannot reach InControl after making the call, it will NOT roll back the change automatically. |
Raw | String |
Scan cellular networks
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (ws_command): Response data object, } ws_command { json (string): JSON from the command, success (boolean): Indicates the execution result, command_id (string): Command identifier, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "json": "", "success": true, "command_id": "" } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | ws_command |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
json | string |
JSON from the command
success | boolean |
Indicates the execution result
command_id | string |
Command identifier
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
wan_id | Path | int |
Reset deivce cellular modem
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (ws_command): Response data object, } ws_command { json (string): JSON from the command, success (boolean): Indicates the execution result, command_id (string): Command identifier, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "json": "", "success": true, "command_id": "" } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | ws_command |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
json | string |
JSON from the command
success | boolean |
Indicates the execution result
command_id | string |
Command identifier
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
wan_id | Path | int |
Install WAN eSIM
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (ws_command): Response data object, } ws_command { json (string): JSON from the command, success (boolean): Indicates the execution result, command_id (string): Command identifier, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "json": "", "success": true, "command_id": "" } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | ws_command |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
json | string |
JSON from the command
success | boolean |
Indicates the execution result
command_id | string |
Command identifier
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
wan_id | Path | int | ||
data |
Data Format: {"data":{"code":"","confirmation_code":"","auto_discovery":true/false}}, confirmation_code is optional, auto_discovery required firmware 8.4.2 or above
Raw | String |
Deactivate WAN eSIM
Request Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (ws_command): Response data object, } ws_command { json (string): JSON from the command, success (boolean): Indicates the execution result, command_id (string): Command identifier, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "json": "", "success": true, "command_id": "" } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | ws_command |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
json | string |
JSON from the command
success | boolean |
Indicates the execution result
command_id | string |
Command identifier
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
wan_id | Path | int | ||
data |
Data Format: {"iccid":""}
Raw | String |
Get device's monthly WAN availability
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
wan_id | Query | int |
Get a device's client usage
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (wan_client_usage): Response data object, } wan_client_usage { device_id (integer): Device identifier, from_date (string): Report from date in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss, to_date (string): Report to date in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss, type (string): Report type, client_usages (array[client_usage]): List of client usage, } client_usage { type (string): Client connection type, upload (number): Upload usage (in MB), download (number): Download usage (in MB), ip (string): IP address, mac (string): Client MAC, client_id (string): Client identifier, name (string): Client name, datetime (string): Report date in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "device_id": 0, "from_date": "", "to_date": "", "type": "", "client_usages": [ { "type": "", "upload": 0.0, "download": 0.0, "ip": "", "mac": "", "client_id": "", "name": "", "datetime": "" } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | wan_client_usage |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
device_id | integer |
Device identifier
from_date | string |
Report from date in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
to_date | string |
Report to date in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
type | string |
Report type
hourly, daily, monthly |
client_usages | array[client_usage] |
List of client usage
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Client connection type
upload | number |
Upload usage (in MB)
download | number |
Download usage (in MB)
ip | string |
IP address
mac | string |
Client MAC
client_id | string |
Client identifier
name | string |
Client name
datetime | string |
Report date in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
type |
hourly,daily,monthly |
Query | String | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss or yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss or yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String |
Get a device's client usage in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
wan_client_usage_csv { Datetime (string): Report date in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss, "IP Address" (string): IP address, "Mac Address" (string): Client MAC, Name (string): Client name, Type (string): Client connection type, "Download (MB)" (number): Download usage (in MB), "Upload (MB)" (number): Upload usage (in MB), "Total (MB)" (number): Total usage (in MB), }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
Datetime,"IP Address","Mac Address",Name,Type,"Download (MB)","Upload (MB)","Total (MB)"
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
Datetime | string |
Report date in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
"IP Address" | string |
IP address
"Mac Address" | string |
Client MAC
Name | string |
Client name
Type | string |
Client connection type
"Download (MB)" | number |
Download usage (in MB)
"Upload (MB)" | number |
Upload usage (in MB)
"Total (MB)" | number |
Total usage (in MB)
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
type |
hourly,daily,monthly |
Query | String | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss or yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss or yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String |
Get a device's WAN up/down history
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (wan_history): Response data object, } wan_history { device_id (integer): Device identifier, wan_id (integer): WAN ID, status (array[wan_history_obj]): List of WAN up/down history, } wan_history_obj { wan_id (integer): WAN ID, up_time (string): WAN up time in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss, down_time (string): WAN down time in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "device_id": 0, "wan_id": 0, "status": [ { "wan_id": 0, "up_time": "", "down_time": "" } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | wan_history |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
device_id | integer |
Device identifier
wan_id | integer |
status | array[wan_history_obj] |
List of WAN up/down history
Field | Type | Description |
wan_id | integer |
up_time | string |
WAN up time in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
down_time | string |
WAN down time in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
wan_id | Query | int | ||
page |
page. no, starts with 1
Query | int | |
limit |
No. of records to retrieve
Query | int | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String |
Get a device's WAN up/down history in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
wan_id | Query | int | ||
page |
page. no, starts with 1
Query | int | |
limit |
No. of records to retrieve, default 20
Query | int | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
sort |
Query | String |
Get a device's cellular WAN quality report
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (wan_quality_data): Response data object, } wan_quality_data { wans (array[wan_quality_wan_info]): current WAN info, stat (array[wan_quality]): List of wan quality, only returns when wan_id is greater than 0, wan_id (number): selected WAN ID, } wan_quality_wan_info { id (integer): WAN ID, name (string): WAN name, } wan_quality { lms (number): Latency (ms), lcid (number): UTRAN Cell ID, bearer (string): Bearer, rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI, sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR, rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP, plmn (number): PLMN, rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ, cid (number): Cell ID, tac (number): , mnc (string): MNC, mcc (string): MCC, carrier_name (string): Carrier, datetime (string): Date/time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format, type (string): Signal, quality (number): WAN quality, signal (number): WAN signal, band (string): Band, wan_id (number): WAN ID, ts (number): Date/time in unixtime, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "wans": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "stat": [ { "lms": 0.0, "lcid": 0.0, "bearer": "", "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "plmn": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0, "cid": 0.0, "tac": 0.0, "mnc": "", "mcc": "", "carrier_name": "", "datetime": "", "type": "", "quality": 0.0, "signal": 0.0, "band": "", "wan_id": 0.0, "ts": 0.0 } ], "wan_id": 0.0 } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | wan_quality_data |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
wans | array[wan_quality_wan_info] |
current WAN info
stat | array[wan_quality] |
List of wan quality, only returns when wan_id is greater than 0
wan_id | number |
selected WAN ID
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
name | string |
WAN name
Field | Type | Description |
lms | number |
Latency (ms)
lcid | number |
bearer | string |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP
plmn | number |
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ
cid | number |
Cell ID
tac | number | |
mnc | string |
mcc | string |
carrier_name | string |
datetime | string |
Date/time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format
type | string |
quality | number |
WAN quality
signal | number |
WAN signal
band | string |
wan_id | number |
ts | number |
Date/time in unixtime
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
wan_id | Query | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss, if specified, the time range between start and end would return, end time must be on the same day of 'start' parameter
Query | String |
Get a device's WAN quality in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
wan_id | Query | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss, if specified, the time range between start and end would return, end time must be on the same day of 'start' parameter
Query | String |
Get a device's cellular WAN quality dates
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[wan_quality_date]): Response data object, } wan_quality_date { day (string): Wan quality date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "day": "" } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[wan_quality_date] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
day | string |
Wan quality date, in YYYY-MM-DD format
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
wan_id | Query | int |
Get a device's cellular WAN signal
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (wan_signal_data): Response data object, } wan_signal_data { wans (array[wan_signal_wan_info]): current WAN info, wan_signals (array[wan_signal_info]): List of WAN signals, } wan_signal_wan_info { id (integer): WAN ID, name (string): WAN name, } wan_signal_info { wan_id (integer): WAN ID, data (array[wan_signal]): List of signal data, } wan_signal { type (string): Either 3G or LTE, ts (string): Date/Time, lo (number): longitude, la (number): latitude, at (number): atitude, quality (integer): Signal quality (ECIO for 3G, RSRQ for LTE), signal (integer): Signal strength (RSSI for 3G, RSRP for LTE), }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "wans": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "wan_signals": [ { "wan_id": 0, "data": [ { "type": "", "ts": "", "lo": 0.0, "la": 0.0, "at": 0.0, "quality": 0, "signal": 0 } ] } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | wan_signal_data |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
wans | array[wan_signal_wan_info] |
current WAN info
wan_signals | array[wan_signal_info] |
List of WAN signals
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
name | string |
WAN name
Field | Type | Description |
wan_id | integer |
data | array[wan_signal] |
List of signal data
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Either 3G or LTE
ts | string |
lo | number |
la | number |
at | number |
quality | integer |
Signal quality (ECIO for 3G, RSRQ for LTE)
signal | integer |
Signal strength (RSSI for 3G, RSRP for LTE)
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
wan_id | Query | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String |
Get a device's cellular WAN signal in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
wan_id | Query | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM
Query | String |
Get a device's cellular WAN signal dates
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[wan_signal_date]): Response data object, } wan_signal_date { day (string): Wan signal date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "day": "" } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[wan_signal_date] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
day | string |
Wan signal date, in YYYY-MM-DD format
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
wan_id | Query | int |
Get a device's WAN type usage
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[device_wan_type_usage]): Response data object, } device_wan_type_usage { wan_type (string): Wan Type (ethernet/wifi/modem/gobi (i.e. cellular)), upload (number): Upload rate (in MB), download (number): Download rate (in MB), }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "wan_type": "", "upload": 0.0, "download": 0.0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[device_wan_type_usage] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
wan_type | string |
Wan Type (ethernet/wifi/modem/gobi (i.e. cellular))
upload | number |
Upload rate (in MB)
download | number |
Download rate (in MB)
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
wan_type | Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[device_wan_usage]): Response data object, } device_wan_usage { wan_id (number): WAN ID, wan_name (string): Wan Name, wan_type (string): Wan Type (ethernet/wifi/modem/gobi (i.e. cellular)), upload (number): Upload rate (in MB), download (number): Download rate (in MB), }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "wan_id": 0.0, "wan_name": "", "wan_type": "", "upload": 0.0, "download": 0.0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[device_wan_usage] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
wan_id | number |
wan_name | string |
Wan Name
wan_type | string |
Wan Type (ethernet/wifi/modem/gobi (i.e. cellular))
upload | number |
Upload rate (in MB)
download | number |
Download rate (in MB)
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
wan_id | Query | Integer |
Get a device's Wi-Fi probing data in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Deprecated in 2.9.0, use start only instead
Query | String | |
plain_date_format |
Default datetime format is unix timestamp, use this parameter for display plain date format instead
Query | Boolean |
Get Wi-Fi SSID QR Code, only work with open policy or WPA with static shared key
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | Integer | ||
ssid_id | Path | Integer |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[client_count]): Response data object, } client_count { day (string): Date, value (integer): Client count, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "day": "", "value": 0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[client_count] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
day | string |
value | integer |
Client count
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get a group's daily client count in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
client_count_csv { "Day" (string): Date, "Count" (integer): Client count, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Day" | string |
"Count" | integer |
Client count
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[client_count_report]): Response data object, } client_count_report { day (string): Report day, hour (integer): Report hour, value (number): Value, wifi_client_connected (number): Number of WiFi client connected, usages (number): Client usage, client_mac (string): Client MAC, client_name (string): Client name, client_ip (string): Client IP, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "day": "", "hour": 0, "value": 0.0, "wifi_client_connected": 0.0, "usages": 0.0, "client_mac": "", "client_name": "", "client_ip": "" } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[client_count_report] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
day | string |
Report day
hour | integer |
Report hour
value | number |
wifi_client_connected | number |
Number of WiFi client connected
usages | number |
Client usage
client_mac | string |
Client MAC
client_name | string |
Client name
client_ip | string |
Client IP
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
time |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get a group's daily client list in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
time |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get current date and time in the group's local time zone
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (timestamp): Response data object, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | timestamp |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (device_ip_settings): Request data object, } device_ip_settings { csv (string): Refer to the documentation on Device IP Settings page, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | device_ip_settings |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
csv | string |
Refer to the documentation on Device IP Settings page
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (device_ip_settings): Response data object, } device_ip_settings { csv (string): Refer to the documentation on Device IP Settings page, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "csv": "" } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | device_ip_settings |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
csv | string |
Refer to the documentation on Device IP Settings page
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (device_tags_data): Request data object, } device_tags_data { device_ids (array[integer]): Device identifiers, tag_names (array[string]): Device tags, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | device_tags_data |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
device_ids | array[integer] |
Device identifiers
tag_names | array[string] |
Device tags
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (device_tags_data): Request data object, } device_tags_data { device_ids (array[integer]): Device identifiers, tag_names (array[string]): Device tags, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | device_tags_data |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
device_ids | array[integer] |
Device identifiers
tag_names | array[string] |
Device tags
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Stop running docker scripts on a device
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Path | int |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
script_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
script_id | Path | int |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
script_id | Path | int | ||
data |
Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (dpi_report): Response data object, } dpi_report { name (string): DPI protocol, percentage_size (number): Volume by percentage, percentage_packets (number): Number of packets by percentage, packets (integer): Volume, size (integer): Number of packets, usages (array[dpi_usage]): List of DPI usages, } dpi_usage { timestamp (string): Usage timestamp in yyyy-MM-dd:HH:mm:ss, size (integer): Volume, packets (integer): Number of packets, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "name": "", "percentage_size": 0.0, "percentage_packets": 0.0, "packets": 0, "size": 0, "usages": [ { "timestamp": "", "size": 0, "packets": 0 } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | dpi_report |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
DPI protocol
percentage_size | number |
Volume by percentage
percentage_packets | number |
Number of packets by percentage
packets | integer |
size | integer |
Number of packets
usages | array[dpi_usage] |
List of DPI usages
Field | Type | Description |
timestamp | string |
Usage timestamp in yyyy-MM-dd:HH:mm:ss
size | integer |
packets | integer |
Number of packets
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
top | Query | int |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (dpi_report): Response data object, } dpi_report { name (string): DPI protocol, percentage_size (number): Volume by percentage, percentage_packets (number): Number of packets by percentage, packets (integer): Volume, size (integer): Number of packets, usages (array[dpi_usage]): List of DPI usages, } dpi_usage { timestamp (string): Usage timestamp in yyyy-MM-dd:HH:mm:ss, size (integer): Volume, packets (integer): Number of packets, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "name": "", "percentage_size": 0.0, "percentage_packets": 0.0, "packets": 0, "size": 0, "usages": [ { "timestamp": "", "size": 0, "packets": 0 } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | dpi_report |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
DPI protocol
percentage_size | number |
Volume by percentage
percentage_packets | number |
Number of packets by percentage
packets | integer |
size | integer |
Number of packets
usages | array[dpi_usage] |
List of DPI usages
Field | Type | Description |
timestamp | string |
Usage timestamp in yyyy-MM-dd:HH:mm:ss
size | integer |
packets | integer |
Number of packets
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
top | Query | int |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[event_log]): Response data object, } event_log { id (string): System generated identifier, ts (string): Event occurring time, device_name (string): Device name, device_id (integer): Device identifier, ssid (string): SSID, client_name (string): Client device name, client_id (string): A unique client identifier, client_mac (string): Client's MAC address, event_type (string): Event type, detail (string): Event message, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "id": "", "ts": "", "device_name": "", "device_id": 0, "ssid": "", "client_name": "", "client_id": "", "client_mac": "", "event_type": "", "detail": "" } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[event_log] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | string |
System generated identifier
ts | string |
Event occurring time
device_name | string |
Device name
device_id | integer |
Device identifier
ssid | string |
client_name | string |
Client device name
client_id | string |
A unique client identifier
client_mac | string |
Client's MAC address
event_type | string |
Event type
detail | string |
Event message
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
page_no | Query | Integer | ||
direction |
0 = older, 1 = newer
Query | Integer | |
row_per_page |
This parameter specifies the maximum number of events to be returned.
Query | int | |
events | Query | String | ||
from_date |
This parameter specifies the earliest date and time of events you want to retrieve for the current page.
If the number of events between from_date and to_date is more than "row_per_page" and if the "direction" is 1, the oldest "row_per_page" events will be returned. If from_date is more than 7 days earlier than to_date, from_date will be set to 7 days before to_date. When retrieving events newer than the current page (i.e. direction is 1), set this field to 1 second later than the latest event on the current page. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
to_date |
This parameter specifies the latest date and time of events you want to retrieve for the current page.
If the number of events between from_date and to_date is more than "row_per_page" and if the "direction" is 0, the newest "row_per_page" events will be returned. Initially, this should typically be set to the current date and time for retrieving the latest events. When retrieving events older than the current page (i.e. direction is 0), set this field to 1 second earlier than the oldest event on the current page. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
from_bound |
This parameter specifies the earliest date and time of the entire period of events you want to retrieve.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
to_bound |
This parameter specifies the latest date and time of the entire period of events you want to retrieve.
To retrieve the latest log, this should be the current date and time. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
keyword | Query | String | ||
filter |
filter keyword in details
Query | String | |
device_tags |
Device tag names, separated with comma
Query | String |
Get a date list in which a device's archived event log is available in the group
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[group_event_log_archive_date_list]): Response data object, } group_event_log_archive_date_list { log_date (string): Event log date in yyyy-MM-dd, file_size (number): Sum of group's device event log csv file size, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "log_date": "", "file_size": 0.0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[group_event_log_archive_date_list] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
log_date | string |
Event log date in yyyy-MM-dd
file_size | number |
Sum of group's device event log csv file size
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
event_log_csv { "Date/Time" (string): Event date and time, "Device" (string): Device name, "SSID" (string): SSID, "Client MAC" (string): Client MAC address, "Client Name" (string): Client name, "Type" (string): Event log type, "Details" (string): Event message, "Longitude" (number): Device's longitude, "Latitude" (number): Device's latitude, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "\"Date/Time\"": "", "\"Device\"": "", "\"SSID\"": "", "\"Client MAC\"": "", "\"Client Name\"": "", "\"Type\"": "", "\"Details\"": "", "\"Longitude\"": 0.0, "\"Latitude\"": 0.0 }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Date/Time" | string |
Event date and time
"Device" | string |
Device name
"SSID" | string |
"Client MAC" | string |
Client MAC address
"Client Name" | string |
Client name
"Type" | string |
Event log type
"Details" | string |
Event message
"Longitude" | number |
Device's longitude
"Latitude" | number |
Device's latitude
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Path | String |
Get a group's device event log in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
event_log_csv { "Date/Time" (string): Event date and time, "Device" (string): Device name, "SSID" (string): SSID, "Client MAC" (string): Client MAC address, "Client Name" (string): Client name, "Type" (string): Event log type, "Details" (string): Event message, "Longitude" (number): Device's longitude, "Latitude" (number): Device's latitude, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
"Date/Time","Device","SSID","Client MAC","Client Name","Type","Details","Longitude","Latitude"
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Date/Time" | string |
Event date and time
"Device" | string |
Device name
"SSID" | string |
"Client MAC" | string |
Client MAC address
"Client Name" | string |
Client name
"Type" | string |
Event log type
"Details" | string |
Event message
"Longitude" | number |
Device's longitude
"Latitude" | number |
Device's latitude
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
events | Query | String | ||
from_bound |
This parameter specifies the earliest date and time of the entire period of events you want to retrieve.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
to_bound |
This parameter specifies the latest date and time of the entire period of events you want to retrieve.
To retrieve the latest log, this should be the current date and time. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
from_date |
This parameter specifies the earliest date and time of events you want to retrieve for the current page.
If the number of events between from_date and to_date is more than "row_per_page" and if the "direction" is 1, the oldest "row_per_page" events will be returned. If from_date is more than 7 days earlier than to_date, from_date will be set to 7 days before to_date. When retrieving events newer than the current page (i.e. direction is 1), set this field to 1 second later than the latest event on the current page. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
to_date |
This parameter specifies the latest date and time of events you want to retrieve for the current page.
If the number of events between from_date and to_date is more than "row_per_page" and if the "direction" is 0, the newest "row_per_page" events will be returned. Initially, this should typically be set to the current date and time for retrieving the latest events. When retrieving events older than the current page (i.e. direction is 0), set this field to 1 second earlier than the oldest event on the current page. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
keyword | Query | String | ||
no_of_record |
No. of record to download, maximum 50000 records
Query | int | |
ssid | Query | boolean | ||
device_tags |
Device tag names, separated with comma
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Get a simple firewall rule profile
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
profile_id | Path | int |
Update firewall rule set
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
profile_id | Path | Integer | ||
data | Raw | String |
Delete firewall rule settings
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
profile_id | Path | Integer |
Download frontpanel passcodes in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
with_reference | Query | boolean | ||
include_org_profile | Query | boolean |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
nn_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Get a group's hourly client count report
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[hourly_client_count]): Response data object, } hourly_client_count { day (string): Date, hour (integer): Hour in 24 hour format, value (integer): Client count, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "day": "", "hour": 0, "value": 0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[hourly_client_count] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
day | string |
hour | integer |
Hour in 24 hour format
value | integer |
Client count
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get a group's hourly client count report in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
hourly_client_count_csv { "Day" (string): Date, "Hour" (integer): Hour in 24 hour format, "Count" (integer): Client count, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Day" | string |
"Hour" | integer |
Hour in 24 hour format
"Count" | integer |
Client count
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[client_count_report]): Response data object, } client_count_report { day (string): Report day, hour (integer): Report hour, value (number): Value, wifi_client_connected (number): Number of WiFi client connected, usages (number): Client usage, client_mac (string): Client MAC, client_name (string): Client name, client_ip (string): Client IP, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "day": "", "hour": 0, "value": 0.0, "wifi_client_connected": 0.0, "usages": 0.0, "client_mac": "", "client_name": "", "client_ip": "" } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[client_count_report] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
day | string |
Report day
hour | integer |
Report hour
value | number |
wifi_client_connected | number |
Number of WiFi client connected
usages | number |
Client usage
client_mac | string |
Client MAC
client_name | string |
Client name
client_ip | string |
Client IP
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
time |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get a group's hourly client list in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
time |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[location]): Response data object, } location { id (integer): System generated identifier, group_id (integer): Group identifier, sn (string): Serial number, status (string): Online status, client_count (integer): Number of clients, product_name (string): Product name, points (array[point]): , } point { lo (number): longitude, la (number): latitude, ts (string): timestamp, sp (number): speed, at (number): altitude, isExist (boolean): Indicates if any GPS location data ever, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if it is a static location, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "sn": "", "status": "", "client_count": 0, "product_name": "", "points": [ { "lo": 0.0, "la": 0.0, "ts": "", "sp": 0.0, "at": 0.0, "isExist": true, "isStatic": true } ] } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[location] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated identifier
group_id | integer |
Group identifier
sn | string |
Serial number
status | string |
Online status
online, offline |
client_count | integer |
Number of clients
product_name | string |
Product name
points | array[point] |
Field | Type | Description |
lo | number |
la | number |
ts | string |
sp | number |
at | number |
isExist | boolean |
Indicates if any GPS location data ever
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if it is a static location
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
visible_devices | Query | List |
Get current location of a group's devices in KML format
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
visible_devices | Query | List |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (mediafast_usage): Response data object, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | mediafast_usage |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
type |
summary,detail |
Query | String | |
report_type |
hit,category,extension,submedia,type,client,device,bandwidth |
Query | String | |
no_of_record | Query | int | ||
keyword | Query | String | ||
search | Query | String | ||
order_by |
name,bandwidth_saved,total_bandwidth,accesses |
Query | String | |
order |
asc,desc |
Query | String |
Get a MediaFast report in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
type |
summary,detail |
Query | String | |
report_type |
hit,category,extension,submedia,type,client,device,bandwidth |
Query | String | |
no_of_record | Query | int | ||
keyword | Query | String | ||
search | Query | String | ||
order_by |
name,bandwidth_saved,total_bandwidth,accesses |
Query | String | |
order |
asc,desc |
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
ticket_id | Query | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (move_devices_request): Request data object, } move_devices_request { target_network_id (integer): Target group's ID, device_ids (array[integer]): List of device's ID, retain_config (boolean): Default false, When this option is enabled, the following InControl managed settings will be retained on the device(s) after the removal if those settings are not managed in the target group. Otherwise, they will be removed. The settings are Wi-Fi AP, PepVPN, outbound policy, firewall rules, device schedule, device IP and bulk configuration., } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Request Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "data": { "target_network_id": 0, "device_ids": [ 0 ], "retain_config": true } }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | move_devices_request |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
target_network_id | integer |
Target group's ID
device_ids | array[integer] |
List of device's ID
retain_config | boolean |
Default false, When this option is enabled, the following InControl managed settings will be retained on the device(s) after the removal if those settings are not managed in the target group. Otherwise, they will be removed. The settings are Wi-Fi AP, PepVPN, outbound policy, firewall rules, device schedule, device IP and bulk configuration.
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | Integer | ||
page |
page. no, starts with 1
Query | Integer | |
limit |
No. of records to retrieve, default 500
Query | Integer | |
admin | Query | String | ||
device_id | Query | Integer | ||
device_name | Query | String | ||
setting_id | Query | String | ||
old_value | Query | String | ||
new_value | Query | String | ||
extra_info | Query | String | ||
from |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
to |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (pepvpn_device_peer_detail): Response data object, } pepvpn_device_peer_detail { organization_id (string): Unique identifier of the organization, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_ids (array[integer]): List of Unique identifier of the device, peer_detail_list (array[pepvpn_device_peer_detail_list]): Peer Information, } pepvpn_device_peer_detail_list { type (string): Type of profile peer connection, status (string): Status of the peer, profilename (string): Profile name of the peer connecting to, username (string): username, bridge (string): bridge, server (string): server, client (string): client, secure (boolean): Indicates if the connection is secured or not, route (array[string]): Route of the connection. The field will only appear in Layer3 connection, subtunnel_id (integer): Subtunnel ID, subtunnel_name (string): Subtunnel Name, pid (integer): Profile ID, peer_id (string): Peer ID, conflict_route (array[string]): Conflict Route of the connection. The field will only appear in Layer3 connection, inactive_route (array[string]): Inactive Route of the connection. The field will only appear in Layer3 connection, profileId (string): Profile ID, peerId (string): Peer ID, device_id (integer): Peer device ID, device_network_id (integer): Group ID of the Peer device, name (string): Peer device name, device_status (string): Peer device status, device_location (device_gps_location): Peer device location, serial (string): Peer device S/N, serial_number (string): Peer device S/N, remote_device_id (integer): Remote Peer device ID, remote_network_id (integer): Group ID of the Remote Peer, remote_serial (string): Remote Peer device S/N, remote_name (string): Remote Peer device name, remote_device_status (integer): Remote Peer device status, remote_device_location (device_gps_location): Remote Peer device location, } device_gps_location { unixtime (integer): Location timestamp in unixtime, latitude (number): Latitude, longitude (number): Longitude, altitude (number): Altitude, speed (number): Speed, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "organization_id": "", "group_id": 0, "device_ids": [ 0 ], "peer_detail_list": [ { "type": "", "status": "", "profilename": "", "username": "", "bridge": "", "server": "", "client": "", "secure": true, "route": [ "" ], "subtunnel_id": 0, "subtunnel_name": "", "pid": 0, "peer_id": "", "conflict_route": [ "" ], "inactive_route": [ "" ], "profileId": "", "peerId": "", "device_id": 0, "device_network_id": 0, "name": "", "device_status": "", "device_location": { "unixtime": 0, "latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "altitude": 0.0, "speed": 0.0 }, "serial": "", "serial_number": "", "remote_device_id": 0, "remote_network_id": 0, "remote_serial": "", "remote_name": "", "remote_device_status": 0, "remote_device_location": { "unixtime": 0, "latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "altitude": 0.0, "speed": 0.0 } } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | pepvpn_device_peer_detail |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
organization_id | string |
Unique identifier of the organization
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_ids | array[integer] |
List of Unique identifier of the device
peer_detail_list | array[pepvpn_device_peer_detail_list] |
Peer Information
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of profile peer connection
l3, l2, nats, natc |
status | string |
Status of the peer
profilename | string |
Profile name of the peer connecting to
username | string |
bridge | string |
server | string |
client | string |
secure | boolean |
Indicates if the connection is secured or not
route | array[string] |
Route of the connection. The field will only appear in Layer3 connection
subtunnel_id | integer |
Subtunnel ID
subtunnel_name | string |
Subtunnel Name
pid | integer |
Profile ID
peer_id | string |
Peer ID
conflict_route | array[string] |
Conflict Route of the connection. The field will only appear in Layer3 connection
inactive_route | array[string] |
Inactive Route of the connection. The field will only appear in Layer3 connection
profileId | string |
Profile ID
peerId | string |
Peer ID
device_id | integer |
Peer device ID
device_network_id | integer |
Group ID of the Peer device
name | string |
Peer device name
device_status | string |
Peer device status
device_location | device_gps_location |
Peer device location
serial | string |
Peer device S/N
serial_number | string |
Peer device S/N
remote_device_id | integer |
Remote Peer device ID
remote_network_id | integer |
Group ID of the Remote Peer
remote_serial | string |
Remote Peer device S/N
remote_name | string |
Remote Peer device name
remote_device_status | integer |
Remote Peer device status
remote_device_location | device_gps_location |
Remote Peer device location
Field | Type | Description |
unixtime | integer |
Location timestamp in unixtime
latitude | number |
longitude | number |
altitude | number |
speed | number |
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_ids | Query | List |
Get a device's SpeedFusion VPN tunnel status
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[pepvpn_tunnel_status]): Response data object, } pepvpn_tunnel_status { sid (string): sid, timestamp (integer): Timestamp, organization_id (string): Unique identifier of the organization, iana_id (integer): iana_id, sn (string): Device S/N, status (integer): Status, stat (string): Status, tunnel_stat_list (pepvpn_tunnel_stat_list): Tunnel statistic information, } pepvpn_tunnel_stat_list { $peer_id (pepvpn_wan_order_obj): Tunnel information by peer ID, } pepvpn_wan_order_obj { $conn_id (pepvpn_wan_obj): Tunnel Statistic information by WAN ID, } pepvpn_wan_obj { name (string): WAN name, state (string): Status of the tunnel, rx (array[integer]): Receive bytes of the remote peer WAN, tx (array[integer]): Transmit bytes of the remote peer WAN, rtt (integer): Latency, time (pepvpn_time_obj): Time information of the tunnel, loss (array[integer]): Drop Rate, stime (integer): Time in second, Deprecated in fw7.1.0, nanostime (integer): Time in nanosecond, Deprecated in fw7.1.0, ack_miss (array[integer]): Deprecated in fw7.1.0, } pepvpn_time_obj { second (integer): Time in second, nanoSecond (integer): Time in nano second, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "sid": "", "timestamp": 0, "organization_id": "", "iana_id": 0, "sn": "", "status": 0, "stat": "", "tunnel_stat_list": { "$peer_id": { "$conn_id": { "name": "", "state": "", "rx": [ 0 ], "tx": [ 0 ], "rtt": 0, "time": { "second": 0, "nanoSecond": 0 }, "loss": [ 0 ], "stime": 0, "nanostime": 0, "ack_miss": [ 0 ] } } } } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[pepvpn_tunnel_status] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
sid | string |
timestamp | integer |
organization_id | string |
Unique identifier of the organization
iana_id | integer |
sn | string |
Device S/N
status | integer |
stat | string |
tunnel_stat_list | pepvpn_tunnel_stat_list |
Tunnel statistic information
Field | Type | Description |
$peer_id | pepvpn_wan_order_obj |
Tunnel information by peer ID
Field | Type | Description |
$conn_id | pepvpn_wan_obj |
Tunnel Statistic information by WAN ID
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
WAN name
state | string |
Status of the tunnel
rx | array[integer] |
Receive bytes of the remote peer WAN
tx | array[integer] |
Transmit bytes of the remote peer WAN
rtt | integer |
time | pepvpn_time_obj |
Time information of the tunnel
loss | array[integer] |
Drop Rate
stime | integer |
Time in second, Deprecated in fw7.1.0
nanostime | integer |
Time in nanosecond, Deprecated in fw7.1.0
ack_miss | array[integer] |
Deprecated in fw7.1.0
Field | Type | Description |
second | integer |
Time in second
nanoSecond | integer |
Time in nano second
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
device_id | Query | List |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
wan_id | Query | Integer | ||
product_id | Query | int | ||
product_ids | Query | List | ||
device_tags | Query | List | ||
xtags |
include,includeall,exclude |
Query | String | |
type | Query | String | ||
wan_name | Query | String |
Get per device usage csv by wan name
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
date |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
wan_id | Query | Integer | ||
product_id | Query | int | ||
product_ids | Query | List | ||
device_tags | Query | List | ||
xtags |
include,includeall,exclude |
Query | String | |
type | Query | String | ||
wan_name | Query | String |
Get bandwidth usage of devices by product
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
type |
hourly,daily,monthly |
Query | String | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
wan_id | Query | int | ||
product_id | Query | int | ||
include_details | Query | boolean | ||
product_ids | Query | List | ||
device_tags | Query | List | ||
xtags |
include,includeall,exclude |
Query | String | |
wan_name | Query | String | ||
skip_empty_group_desc | Query | Boolean |
Get bandwidth usage of devices by product in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
type |
hourly,daily,monthly |
Query | String | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
wan_id | Query | int | ||
product_id | Query | int | ||
product_ids | Query | List | ||
device_tags | Query | List | ||
xtags |
include,includeall,exclude |
Query | String | |
wan_name | Query | String | ||
skip_empty_group_desc | Query | Boolean |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[reader_log]): Response data object, } reader_log { time (string): Event time, card_id (string): Card ID, device (device): Device information, card_type (string): Card ID type, sn (string): Device S/N, status (string): Reader log status, latitude (integer): Device latitude, longitude (integer): Device longitude, gps_unixtime (integer): Device GPS timestamp in unixtime, } device { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, usage (number): Current bandwidth usage, tx (number): Current upload usage, rx (number): Current download usage, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, client_count (integer): Current client count, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, config_rollback (boolean): Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl., config_rollback_date (string): Config roll back date and time, ic2_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl, outstanding_patch_ids (array[string]): Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches, device_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device, sp_default (boolean): Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, tag_info (array[tag_info]): List of Device tags information, note (string): Note, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, address (string): Location address, location_timestamp (string): Location recorded time, follow_loc_dev (integer): Device's ID of the followed location device, follow_loc_dev_info (follow_loc_dev_info): Followed location device information, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if the returned location is a static one, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, gps_support (boolean): Indicates if the device support gps, gps_exist (boolean): Indicates if the device with any gps records, support_ssid_count (number): Supported number of SSIDs, radio_modules (array[radio_module]): Supported radio modules, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, v6_license (string): Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, fw_pending_trial_round (integer): Firmware update trial count, fw_pending_max_no_of_trial (integer): Maximum number of firmware update trial count, fw_pending_ver (string): Version of the firmware to be updated, fw_pending_schedule_time (string): Scheduled firmware update start time, fw_pending_upgrade_time (string): Actual firmware update time, fw_pending_status (integer): Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive, fw_pending_group_time (string): Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone, is_master_device (boolean): Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device, fw_managmed (string): (only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level, wifi_cfg (string): Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_available (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time, ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time, onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, ssid_profiles (array[ssid_profile]): SSID profiles, ssid_profiles_applied (array[ssid_profiles_applied]): Applied SSID profiles, hardware_version (string): Hardware version, mvpn_version (string): MVPN version, radio_bands (array[radio_band]): Radio bands, loc_display (boolean): Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude, extap_proxy_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device is a AP controller, extap_proxy_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller, wlan_probe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data", wlan_probe_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl, dpi_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection, dpi_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection, low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode, ra_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance, watchdog_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog, ra_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support remote assistance, watchdog_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog, ap_router_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, handshake_port (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port, refuse_legacy (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware, peer_connections (integer): PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, is_default_password (boolean): Indicates if default password is used in device web admin, is_apply_bulk_config (boolean): Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config, is_wlan_ap_suspended (boolean): Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended, is_ap_schedule_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled, is_ha_enabled (boolean): Indicates if high availability enabled, is_ha_slave (boolean): Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit, ha_role (string): High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave), ha_status (string): High Availability Status, ha_transition_time (string): Last Transition Date and time, periph_status_available (boolean): Indicates if periph status is available, periph_status (periph_status): Periph status, port_status_available (boolean): Indicates if port status is available, port_status (port_status): Port status, gobi_sim_lock_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support SIM lock, gobi_sim_locks (array[string]): , poe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support poe, admin_conf (admin_conf): Admin configuration, outbound_policy_managed (boolean): , firewall_rules_managed (boolean): , is_apply_import_lan (boolean): , is_apply_csv_override (boolean): , is_wlc_enabled (boolean): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan (integer): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns (array[string]): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type (string): , mgnt_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_vlans (array[vlan_interface]): , max_lacp_group_support (integer): , max_port_per_lacp_group (integer): , endpoint_support (boolean): , slow_response (boolean): , slow_response_start_time (string): , wlan_mac_list (array[wlan_mac_list]): , slot_module_list (array[slot_module]): List of slot module information, vlan_managed (boolean): (device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed, icmg_mvpn (boolean): , icmg_wan (boolean): Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl, icmg_schedule_reboot (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot, icmg_schedule (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule, icmg_wlan (boolean): Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl, icmg_portal (boolean): Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl, icmg_lan (boolean): Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl, icmg_sdswitch (boolean): , icmg_outbound (boolean): Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl, icmg_firewall (boolean): Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl, icmg_admin (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } follow_loc_dev_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the followed device, sn (string): S/N of the followed device, name (string): Device name of the followed device, onlineStatus (string): Online status of the followed device, } radio_module { module_id (integer): System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier, frequency_band (string): Supported radio frequency bands, active_frequency_band (string): The active frequency band, } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, } ssid_profiles_applied { id (integer): System generated SSID profile identifier, ssid (string): SSID, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the portal is external captive portal, wpa_passphrase (string): WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users, } radio_band { radio_bands (integer): Unique identifier of the radio band, active_band (string): The active frequency band, txpower (number): Output power, channel (integer): Channel, channel_mode (string): Channel Mode, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, } periph_status { cpu_load (usage_data): CPU load, power_state (power_state): Power State, power_usage (usage_data): Power Usage, fan_speed (usage_data): Fan speed, thermal_sensor (temperature): Thermal Sensor, } usage_data { name (string): Name, value (number): Value, total (number): Total, voltage (number): Voltage, current (number): Current, percentage (number): Percentage, active (boolean): Active, } power_state { name (string): Name, connect (boolean): Indicates if the power is connected, } temperature { temperature (number): Temperature, max (number): Maximum, threshold (number): Threshold, min (number): Minimum, } port_status { } admin_conf { managed (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is enabled, protocol (string): , admin_auth (string): , admin_user_auth (string): , version (integer): , admin_name (string): Admin User Name, admin_password (string): Admin password, admin_readonly_name (string): Read-only User Name, admin_readonly_password (string): Read-only User password, admin_radius_enable (boolean): Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled, } wlan_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio_band (string): Radio band, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, enabled (boolean): , encryption (string): , portal_id (integer): , } slot_module { slot (integer): Module slot, hw_ver (string): Module hardware version, sn (string): Module S/N, model (string): Module model, product_name (string): Module product name, expiry_date (string): Module expiry date and time, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "time": "", "card_id": "", "device": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "usage": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "product_id": 0, "client_count": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "config_rollback": true, "config_rollback_date": "", "ic2_config_apply_locked": true, "outstanding_patch_ids": [ "" ], "device_config_apply_locked": true, "sp_default": true, "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "tag_info": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "note": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "address": "", "location_timestamp": "", "follow_loc_dev": 0, "follow_loc_dev_info": { "id": 0, "sn": "", "name": "", "onlineStatus": "" }, "isStatic": true, "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "gps_support": true, "gps_exist": true, "support_ssid_count": 0.0, "radio_modules": [ { "module_id": 0, "frequency_band": "", "active_frequency_band": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "v6_license": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "fw_pending_trial_round": 0, "fw_pending_max_no_of_trial": 0, "fw_pending_ver": "", "fw_pending_schedule_time": "", "fw_pending_upgrade_time": "", "fw_pending_status": 0, "fw_pending_group_time": "", "is_master_device": true, "fw_managmed": "", "wifi_cfg": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_available": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date": "", "ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date": "", "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "ssid_profiles": [ { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } ], "ssid_profiles_applied": [ { "id": 0, "ssid": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "portal_id": 0, "enabled": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "wpa_passphrase": "" } ], "hardware_version": "", "mvpn_version": "", "radio_bands": [ { "radio_bands": 0, "active_band": "", "txpower": 0.0, "channel": 0, "channel_mode": "" } ], "loc_display": true, "extap_proxy_supported": true, "extap_proxy_enabled": true, "wlan_probe_supported": true, "wlan_probe_enabled": true, "dpi_supported": true, "dpi_enabled": true, "low_data_usage_mode": true, "ra_enabled": true, "watchdog_enabled": true, "ra_supported": true, "watchdog_supported": true, "ap_router_mode": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "site_id": "", "handshake_port": true, "refuse_legacy": true, "peer_connections": 0, "pepvpn_peers": 0, "is_default_password": true, "is_apply_bulk_config": true, "is_wlan_ap_suspended": true, "is_ap_schedule_enabled": true, "is_ha_enabled": true, "is_ha_slave": true, "ha_role": "", "ha_status": "", "ha_transition_time": "", "periph_status_available": true, "periph_status": { "cpu_load": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "power_state": { "name": "", "connect": true }, "power_usage": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "fan_speed": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "thermal_sensor": { "temperature": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "threshold": 0.0, "min": 0.0 } }, "port_status_available": true, "port_status": {}, "gobi_sim_lock_supported": true, "gobi_sim_locks": [ "" ], "poe_supported": true, "admin_conf": { "managed": true, "protocol": "", "admin_auth": "", "admin_user_auth": "", "version": 0, "admin_name": "", "admin_password": "", "admin_readonly_name": "", "admin_readonly_password": "", "admin_radius_enable": true }, "outbound_policy_managed": true, "firewall_rules_managed": true, "is_apply_import_lan": true, "is_apply_csv_override": true, "is_wlc_enabled": true, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan": 0, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns": [ "" ], "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type": "", "mgnt_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_vlans": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "max_lacp_group_support": 0, "max_port_per_lacp_group": 0, "endpoint_support": true, "slow_response": true, "slow_response_start_time": "", "wlan_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio_band": "", "radio": "", "security": "", "enabled": true, "encryption": "", "portal_id": 0 } ], "slot_module_list": [ { "slot": 0, "hw_ver": "", "sn": "", "model": "", "product_name": "", "expiry_date": "" } ], "vlan_managed": true, "icmg_mvpn": true, "icmg_wan": true, "icmg_schedule_reboot": true, "icmg_schedule": true, "icmg_wlan": true, "icmg_portal": true, "icmg_lan": true, "icmg_sdswitch": true, "icmg_outbound": true, "icmg_firewall": true, "icmg_admin": true }, "card_type": "", "sn": "", "status": "", "latitude": 0, "longitude": 0, "gps_unixtime": 0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[reader_log] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
time | string |
Event time
card_id | string |
Card ID
device | device |
Device information
card_type | string |
Card ID type
sn | string |
Device S/N
status | string |
Reader log status
Granted, Denied, Logs |
latitude | integer |
Device latitude
longitude | integer |
Device longitude
gps_unixtime | integer |
Device GPS timestamp in unixtime
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
usage | number |
Current bandwidth usage
tx | number |
Current upload usage
rx | number |
Current download usage
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
client_count | integer |
Current client count
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
config_rollback | boolean |
Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl.
config_rollback_date | string |
Config roll back date and time
ic2_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl
outstanding_patch_ids | array[string] |
Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches
device_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device
sp_default | boolean |
Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
tag_info | array[tag_info] |
List of Device tags information
note | string |
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
address | string |
Location address
location_timestamp | string |
Location recorded time
follow_loc_dev | integer |
Device's ID of the followed location device
follow_loc_dev_info | follow_loc_dev_info |
Followed location device information
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if the returned location is a static one
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
gps_support | boolean |
Indicates if the device support gps
gps_exist | boolean |
Indicates if the device with any gps records
support_ssid_count | number |
Supported number of SSIDs
radio_modules | array[radio_module] |
Supported radio modules
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
v6_license | string |
Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license
enabled, disabled |
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
fw_pending_trial_round | integer |
Firmware update trial count
fw_pending_max_no_of_trial | integer |
Maximum number of firmware update trial count
fw_pending_ver | string |
Version of the firmware to be updated
fw_pending_schedule_time | string |
Scheduled firmware update start time
fw_pending_upgrade_time | string |
Actual firmware update time
fw_pending_status | integer |
Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive
0, 1 |
fw_pending_group_time | string |
Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone
is_master_device | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device
fw_managmed | string |
(only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level
wifi_cfg | string |
Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device
group, device, not_managed |
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_available | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time
ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
ssid_profiles | array[ssid_profile] |
SSID profiles
ssid_profiles_applied | array[ssid_profiles_applied] |
Applied SSID profiles
hardware_version | string |
Hardware version
mvpn_version | string |
MVPN version
radio_bands | array[radio_band] |
Radio bands
loc_display | boolean |
Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude
extap_proxy_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a AP controller
extap_proxy_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller
wlan_probe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data"
wlan_probe_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl
dpi_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection
dpi_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection
low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode
ra_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ra_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ap_router_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
handshake_port | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port
refuse_legacy | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware
peer_connections | integer |
PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
is_default_password | boolean |
Indicates if default password is used in device web admin
is_apply_bulk_config | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config
is_wlan_ap_suspended | boolean |
Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended
is_ap_schedule_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled
is_ha_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if high availability enabled
is_ha_slave | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit
ha_role | string |
High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave)
ha_status | string |
High Availability Status
ha_transition_time | string |
Last Transition Date and time
periph_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if periph status is available
periph_status | periph_status |
Periph status
port_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if port status is available
port_status | port_status |
Port status
gobi_sim_lock_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support SIM lock
gobi_sim_locks | array[string] | |
poe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support poe
admin_conf | admin_conf |
Admin configuration
outbound_policy_managed | boolean | |
firewall_rules_managed | boolean | |
is_apply_import_lan | boolean | |
is_apply_csv_override | boolean | |
is_wlc_enabled | boolean | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan | integer | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns | array[string] | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type | string | |
mgnt_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_vlans | array[vlan_interface] | |
max_lacp_group_support | integer | |
max_port_per_lacp_group | integer | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
slow_response | boolean | |
slow_response_start_time | string | |
wlan_mac_list | array[wlan_mac_list] | |
slot_module_list | array[slot_module] |
List of slot module information
vlan_managed | boolean |
(device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed
icmg_mvpn | boolean | |
icmg_wan | boolean |
Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl
icmg_schedule_reboot | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot
icmg_schedule | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule
icmg_wlan | boolean |
Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl
icmg_portal | boolean |
Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl
icmg_lan | boolean |
Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl
icmg_sdswitch | boolean | |
icmg_outbound | boolean |
Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl
icmg_firewall | boolean |
Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl
icmg_admin | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the followed device
sn | string |
S/N of the followed device
name | string |
Device name of the followed device
onlineStatus | string |
Online status of the followed device
Field | Type | Description |
module_id | integer |
System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier
frequency_band | string |
Supported radio frequency bands
active_frequency_band | string |
The active frequency band
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated SSID profile identifier
ssid | string |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl
vlan_id | integer |
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the portal is external captive portal
wpa_passphrase | string |
WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users
Field | Type | Description |
radio_bands | integer |
Unique identifier of the radio band
active_band | string |
The active frequency band
txpower | number |
Output power
channel | integer |
channel_mode | string |
Channel Mode
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Field | Type | Description |
cpu_load | usage_data |
CPU load
power_state | power_state |
Power State
power_usage | usage_data |
Power Usage
fan_speed | usage_data |
Fan speed
thermal_sensor | temperature |
Thermal Sensor
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
value | number |
total | number |
voltage | number |
current | number |
percentage | number |
active | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
connect | boolean |
Indicates if the power is connected
Field | Type | Description |
temperature | number |
max | number |
threshold | number |
min | number |
Field | Type | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
managed | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is enabled
protocol | string | |
admin_auth | string | |
admin_user_auth | string | |
version | integer | |
admin_name | string |
Admin User Name
admin_password | string |
Admin password
admin_readonly_name | string |
Read-only User Name
admin_readonly_password | string |
Read-only User password
admin_radius_enable | boolean |
Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio_band | string |
Radio band
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
enabled | boolean | |
encryption | string | |
portal_id | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
slot | integer |
Module slot
hw_ver | string |
Module hardware version
sn | string |
Module S/N
model | string |
Module model
product_name | string |
Module product name
expiry_date | string |
Module expiry date and time
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
direction |
0 = older, 1 = newer
Query | Integer | |
row_per_page |
This parameter specifies the maximum number of events to be returned.
If it is larger than 100, it will be reset to 100. |
Query | int | |
from_date |
This parameter specifies the earliest date and time of events you want to retrieve for the current page.
If the number of events between from_date and to_date is more than "row_per_page" and if the "direction" is 1, the oldest "row_per_page" events will be returned. If from_date is more than 7 days earlier than to_date, from_date will be set to 7 days before to_date. When retrieving events newer than the current page (i.e. direction is 1), set this field to 1 second later than the latest event on the current page. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
to_date |
This parameter specifies the latest date and time of events you want to retrieve for the current page.
If the number of events between from_date and to_date is more than "row_per_page" and if the "direction" is 0, the newest "row_per_page" events will be returned. Initially, this should typically be set to the current date and time for retrieving the latest events. When retrieving events older than the current page (i.e. direction is 0), set this field to 1 second earlier than the oldest event on the current page. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
from_bound |
This parameter specifies the earliest date and time of the entire period of events you want to retrieve.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
to_bound |
This parameter specifies the latest date and time of the entire period of events you want to retrieve.
To retrieve the latest log, this should be the current date and time. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
status |
Log status - 'granted', 'denied', 'log', 'all'
Query | String | |
keyword |
Keyword search for 'card_id' field
Query | String |
Download a group's Smart Reader log in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
direction |
0 = older, 1 = newer
Query | Integer | |
row_per_page |
This parameter specifies the maximum number of events to be returned.
If it is larger than 100, it will be reset to 100. |
Query | int | |
from_date |
This parameter specifies the earliest date and time of events you want to retrieve for the current page.
If the number of events between from_date and to_date is more than "row_per_page" and if the "direction" is 1, the oldest "row_per_page" events will be returned. If from_date is more than 7 days earlier than to_date, from_date will be set to 7 days before to_date. When retrieving events newer than the current page (i.e. direction is 1), set this field to 1 second later than the latest event on the current page. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
to_date |
This parameter specifies the latest date and time of events you want to retrieve for the current page.
If the number of events between from_date and to_date is more than "row_per_page" and if the "direction" is 0, the newest "row_per_page" events will be returned. Initially, this should typically be set to the current date and time for retrieving the latest events. When retrieving events older than the current page (i.e. direction is 0), set this field to 1 second earlier than the oldest event on the current page. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
from_bound |
This parameter specifies the earliest date and time of the entire period of events you want to retrieve.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
to_bound |
This parameter specifies the latest date and time of the entire period of events you want to retrieve.
To retrieve the latest log, this should be the current date and time. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
Query | String | |
status |
Log status - 'granted', 'denied', 'log', 'all'
Query | String | |
keyword |
Keyword search for 'card_id' field
Query | String |
Get a group's Smart Reader's daily statistics
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
month |
Format: yyyyMM
Query | String |
Get a group's Smart Reader's daily statistics in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
month |
Format: yyyyMM
Query | String | |
type |
0: By access time, 1: By device
Query | int |
Get a group's Smart Reader monthly statistics
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
year |
Format: yyyy
Query | int |
Get a group's Smart Reader's weekly statistics
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
year |
Format: yyyy
Query | int |
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (array[update_group_admin_user]): Request data object, } update_group_admin_user { user_id (string): Unique identifier of the user, email (string): Email, first_name (string): First name, last_name (string): Last name, role (string): User role, "net_admin": Group administrator, "net_readonly": Group viewer, "dashboard_viewer": Group dashboard viewer, "cp_admin": Captive portal administrator, "cp_report_viewer": Captive portal report viewer, "intouch_user": InTouch user, "fleet_manager": Fleet manager, remark (string): Remark, } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (admin_user_response): Response data object, } admin_user_response { data (array[admin_user_result_object]): List of admin user result object, } admin_user_result_object { resp_code (string): Response code, data (admin_user_object): admin user object, } admin_user_object { user_id (string): , Unique identifier of the user, email (string): Email, first_name (string): First name, last_name (string): Last name, role (string): User role, remark (string): Remark, is_group_admin (boolean): Indicate if the user is also a group admin in the organization, }
Request Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "data": [ { "user_id": "", "email": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "role": "", "remark": "" } ] }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "data": [ { "resp_code": "", "data": { "user_id": "", "email": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "role": "", "remark": "", "is_group_admin": true } } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | array[update_group_admin_user] |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
user_id | string |
Unique identifier of the user
string |
first_name | string |
First name
last_name | string |
Last name
role | string |
User role, "net_admin": Group administrator, "net_readonly": Group viewer, "dashboard_viewer": Group dashboard viewer, "cp_admin": Captive portal administrator, "cp_report_viewer": Captive portal report viewer, "intouch_user": InTouch user, "fleet_manager": Fleet manager
remark | string |
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | admin_user_response |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
data | array[admin_user_result_object] |
List of admin user result object
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
data | admin_user_object |
admin user object
Field | Type | Description |
user_id | string |
, Unique identifier of the user
string |
first_name | string |
First name
last_name | string |
Last name
role | string |
User role
remark | string |
is_group_admin | boolean |
Indicate if the user is also a group admin in the organization
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (admin_user_response): Response data object, } admin_user_response { data (array[admin_user_result_object]): List of admin user result object, } admin_user_result_object { resp_code (string): Response code, data (admin_user_object): admin user object, } admin_user_object { user_id (string): , Unique identifier of the user, email (string): Email, first_name (string): First name, last_name (string): Last name, role (string): User role, remark (string): Remark, is_group_admin (boolean): Indicate if the user is also a group admin in the organization, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "data": [ { "resp_code": "", "data": { "user_id": "", "email": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "role": "", "remark": "", "is_group_admin": true } } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | admin_user_response |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
data | array[admin_user_result_object] |
List of admin user result object
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
data | admin_user_object |
admin user object
Field | Type | Description |
user_id | string |
, Unique identifier of the user
string |
first_name | string |
First name
last_name | string |
Last name
role | string |
User role
remark | string |
is_group_admin | boolean |
Indicate if the user is also a group admin in the organization
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
user_id | Query | List |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (user_info): Response data object, } user_info { user_id (string): User identifier, email (string): Email, fullname (string): Full name, status (string): User status, user_preference (user_preference): user_preference object, role (string): User role, remark (string): Remark, } user_preference { full_name (string): Full name, first_name (string): First name, last_name (string): Last name, locale (string): Language preference, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "user_id": "", "email": "", "fullname": "", "status": "", "user_preference": { "full_name": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "locale": "" }, "role": "", "remark": "" } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | user_info |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
user_id | string |
User identifier
string |
fullname | string |
Full name
status | string |
User status
active, inactive |
user_preference | user_preference |
user_preference object
role | string |
User role
remark | string |
Field | Type | Description |
full_name | string |
Full name
first_name | string |
First name
last_name | string |
Last name
locale | string |
Language preference
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (array[create_group_admin_user]): Request data object, } create_group_admin_user { email (string): Email, first_name (string): First name, last_name (string): Last name, role (string): User role, "net_admin": Group administrator, "net_readonly": Group viewer, "dashboard_viewer": Group dashboard viewer, "cp_admin": Captive portal administrator, "cp_report_viewer": Captive portal report viewer, "intouch_user": InTouch user, "fleet_manager": Fleet manager, remark (string): Remark, } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (admin_user_response): Response data object, } admin_user_response { data (array[admin_user_result_object]): List of admin user result object, } admin_user_result_object { resp_code (string): Response code, data (admin_user_object): admin user object, } admin_user_object { user_id (string): , Unique identifier of the user, email (string): Email, first_name (string): First name, last_name (string): Last name, role (string): User role, remark (string): Remark, is_group_admin (boolean): Indicate if the user is also a group admin in the organization, }
Request Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "data": [ { "email": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "role": "", "remark": "" } ] }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "data": [ { "resp_code": "", "data": { "user_id": "", "email": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "role": "", "remark": "", "is_group_admin": true } } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | array[create_group_admin_user] |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
string |
first_name | string |
First name
last_name | string |
Last name
role | string |
User role, "net_admin": Group administrator, "net_readonly": Group viewer, "dashboard_viewer": Group dashboard viewer, "cp_admin": Captive portal administrator, "cp_report_viewer": Captive portal report viewer, "intouch_user": InTouch user, "fleet_manager": Fleet manager
remark | string |
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | admin_user_response |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
data | array[admin_user_result_object] |
List of admin user result object
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
data | admin_user_object |
admin user object
Field | Type | Description |
user_id | string |
, Unique identifier of the user
string |
first_name | string |
First name
last_name | string |
Last name
role | string |
User role
remark | string |
is_group_admin | boolean |
Indicate if the user is also a group admin in the organization
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
group_admins_csv { "First Name" (string): First name, "Last Name" (string): Last name, "E-mail Address" (string): E-mail address, "Role" (string): Role - "Group Administrator","Group Viewer","Captive Portal Administrator","Captive Portal Report Viewer","Group Dashboard Viewer","Fleet Manager", "Remarks" (string): Remarks, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"First Name" | string |
First name
"Last Name" | string |
Last name
"E-mail Address" | string |
E-mail address
"Role" | string |
Role - "Group Administrator","Group Viewer","Captive Portal Administrator","Captive Portal Report Viewer","Group Dashboard Viewer","Fleet Manager"
"Remarks" | string |
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (user_info): Response data object, } user_info { user_id (string): User identifier, email (string): Email, fullname (string): Full name, status (string): User status, user_preference (user_preference): user_preference object, role (string): User role, remark (string): Remark, } user_preference { full_name (string): Full name, first_name (string): First name, last_name (string): Last name, locale (string): Language preference, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "user_id": "", "email": "", "fullname": "", "status": "", "user_preference": { "full_name": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "locale": "" }, "role": "", "remark": "" } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | user_info |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
user_id | string |
User identifier
string |
fullname | string |
Full name
status | string |
User status
active, inactive |
user_preference | user_preference |
user_preference object
role | string |
User role
remark | string |
Field | Type | Description |
full_name | string |
Full name
first_name | string |
First name
last_name | string |
Last name
locale | string |
Language preference
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
org_admins_csv { "First Name" (string): First name, "Last Name" (string): Last name, "E-mail Address" (string): E-mail address, "Role" (string): Role - "Super Organization Administrator","Organization Administrator","Organization Viewer","Organization Dashboard Viewer", "Remarks" (string): Remarks, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"First Name" | string |
First name
"Last Name" | string |
Last name
"E-mail Address" | string |
E-mail address
"Role" | string |
Role - "Super Organization Administrator","Organization Administrator","Organization Viewer","Organization Dashboard Viewer"
"Remarks" | string |
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Get SIM pool usages
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (sim_pool_usages): Response data object, } sim_pool_usages { datetime (string): Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format, date_from (string): Report date from, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format, date_to (string): Report date to, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format, rx (number): Upload usage (in MB), tx (number): Download usage (in MB), }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "datetime": "", "date_from": "", "date_to": "", "rx": 0.0, "tx": 0.0 } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | sim_pool_usages |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
datetime | string |
Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format
date_from | string |
Report date from, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format
date_to | string |
Report date to, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format
rx | number |
Upload usage (in MB)
tx | number |
Download usage (in MB)
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
profile_id | Path | int | ||
report_type |
Path | String | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
include_detail |
Include profile detail
Query | Boolean |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (sim_pools_profile_create_request): Request data object, } sim_pools_profile_create_request { pool_name (string): Name of SIM pool profile, imsi_list (array[string]): List of IMSIs, initial_usage (integer): Initial usage (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB), monthly_quota (integer): Monthly bandwidth quota (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB), start_day (integer): Start day of billing cycle, from day 1 to day 28, remark (string): Remark, notification_enabled (boolean): Indicates if e-mail notification is enabled, alert_levels (array[integer]): Usage alert levels when e-mail notification is enabled, required when notification_enable=true, email_recipients (array[string]): List of recipient e-mail Address, required when notification_enable=true, email_subject (string): Subject of e-mail notification, required when notification_enable=true,
Available variables:
${date_time}, ${group_name}, ${link}, ${n_sims}, ${organization_name}, ${quota}, ${quota_mb}, ${start_day}, ${pool_name}, ${usage}, ${usage_mb}, ${usage_percentage}, email_content (string): Content of e-mail notification, required when notification_enable=true,
Available variables:
${date_time}, ${group_name}, ${link}, ${n_sims}, ${organization_name}, ${quota}, ${quota_mb}, ${start_day}, ${pool_name}, ${usage}, ${usage_mb}, ${usage_percentage}, suspend_user_traffic (boolean): Indicates if "Stop Routing User Traffic When Monthly Quota Exceeded" is enabled., } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Request Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "data": { "pool_name": "", "imsi_list": [ "" ], "initial_usage": 0, "monthly_quota": 0, "start_day": 0, "remark": "", "notification_enabled": true, "alert_levels": [ 0 ], "email_recipients": [ "" ], "email_subject": "", "email_content": "", "suspend_user_traffic": true } }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | sim_pools_profile_create_request |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
pool_name | string |
Name of SIM pool profile
imsi_list | array[string] |
List of IMSIs
initial_usage | integer |
Initial usage (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB)
monthly_quota | integer |
Monthly bandwidth quota (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB)
start_day | integer |
Start day of billing cycle, from day 1 to day 28
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 |
remark | string |
notification_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if e-mail notification is enabled
alert_levels | array[integer] |
Usage alert levels when e-mail notification is enabled, required when notification_enable=true
50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100 |
email_recipients | array[string] |
List of recipient e-mail Address, required when notification_enable=true
email_subject | string |
Subject of e-mail notification, required when notification_enable=true,
Available variables: ${date_time}, ${group_name}, ${link}, ${n_sims}, ${organization_name}, ${quota}, ${quota_mb}, ${start_day}, ${pool_name}, ${usage}, ${usage_mb}, ${usage_percentage} |
email_content | string |
Content of e-mail notification, required when notification_enable=true,
Available variables: ${date_time}, ${group_name}, ${link}, ${n_sims}, ${organization_name}, ${quota}, ${quota_mb}, ${start_day}, ${pool_name}, ${usage}, ${usage_mb}, ${usage_percentage} |
suspend_user_traffic | boolean |
Indicates if "Stop Routing User Traffic When Monthly Quota Exceeded" is enabled.
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (sim_pools): Response data object, } sim_pools { active (boolean): Indicates if the profile is active, pool_name (string): Name of SIM pool profile, profile_id (integer): Unique identifier of the SIM pool profile, profile_type (string): carrier|imsi_list, carrier: Carrier Pools; imsi_list: Custom Pools, imsi_list (array[string]): List of IMSI, initial_usage (integer): Initial usage (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB), monthly_quota (integer): Monthly bandwidth quota (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB), monthly_usage (integer): Monthly usage (MB), remark (string): Remark, start_day (integer): Start day of billing cycle, usage_percentage (number): Current usage in percentage, notification_enabled (boolean): Indicates if e-mail notification is enabled, alert_levels (array[integer]): Usage alert levels when e-mail notification is enabled, email_recipients (array[string]): List of recipient e-mail Address, email_subject (string): Subject of e-mail notification, email_content (string): Content of e-mail notification, suspend_user_traffic (boolean): Indicates if "Stop Routing User Traffic When Monthly Quota Exceeded" is enabled, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "active": true, "pool_name": "", "profile_id": 0, "profile_type": "", "imsi_list": [ "" ], "initial_usage": 0, "monthly_quota": 0, "monthly_usage": 0, "remark": "", "start_day": 0, "usage_percentage": 0.0, "notification_enabled": true, "alert_levels": [ 0 ], "email_recipients": [ "" ], "email_subject": "", "email_content": "", "suspend_user_traffic": true } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | sim_pools |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
active | boolean |
Indicates if the profile is active
pool_name | string |
Name of SIM pool profile
profile_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SIM pool profile
profile_type | string |
carrier|imsi_list, carrier: Carrier Pools; imsi_list: Custom Pools
imsi_list | array[string] |
List of IMSI
initial_usage | integer |
Initial usage (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB)
monthly_quota | integer |
Monthly bandwidth quota (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB)
monthly_usage | integer |
Monthly usage (MB)
remark | string |
start_day | integer |
Start day of billing cycle
usage_percentage | number |
Current usage in percentage
notification_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if e-mail notification is enabled
alert_levels | array[integer] |
Usage alert levels when e-mail notification is enabled
email_recipients | array[string] |
List of recipient e-mail Address
email_subject | string |
Subject of e-mail notification
email_content | string |
Content of e-mail notification
suspend_user_traffic | boolean |
Indicates if "Stop Routing User Traffic When Monthly Quota Exceeded" is enabled
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
search |
search by Pool Name, IMSI or Device Name
Query | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (sim_pools_profile_update_request): Request data object, } sim_pools_profile_update_request { pool_name (string): Name of SIM pool profile, imsi_list (array[string]): List of IMSIs, monthly_quota (integer): Monthly bandwidth quota (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB), start_day (integer): Start day of billing cycle, from day 1 to day 28, remark (string): Remark, notification_enabled (boolean): Indicates if e-mail notification is enabled, alert_levels (array[integer]): Usage alert levels when e-mail notification is enabled, required when notification_enable=true, email_recipients (array[string]): List of recipient e-mail Address, required when notification_enable=true, email_subject (string): Subject of e-mail notification, required when notification_enable=true,
Available variables:
${date_time}, ${group_name}, ${link}, ${n_sims}, ${organization_name}, ${quota}, ${quota_mb}, ${start_day}, ${pool_name}, ${usage}, ${usage_mb}, ${usage_percentage}, email_content (string): Content of e-mail notification, required when notification_enable=true,
Available variables:
${date_time}, ${group_name}, ${link}, ${n_sims}, ${organization_name}, ${quota}, ${quota_mb}, ${start_day}, ${pool_name}, ${usage}, ${usage_mb}, ${usage_percentage}, suspend_user_traffic (boolean): Indicates if "Stop Routing User Traffic When Monthly Quota Exceeded" is enabled., } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Request Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "data": { "pool_name": "", "imsi_list": [ "" ], "monthly_quota": 0, "start_day": 0, "remark": "", "notification_enabled": true, "alert_levels": [ 0 ], "email_recipients": [ "" ], "email_subject": "", "email_content": "", "suspend_user_traffic": true } }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | sim_pools_profile_update_request |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
pool_name | string |
Name of SIM pool profile
imsi_list | array[string] |
List of IMSIs
monthly_quota | integer |
Monthly bandwidth quota (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB)
start_day | integer |
Start day of billing cycle, from day 1 to day 28
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 |
remark | string |
notification_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if e-mail notification is enabled
alert_levels | array[integer] |
Usage alert levels when e-mail notification is enabled, required when notification_enable=true
50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100 |
email_recipients | array[string] |
List of recipient e-mail Address, required when notification_enable=true
email_subject | string |
Subject of e-mail notification, required when notification_enable=true,
Available variables: ${date_time}, ${group_name}, ${link}, ${n_sims}, ${organization_name}, ${quota}, ${quota_mb}, ${start_day}, ${pool_name}, ${usage}, ${usage_mb}, ${usage_percentage} |
email_content | string |
Content of e-mail notification, required when notification_enable=true,
Available variables: ${date_time}, ${group_name}, ${link}, ${n_sims}, ${organization_name}, ${quota}, ${quota_mb}, ${start_day}, ${pool_name}, ${usage}, ${usage_mb}, ${usage_percentage} |
suspend_user_traffic | boolean |
Indicates if "Stop Routing User Traffic When Monthly Quota Exceeded" is enabled.
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
profile_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
profile_id | Path | int |
Update SIM pool profiles monthly quota
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (sim_pools_quota): Request data object, } sim_pools_quota { monthly_quota (integer): Monthly bandwidth quota (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB), } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | sim_pools_quota |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
monthly_quota | integer |
Monthly bandwidth quota (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB)
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
profile_id | Path | int | ||
data |
Example: {"data" : {"monthly_quota": 0 }}
Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[sim_usage]): Response data object, } sim_usage { datetime (string): Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format, imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, carrier (string): Carrier name, rx (number): Upload usage (in KB), tx (number): Download usage (in KB), }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[sim_usage] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
datetime | string |
Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
carrier | string |
Carrier name
rx | number |
Upload usage (in KB)
tx | number |
Download usage (in KB)
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
type |
hourly,daily,monthly |
Path | String | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
imsi |
imsi or iccid required, wildcard character "*" allowed
Query | List | |
iccid |
imsi or iccid required, wildcard character "*" allowed
Query | List |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (sp_default): Response data object, } sp_default { ticket_id (string): Ticket ID, devices (array[device]): , } device { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, usage (number): Current bandwidth usage, tx (number): Current upload usage, rx (number): Current download usage, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, client_count (integer): Current client count, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, config_rollback (boolean): Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl., config_rollback_date (string): Config roll back date and time, ic2_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl, outstanding_patch_ids (array[string]): Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches, device_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device, sp_default (boolean): Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, tag_info (array[tag_info]): List of Device tags information, note (string): Note, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, address (string): Location address, location_timestamp (string): Location recorded time, follow_loc_dev (integer): Device's ID of the followed location device, follow_loc_dev_info (follow_loc_dev_info): Followed location device information, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if the returned location is a static one, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, gps_support (boolean): Indicates if the device support gps, gps_exist (boolean): Indicates if the device with any gps records, support_ssid_count (number): Supported number of SSIDs, radio_modules (array[radio_module]): Supported radio modules, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, v6_license (string): Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, fw_pending_trial_round (integer): Firmware update trial count, fw_pending_max_no_of_trial (integer): Maximum number of firmware update trial count, fw_pending_ver (string): Version of the firmware to be updated, fw_pending_schedule_time (string): Scheduled firmware update start time, fw_pending_upgrade_time (string): Actual firmware update time, fw_pending_status (integer): Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive, fw_pending_group_time (string): Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone, is_master_device (boolean): Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device, fw_managmed (string): (only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level, wifi_cfg (string): Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_available (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time, ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time, onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, ssid_profiles (array[ssid_profile]): SSID profiles, ssid_profiles_applied (array[ssid_profiles_applied]): Applied SSID profiles, hardware_version (string): Hardware version, mvpn_version (string): MVPN version, radio_bands (array[radio_band]): Radio bands, loc_display (boolean): Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude, extap_proxy_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device is a AP controller, extap_proxy_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller, wlan_probe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data", wlan_probe_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl, dpi_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection, dpi_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection, low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode, ra_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance, watchdog_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog, ra_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support remote assistance, watchdog_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog, ap_router_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, handshake_port (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port, refuse_legacy (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware, peer_connections (integer): PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, is_default_password (boolean): Indicates if default password is used in device web admin, is_apply_bulk_config (boolean): Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config, is_wlan_ap_suspended (boolean): Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended, is_ap_schedule_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled, is_ha_enabled (boolean): Indicates if high availability enabled, is_ha_slave (boolean): Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit, ha_role (string): High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave), ha_status (string): High Availability Status, ha_transition_time (string): Last Transition Date and time, periph_status_available (boolean): Indicates if periph status is available, periph_status (periph_status): Periph status, port_status_available (boolean): Indicates if port status is available, port_status (port_status): Port status, gobi_sim_lock_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support SIM lock, gobi_sim_locks (array[string]): , poe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support poe, admin_conf (admin_conf): Admin configuration, outbound_policy_managed (boolean): , firewall_rules_managed (boolean): , is_apply_import_lan (boolean): , is_apply_csv_override (boolean): , is_wlc_enabled (boolean): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan (integer): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns (array[string]): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type (string): , mgnt_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_vlans (array[vlan_interface]): , max_lacp_group_support (integer): , max_port_per_lacp_group (integer): , endpoint_support (boolean): , slow_response (boolean): , slow_response_start_time (string): , wlan_mac_list (array[wlan_mac_list]): , slot_module_list (array[slot_module]): List of slot module information, vlan_managed (boolean): (device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed, icmg_mvpn (boolean): , icmg_wan (boolean): Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl, icmg_schedule_reboot (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot, icmg_schedule (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule, icmg_wlan (boolean): Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl, icmg_portal (boolean): Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl, icmg_lan (boolean): Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl, icmg_sdswitch (boolean): , icmg_outbound (boolean): Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl, icmg_firewall (boolean): Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl, icmg_admin (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } follow_loc_dev_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the followed device, sn (string): S/N of the followed device, name (string): Device name of the followed device, onlineStatus (string): Online status of the followed device, } radio_module { module_id (integer): System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier, frequency_band (string): Supported radio frequency bands, active_frequency_band (string): The active frequency band, } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, } ssid_profiles_applied { id (integer): System generated SSID profile identifier, ssid (string): SSID, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the portal is external captive portal, wpa_passphrase (string): WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users, } radio_band { radio_bands (integer): Unique identifier of the radio band, active_band (string): The active frequency band, txpower (number): Output power, channel (integer): Channel, channel_mode (string): Channel Mode, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, } periph_status { cpu_load (usage_data): CPU load, power_state (power_state): Power State, power_usage (usage_data): Power Usage, fan_speed (usage_data): Fan speed, thermal_sensor (temperature): Thermal Sensor, } usage_data { name (string): Name, value (number): Value, total (number): Total, voltage (number): Voltage, current (number): Current, percentage (number): Percentage, active (boolean): Active, } power_state { name (string): Name, connect (boolean): Indicates if the power is connected, } temperature { temperature (number): Temperature, max (number): Maximum, threshold (number): Threshold, min (number): Minimum, } port_status { } admin_conf { managed (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is enabled, protocol (string): , admin_auth (string): , admin_user_auth (string): , version (integer): , admin_name (string): Admin User Name, admin_password (string): Admin password, admin_readonly_name (string): Read-only User Name, admin_readonly_password (string): Read-only User password, admin_radius_enable (boolean): Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled, } wlan_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio_band (string): Radio band, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, enabled (boolean): , encryption (string): , portal_id (integer): , } slot_module { slot (integer): Module slot, hw_ver (string): Module hardware version, sn (string): Module S/N, model (string): Module model, product_name (string): Module product name, expiry_date (string): Module expiry date and time, }
Response Sample
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{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "ticket_id": "", "devices": [ { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "usage": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "product_id": 0, "client_count": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "config_rollback": true, "config_rollback_date": "", "ic2_config_apply_locked": true, "outstanding_patch_ids": [ "" ], "device_config_apply_locked": true, "sp_default": true, "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "tag_info": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "note": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "address": "", "location_timestamp": "", "follow_loc_dev": 0, "follow_loc_dev_info": { "id": 0, "sn": "", "name": "", "onlineStatus": "" }, "isStatic": true, "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "gps_support": true, "gps_exist": true, "support_ssid_count": 0.0, "radio_modules": [ { "module_id": 0, "frequency_band": "", "active_frequency_band": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "v6_license": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "fw_pending_trial_round": 0, "fw_pending_max_no_of_trial": 0, "fw_pending_ver": "", "fw_pending_schedule_time": "", "fw_pending_upgrade_time": "", "fw_pending_status": 0, "fw_pending_group_time": "", "is_master_device": true, "fw_managmed": "", "wifi_cfg": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_available": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date": "", "ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date": "", "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "ssid_profiles": [ { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } ], "ssid_profiles_applied": [ { "id": 0, "ssid": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "portal_id": 0, "enabled": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "wpa_passphrase": "" } ], "hardware_version": "", "mvpn_version": "", "radio_bands": [ { "radio_bands": 0, "active_band": "", "txpower": 0.0, "channel": 0, "channel_mode": "" } ], "loc_display": true, "extap_proxy_supported": true, "extap_proxy_enabled": true, "wlan_probe_supported": true, "wlan_probe_enabled": true, "dpi_supported": true, "dpi_enabled": true, "low_data_usage_mode": true, "ra_enabled": true, "watchdog_enabled": true, "ra_supported": true, "watchdog_supported": true, "ap_router_mode": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "site_id": "", "handshake_port": true, "refuse_legacy": true, "peer_connections": 0, "pepvpn_peers": 0, "is_default_password": true, "is_apply_bulk_config": true, "is_wlan_ap_suspended": true, "is_ap_schedule_enabled": true, "is_ha_enabled": true, "is_ha_slave": true, "ha_role": "", "ha_status": "", "ha_transition_time": "", "periph_status_available": true, "periph_status": { "cpu_load": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "power_state": { "name": "", "connect": true }, "power_usage": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "fan_speed": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "thermal_sensor": { "temperature": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "threshold": 0.0, "min": 0.0 } }, "port_status_available": true, "port_status": {}, "gobi_sim_lock_supported": true, "gobi_sim_locks": [ "" ], "poe_supported": true, "admin_conf": { "managed": true, "protocol": "", "admin_auth": "", "admin_user_auth": "", "version": 0, "admin_name": "", "admin_password": "", "admin_readonly_name": "", "admin_readonly_password": "", "admin_radius_enable": true }, "outbound_policy_managed": true, "firewall_rules_managed": true, "is_apply_import_lan": true, "is_apply_csv_override": true, "is_wlc_enabled": true, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan": 0, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns": [ "" ], "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type": "", "mgnt_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_vlans": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "max_lacp_group_support": 0, "max_port_per_lacp_group": 0, "endpoint_support": true, "slow_response": true, "slow_response_start_time": "", "wlan_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio_band": "", "radio": "", "security": "", "enabled": true, "encryption": "", "portal_id": 0 } ], "slot_module_list": [ { "slot": 0, "hw_ver": "", "sn": "", "model": "", "product_name": "", "expiry_date": "" } ], "vlan_managed": true, "icmg_mvpn": true, "icmg_wan": true, "icmg_schedule_reboot": true, "icmg_schedule": true, "icmg_wlan": true, "icmg_portal": true, "icmg_lan": true, "icmg_sdswitch": true, "icmg_outbound": true, "icmg_firewall": true, "icmg_admin": true } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | sp_default |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
ticket_id | string |
Ticket ID
devices | array[device] |
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
usage | number |
Current bandwidth usage
tx | number |
Current upload usage
rx | number |
Current download usage
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
client_count | integer |
Current client count
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
config_rollback | boolean |
Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl.
config_rollback_date | string |
Config roll back date and time
ic2_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl
outstanding_patch_ids | array[string] |
Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches
device_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device
sp_default | boolean |
Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
tag_info | array[tag_info] |
List of Device tags information
note | string |
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
address | string |
Location address
location_timestamp | string |
Location recorded time
follow_loc_dev | integer |
Device's ID of the followed location device
follow_loc_dev_info | follow_loc_dev_info |
Followed location device information
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if the returned location is a static one
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
gps_support | boolean |
Indicates if the device support gps
gps_exist | boolean |
Indicates if the device with any gps records
support_ssid_count | number |
Supported number of SSIDs
radio_modules | array[radio_module] |
Supported radio modules
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
v6_license | string |
Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license
enabled, disabled |
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
fw_pending_trial_round | integer |
Firmware update trial count
fw_pending_max_no_of_trial | integer |
Maximum number of firmware update trial count
fw_pending_ver | string |
Version of the firmware to be updated
fw_pending_schedule_time | string |
Scheduled firmware update start time
fw_pending_upgrade_time | string |
Actual firmware update time
fw_pending_status | integer |
Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive
0, 1 |
fw_pending_group_time | string |
Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone
is_master_device | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device
fw_managmed | string |
(only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level
wifi_cfg | string |
Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device
group, device, not_managed |
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_available | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time
ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
ssid_profiles | array[ssid_profile] |
SSID profiles
ssid_profiles_applied | array[ssid_profiles_applied] |
Applied SSID profiles
hardware_version | string |
Hardware version
mvpn_version | string |
MVPN version
radio_bands | array[radio_band] |
Radio bands
loc_display | boolean |
Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude
extap_proxy_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a AP controller
extap_proxy_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller
wlan_probe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data"
wlan_probe_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl
dpi_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection
dpi_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection
low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode
ra_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ra_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ap_router_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
handshake_port | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port
refuse_legacy | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware
peer_connections | integer |
PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
is_default_password | boolean |
Indicates if default password is used in device web admin
is_apply_bulk_config | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config
is_wlan_ap_suspended | boolean |
Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended
is_ap_schedule_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled
is_ha_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if high availability enabled
is_ha_slave | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit
ha_role | string |
High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave)
ha_status | string |
High Availability Status
ha_transition_time | string |
Last Transition Date and time
periph_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if periph status is available
periph_status | periph_status |
Periph status
port_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if port status is available
port_status | port_status |
Port status
gobi_sim_lock_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support SIM lock
gobi_sim_locks | array[string] | |
poe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support poe
admin_conf | admin_conf |
Admin configuration
outbound_policy_managed | boolean | |
firewall_rules_managed | boolean | |
is_apply_import_lan | boolean | |
is_apply_csv_override | boolean | |
is_wlc_enabled | boolean | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan | integer | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns | array[string] | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type | string | |
mgnt_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_vlans | array[vlan_interface] | |
max_lacp_group_support | integer | |
max_port_per_lacp_group | integer | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
slow_response | boolean | |
slow_response_start_time | string | |
wlan_mac_list | array[wlan_mac_list] | |
slot_module_list | array[slot_module] |
List of slot module information
vlan_managed | boolean |
(device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed
icmg_mvpn | boolean | |
icmg_wan | boolean |
Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl
icmg_schedule_reboot | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot
icmg_schedule | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule
icmg_wlan | boolean |
Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl
icmg_portal | boolean |
Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl
icmg_lan | boolean |
Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl
icmg_sdswitch | boolean | |
icmg_outbound | boolean |
Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl
icmg_firewall | boolean |
Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl
icmg_admin | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the followed device
sn | string |
S/N of the followed device
name | string |
Device name of the followed device
onlineStatus | string |
Online status of the followed device
Field | Type | Description |
module_id | integer |
System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier
frequency_band | string |
Supported radio frequency bands
active_frequency_band | string |
The active frequency band
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated SSID profile identifier
ssid | string |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl
vlan_id | integer |
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the portal is external captive portal
wpa_passphrase | string |
WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users
Field | Type | Description |
radio_bands | integer |
Unique identifier of the radio band
active_band | string |
The active frequency band
txpower | number |
Output power
channel | integer |
channel_mode | string |
Channel Mode
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Field | Type | Description |
cpu_load | usage_data |
CPU load
power_state | power_state |
Power State
power_usage | usage_data |
Power Usage
fan_speed | usage_data |
Fan speed
thermal_sensor | temperature |
Thermal Sensor
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
value | number |
total | number |
voltage | number |
current | number |
percentage | number |
active | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
connect | boolean |
Indicates if the power is connected
Field | Type | Description |
temperature | number |
max | number |
threshold | number |
min | number |
Field | Type | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
managed | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is enabled
protocol | string | |
admin_auth | string | |
admin_user_auth | string | |
version | integer | |
admin_name | string |
Admin User Name
admin_password | string |
Admin password
admin_readonly_name | string |
Read-only User Name
admin_readonly_password | string |
Read-only User password
admin_radius_enable | boolean |
Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio_band | string |
Radio band
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
enabled | boolean | |
encryption | string | |
portal_id | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
slot | integer |
Module slot
hw_ver | string |
Module hardware version
sn | string |
Module S/N
model | string |
Module model
product_name | string |
Module product name
expiry_date | string |
Module expiry date and time
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
ticket_id | Query | String |
Trigger devices to delete or save active config as service provider default
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
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response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (sp_default): Response data object, } sp_default { ticket_id (string): Ticket ID, devices (array[device]): , } device { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, usage (number): Current bandwidth usage, tx (number): Current upload usage, rx (number): Current download usage, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, client_count (integer): Current client count, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, config_rollback (boolean): Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl., config_rollback_date (string): Config roll back date and time, ic2_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl, outstanding_patch_ids (array[string]): Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches, device_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device, sp_default (boolean): Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, tag_info (array[tag_info]): List of Device tags information, note (string): Note, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, address (string): Location address, location_timestamp (string): Location recorded time, follow_loc_dev (integer): Device's ID of the followed location device, follow_loc_dev_info (follow_loc_dev_info): Followed location device information, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if the returned location is a static one, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, gps_support (boolean): Indicates if the device support gps, gps_exist (boolean): Indicates if the device with any gps records, support_ssid_count (number): Supported number of SSIDs, radio_modules (array[radio_module]): Supported radio modules, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, v6_license (string): Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, fw_pending_trial_round (integer): Firmware update trial count, fw_pending_max_no_of_trial (integer): Maximum number of firmware update trial count, fw_pending_ver (string): Version of the firmware to be updated, fw_pending_schedule_time (string): Scheduled firmware update start time, fw_pending_upgrade_time (string): Actual firmware update time, fw_pending_status (integer): Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive, fw_pending_group_time (string): Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone, is_master_device (boolean): Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device, fw_managmed (string): (only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level, wifi_cfg (string): Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_available (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time, ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time, onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, ssid_profiles (array[ssid_profile]): SSID profiles, ssid_profiles_applied (array[ssid_profiles_applied]): Applied SSID profiles, hardware_version (string): Hardware version, mvpn_version (string): MVPN version, radio_bands (array[radio_band]): Radio bands, loc_display (boolean): Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude, extap_proxy_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device is a AP controller, extap_proxy_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller, wlan_probe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data", wlan_probe_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl, dpi_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection, dpi_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection, low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode, ra_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance, watchdog_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog, ra_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support remote assistance, watchdog_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog, ap_router_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, handshake_port (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port, refuse_legacy (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware, peer_connections (integer): PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, is_default_password (boolean): Indicates if default password is used in device web admin, is_apply_bulk_config (boolean): Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config, is_wlan_ap_suspended (boolean): Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended, is_ap_schedule_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled, is_ha_enabled (boolean): Indicates if high availability enabled, is_ha_slave (boolean): Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit, ha_role (string): High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave), ha_status (string): High Availability Status, ha_transition_time (string): Last Transition Date and time, periph_status_available (boolean): Indicates if periph status is available, periph_status (periph_status): Periph status, port_status_available (boolean): Indicates if port status is available, port_status (port_status): Port status, gobi_sim_lock_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support SIM lock, gobi_sim_locks (array[string]): , poe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support poe, admin_conf (admin_conf): Admin configuration, outbound_policy_managed (boolean): , firewall_rules_managed (boolean): , is_apply_import_lan (boolean): , is_apply_csv_override (boolean): , is_wlc_enabled (boolean): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan (integer): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns (array[string]): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type (string): , mgnt_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_vlans (array[vlan_interface]): , max_lacp_group_support (integer): , max_port_per_lacp_group (integer): , endpoint_support (boolean): , slow_response (boolean): , slow_response_start_time (string): , wlan_mac_list (array[wlan_mac_list]): , slot_module_list (array[slot_module]): List of slot module information, vlan_managed (boolean): (device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed, icmg_mvpn (boolean): , icmg_wan (boolean): Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl, icmg_schedule_reboot (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot, icmg_schedule (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule, icmg_wlan (boolean): Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl, icmg_portal (boolean): Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl, icmg_lan (boolean): Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl, icmg_sdswitch (boolean): , icmg_outbound (boolean): Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl, icmg_firewall (boolean): Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl, icmg_admin (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } follow_loc_dev_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the followed device, sn (string): S/N of the followed device, name (string): Device name of the followed device, onlineStatus (string): Online status of the followed device, } radio_module { module_id (integer): System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier, frequency_band (string): Supported radio frequency bands, active_frequency_band (string): The active frequency band, } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, } ssid_profiles_applied { id (integer): System generated SSID profile identifier, ssid (string): SSID, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the portal is external captive portal, wpa_passphrase (string): WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users, } radio_band { radio_bands (integer): Unique identifier of the radio band, active_band (string): The active frequency band, txpower (number): Output power, channel (integer): Channel, channel_mode (string): Channel Mode, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, } periph_status { cpu_load (usage_data): CPU load, power_state (power_state): Power State, power_usage (usage_data): Power Usage, fan_speed (usage_data): Fan speed, thermal_sensor (temperature): Thermal Sensor, } usage_data { name (string): Name, value (number): Value, total (number): Total, voltage (number): Voltage, current (number): Current, percentage (number): Percentage, active (boolean): Active, } power_state { name (string): Name, connect (boolean): Indicates if the power is connected, } temperature { temperature (number): Temperature, max (number): Maximum, threshold (number): Threshold, min (number): Minimum, } port_status { } admin_conf { managed (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is enabled, protocol (string): , admin_auth (string): , admin_user_auth (string): , version (integer): , admin_name (string): Admin User Name, admin_password (string): Admin password, admin_readonly_name (string): Read-only User Name, admin_readonly_password (string): Read-only User password, admin_radius_enable (boolean): Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled, } wlan_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio_band (string): Radio band, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, enabled (boolean): , encryption (string): , portal_id (integer): , } slot_module { slot (integer): Module slot, hw_ver (string): Module hardware version, sn (string): Module S/N, model (string): Module model, product_name (string): Module product name, expiry_date (string): Module expiry date and time, }
Response Sample
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{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "ticket_id": "", "devices": [ { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "usage": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "product_id": 0, "client_count": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "config_rollback": true, "config_rollback_date": "", "ic2_config_apply_locked": true, "outstanding_patch_ids": [ "" ], "device_config_apply_locked": true, "sp_default": true, "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "tag_info": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "note": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "address": "", "location_timestamp": "", "follow_loc_dev": 0, "follow_loc_dev_info": { "id": 0, "sn": "", "name": "", "onlineStatus": "" }, "isStatic": true, "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "gps_support": true, "gps_exist": true, "support_ssid_count": 0.0, "radio_modules": [ { "module_id": 0, "frequency_band": "", "active_frequency_band": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "v6_license": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "fw_pending_trial_round": 0, "fw_pending_max_no_of_trial": 0, "fw_pending_ver": "", "fw_pending_schedule_time": "", "fw_pending_upgrade_time": "", "fw_pending_status": 0, "fw_pending_group_time": "", "is_master_device": true, "fw_managmed": "", "wifi_cfg": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_available": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date": "", "ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date": "", "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "ssid_profiles": [ { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } ], "ssid_profiles_applied": [ { "id": 0, "ssid": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "portal_id": 0, "enabled": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "wpa_passphrase": "" } ], "hardware_version": "", "mvpn_version": "", "radio_bands": [ { "radio_bands": 0, "active_band": "", "txpower": 0.0, "channel": 0, "channel_mode": "" } ], "loc_display": true, "extap_proxy_supported": true, "extap_proxy_enabled": true, "wlan_probe_supported": true, "wlan_probe_enabled": true, "dpi_supported": true, "dpi_enabled": true, "low_data_usage_mode": true, "ra_enabled": true, "watchdog_enabled": true, "ra_supported": true, "watchdog_supported": true, "ap_router_mode": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "site_id": "", "handshake_port": true, "refuse_legacy": true, "peer_connections": 0, "pepvpn_peers": 0, "is_default_password": true, "is_apply_bulk_config": true, "is_wlan_ap_suspended": true, "is_ap_schedule_enabled": true, "is_ha_enabled": true, "is_ha_slave": true, "ha_role": "", "ha_status": "", "ha_transition_time": "", "periph_status_available": true, "periph_status": { "cpu_load": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "power_state": { "name": "", "connect": true }, "power_usage": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "fan_speed": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "thermal_sensor": { "temperature": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "threshold": 0.0, "min": 0.0 } }, "port_status_available": true, "port_status": {}, "gobi_sim_lock_supported": true, "gobi_sim_locks": [ "" ], "poe_supported": true, "admin_conf": { "managed": true, "protocol": "", "admin_auth": "", "admin_user_auth": "", "version": 0, "admin_name": "", "admin_password": "", "admin_readonly_name": "", "admin_readonly_password": "", "admin_radius_enable": true }, "outbound_policy_managed": true, "firewall_rules_managed": true, "is_apply_import_lan": true, "is_apply_csv_override": true, "is_wlc_enabled": true, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan": 0, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns": [ "" ], "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type": "", "mgnt_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_vlans": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "max_lacp_group_support": 0, "max_port_per_lacp_group": 0, "endpoint_support": true, "slow_response": true, "slow_response_start_time": "", "wlan_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio_band": "", "radio": "", "security": "", "enabled": true, "encryption": "", "portal_id": 0 } ], "slot_module_list": [ { "slot": 0, "hw_ver": "", "sn": "", "model": "", "product_name": "", "expiry_date": "" } ], "vlan_managed": true, "icmg_mvpn": true, "icmg_wan": true, "icmg_schedule_reboot": true, "icmg_schedule": true, "icmg_wlan": true, "icmg_portal": true, "icmg_lan": true, "icmg_sdswitch": true, "icmg_outbound": true, "icmg_firewall": true, "icmg_admin": true } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | sp_default |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
ticket_id | string |
Ticket ID
devices | array[device] |
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
usage | number |
Current bandwidth usage
tx | number |
Current upload usage
rx | number |
Current download usage
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
client_count | integer |
Current client count
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
config_rollback | boolean |
Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl.
config_rollback_date | string |
Config roll back date and time
ic2_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl
outstanding_patch_ids | array[string] |
Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches
device_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device
sp_default | boolean |
Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
tag_info | array[tag_info] |
List of Device tags information
note | string |
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
address | string |
Location address
location_timestamp | string |
Location recorded time
follow_loc_dev | integer |
Device's ID of the followed location device
follow_loc_dev_info | follow_loc_dev_info |
Followed location device information
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if the returned location is a static one
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
gps_support | boolean |
Indicates if the device support gps
gps_exist | boolean |
Indicates if the device with any gps records
support_ssid_count | number |
Supported number of SSIDs
radio_modules | array[radio_module] |
Supported radio modules
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
v6_license | string |
Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license
enabled, disabled |
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
fw_pending_trial_round | integer |
Firmware update trial count
fw_pending_max_no_of_trial | integer |
Maximum number of firmware update trial count
fw_pending_ver | string |
Version of the firmware to be updated
fw_pending_schedule_time | string |
Scheduled firmware update start time
fw_pending_upgrade_time | string |
Actual firmware update time
fw_pending_status | integer |
Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive
0, 1 |
fw_pending_group_time | string |
Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone
is_master_device | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device
fw_managmed | string |
(only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level
wifi_cfg | string |
Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device
group, device, not_managed |
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_available | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time
ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
ssid_profiles | array[ssid_profile] |
SSID profiles
ssid_profiles_applied | array[ssid_profiles_applied] |
Applied SSID profiles
hardware_version | string |
Hardware version
mvpn_version | string |
MVPN version
radio_bands | array[radio_band] |
Radio bands
loc_display | boolean |
Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude
extap_proxy_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a AP controller
extap_proxy_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller
wlan_probe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data"
wlan_probe_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl
dpi_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection
dpi_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection
low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode
ra_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ra_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ap_router_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
handshake_port | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port
refuse_legacy | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware
peer_connections | integer |
PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
is_default_password | boolean |
Indicates if default password is used in device web admin
is_apply_bulk_config | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config
is_wlan_ap_suspended | boolean |
Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended
is_ap_schedule_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled
is_ha_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if high availability enabled
is_ha_slave | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit
ha_role | string |
High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave)
ha_status | string |
High Availability Status
ha_transition_time | string |
Last Transition Date and time
periph_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if periph status is available
periph_status | periph_status |
Periph status
port_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if port status is available
port_status | port_status |
Port status
gobi_sim_lock_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support SIM lock
gobi_sim_locks | array[string] | |
poe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support poe
admin_conf | admin_conf |
Admin configuration
outbound_policy_managed | boolean | |
firewall_rules_managed | boolean | |
is_apply_import_lan | boolean | |
is_apply_csv_override | boolean | |
is_wlc_enabled | boolean | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan | integer | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns | array[string] | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type | string | |
mgnt_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_vlans | array[vlan_interface] | |
max_lacp_group_support | integer | |
max_port_per_lacp_group | integer | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
slow_response | boolean | |
slow_response_start_time | string | |
wlan_mac_list | array[wlan_mac_list] | |
slot_module_list | array[slot_module] |
List of slot module information
vlan_managed | boolean |
(device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed
icmg_mvpn | boolean | |
icmg_wan | boolean |
Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl
icmg_schedule_reboot | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot
icmg_schedule | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule
icmg_wlan | boolean |
Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl
icmg_portal | boolean |
Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl
icmg_lan | boolean |
Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl
icmg_sdswitch | boolean | |
icmg_outbound | boolean |
Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl
icmg_firewall | boolean |
Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl
icmg_admin | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the followed device
sn | string |
S/N of the followed device
name | string |
Device name of the followed device
onlineStatus | string |
Online status of the followed device
Field | Type | Description |
module_id | integer |
System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier
frequency_band | string |
Supported radio frequency bands
active_frequency_band | string |
The active frequency band
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated SSID profile identifier
ssid | string |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl
vlan_id | integer |
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the portal is external captive portal
wpa_passphrase | string |
WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users
Field | Type | Description |
radio_bands | integer |
Unique identifier of the radio band
active_band | string |
The active frequency band
txpower | number |
Output power
channel | integer |
channel_mode | string |
Channel Mode
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Field | Type | Description |
cpu_load | usage_data |
CPU load
power_state | power_state |
Power State
power_usage | usage_data |
Power Usage
fan_speed | usage_data |
Fan speed
thermal_sensor | temperature |
Thermal Sensor
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
value | number |
total | number |
voltage | number |
current | number |
percentage | number |
active | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
connect | boolean |
Indicates if the power is connected
Field | Type | Description |
temperature | number |
max | number |
threshold | number |
min | number |
Field | Type | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
managed | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is enabled
protocol | string | |
admin_auth | string | |
admin_user_auth | string | |
version | integer | |
admin_name | string |
Admin User Name
admin_password | string |
Admin password
admin_readonly_name | string |
Read-only User Name
admin_readonly_password | string |
Read-only User password
admin_radius_enable | boolean |
Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio_band | string |
Radio band
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
enabled | boolean | |
encryption | string | |
portal_id | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
slot | integer |
Module slot
hw_ver | string |
Module hardware version
sn | string |
Module S/N
model | string |
Module model
product_name | string |
Module product name
expiry_date | string |
Module expiry date and time
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data |
Example: {"data":{"active":true,"device_ids":[0,1,2]}}
"true" means to save the active configuration as the SP default "false" means to remove existing SP default |
Raw | String |
Get an SSID profile's details in a group
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (ssid_profile): Response data object, } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | ssid_profile |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
ssid_id | Path | int |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (ssid_detail): Response data object, } ssid_detail { id (integer): SSID Details identifier, country (integer): Wi-Fi radio operating country Code, default_band (string): Default radio band in MHz, wifi_mgm_enabled (boolean): Indicates the Wi-Fi Management is enabled on the device/group, modules (array[device_radio_module]): , ssid_profiles (array[ssid_profile]): , } device_radio_module { id (integer): , boost (boolean): , channel (string): , device_id (integer): , device_name (string): , frequency_band (string): , frequency_band_capability (string): , power (string): , product_id (integer): , product_name (string): , wifi_cfg (string): , } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "id": 0, "country": 0, "default_band": "", "wifi_mgm_enabled": true, "modules": [ { "id": 0, "boost": true, "channel": "", "device_id": 0, "device_name": "", "frequency_band": "", "frequency_band_capability": "", "power": "", "product_id": 0, "product_name": "", "wifi_cfg": "" } ], "ssid_profiles": [ { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | ssid_detail |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
SSID Details identifier
country | integer |
Wi-Fi radio operating country Code
default_band | string |
Default radio band in MHz
wifi_mgm_enabled | boolean |
Indicates the Wi-Fi Management is enabled on the device/group
modules | array[device_radio_module] | |
ssid_profiles | array[ssid_profile] |
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer | |
boost | boolean | |
channel | string | |
device_id | integer | |
device_name | string | |
frequency_band | string | |
frequency_band_capability | string | |
power | string | |
product_id | integer | |
product_name | string | |
wifi_cfg | string |
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Enable or disable a group level SSID profile
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (enable_ssid_profile_request): Request data object, } enable_ssid_profile_request { enabled (boolean): true - Enable the SSID profile; false - Disable the SSID profile., } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | enable_ssid_profile_request |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
enabled | boolean |
true - Enable the SSID profile; false - Disable the SSID profile.
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
ssid_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Download dynamic WPA shared key of a specified SSID
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
ssid_id | Path | int |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data |
{"data": {"ssid":"test ssid","band":"2400/5000/dual","security":"open/wpa/wpa2/wpa3","share_key":"12345678","vlan":0,"device_select":"include/exclude/exempt""tags":["tag1","tag2"]}}
Raw | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
ssid_id | Path | Integer | ||
data |
{"data": {"ssid":"test ssid","band":"2400/5000/dual","security":"open/wpa/wpa2/wpa3","share_key":"12345678","vlan":0,"device_select":"include/exclude/exempt""tags":["tag1","tag2"]}}}
Raw | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
ssid_id | Path | Integer |
Get Wi-Fi SSID QR Code, only work with open policy or WPA with static shared key
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
ssid_id | Path | Integer |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[ssid_usage]): Response data object, } ssid_usage { ssid (string): SSID, encryption (string): Type of encryption, usage (integer): Usage in bytes, clients_count (integer): Number of clients, usage_percent (number): Usage in %, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "ssid": "", "encryption": "", "usage": 0, "clients_count": 0, "usage_percent": 0.0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[ssid_usage] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
ssid | string |
encryption | string |
Type of encryption
usage | integer |
Usage in bytes
clients_count | integer |
Number of clients
usage_percent | number |
Usage in %
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
sort |
usage,client |
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
ssid_usage_csv { "SSID" (string): SSID, "Encryption" (string): Type of encryption, "# Clients" (integer): Number of clients, "% Clients" (number): Number of clients in %, "Usage (MB)" (number): Bandwidth usage in MB, "% Usage" (number): Bandwidth usage in %, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
"SSID","Encryption","# Clients","% Clients","Usage (MB)","% Usage"
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"SSID" | string |
"Encryption" | string |
Type of encryption
"# Clients" | integer |
Number of clients
"% Clients" | number |
Number of clients in %
"Usage (MB)" | number |
Bandwidth usage in MB
"% Usage" | number |
Bandwidth usage in %
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
sort |
usage,client |
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[top_client]): Response data object, } top_client { client_name (string): Client name, manufacturer (string): Device manufacturer, usage (integer): Usage in bytes, usage_percent (number): Usage in %, mac (string): Device MAC address, client_id (string): Masked client identifier, rx (string): Upload usage in bytes, tx (string): Download usage in bytes, is_online (boolean): Indicates whether it is online, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "client_name": "", "manufacturer": "", "usage": 0, "usage_percent": 0.0, "mac": "", "client_id": "", "rx": "", "tx": "", "is_online": true } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[top_client] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
client_name | string |
Client name
manufacturer | string |
Device manufacturer
usage | integer |
Usage in bytes
usage_percent | number |
Usage in %
mac | string |
Device MAC address
client_id | string |
Masked client identifier
rx | string |
Upload usage in bytes
tx | string |
Download usage in bytes
is_online | boolean |
Indicates whether it is online
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String | |
limit | Query | int |
Get a group's top clients by usage in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
top_clients_csv { "Name" (string): , "Upload (MB)" (number): Upload rate in MB, "Download (MB)" (number): Download rate in MB, "Total (MB)" (number): Upload and download rate in MB, "% Usage" (number): Bandwidth usage in %, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Name" | string | |
"Upload (MB)" | number |
Upload rate in MB
"Download (MB)" | number |
Download rate in MB
"Total (MB)" | number |
Upload and download rate in MB
"% Usage" | number |
Bandwidth usage in %
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[top_device]): Response data object, } top_device { device_id (integer): Device identifier, device_group_id (integer): Device group identifier, device_name (string): Device name, model_name (string): Device model name, usage (integer): Usage in bytes, clients_count (integer): Number of clients, sn (string): Device S/N, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "device_id": 0, "device_group_id": 0, "device_name": "", "model_name": "", "usage": 0, "clients_count": 0, "sn": "" } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[top_device] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
device_id | integer |
Device identifier
device_group_id | integer |
Device group identifier
device_name | string |
Device name
model_name | string |
Device model name
usage | integer |
Usage in bytes
clients_count | integer |
Number of clients
sn | string |
Device S/N
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get a group's top devices by usage in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
top_devices_csv { "Name" (string): Device name, "S/N" (string): Device serial number, "Model" (string): Model, "Usage (MB)" (number): Bandwidth usage in MB, "Client" (integer): Number of clients, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Name" | string |
Device name
"S/N" | string |
Device serial number
"Model" | string |
"Usage (MB)" | number |
Bandwidth usage in MB
"Client" | integer |
Number of clients
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get manufacturer list of a group's top client devices
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[top_manufacturer]): Response data object, } top_manufacturer { manufacturer (string): Device manufacturer, usage (integer): Usage in bytes, clients_count (integer): Number of clients, usage_percent (number): Usage in %, clients_percent (number): Number of clients in %, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "manufacturer": "", "usage": 0, "clients_count": 0, "usage_percent": 0.0, "clients_percent": 0.0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[top_manufacturer] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
manufacturer | string |
Device manufacturer
usage | integer |
Usage in bytes
clients_count | integer |
Number of clients
usage_percent | number |
Usage in %
clients_percent | number |
Number of clients in %
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Get manufacturer list of a group's top client devices in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
top_manufacturers_csv { "Manufacturer" (string): Name of the manufacturer, "# Clients" (integer): Number of clients, "% Clients" (number): Number of clients in %, "Usage (MB)" (number): Bandwidth usage in MB, "% Usage " (number): Bandwidth usage in %, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
"Manufacturer","# Clients","% Clients","Usage (MB)","% Usage "
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Manufacturer" | string |
Name of the manufacturer
"# Clients" | integer |
Number of clients
"% Clients" | number |
Number of clients in %
"Usage (MB)" | number |
Bandwidth usage in MB
"% Usage " | number |
Bandwidth usage in %
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
type |
all,wireless |
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[wan_usage]): Response data object, } wan_usage { day (string): Record date, value (integer): Usage data in MB, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "day": "", "value": 0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[wan_usage] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
day | string |
Record date
value | integer |
Usage data in MB
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Get WAN usage of devices in a group in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
wan_usages_csv { "Day" (string): Date and time, "Usage (MB)" (number): Bandwidth usage in MB, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"Day" | string |
Date and time
"Usage (MB)" | number |
Bandwidth usage in MB
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (vlan_config_response): Response data object, } vlan_config_response { switch_vlan_managed (boolean): Indicates if VLAN networks and switch port management on all SD Switches in the group is enabled, vlan_config_list (array[vlan_config_obj]): List of VLAN profiles, portal_list (array[captive_portal_basic_obj]): List of captive portal defined in VLAN profiles, } vlan_config_obj { id (integer): profile ID, name (string): profile name, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, tags (string): "none" - Apply to all devices, "include" - Apply to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply to devices with none of the defined tags, device_tag_ids (array[integer]): List of device tags id, only for request data when create or update the settings, device_tags (array[tag_info]): List of device tags, balancemax_enabled (boolean): Apply to Balance and MAX devices, switch_enabled (boolean): Apply to SD Switch devices, ip_address (string): Default IP Address, netmask (String): Subnet mask, l2_isolation (boolean): Default false, false - Inter-VLAN Routing enabled, true - Inter-VLAN Routing disabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is enabled for the VLAN, portal_id (integer): Captive Portal profile ID, portal_xtags (string): "none" - Apply captive portal to all devices, "include" - Apply captive portal to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply captive portal to devices with none of the defined tags, portal_device_tag_ids (array[integer]): List of device tags id for captive portal, only for request data when create or update the settings, portal_device_tags (array[tag_info]): List of device tags defined for captive portal, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the captive portal defined is a external captive portal, dhcp_server_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Server is enabled for Balance MAX devices, if value is omitted or null - DHCP Server is unmanaged, true - DHCP Server is enabled, false - DHCP Server is disabled, dhcp_server_settings (dhcp_server_settings_obj): Object of DHCP Server Settings for Balance and MAX, applicable when dhcp_server_enabled=true, dhcp_setting (string): Indicates the IP Settings for SD Switch, hostname (string): Host name in settings for SD Switch, obtain_dns (boolean): Indicates if to obtain DNS server automatically in settings for SD Switch, dns_server_1 (string): IP address of DNS server 1 in settings for SD Switch, dns_server_2 (string): IP address of DNS server 2 in settings for SD Switch, default_vlan (boolean): Indicates if this VLAN profile is default VLAN for SD Switch. This setting is only applicable to all SD Switches' trunk ports which are with Accept Frame Type option set to "All"., } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } dhcp_server_settings_obj { version (integer): Indicates the DHCP server setting version, server_logging (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Server Logging is enabled, or if DHCP relay logging is enabled for DHCP relay mode, exclude_first_ip_count (integer): Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered., exclude_last_ip_count (integer): Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered., lease_time (integer): Lease time in seconds, auto_dns_server (boolean): Indicates if assign DNS server automatically is enabled, dns_server_1 (string): IP address of DNS server 1, dns_server_2 (string): IP address of DNS server 2, assign_wins_server (boolean): Indicates if assign WINS server is enabled, wins_server_built_in (boolean): Indicates if WINS server use built-in or external, wins_server_1 (string): IP address of WINS server 1, wins_server_2 (string): IP address of WINS server 2, assign_bootp (boolean): Indicates if BOOTP is enabled, bootp_server_ip (string): IP address of BOOTP server, bootp_boot_file (string): BOOTP boot file, bootp_server_name (string): BOOTP server name, dhcp_options (array[dhcp_options_obj]): List of extended DHCP options, dhcp_reservations (array[dhcp_reservations_obj]): List of DHCP reservations, relay_server (boolean): Indicates if DHCP relay mode enabled, dhcp_server_1 (string): IP address of DHCP server 1 for DHCP relay mode, dhcp_server_2 (string): IP address of DHCP Server 2 for DHCP relay mode, dhcp_option_82 (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Option 82 is enabled for DHCP relay mode, } dhcp_options_obj { option (integer): DHCP options ID, value_type (string): DHCP option value data type, value (string): DHCP option value, } dhcp_reservations_obj { name (string): Client name, mac (string): MAC address, ip (string): Static IP address or Static IP suffix, } captive_portal_basic_obj { id (integer): Captive portal profile ID, name (string): profile name, access_mode (string): Captive portal access mode(s), enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is enabled, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "switch_vlan_managed": true, "vlan_config_list": [ { "id": 0, "name": "", "vlan_id": 0, "tags": "", "device_tag_ids": [ 0 ], "device_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "balancemax_enabled": true, "switch_enabled": true, "ip_address": "", "l2_isolation": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_xtags": "", "portal_device_tag_ids": [ 0 ], "portal_device_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "portal_custom": true, "dhcp_server_enabled": true, "dhcp_server_settings": { "version": 0, "server_logging": true, "exclude_first_ip_count": 0, "exclude_last_ip_count": 0, "lease_time": 0, "auto_dns_server": true, "dns_server_1": "", "dns_server_2": "", "assign_wins_server": true, "wins_server_built_in": true, "wins_server_1": "", "wins_server_2": "", "assign_bootp": true, "bootp_server_ip": "", "bootp_boot_file": "", "bootp_server_name": "", "dhcp_options": [ { "option": 0, "value_type": "", "value": "" } ], "dhcp_reservations": [ { "name": "", "mac": "", "ip": "" } ], "relay_server": true, "dhcp_server_1": "", "dhcp_server_2": "", "dhcp_option_82": true }, "dhcp_setting": "", "hostname": "", "obtain_dns": true, "dns_server_1": "", "dns_server_2": "", "default_vlan": true } ], "portal_list": [ { "id": 0, "name": "", "access_mode": "", "enabled": true } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | vlan_config_response |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
switch_vlan_managed | boolean |
Indicates if VLAN networks and switch port management on all SD Switches in the group is enabled
vlan_config_list | array[vlan_config_obj] |
List of VLAN profiles
portal_list | array[captive_portal_basic_obj] |
List of captive portal defined in VLAN profiles
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
profile ID
name | string |
profile name
vlan_id | integer |
tags | string |
"none" - Apply to all devices, "include" - Apply to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply to devices with none of the defined tags
none, include, exclude |
device_tag_ids | array[integer] |
List of device tags id, only for request data when create or update the settings
device_tags | array[tag_info] |
List of device tags
balancemax_enabled | boolean |
Apply to Balance and MAX devices
switch_enabled | boolean |
Apply to SD Switch devices
ip_address | string |
Default IP Address
netmask | String |
Subnet mask
l2_isolation | boolean |
Default false, false - Inter-VLAN Routing enabled, true - Inter-VLAN Routing disabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is enabled for the VLAN
portal_id | integer |
Captive Portal profile ID
portal_xtags | string |
"none" - Apply captive portal to all devices, "include" - Apply captive portal to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply captive portal to devices with none of the defined tags
none, include, exclude |
portal_device_tag_ids | array[integer] |
List of device tags id for captive portal, only for request data when create or update the settings
portal_device_tags | array[tag_info] |
List of device tags defined for captive portal
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the captive portal defined is a external captive portal
dhcp_server_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DHCP Server is enabled for Balance MAX devices, if value is omitted or null - DHCP Server is unmanaged, true - DHCP Server is enabled, false - DHCP Server is disabled
dhcp_server_settings | dhcp_server_settings_obj |
Object of DHCP Server Settings for Balance and MAX, applicable when dhcp_server_enabled=true
dhcp_setting | string |
Indicates the IP Settings for SD Switch
none, dhcp |
hostname | string |
Host name in settings for SD Switch
obtain_dns | boolean |
Indicates if to obtain DNS server automatically in settings for SD Switch
dns_server_1 | string |
IP address of DNS server 1 in settings for SD Switch
dns_server_2 | string |
IP address of DNS server 2 in settings for SD Switch
default_vlan | boolean |
Indicates if this VLAN profile is default VLAN for SD Switch. This setting is only applicable to all SD Switches' trunk ports which are with Accept Frame Type option set to "All".
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
version | integer |
Indicates the DHCP server setting version
server_logging | boolean |
Indicates if DHCP Server Logging is enabled, or if DHCP relay logging is enabled for DHCP relay mode
exclude_first_ip_count | integer |
Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered.
exclude_last_ip_count | integer |
Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered.
lease_time | integer |
Lease time in seconds
auto_dns_server | boolean |
Indicates if assign DNS server automatically is enabled
dns_server_1 | string |
IP address of DNS server 1
dns_server_2 | string |
IP address of DNS server 2
assign_wins_server | boolean |
Indicates if assign WINS server is enabled
wins_server_built_in | boolean |
Indicates if WINS server use built-in or external
wins_server_1 | string |
IP address of WINS server 1
wins_server_2 | string |
IP address of WINS server 2
assign_bootp | boolean |
Indicates if BOOTP is enabled
bootp_server_ip | string |
IP address of BOOTP server
bootp_boot_file | string |
BOOTP boot file
bootp_server_name | string |
BOOTP server name
dhcp_options | array[dhcp_options_obj] |
List of extended DHCP options
dhcp_reservations | array[dhcp_reservations_obj] |
List of DHCP reservations
relay_server | boolean |
Indicates if DHCP relay mode enabled
dhcp_server_1 | string |
IP address of DHCP server 1 for DHCP relay mode
dhcp_server_2 | string |
IP address of DHCP Server 2 for DHCP relay mode
dhcp_option_82 | boolean |
Indicates if DHCP Option 82 is enabled for DHCP relay mode
Field | Type | Description |
option | integer |
DHCP options ID
value_type | string |
DHCP option value data type
value | string |
DHCP option value
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
Client name
mac | string |
MAC address
ip | string |
Static IP address or Static IP suffix
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Captive portal profile ID
name | string |
profile name
access_mode | string |
Captive portal access mode(s)
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is enabled
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (vlan_config_obj): Request data object, } vlan_config_obj { id (integer): profile ID, name (string): profile name, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, tags (string): "none" - Apply to all devices, "include" - Apply to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply to devices with none of the defined tags, device_tag_ids (array[integer]): List of device tags id, only for request data when create or update the settings, device_tags (array[tag_info]): List of device tags, balancemax_enabled (boolean): Apply to Balance and MAX devices, switch_enabled (boolean): Apply to SD Switch devices, ip_address (string): Default IP Address, netmask (String): Subnet mask, l2_isolation (boolean): Default false, false - Inter-VLAN Routing enabled, true - Inter-VLAN Routing disabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is enabled for the VLAN, portal_id (integer): Captive Portal profile ID, portal_xtags (string): "none" - Apply captive portal to all devices, "include" - Apply captive portal to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply captive portal to devices with none of the defined tags, portal_device_tag_ids (array[integer]): List of device tags id for captive portal, only for request data when create or update the settings, portal_device_tags (array[tag_info]): List of device tags defined for captive portal, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the captive portal defined is a external captive portal, dhcp_server_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Server is enabled for Balance MAX devices, if value is omitted or null - DHCP Server is unmanaged, true - DHCP Server is enabled, false - DHCP Server is disabled, dhcp_server_settings (dhcp_server_settings_obj): Object of DHCP Server Settings for Balance and MAX, applicable when dhcp_server_enabled=true, dhcp_setting (string): Indicates the IP Settings for SD Switch, hostname (string): Host name in settings for SD Switch, obtain_dns (boolean): Indicates if to obtain DNS server automatically in settings for SD Switch, dns_server_1 (string): IP address of DNS server 1 in settings for SD Switch, dns_server_2 (string): IP address of DNS server 2 in settings for SD Switch, default_vlan (boolean): Indicates if this VLAN profile is default VLAN for SD Switch. This setting is only applicable to all SD Switches' trunk ports which are with Accept Frame Type option set to "All"., } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } dhcp_server_settings_obj { version (integer): Indicates the DHCP server setting version, server_logging (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Server Logging is enabled, or if DHCP relay logging is enabled for DHCP relay mode, exclude_first_ip_count (integer): Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered., exclude_last_ip_count (integer): Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered., lease_time (integer): Lease time in seconds, auto_dns_server (boolean): Indicates if assign DNS server automatically is enabled, dns_server_1 (string): IP address of DNS server 1, dns_server_2 (string): IP address of DNS server 2, assign_wins_server (boolean): Indicates if assign WINS server is enabled, wins_server_built_in (boolean): Indicates if WINS server use built-in or external, wins_server_1 (string): IP address of WINS server 1, wins_server_2 (string): IP address of WINS server 2, assign_bootp (boolean): Indicates if BOOTP is enabled, bootp_server_ip (string): IP address of BOOTP server, bootp_boot_file (string): BOOTP boot file, bootp_server_name (string): BOOTP server name, dhcp_options (array[dhcp_options_obj]): List of extended DHCP options, dhcp_reservations (array[dhcp_reservations_obj]): List of DHCP reservations, relay_server (boolean): Indicates if DHCP relay mode enabled, dhcp_server_1 (string): IP address of DHCP server 1 for DHCP relay mode, dhcp_server_2 (string): IP address of DHCP Server 2 for DHCP relay mode, dhcp_option_82 (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Option 82 is enabled for DHCP relay mode, } dhcp_options_obj { option (integer): DHCP options ID, value_type (string): DHCP option value data type, value (string): DHCP option value, } dhcp_reservations_obj { name (string): Client name, mac (string): MAC address, ip (string): Static IP address or Static IP suffix, } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (vlan_config_obj): Response data object, } vlan_config_obj { id (integer): profile ID, name (string): profile name, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, tags (string): "none" - Apply to all devices, "include" - Apply to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply to devices with none of the defined tags, device_tag_ids (array[integer]): List of device tags id, only for request data when create or update the settings, device_tags (array[tag_info]): List of device tags, balancemax_enabled (boolean): Apply to Balance and MAX devices, switch_enabled (boolean): Apply to SD Switch devices, ip_address (string): Default IP Address, netmask (String): Subnet mask, l2_isolation (boolean): Default false, false - Inter-VLAN Routing enabled, true - Inter-VLAN Routing disabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is enabled for the VLAN, portal_id (integer): Captive Portal profile ID, portal_xtags (string): "none" - Apply captive portal to all devices, "include" - Apply captive portal to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply captive portal to devices with none of the defined tags, portal_device_tag_ids (array[integer]): List of device tags id for captive portal, only for request data when create or update the settings, portal_device_tags (array[tag_info]): List of device tags defined for captive portal, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the captive portal defined is a external captive portal, dhcp_server_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Server is enabled for Balance MAX devices, if value is omitted or null - DHCP Server is unmanaged, true - DHCP Server is enabled, false - DHCP Server is disabled, dhcp_server_settings (dhcp_server_settings_obj): Object of DHCP Server Settings for Balance and MAX, applicable when dhcp_server_enabled=true, dhcp_setting (string): Indicates the IP Settings for SD Switch, hostname (string): Host name in settings for SD Switch, obtain_dns (boolean): Indicates if to obtain DNS server automatically in settings for SD Switch, dns_server_1 (string): IP address of DNS server 1 in settings for SD Switch, dns_server_2 (string): IP address of DNS server 2 in settings for SD Switch, default_vlan (boolean): Indicates if this VLAN profile is default VLAN for SD Switch. This setting is only applicable to all SD Switches' trunk ports which are with Accept Frame Type option set to "All"., } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } dhcp_server_settings_obj { version (integer): Indicates the DHCP server setting version, server_logging (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Server Logging is enabled, or if DHCP relay logging is enabled for DHCP relay mode, exclude_first_ip_count (integer): Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered., exclude_last_ip_count (integer): Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered., lease_time (integer): Lease time in seconds, auto_dns_server (boolean): Indicates if assign DNS server automatically is enabled, dns_server_1 (string): IP address of DNS server 1, dns_server_2 (string): IP address of DNS server 2, assign_wins_server (boolean): Indicates if assign WINS server is enabled, wins_server_built_in (boolean): Indicates if WINS server use built-in or external, wins_server_1 (string): IP address of WINS server 1, wins_server_2 (string): IP address of WINS server 2, assign_bootp (boolean): Indicates if BOOTP is enabled, bootp_server_ip (string): IP address of BOOTP server, bootp_boot_file (string): BOOTP boot file, bootp_server_name (string): BOOTP server name, dhcp_options (array[dhcp_options_obj]): List of extended DHCP options, dhcp_reservations (array[dhcp_reservations_obj]): List of DHCP reservations, relay_server (boolean): Indicates if DHCP relay mode enabled, dhcp_server_1 (string): IP address of DHCP server 1 for DHCP relay mode, dhcp_server_2 (string): IP address of DHCP Server 2 for DHCP relay mode, dhcp_option_82 (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Option 82 is enabled for DHCP relay mode, } dhcp_options_obj { option (integer): DHCP options ID, value_type (string): DHCP option value data type, value (string): DHCP option value, } dhcp_reservations_obj { name (string): Client name, mac (string): MAC address, ip (string): Static IP address or Static IP suffix, }
Request Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "data": { "id": 0, "name": "", "vlan_id": 0, "tags": "", "device_tag_ids": [ 0 ], "device_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "balancemax_enabled": true, "switch_enabled": true, "ip_address": "", "l2_isolation": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_xtags": "", "portal_device_tag_ids": [ 0 ], "portal_device_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "portal_custom": true, "dhcp_server_enabled": true, "dhcp_server_settings": { "version": 0, "server_logging": true, "exclude_first_ip_count": 0, "exclude_last_ip_count": 0, "lease_time": 0, "auto_dns_server": true, "dns_server_1": "", "dns_server_2": "", "assign_wins_server": true, "wins_server_built_in": true, "wins_server_1": "", "wins_server_2": "", "assign_bootp": true, "bootp_server_ip": "", "bootp_boot_file": "", "bootp_server_name": "", "dhcp_options": [ { "option": 0, "value_type": "", "value": "" } ], "dhcp_reservations": [ { "name": "", "mac": "", "ip": "" } ], "relay_server": true, "dhcp_server_1": "", "dhcp_server_2": "", "dhcp_option_82": true }, "dhcp_setting": "", "hostname": "", "obtain_dns": true, "dns_server_1": "", "dns_server_2": "", "default_vlan": true } }
{ "data": { "name": "vlan1", "vlan_id": 1, "tags": "include", "device_tag_ids": [ 1 ], "balancemax_enabled": true, "l2_isolation": false, "ip_address": "", "netmask": "", "portal_enabled": false } }
{ "data": { "name": "vlan3", "vlan_id": 3, "tags": "include", "device_tag_ids": [ 1 ], "balancemax_enabled": true, "l2_isolation": false, "ip_address": "", "netmask": "", "dhcp_server_enabled": true, "dhcp_server_settings": { "version": 1, "server_logging": false, "exclude_first_ip_count": 10, "exclude_last_ip_count": 10, "lease_time": 86400, "auto_dns_server": true, "assign_wins_server": false, "wins_server_built_in": true, "assign_bootp": false, "dhcp_reservations": [ { "name": "client1", "mac": "11:22:33:44:55:66", "ip": "10" }, { "name": "client2", "mac": "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF", "ip": "11" } ] }, "portal_enabled": false } }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "id": 0, "name": "", "vlan_id": 0, "tags": "", "device_tag_ids": [ 0 ], "device_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "balancemax_enabled": true, "switch_enabled": true, "ip_address": "", "l2_isolation": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_xtags": "", "portal_device_tag_ids": [ 0 ], "portal_device_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "portal_custom": true, "dhcp_server_enabled": true, "dhcp_server_settings": { "version": 0, "server_logging": true, "exclude_first_ip_count": 0, "exclude_last_ip_count": 0, "lease_time": 0, "auto_dns_server": true, "dns_server_1": "", "dns_server_2": "", "assign_wins_server": true, "wins_server_built_in": true, "wins_server_1": "", "wins_server_2": "", "assign_bootp": true, "bootp_server_ip": "", "bootp_boot_file": "", "bootp_server_name": "", "dhcp_options": [ { "option": 0, "value_type": "", "value": "" } ], "dhcp_reservations": [ { "name": "", "mac": "", "ip": "" } ], "relay_server": true, "dhcp_server_1": "", "dhcp_server_2": "", "dhcp_option_82": true }, "dhcp_setting": "", "hostname": "", "obtain_dns": true, "dns_server_1": "", "dns_server_2": "", "default_vlan": true } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | vlan_config_obj |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
profile ID
name | string |
profile name
vlan_id | integer |
tags | string |
"none" - Apply to all devices, "include" - Apply to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply to devices with none of the defined tags
none, include, exclude |
device_tag_ids | array[integer] |
List of device tags id, only for request data when create or update the settings
device_tags | array[tag_info] |
List of device tags
balancemax_enabled | boolean |
Apply to Balance and MAX devices
switch_enabled | boolean |
Apply to SD Switch devices
ip_address | string |
Default IP Address
netmask | String |
Subnet mask
l2_isolation | boolean |
Default false, false - Inter-VLAN Routing enabled, true - Inter-VLAN Routing disabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is enabled for the VLAN
portal_id | integer |
Captive Portal profile ID
portal_xtags | string |
"none" - Apply captive portal to all devices, "include" - Apply captive portal to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply captive portal to devices with none of the defined tags
none, include, exclude |
portal_device_tag_ids | array[integer] |
List of device tags id for captive portal, only for request data when create or update the settings
portal_device_tags | array[tag_info] |
List of device tags defined for captive portal
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the captive portal defined is a external captive portal
dhcp_server_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DHCP Server is enabled for Balance MAX devices, if value is omitted or null - DHCP Server is unmanaged, true - DHCP Server is enabled, false - DHCP Server is disabled
dhcp_server_settings | dhcp_server_settings_obj |
Object of DHCP Server Settings for Balance and MAX, applicable when dhcp_server_enabled=true
dhcp_setting | string |
Indicates the IP Settings for SD Switch
none, dhcp |
hostname | string |
Host name in settings for SD Switch
obtain_dns | boolean |
Indicates if to obtain DNS server automatically in settings for SD Switch
dns_server_1 | string |
IP address of DNS server 1 in settings for SD Switch
dns_server_2 | string |
IP address of DNS server 2 in settings for SD Switch
default_vlan | boolean |
Indicates if this VLAN profile is default VLAN for SD Switch. This setting is only applicable to all SD Switches' trunk ports which are with Accept Frame Type option set to "All".
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
version | integer |
Indicates the DHCP server setting version
server_logging | boolean |
Indicates if DHCP Server Logging is enabled, or if DHCP relay logging is enabled for DHCP relay mode
exclude_first_ip_count | integer |
Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered.
exclude_last_ip_count | integer |
Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered.
lease_time | integer |
Lease time in seconds
auto_dns_server | boolean |
Indicates if assign DNS server automatically is enabled
dns_server_1 | string |
IP address of DNS server 1
dns_server_2 | string |
IP address of DNS server 2
assign_wins_server | boolean |
Indicates if assign WINS server is enabled
wins_server_built_in | boolean |
Indicates if WINS server use built-in or external
wins_server_1 | string |
IP address of WINS server 1
wins_server_2 | string |
IP address of WINS server 2
assign_bootp | boolean |
Indicates if BOOTP is enabled
bootp_server_ip | string |
IP address of BOOTP server
bootp_boot_file | string |
BOOTP boot file
bootp_server_name | string |
BOOTP server name
dhcp_options | array[dhcp_options_obj] |
List of extended DHCP options
dhcp_reservations | array[dhcp_reservations_obj] |
List of DHCP reservations
relay_server | boolean |
Indicates if DHCP relay mode enabled
dhcp_server_1 | string |
IP address of DHCP server 1 for DHCP relay mode
dhcp_server_2 | string |
IP address of DHCP Server 2 for DHCP relay mode
dhcp_option_82 | boolean |
Indicates if DHCP Option 82 is enabled for DHCP relay mode
Field | Type | Description |
option | integer |
DHCP options ID
value_type | string |
DHCP option value data type
value | string |
DHCP option value
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
Client name
mac | string |
MAC address
ip | string |
Static IP address or Static IP suffix
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | vlan_config_obj |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (vlan_config_obj): Request data object, } vlan_config_obj { id (integer): profile ID, name (string): profile name, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, tags (string): "none" - Apply to all devices, "include" - Apply to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply to devices with none of the defined tags, device_tag_ids (array[integer]): List of device tags id, only for request data when create or update the settings, device_tags (array[tag_info]): List of device tags, balancemax_enabled (boolean): Apply to Balance and MAX devices, switch_enabled (boolean): Apply to SD Switch devices, ip_address (string): Default IP Address, netmask (String): Subnet mask, l2_isolation (boolean): Default false, false - Inter-VLAN Routing enabled, true - Inter-VLAN Routing disabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is enabled for the VLAN, portal_id (integer): Captive Portal profile ID, portal_xtags (string): "none" - Apply captive portal to all devices, "include" - Apply captive portal to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply captive portal to devices with none of the defined tags, portal_device_tag_ids (array[integer]): List of device tags id for captive portal, only for request data when create or update the settings, portal_device_tags (array[tag_info]): List of device tags defined for captive portal, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the captive portal defined is a external captive portal, dhcp_server_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Server is enabled for Balance MAX devices, if value is omitted or null - DHCP Server is unmanaged, true - DHCP Server is enabled, false - DHCP Server is disabled, dhcp_server_settings (dhcp_server_settings_obj): Object of DHCP Server Settings for Balance and MAX, applicable when dhcp_server_enabled=true, dhcp_setting (string): Indicates the IP Settings for SD Switch, hostname (string): Host name in settings for SD Switch, obtain_dns (boolean): Indicates if to obtain DNS server automatically in settings for SD Switch, dns_server_1 (string): IP address of DNS server 1 in settings for SD Switch, dns_server_2 (string): IP address of DNS server 2 in settings for SD Switch, default_vlan (boolean): Indicates if this VLAN profile is default VLAN for SD Switch. This setting is only applicable to all SD Switches' trunk ports which are with Accept Frame Type option set to "All"., } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } dhcp_server_settings_obj { version (integer): Indicates the DHCP server setting version, server_logging (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Server Logging is enabled, or if DHCP relay logging is enabled for DHCP relay mode, exclude_first_ip_count (integer): Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered., exclude_last_ip_count (integer): Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered., lease_time (integer): Lease time in seconds, auto_dns_server (boolean): Indicates if assign DNS server automatically is enabled, dns_server_1 (string): IP address of DNS server 1, dns_server_2 (string): IP address of DNS server 2, assign_wins_server (boolean): Indicates if assign WINS server is enabled, wins_server_built_in (boolean): Indicates if WINS server use built-in or external, wins_server_1 (string): IP address of WINS server 1, wins_server_2 (string): IP address of WINS server 2, assign_bootp (boolean): Indicates if BOOTP is enabled, bootp_server_ip (string): IP address of BOOTP server, bootp_boot_file (string): BOOTP boot file, bootp_server_name (string): BOOTP server name, dhcp_options (array[dhcp_options_obj]): List of extended DHCP options, dhcp_reservations (array[dhcp_reservations_obj]): List of DHCP reservations, relay_server (boolean): Indicates if DHCP relay mode enabled, dhcp_server_1 (string): IP address of DHCP server 1 for DHCP relay mode, dhcp_server_2 (string): IP address of DHCP Server 2 for DHCP relay mode, dhcp_option_82 (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Option 82 is enabled for DHCP relay mode, } dhcp_options_obj { option (integer): DHCP options ID, value_type (string): DHCP option value data type, value (string): DHCP option value, } dhcp_reservations_obj { name (string): Client name, mac (string): MAC address, ip (string): Static IP address or Static IP suffix, } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (vlan_config_obj): Response data object, } vlan_config_obj { id (integer): profile ID, name (string): profile name, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, tags (string): "none" - Apply to all devices, "include" - Apply to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply to devices with none of the defined tags, device_tag_ids (array[integer]): List of device tags id, only for request data when create or update the settings, device_tags (array[tag_info]): List of device tags, balancemax_enabled (boolean): Apply to Balance and MAX devices, switch_enabled (boolean): Apply to SD Switch devices, ip_address (string): Default IP Address, netmask (String): Subnet mask, l2_isolation (boolean): Default false, false - Inter-VLAN Routing enabled, true - Inter-VLAN Routing disabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is enabled for the VLAN, portal_id (integer): Captive Portal profile ID, portal_xtags (string): "none" - Apply captive portal to all devices, "include" - Apply captive portal to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply captive portal to devices with none of the defined tags, portal_device_tag_ids (array[integer]): List of device tags id for captive portal, only for request data when create or update the settings, portal_device_tags (array[tag_info]): List of device tags defined for captive portal, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the captive portal defined is a external captive portal, dhcp_server_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Server is enabled for Balance MAX devices, if value is omitted or null - DHCP Server is unmanaged, true - DHCP Server is enabled, false - DHCP Server is disabled, dhcp_server_settings (dhcp_server_settings_obj): Object of DHCP Server Settings for Balance and MAX, applicable when dhcp_server_enabled=true, dhcp_setting (string): Indicates the IP Settings for SD Switch, hostname (string): Host name in settings for SD Switch, obtain_dns (boolean): Indicates if to obtain DNS server automatically in settings for SD Switch, dns_server_1 (string): IP address of DNS server 1 in settings for SD Switch, dns_server_2 (string): IP address of DNS server 2 in settings for SD Switch, default_vlan (boolean): Indicates if this VLAN profile is default VLAN for SD Switch. This setting is only applicable to all SD Switches' trunk ports which are with Accept Frame Type option set to "All"., } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } dhcp_server_settings_obj { version (integer): Indicates the DHCP server setting version, server_logging (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Server Logging is enabled, or if DHCP relay logging is enabled for DHCP relay mode, exclude_first_ip_count (integer): Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered., exclude_last_ip_count (integer): Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered., lease_time (integer): Lease time in seconds, auto_dns_server (boolean): Indicates if assign DNS server automatically is enabled, dns_server_1 (string): IP address of DNS server 1, dns_server_2 (string): IP address of DNS server 2, assign_wins_server (boolean): Indicates if assign WINS server is enabled, wins_server_built_in (boolean): Indicates if WINS server use built-in or external, wins_server_1 (string): IP address of WINS server 1, wins_server_2 (string): IP address of WINS server 2, assign_bootp (boolean): Indicates if BOOTP is enabled, bootp_server_ip (string): IP address of BOOTP server, bootp_boot_file (string): BOOTP boot file, bootp_server_name (string): BOOTP server name, dhcp_options (array[dhcp_options_obj]): List of extended DHCP options, dhcp_reservations (array[dhcp_reservations_obj]): List of DHCP reservations, relay_server (boolean): Indicates if DHCP relay mode enabled, dhcp_server_1 (string): IP address of DHCP server 1 for DHCP relay mode, dhcp_server_2 (string): IP address of DHCP Server 2 for DHCP relay mode, dhcp_option_82 (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Option 82 is enabled for DHCP relay mode, } dhcp_options_obj { option (integer): DHCP options ID, value_type (string): DHCP option value data type, value (string): DHCP option value, } dhcp_reservations_obj { name (string): Client name, mac (string): MAC address, ip (string): Static IP address or Static IP suffix, }
Request Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "data": { "id": 0, "name": "", "vlan_id": 0, "tags": "", "device_tag_ids": [ 0 ], "device_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "balancemax_enabled": true, "switch_enabled": true, "ip_address": "", "l2_isolation": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_xtags": "", "portal_device_tag_ids": [ 0 ], "portal_device_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "portal_custom": true, "dhcp_server_enabled": true, "dhcp_server_settings": { "version": 0, "server_logging": true, "exclude_first_ip_count": 0, "exclude_last_ip_count": 0, "lease_time": 0, "auto_dns_server": true, "dns_server_1": "", "dns_server_2": "", "assign_wins_server": true, "wins_server_built_in": true, "wins_server_1": "", "wins_server_2": "", "assign_bootp": true, "bootp_server_ip": "", "bootp_boot_file": "", "bootp_server_name": "", "dhcp_options": [ { "option": 0, "value_type": "", "value": "" } ], "dhcp_reservations": [ { "name": "", "mac": "", "ip": "" } ], "relay_server": true, "dhcp_server_1": "", "dhcp_server_2": "", "dhcp_option_82": true }, "dhcp_setting": "", "hostname": "", "obtain_dns": true, "dns_server_1": "", "dns_server_2": "", "default_vlan": true } }
{ "data": { "name": "vlan1", "vlan_id": 1, "tags": "none", "balancemax_enabled": true, "l2_isolation": false, "ip_address": "", "netmask": "" } }
{ "data": { "name": "vlan2", "vlan_id": 2, "tags": "none", "balancemax_enabled": true, "l2_isolation": false, "ip_address": "", "netmask": "", "portal_enabled": true, "portal_id": 1, "portal_xtags": "include", "portal_device_tags": [ 1 ] } }
{ "data": { "name": "vlan3", "vlan_id": 3, "tags": "none", "balancemax_enabled": true, "l2_isolation": false, "ip_address": "", "netmask": "", "dhcp_server_enabled": true, "dhcp_server_settings": { "server_logging": false, "exclude_first_ip_count": 10, "exclude_last_ip_count": 10, "lease_time": 86400, "auto_dns_server": true, "assign_wins_server": false, "wins_server_built_in": true, "assign_bootp": false, "dhcp_reservations": [ { "name": "client1", "mac": "11:22:33:44:55:66", "ip": "10" }, { "name": "client2", "mac": "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF", "ip": "11" } ] } } }
{ "data": { "name": "vlan4", "vlan_id": 4, "tags": "none", "balancemax_enabled": true, "l2_isolation": false, "ip_address": "", "netmask": "", "dhcp_server_enabled": true, "dhcp_server_settings": { "relay_mode": true, "server_logging": false, "dhcp_server_1": "", "dhcp_server_2": "", "dhcp_option_82": false } } }
{ "data": { "name": "vlan5", "vlan_id": 5, "tags": "none", "balancemax_enabled": true, "switch_enabled": true, "l2_isolation": false, "ip_address": "", "netmask": "", "dhcp_setting": "dhcp", "obtain_dns": true } }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "id": 0, "name": "", "vlan_id": 0, "tags": "", "device_tag_ids": [ 0 ], "device_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "balancemax_enabled": true, "switch_enabled": true, "ip_address": "", "l2_isolation": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_xtags": "", "portal_device_tag_ids": [ 0 ], "portal_device_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "portal_custom": true, "dhcp_server_enabled": true, "dhcp_server_settings": { "version": 0, "server_logging": true, "exclude_first_ip_count": 0, "exclude_last_ip_count": 0, "lease_time": 0, "auto_dns_server": true, "dns_server_1": "", "dns_server_2": "", "assign_wins_server": true, "wins_server_built_in": true, "wins_server_1": "", "wins_server_2": "", "assign_bootp": true, "bootp_server_ip": "", "bootp_boot_file": "", "bootp_server_name": "", "dhcp_options": [ { "option": 0, "value_type": "", "value": "" } ], "dhcp_reservations": [ { "name": "", "mac": "", "ip": "" } ], "relay_server": true, "dhcp_server_1": "", "dhcp_server_2": "", "dhcp_option_82": true }, "dhcp_setting": "", "hostname": "", "obtain_dns": true, "dns_server_1": "", "dns_server_2": "", "default_vlan": true } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | vlan_config_obj |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
profile ID
name | string |
profile name
vlan_id | integer |
tags | string |
"none" - Apply to all devices, "include" - Apply to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply to devices with none of the defined tags
none, include, exclude |
device_tag_ids | array[integer] |
List of device tags id, only for request data when create or update the settings
device_tags | array[tag_info] |
List of device tags
balancemax_enabled | boolean |
Apply to Balance and MAX devices
switch_enabled | boolean |
Apply to SD Switch devices
ip_address | string |
Default IP Address
netmask | String |
Subnet mask
l2_isolation | boolean |
Default false, false - Inter-VLAN Routing enabled, true - Inter-VLAN Routing disabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is enabled for the VLAN
portal_id | integer |
Captive Portal profile ID
portal_xtags | string |
"none" - Apply captive portal to all devices, "include" - Apply captive portal to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply captive portal to devices with none of the defined tags
none, include, exclude |
portal_device_tag_ids | array[integer] |
List of device tags id for captive portal, only for request data when create or update the settings
portal_device_tags | array[tag_info] |
List of device tags defined for captive portal
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the captive portal defined is a external captive portal
dhcp_server_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DHCP Server is enabled for Balance MAX devices, if value is omitted or null - DHCP Server is unmanaged, true - DHCP Server is enabled, false - DHCP Server is disabled
dhcp_server_settings | dhcp_server_settings_obj |
Object of DHCP Server Settings for Balance and MAX, applicable when dhcp_server_enabled=true
dhcp_setting | string |
Indicates the IP Settings for SD Switch
none, dhcp |
hostname | string |
Host name in settings for SD Switch
obtain_dns | boolean |
Indicates if to obtain DNS server automatically in settings for SD Switch
dns_server_1 | string |
IP address of DNS server 1 in settings for SD Switch
dns_server_2 | string |
IP address of DNS server 2 in settings for SD Switch
default_vlan | boolean |
Indicates if this VLAN profile is default VLAN for SD Switch. This setting is only applicable to all SD Switches' trunk ports which are with Accept Frame Type option set to "All".
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
version | integer |
Indicates the DHCP server setting version
server_logging | boolean |
Indicates if DHCP Server Logging is enabled, or if DHCP relay logging is enabled for DHCP relay mode
exclude_first_ip_count | integer |
Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered.
exclude_last_ip_count | integer |
Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered.
lease_time | integer |
Lease time in seconds
auto_dns_server | boolean |
Indicates if assign DNS server automatically is enabled
dns_server_1 | string |
IP address of DNS server 1
dns_server_2 | string |
IP address of DNS server 2
assign_wins_server | boolean |
Indicates if assign WINS server is enabled
wins_server_built_in | boolean |
Indicates if WINS server use built-in or external
wins_server_1 | string |
IP address of WINS server 1
wins_server_2 | string |
IP address of WINS server 2
assign_bootp | boolean |
Indicates if BOOTP is enabled
bootp_server_ip | string |
IP address of BOOTP server
bootp_boot_file | string |
BOOTP boot file
bootp_server_name | string |
BOOTP server name
dhcp_options | array[dhcp_options_obj] |
List of extended DHCP options
dhcp_reservations | array[dhcp_reservations_obj] |
List of DHCP reservations
relay_server | boolean |
Indicates if DHCP relay mode enabled
dhcp_server_1 | string |
IP address of DHCP server 1 for DHCP relay mode
dhcp_server_2 | string |
IP address of DHCP Server 2 for DHCP relay mode
dhcp_option_82 | boolean |
Indicates if DHCP Option 82 is enabled for DHCP relay mode
Field | Type | Description |
option | integer |
DHCP options ID
value_type | string |
DHCP option value data type
value | string |
DHCP option value
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
Client name
mac | string |
MAC address
ip | string |
Static IP address or Static IP suffix
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | vlan_config_obj |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (vlan_config_obj): Response data object, } vlan_config_obj { id (integer): profile ID, name (string): profile name, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, tags (string): "none" - Apply to all devices, "include" - Apply to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply to devices with none of the defined tags, device_tag_ids (array[integer]): List of device tags id, only for request data when create or update the settings, device_tags (array[tag_info]): List of device tags, balancemax_enabled (boolean): Apply to Balance and MAX devices, switch_enabled (boolean): Apply to SD Switch devices, ip_address (string): Default IP Address, netmask (String): Subnet mask, l2_isolation (boolean): Default false, false - Inter-VLAN Routing enabled, true - Inter-VLAN Routing disabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is enabled for the VLAN, portal_id (integer): Captive Portal profile ID, portal_xtags (string): "none" - Apply captive portal to all devices, "include" - Apply captive portal to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply captive portal to devices with none of the defined tags, portal_device_tag_ids (array[integer]): List of device tags id for captive portal, only for request data when create or update the settings, portal_device_tags (array[tag_info]): List of device tags defined for captive portal, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the captive portal defined is a external captive portal, dhcp_server_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Server is enabled for Balance MAX devices, if value is omitted or null - DHCP Server is unmanaged, true - DHCP Server is enabled, false - DHCP Server is disabled, dhcp_server_settings (dhcp_server_settings_obj): Object of DHCP Server Settings for Balance and MAX, applicable when dhcp_server_enabled=true, dhcp_setting (string): Indicates the IP Settings for SD Switch, hostname (string): Host name in settings for SD Switch, obtain_dns (boolean): Indicates if to obtain DNS server automatically in settings for SD Switch, dns_server_1 (string): IP address of DNS server 1 in settings for SD Switch, dns_server_2 (string): IP address of DNS server 2 in settings for SD Switch, default_vlan (boolean): Indicates if this VLAN profile is default VLAN for SD Switch. This setting is only applicable to all SD Switches' trunk ports which are with Accept Frame Type option set to "All"., } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } dhcp_server_settings_obj { version (integer): Indicates the DHCP server setting version, server_logging (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Server Logging is enabled, or if DHCP relay logging is enabled for DHCP relay mode, exclude_first_ip_count (integer): Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered., exclude_last_ip_count (integer): Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered., lease_time (integer): Lease time in seconds, auto_dns_server (boolean): Indicates if assign DNS server automatically is enabled, dns_server_1 (string): IP address of DNS server 1, dns_server_2 (string): IP address of DNS server 2, assign_wins_server (boolean): Indicates if assign WINS server is enabled, wins_server_built_in (boolean): Indicates if WINS server use built-in or external, wins_server_1 (string): IP address of WINS server 1, wins_server_2 (string): IP address of WINS server 2, assign_bootp (boolean): Indicates if BOOTP is enabled, bootp_server_ip (string): IP address of BOOTP server, bootp_boot_file (string): BOOTP boot file, bootp_server_name (string): BOOTP server name, dhcp_options (array[dhcp_options_obj]): List of extended DHCP options, dhcp_reservations (array[dhcp_reservations_obj]): List of DHCP reservations, relay_server (boolean): Indicates if DHCP relay mode enabled, dhcp_server_1 (string): IP address of DHCP server 1 for DHCP relay mode, dhcp_server_2 (string): IP address of DHCP Server 2 for DHCP relay mode, dhcp_option_82 (boolean): Indicates if DHCP Option 82 is enabled for DHCP relay mode, } dhcp_options_obj { option (integer): DHCP options ID, value_type (string): DHCP option value data type, value (string): DHCP option value, } dhcp_reservations_obj { name (string): Client name, mac (string): MAC address, ip (string): Static IP address or Static IP suffix, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "id": 0, "name": "", "vlan_id": 0, "tags": "", "device_tag_ids": [ 0 ], "device_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "balancemax_enabled": true, "switch_enabled": true, "ip_address": "", "l2_isolation": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_xtags": "", "portal_device_tag_ids": [ 0 ], "portal_device_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "portal_custom": true, "dhcp_server_enabled": true, "dhcp_server_settings": { "version": 0, "server_logging": true, "exclude_first_ip_count": 0, "exclude_last_ip_count": 0, "lease_time": 0, "auto_dns_server": true, "dns_server_1": "", "dns_server_2": "", "assign_wins_server": true, "wins_server_built_in": true, "wins_server_1": "", "wins_server_2": "", "assign_bootp": true, "bootp_server_ip": "", "bootp_boot_file": "", "bootp_server_name": "", "dhcp_options": [ { "option": 0, "value_type": "", "value": "" } ], "dhcp_reservations": [ { "name": "", "mac": "", "ip": "" } ], "relay_server": true, "dhcp_server_1": "", "dhcp_server_2": "", "dhcp_option_82": true }, "dhcp_setting": "", "hostname": "", "obtain_dns": true, "dns_server_1": "", "dns_server_2": "", "default_vlan": true } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | vlan_config_obj |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
profile ID
name | string |
profile name
vlan_id | integer |
tags | string |
"none" - Apply to all devices, "include" - Apply to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply to devices with none of the defined tags
none, include, exclude |
device_tag_ids | array[integer] |
List of device tags id, only for request data when create or update the settings
device_tags | array[tag_info] |
List of device tags
balancemax_enabled | boolean |
Apply to Balance and MAX devices
switch_enabled | boolean |
Apply to SD Switch devices
ip_address | string |
Default IP Address
netmask | String |
Subnet mask
l2_isolation | boolean |
Default false, false - Inter-VLAN Routing enabled, true - Inter-VLAN Routing disabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is enabled for the VLAN
portal_id | integer |
Captive Portal profile ID
portal_xtags | string |
"none" - Apply captive portal to all devices, "include" - Apply captive portal to devices with any of the defined tags, "exclude" - Apply captive portal to devices with none of the defined tags
none, include, exclude |
portal_device_tag_ids | array[integer] |
List of device tags id for captive portal, only for request data when create or update the settings
portal_device_tags | array[tag_info] |
List of device tags defined for captive portal
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the captive portal defined is a external captive portal
dhcp_server_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DHCP Server is enabled for Balance MAX devices, if value is omitted or null - DHCP Server is unmanaged, true - DHCP Server is enabled, false - DHCP Server is disabled
dhcp_server_settings | dhcp_server_settings_obj |
Object of DHCP Server Settings for Balance and MAX, applicable when dhcp_server_enabled=true
dhcp_setting | string |
Indicates the IP Settings for SD Switch
none, dhcp |
hostname | string |
Host name in settings for SD Switch
obtain_dns | boolean |
Indicates if to obtain DNS server automatically in settings for SD Switch
dns_server_1 | string |
IP address of DNS server 1 in settings for SD Switch
dns_server_2 | string |
IP address of DNS server 2 in settings for SD Switch
default_vlan | boolean |
Indicates if this VLAN profile is default VLAN for SD Switch. This setting is only applicable to all SD Switches' trunk ports which are with Accept Frame Type option set to "All".
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
version | integer |
Indicates the DHCP server setting version
server_logging | boolean |
Indicates if DHCP Server Logging is enabled, or if DHCP relay logging is enabled for DHCP relay mode
exclude_first_ip_count | integer |
Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered.
exclude_last_ip_count | integer |
Indicates the exclude IP address, The first {exclude_first_ip_count} and last {exclude_last_ip_count} IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN on a device will not be offered.
lease_time | integer |
Lease time in seconds
auto_dns_server | boolean |
Indicates if assign DNS server automatically is enabled
dns_server_1 | string |
IP address of DNS server 1
dns_server_2 | string |
IP address of DNS server 2
assign_wins_server | boolean |
Indicates if assign WINS server is enabled
wins_server_built_in | boolean |
Indicates if WINS server use built-in or external
wins_server_1 | string |
IP address of WINS server 1
wins_server_2 | string |
IP address of WINS server 2
assign_bootp | boolean |
Indicates if BOOTP is enabled
bootp_server_ip | string |
IP address of BOOTP server
bootp_boot_file | string |
BOOTP boot file
bootp_server_name | string |
BOOTP server name
dhcp_options | array[dhcp_options_obj] |
List of extended DHCP options
dhcp_reservations | array[dhcp_reservations_obj] |
List of DHCP reservations
relay_server | boolean |
Indicates if DHCP relay mode enabled
dhcp_server_1 | string |
IP address of DHCP server 1 for DHCP relay mode
dhcp_server_2 | string |
IP address of DHCP Server 2 for DHCP relay mode
dhcp_option_82 | boolean |
Indicates if DHCP Option 82 is enabled for DHCP relay mode
Field | Type | Description |
option | integer |
DHCP options ID
value_type | string |
DHCP option value data type
value | string |
DHCP option value
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
Client name
mac | string |
MAC address
ip | string |
Static IP address or Static IP suffix
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
id |
VLAN network settings ID
Path | Integer |
Get a list of device's cellular WAN quality report in 1 minute
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
wan_id | Query | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[device_wan_usage_list]): Response data object, } device_wan_usage_list { device_id (number): Device ID, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, data (array[device_wan_usage]): List of WAN usage, } device_wan_usage { wan_id (number): WAN ID, wan_name (string): Wan Name, wan_type (string): Wan Type (ethernet/wifi/modem/gobi (i.e. cellular)), upload (number): Upload rate (in MB), download (number): Download rate (in MB), }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "device_id": 0.0, "sn": "", "name": "", "data": [ { "wan_id": 0.0, "wan_name": "", "wan_type": "", "upload": 0.0, "download": 0.0 } ] } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[device_wan_usage_list] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
device_id | number |
Device ID
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
data | array[device_wan_usage] |
List of WAN usage
Field | Type | Description |
wan_id | number |
wan_name | string |
Wan Name
wan_type | string |
Wan Type (ethernet/wifi/modem/gobi (i.e. cellular))
upload | number |
Upload rate (in MB)
download | number |
Download rate (in MB)
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
wan_type | Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[device_wan_usage_list]): Response data object, } device_wan_usage_list { device_id (number): Device ID, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, data (array[device_wan_usage]): List of WAN usage, } device_wan_usage { wan_id (number): WAN ID, wan_name (string): Wan Name, wan_type (string): Wan Type (ethernet/wifi/modem/gobi (i.e. cellular)), upload (number): Upload rate (in MB), download (number): Download rate (in MB), }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "device_id": 0.0, "sn": "", "name": "", "data": [ { "wan_id": 0.0, "wan_name": "", "wan_type": "", "upload": 0.0, "download": 0.0 } ] } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[device_wan_usage_list] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
device_id | number |
Device ID
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
data | array[device_wan_usage] |
List of WAN usage
Field | Type | Description |
wan_id | number |
wan_name | string |
Wan Name
wan_type | string |
Wan Type (ethernet/wifi/modem/gobi (i.e. cellular))
upload | number |
Upload rate (in MB)
download | number |
Download rate (in MB)
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String |
Download web admin passwords in CSV format
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int |
update group level WiFi-SSID managment features
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data |
{"data":{"wifi_mgm_enabled":true, "ap_ctrl_apply_ssid_enabled": true}}
Raw | String |
Trigger devices to enable or disable Air Monitor Mode
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
group_id | Path | int | ||
data |
Example: {"data":{"active":true,"device_ids":[0,1,2]}}
"true" means to enable Air Monitor Mode "false" means to disable Air Monitor Mode |
Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[location]): Response data object, } location { id (integer): System generated identifier, group_id (integer): Group identifier, sn (string): Serial number, status (string): Online status, client_count (integer): Number of clients, product_name (string): Product name, points (array[point]): , } point { lo (number): longitude, la (number): latitude, ts (string): timestamp, sp (number): speed, at (number): altitude, isExist (boolean): Indicates if any GPS location data ever, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if it is a static location, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "sn": "", "status": "", "client_count": 0, "product_name": "", "points": [ { "lo": 0.0, "la": 0.0, "ts": "", "sp": 0.0, "at": 0.0, "isExist": true, "isStatic": true } ] } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[location] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated identifier
group_id | integer |
Group identifier
sn | string |
Serial number
status | string |
Online status
online, offline |
client_count | integer |
Number of clients
product_name | string |
Product name
points | array[point] |
Field | Type | Description |
lo | number |
la | number |
ts | string |
sp | number |
at | number |
isExist | boolean |
Indicates if any GPS location data ever
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if it is a static location
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[location]): Response data object, } location { id (integer): System generated identifier, group_id (integer): Group identifier, sn (string): Serial number, status (string): Online status, client_count (integer): Number of clients, product_name (string): Product name, points (array[point]): , } point { lo (number): longitude, la (number): latitude, ts (string): timestamp, sp (number): speed, at (number): altitude, isExist (boolean): Indicates if any GPS location data ever, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if it is a static location, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "sn": "", "status": "", "client_count": 0, "product_name": "", "points": [ { "lo": 0.0, "la": 0.0, "ts": "", "sp": 0.0, "at": 0.0, "isExist": true, "isStatic": true } ] } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[location] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated identifier
group_id | integer |
Group identifier
sn | string |
Serial number
status | string |
Online status
online, offline |
client_count | integer |
Number of clients
product_name | string |
Product name
points | array[point] |
Field | Type | Description |
lo | number |
la | number |
ts | string |
sp | number |
at | number |
isExist | boolean |
Indicates if any GPS location data ever
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if it is a static location
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[location]): Response data object, } location { id (integer): System generated identifier, group_id (integer): Group identifier, sn (string): Serial number, status (string): Online status, client_count (integer): Number of clients, product_name (string): Product name, points (array[point]): , } point { lo (number): longitude, la (number): latitude, ts (string): timestamp, sp (number): speed, at (number): altitude, isExist (boolean): Indicates if any GPS location data ever, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if it is a static location, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "sn": "", "status": "", "client_count": 0, "product_name": "", "points": [ { "lo": 0.0, "la": 0.0, "ts": "", "sp": 0.0, "at": 0.0, "isExist": true, "isStatic": true } ] } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[location] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated identifier
group_id | integer |
Group identifier
sn | string |
Serial number
status | string |
Online status
online, offline |
client_count | integer |
Number of clients
product_name | string |
Product name
points | array[point] |
Field | Type | Description |
lo | number |
la | number |
ts | string |
sp | number |
at | number |
isExist | boolean |
Indicates if any GPS location data ever
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if it is a static location
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
visible_devices | Query | List |
Get devices' current location with basic information only (For fast response)
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[location]): Response data object, } location { id (integer): System generated identifier, group_id (integer): Group identifier, sn (string): Serial number, status (string): Online status, client_count (integer): Number of clients, product_name (string): Product name, points (array[point]): , } point { lo (number): longitude, la (number): latitude, ts (string): timestamp, sp (number): speed, at (number): altitude, isExist (boolean): Indicates if any GPS location data ever, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if it is a static location, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "sn": "", "status": "", "client_count": 0, "product_name": "", "points": [ { "lo": 0.0, "la": 0.0, "ts": "", "sp": 0.0, "at": 0.0, "isExist": true, "isStatic": true } ] } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[location] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated identifier
group_id | integer |
Group identifier
sn | string |
Serial number
status | string |
Online status
online, offline |
client_count | integer |
Number of clients
product_name | string |
Product name
points | array[point] |
Field | Type | Description |
lo | number |
la | number |
ts | string |
sp | number |
at | number |
isExist | boolean |
Indicates if any GPS location data ever
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if it is a static location
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
visible_devices | Query | List | ||
include_offline | Query | boolean | ||
page | Query | int | ||
page_size | Query | int |
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
ticket_id | Query | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (move_devices_request): Request data object, } move_devices_request { target_network_id (integer): Target group's ID, device_ids (array[integer]): List of device's ID, retain_config (boolean): Default false, When this option is enabled, the following InControl managed settings will be retained on the device(s) after the removal if those settings are not managed in the target group. Otherwise, they will be removed. The settings are Wi-Fi AP, PepVPN, outbound policy, firewall rules, device schedule, device IP and bulk configuration., } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Request Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "data": { "target_network_id": 0, "device_ids": [ 0 ], "retain_config": true } }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | move_devices_request |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
target_network_id | integer |
Target group's ID
device_ids | array[integer] |
List of device's ID
retain_config | boolean |
Default false, When this option is enabled, the following InControl managed settings will be retained on the device(s) after the removal if those settings are not managed in the target group. Otherwise, they will be removed. The settings are Wi-Fi AP, PepVPN, outbound policy, firewall rules, device schedule, device IP and bulk configuration.
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
page |
page. no, starts with 1
Query | Integer | |
limit |
No. of records to retrieve, default 500
Query | Integer | |
admin | Query | String | ||
group_id | Query | Integer | ||
group_name | Query | String | ||
device_id | Query | Integer | ||
device_name | Query | String | ||
setting_id | Query | String | ||
old_value | Query | String | ||
new_value | Query | String | ||
extra_info | Query | String | ||
from |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String | |
to |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Query | String |
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
keyword | Path | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (user_info): Response data object, } user_info { user_id (string): User identifier, email (string): Email, fullname (string): Full name, status (string): User status, user_preference (user_preference): user_preference object, role (string): User role, remark (string): Remark, } user_preference { full_name (string): Full name, first_name (string): First name, last_name (string): Last name, locale (string): Language preference, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "user_id": "", "email": "", "fullname": "", "status": "", "user_preference": { "full_name": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "locale": "" }, "role": "", "remark": "" } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | user_info |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
user_id | string |
User identifier
string |
fullname | string |
Full name
status | string |
User status
active, inactive |
user_preference | user_preference |
user_preference object
role | string |
User role
remark | string |
Field | Type | Description |
full_name | string |
Full name
first_name | string |
First name
last_name | string |
Last name
locale | string |
Language preference
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (array[create_org_admin_user]): Request data object, } create_org_admin_user { email (string): Email, first_name (string): First name, last_name (string): Last name, role (string): User role, "org_admin": Super organization administrator; "org_admin_wo_social": Organization administrator, "org_readonly": Organization viewer, "dashboard_viewer": Organization dashboard viewer, remark (string): Remark, } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (admin_user_response): Response data object, } admin_user_response { data (array[admin_user_result_object]): List of admin user result object, } admin_user_result_object { resp_code (string): Response code, data (admin_user_object): admin user object, } admin_user_object { user_id (string): , Unique identifier of the user, email (string): Email, first_name (string): First name, last_name (string): Last name, role (string): User role, remark (string): Remark, is_group_admin (boolean): Indicate if the user is also a group admin in the organization, }
Request Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "data": [ { "email": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "role": "", "remark": "" } ] }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "data": [ { "resp_code": "", "data": { "user_id": "", "email": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "role": "", "remark": "", "is_group_admin": true } } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | array[create_org_admin_user] |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
string |
first_name | string |
First name
last_name | string |
Last name
role | string |
User role, "org_admin": Super organization administrator; "org_admin_wo_social": Organization administrator, "org_readonly": Organization viewer, "dashboard_viewer": Organization dashboard viewer
remark | string |
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | admin_user_response |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
data | array[admin_user_result_object] |
List of admin user result object
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
data | admin_user_object |
admin user object
Field | Type | Description |
user_id | string |
, Unique identifier of the user
string |
first_name | string |
First name
last_name | string |
Last name
role | string |
User role
remark | string |
is_group_admin | boolean |
Indicate if the user is also a group admin in the organization
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
data | Raw | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (array[update_org_admin_user]): Request data object, } update_org_admin_user { user_id (string): Unique identifier of the user, email (string): Email, first_name (string): First name, last_name (string): Last name, role (string): User role, "org_admin": Super organization administrator; "org_admin_wo_social": Organization administrator, "org_readonly": Organization viewer, "dashboard_viewer": Organization dashboard viewer, remark (string): Remark, } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (admin_user_response): Response data object, } admin_user_response { data (array[admin_user_result_object]): List of admin user result object, } admin_user_result_object { resp_code (string): Response code, data (admin_user_object): admin user object, } admin_user_object { user_id (string): , Unique identifier of the user, email (string): Email, first_name (string): First name, last_name (string): Last name, role (string): User role, remark (string): Remark, is_group_admin (boolean): Indicate if the user is also a group admin in the organization, }
Request Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "data": [ { "user_id": "", "email": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "role": "", "remark": "" } ] }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "data": [ { "resp_code": "", "data": { "user_id": "", "email": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "role": "", "remark": "", "is_group_admin": true } } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | array[update_org_admin_user] |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
user_id | string |
Unique identifier of the user
string |
first_name | string |
First name
last_name | string |
Last name
role | string |
User role, "org_admin": Super organization administrator; "org_admin_wo_social": Organization administrator, "org_readonly": Organization viewer, "dashboard_viewer": Organization dashboard viewer
remark | string |
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | admin_user_response |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
data | array[admin_user_result_object] |
List of admin user result object
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
data | admin_user_object |
admin user object
Field | Type | Description |
user_id | string |
, Unique identifier of the user
string |
first_name | string |
First name
last_name | string |
Last name
role | string |
User role
remark | string |
is_group_admin | boolean |
Indicate if the user is also a group admin in the organization
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
data | Raw | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (array[delete_admin_user]): Request data object, } delete_admin_user { user_id (string): Unique identifier of the user, is_delete_group_admin (boolean): Default false, indicate if to delete the user from all groups in the organizations, } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (admin_user_response): Response data object, } admin_user_response { data (array[admin_user_result_object]): List of admin user result object, } admin_user_result_object { resp_code (string): Response code, data (admin_user_object): admin user object, } admin_user_object { user_id (string): , Unique identifier of the user, email (string): Email, first_name (string): First name, last_name (string): Last name, role (string): User role, remark (string): Remark, is_group_admin (boolean): Indicate if the user is also a group admin in the organization, }
Request Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "data": [ { "user_id": "", "is_delete_group_admin": true } ] }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "data": [ { "resp_code": "", "data": { "user_id": "", "email": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "role": "", "remark": "", "is_group_admin": true } } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | array[delete_admin_user] |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
user_id | string |
Unique identifier of the user
is_delete_group_admin | boolean |
Default false, indicate if to delete the user from all groups in the organizations
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | admin_user_response |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
data | array[admin_user_result_object] |
List of admin user result object
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
data | admin_user_object |
admin user object
Field | Type | Description |
user_id | string |
, Unique identifier of the user
string |
first_name | string |
First name
last_name | string |
Last name
role | string |
User role
remark | string |
is_group_admin | boolean |
Indicate if the user is also a group admin in the organization
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
user_id | Query | List | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
org_admins_csv { "First Name" (string): First name, "Last Name" (string): Last name, "E-mail Address" (string): E-mail address, "Role" (string): Role - "Super Organization Administrator","Organization Administrator","Organization Viewer","Organization Dashboard Viewer", "Remarks" (string): Remarks, }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
"First Name" | string |
First name
"Last Name" | string |
Last name
"E-mail Address" | string |
E-mail address
"Role" | string |
Role - "Super Organization Administrator","Organization Administrator","Organization Viewer","Organization Dashboard Viewer"
"Remarks" | string |
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (sim_pools_profile_create_request): Request data object, } sim_pools_profile_create_request { pool_name (string): Name of SIM pool profile, imsi_list (array[string]): List of IMSIs, initial_usage (integer): Initial usage (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB), monthly_quota (integer): Monthly bandwidth quota (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB), start_day (integer): Start day of billing cycle, from day 1 to day 28, remark (string): Remark, notification_enabled (boolean): Indicates if e-mail notification is enabled, alert_levels (array[integer]): Usage alert levels when e-mail notification is enabled, required when notification_enable=true, email_recipients (array[string]): List of recipient e-mail Address, required when notification_enable=true, email_subject (string): Subject of e-mail notification, required when notification_enable=true,
Available variables:
${date_time}, ${group_name}, ${link}, ${n_sims}, ${organization_name}, ${quota}, ${quota_mb}, ${start_day}, ${pool_name}, ${usage}, ${usage_mb}, ${usage_percentage}, email_content (string): Content of e-mail notification, required when notification_enable=true,
Available variables:
${date_time}, ${group_name}, ${link}, ${n_sims}, ${organization_name}, ${quota}, ${quota_mb}, ${start_day}, ${pool_name}, ${usage}, ${usage_mb}, ${usage_percentage}, suspend_user_traffic (boolean): Indicates if "Stop Routing User Traffic When Monthly Quota Exceeded" is enabled., } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Request Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "data": { "pool_name": "", "imsi_list": [ "" ], "initial_usage": 0, "monthly_quota": 0, "start_day": 0, "remark": "", "notification_enabled": true, "alert_levels": [ 0 ], "email_recipients": [ "" ], "email_subject": "", "email_content": "", "suspend_user_traffic": true } }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | sim_pools_profile_create_request |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
pool_name | string |
Name of SIM pool profile
imsi_list | array[string] |
List of IMSIs
initial_usage | integer |
Initial usage (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB)
monthly_quota | integer |
Monthly bandwidth quota (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB)
start_day | integer |
Start day of billing cycle, from day 1 to day 28
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 |
remark | string |
notification_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if e-mail notification is enabled
alert_levels | array[integer] |
Usage alert levels when e-mail notification is enabled, required when notification_enable=true
50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100 |
email_recipients | array[string] |
List of recipient e-mail Address, required when notification_enable=true
email_subject | string |
Subject of e-mail notification, required when notification_enable=true,
Available variables: ${date_time}, ${group_name}, ${link}, ${n_sims}, ${organization_name}, ${quota}, ${quota_mb}, ${start_day}, ${pool_name}, ${usage}, ${usage_mb}, ${usage_percentage} |
email_content | string |
Content of e-mail notification, required when notification_enable=true,
Available variables: ${date_time}, ${group_name}, ${link}, ${n_sims}, ${organization_name}, ${quota}, ${quota_mb}, ${start_day}, ${pool_name}, ${usage}, ${usage_mb}, ${usage_percentage} |
suspend_user_traffic | boolean |
Indicates if "Stop Routing User Traffic When Monthly Quota Exceeded" is enabled.
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (sim_pools): Response data object, } sim_pools { active (boolean): Indicates if the profile is active, pool_name (string): Name of SIM pool profile, profile_id (integer): Unique identifier of the SIM pool profile, profile_type (string): carrier|imsi_list, carrier: Carrier Pools; imsi_list: Custom Pools, imsi_list (array[string]): List of IMSI, initial_usage (integer): Initial usage (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB), monthly_quota (integer): Monthly bandwidth quota (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB), monthly_usage (integer): Monthly usage (MB), remark (string): Remark, start_day (integer): Start day of billing cycle, usage_percentage (number): Current usage in percentage, notification_enabled (boolean): Indicates if e-mail notification is enabled, alert_levels (array[integer]): Usage alert levels when e-mail notification is enabled, email_recipients (array[string]): List of recipient e-mail Address, email_subject (string): Subject of e-mail notification, email_content (string): Content of e-mail notification, suspend_user_traffic (boolean): Indicates if "Stop Routing User Traffic When Monthly Quota Exceeded" is enabled, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "active": true, "pool_name": "", "profile_id": 0, "profile_type": "", "imsi_list": [ "" ], "initial_usage": 0, "monthly_quota": 0, "monthly_usage": 0, "remark": "", "start_day": 0, "usage_percentage": 0.0, "notification_enabled": true, "alert_levels": [ 0 ], "email_recipients": [ "" ], "email_subject": "", "email_content": "", "suspend_user_traffic": true } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | sim_pools |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
active | boolean |
Indicates if the profile is active
pool_name | string |
Name of SIM pool profile
profile_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SIM pool profile
profile_type | string |
carrier|imsi_list, carrier: Carrier Pools; imsi_list: Custom Pools
imsi_list | array[string] |
List of IMSI
initial_usage | integer |
Initial usage (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB)
monthly_quota | integer |
Monthly bandwidth quota (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB)
monthly_usage | integer |
Monthly usage (MB)
remark | string |
start_day | integer |
Start day of billing cycle
usage_percentage | number |
Current usage in percentage
notification_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if e-mail notification is enabled
alert_levels | array[integer] |
Usage alert levels when e-mail notification is enabled
email_recipients | array[string] |
List of recipient e-mail Address
email_subject | string |
Subject of e-mail notification
email_content | string |
Content of e-mail notification
suspend_user_traffic | boolean |
Indicates if "Stop Routing User Traffic When Monthly Quota Exceeded" is enabled
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
search |
search by Pool Name, IMSI or Device Name
Query | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (sim_pools_profile_update_request): Request data object, } sim_pools_profile_update_request { pool_name (string): Name of SIM pool profile, imsi_list (array[string]): List of IMSIs, monthly_quota (integer): Monthly bandwidth quota (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB), start_day (integer): Start day of billing cycle, from day 1 to day 28, remark (string): Remark, notification_enabled (boolean): Indicates if e-mail notification is enabled, alert_levels (array[integer]): Usage alert levels when e-mail notification is enabled, required when notification_enable=true, email_recipients (array[string]): List of recipient e-mail Address, required when notification_enable=true, email_subject (string): Subject of e-mail notification, required when notification_enable=true,
Available variables:
${date_time}, ${group_name}, ${link}, ${n_sims}, ${organization_name}, ${quota}, ${quota_mb}, ${start_day}, ${pool_name}, ${usage}, ${usage_mb}, ${usage_percentage}, email_content (string): Content of e-mail notification, required when notification_enable=true,
Available variables:
${date_time}, ${group_name}, ${link}, ${n_sims}, ${organization_name}, ${quota}, ${quota_mb}, ${start_day}, ${pool_name}, ${usage}, ${usage_mb}, ${usage_percentage}, suspend_user_traffic (boolean): Indicates if "Stop Routing User Traffic When Monthly Quota Exceeded" is enabled., } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (): Response data object, }
Request Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "data": { "pool_name": "", "imsi_list": [ "" ], "monthly_quota": 0, "start_day": 0, "remark": "", "notification_enabled": true, "alert_levels": [ 0 ], "email_recipients": [ "" ], "email_subject": "", "email_content": "", "suspend_user_traffic": true } }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | sim_pools_profile_update_request |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
pool_name | string |
Name of SIM pool profile
imsi_list | array[string] |
List of IMSIs
monthly_quota | integer |
Monthly bandwidth quota (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB)
start_day | integer |
Start day of billing cycle, from day 1 to day 28
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 |
remark | string |
notification_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if e-mail notification is enabled
alert_levels | array[integer] |
Usage alert levels when e-mail notification is enabled, required when notification_enable=true
50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100 |
email_recipients | array[string] |
List of recipient e-mail Address, required when notification_enable=true
email_subject | string |
Subject of e-mail notification, required when notification_enable=true,
Available variables: ${date_time}, ${group_name}, ${link}, ${n_sims}, ${organization_name}, ${quota}, ${quota_mb}, ${start_day}, ${pool_name}, ${usage}, ${usage_mb}, ${usage_percentage} |
email_content | string |
Content of e-mail notification, required when notification_enable=true,
Available variables: ${date_time}, ${group_name}, ${link}, ${n_sims}, ${organization_name}, ${quota}, ${quota_mb}, ${start_day}, ${pool_name}, ${usage}, ${usage_mb}, ${usage_percentage} |
suspend_user_traffic | boolean |
Indicates if "Stop Routing User Traffic When Monthly Quota Exceeded" is enabled.
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
profile_id | Path | int | ||
data | Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
profile_id | Path | int |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
request { data (sim_pools_quota): Request data object, } sim_pools_quota { monthly_quota (integer): Monthly bandwidth quota (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB), } response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data ($[result]): Response data object, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "" }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
data | sim_pools_quota |
Request data object
Field | Type | Description |
monthly_quota | integer |
Monthly bandwidth quota (MB), minimum value: 1024 (1GB = 1024MB)
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | $[result] |
Response data object
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
profile_id | Path | int | ||
data |
Example: {"data" : {"monthly_quota": 0 }}
Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[sim_usage]): Response data object, } sim_usage { datetime (string): Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format, imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, carrier (string): Carrier name, rx (number): Upload usage (in KB), tx (number): Download usage (in KB), }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "datetime": "", "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "carrier": "", "rx": 0.0, "tx": 0.0 } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[sim_usage] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
datetime | string |
Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
carrier | string |
Carrier name
rx | number |
Upload usage (in KB)
tx | number |
Download usage (in KB)
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
imsi |
imsi or iccid required, wildcard character "*" allowed
Query | List | |
iccid |
imsi or iccid required, wildcard character "*" allowed
Query | List |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[sim_usage]): Response data object, } sim_usage { datetime (string): Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format, imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, carrier (string): Carrier name, rx (number): Upload usage (in KB), tx (number): Download usage (in KB), }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[sim_usage] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
datetime | string |
Report date, in YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS format
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
carrier | string |
Carrier name
rx | number |
Upload usage (in KB)
tx | number |
Download usage (in KB)
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
type |
hourly,daily,monthly |
Path | String | |
start |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
end |
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
Query | String | |
imsi |
imsi or iccid required, wildcard character "*" allowed
Query | List | |
iccid |
imsi or iccid required, wildcard character "*" allowed
Query | List |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[device]): Response data object, } device { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, usage (number): Current bandwidth usage, tx (number): Current upload usage, rx (number): Current download usage, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, client_count (integer): Current client count, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, config_rollback (boolean): Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl., config_rollback_date (string): Config roll back date and time, ic2_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl, outstanding_patch_ids (array[string]): Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches, device_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device, sp_default (boolean): Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, tag_info (array[tag_info]): List of Device tags information, note (string): Note, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, address (string): Location address, location_timestamp (string): Location recorded time, follow_loc_dev (integer): Device's ID of the followed location device, follow_loc_dev_info (follow_loc_dev_info): Followed location device information, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if the returned location is a static one, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, gps_support (boolean): Indicates if the device support gps, gps_exist (boolean): Indicates if the device with any gps records, support_ssid_count (number): Supported number of SSIDs, radio_modules (array[radio_module]): Supported radio modules, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, v6_license (string): Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, fw_pending_trial_round (integer): Firmware update trial count, fw_pending_max_no_of_trial (integer): Maximum number of firmware update trial count, fw_pending_ver (string): Version of the firmware to be updated, fw_pending_schedule_time (string): Scheduled firmware update start time, fw_pending_upgrade_time (string): Actual firmware update time, fw_pending_status (integer): Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive, fw_pending_group_time (string): Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone, is_master_device (boolean): Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device, fw_managmed (string): (only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level, wifi_cfg (string): Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_available (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time, ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time, onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, ssid_profiles (array[ssid_profile]): SSID profiles, ssid_profiles_applied (array[ssid_profiles_applied]): Applied SSID profiles, hardware_version (string): Hardware version, mvpn_version (string): MVPN version, radio_bands (array[radio_band]): Radio bands, loc_display (boolean): Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude, extap_proxy_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device is a AP controller, extap_proxy_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller, wlan_probe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data", wlan_probe_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl, dpi_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection, dpi_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection, low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode, ra_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance, watchdog_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog, ra_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support remote assistance, watchdog_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog, ap_router_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, handshake_port (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port, refuse_legacy (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware, peer_connections (integer): PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, is_default_password (boolean): Indicates if default password is used in device web admin, is_apply_bulk_config (boolean): Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config, is_wlan_ap_suspended (boolean): Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended, is_ap_schedule_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled, is_ha_enabled (boolean): Indicates if high availability enabled, is_ha_slave (boolean): Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit, ha_role (string): High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave), ha_status (string): High Availability Status, ha_transition_time (string): Last Transition Date and time, periph_status_available (boolean): Indicates if periph status is available, periph_status (periph_status): Periph status, port_status_available (boolean): Indicates if port status is available, port_status (port_status): Port status, gobi_sim_lock_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support SIM lock, gobi_sim_locks (array[string]): , poe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support poe, admin_conf (admin_conf): Admin configuration, outbound_policy_managed (boolean): , firewall_rules_managed (boolean): , is_apply_import_lan (boolean): , is_apply_csv_override (boolean): , is_wlc_enabled (boolean): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan (integer): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns (array[string]): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type (string): , mgnt_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_vlans (array[vlan_interface]): , max_lacp_group_support (integer): , max_port_per_lacp_group (integer): , endpoint_support (boolean): , slow_response (boolean): , slow_response_start_time (string): , wlan_mac_list (array[wlan_mac_list]): , slot_module_list (array[slot_module]): List of slot module information, vlan_managed (boolean): (device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed, icmg_mvpn (boolean): , icmg_wan (boolean): Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl, icmg_schedule_reboot (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot, icmg_schedule (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule, icmg_wlan (boolean): Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl, icmg_portal (boolean): Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl, icmg_lan (boolean): Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl, icmg_sdswitch (boolean): , icmg_outbound (boolean): Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl, icmg_firewall (boolean): Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl, icmg_admin (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } follow_loc_dev_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the followed device, sn (string): S/N of the followed device, name (string): Device name of the followed device, onlineStatus (string): Online status of the followed device, } radio_module { module_id (integer): System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier, frequency_band (string): Supported radio frequency bands, active_frequency_band (string): The active frequency band, } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, } ssid_profiles_applied { id (integer): System generated SSID profile identifier, ssid (string): SSID, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the portal is external captive portal, wpa_passphrase (string): WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users, } radio_band { radio_bands (integer): Unique identifier of the radio band, active_band (string): The active frequency band, txpower (number): Output power, channel (integer): Channel, channel_mode (string): Channel Mode, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, } periph_status { cpu_load (usage_data): CPU load, power_state (power_state): Power State, power_usage (usage_data): Power Usage, fan_speed (usage_data): Fan speed, thermal_sensor (temperature): Thermal Sensor, } usage_data { name (string): Name, value (number): Value, total (number): Total, voltage (number): Voltage, current (number): Current, percentage (number): Percentage, active (boolean): Active, } power_state { name (string): Name, connect (boolean): Indicates if the power is connected, } temperature { temperature (number): Temperature, max (number): Maximum, threshold (number): Threshold, min (number): Minimum, } port_status { } admin_conf { managed (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is enabled, protocol (string): , admin_auth (string): , admin_user_auth (string): , version (integer): , admin_name (string): Admin User Name, admin_password (string): Admin password, admin_readonly_name (string): Read-only User Name, admin_readonly_password (string): Read-only User password, admin_radius_enable (boolean): Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled, } wlan_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio_band (string): Radio band, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, enabled (boolean): , encryption (string): , portal_id (integer): , } slot_module { slot (integer): Module slot, hw_ver (string): Module hardware version, sn (string): Module S/N, model (string): Module model, product_name (string): Module product name, expiry_date (string): Module expiry date and time, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "usage": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "product_id": 0, "client_count": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "config_rollback": true, "config_rollback_date": "", "ic2_config_apply_locked": true, "outstanding_patch_ids": [ "" ], "device_config_apply_locked": true, "sp_default": true, "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "tag_info": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "note": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "address": "", "location_timestamp": "", "follow_loc_dev": 0, "follow_loc_dev_info": { "id": 0, "sn": "", "name": "", "onlineStatus": "" }, "isStatic": true, "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "gps_support": true, "gps_exist": true, "support_ssid_count": 0.0, "radio_modules": [ { "module_id": 0, "frequency_band": "", "active_frequency_band": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "v6_license": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "fw_pending_trial_round": 0, "fw_pending_max_no_of_trial": 0, "fw_pending_ver": "", "fw_pending_schedule_time": "", "fw_pending_upgrade_time": "", "fw_pending_status": 0, "fw_pending_group_time": "", "is_master_device": true, "fw_managmed": "", "wifi_cfg": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_available": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date": "", "ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date": "", "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "ssid_profiles": [ { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } ], "ssid_profiles_applied": [ { "id": 0, "ssid": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "portal_id": 0, "enabled": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "wpa_passphrase": "" } ], "hardware_version": "", "mvpn_version": "", "radio_bands": [ { "radio_bands": 0, "active_band": "", "txpower": 0.0, "channel": 0, "channel_mode": "" } ], "loc_display": true, "extap_proxy_supported": true, "extap_proxy_enabled": true, "wlan_probe_supported": true, "wlan_probe_enabled": true, "dpi_supported": true, "dpi_enabled": true, "low_data_usage_mode": true, "ra_enabled": true, "watchdog_enabled": true, "ra_supported": true, "watchdog_supported": true, "ap_router_mode": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "site_id": "", "handshake_port": true, "refuse_legacy": true, "peer_connections": 0, "pepvpn_peers": 0, "is_default_password": true, "is_apply_bulk_config": true, "is_wlan_ap_suspended": true, "is_ap_schedule_enabled": true, "is_ha_enabled": true, "is_ha_slave": true, "ha_role": "", "ha_status": "", "ha_transition_time": "", "periph_status_available": true, "periph_status": { "cpu_load": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "power_state": { "name": "", "connect": true }, "power_usage": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "fan_speed": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "thermal_sensor": { "temperature": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "threshold": 0.0, "min": 0.0 } }, "port_status_available": true, "port_status": {}, "gobi_sim_lock_supported": true, "gobi_sim_locks": [ "" ], "poe_supported": true, "admin_conf": { "managed": true, "protocol": "", "admin_auth": "", "admin_user_auth": "", "version": 0, "admin_name": "", "admin_password": "", "admin_readonly_name": "", "admin_readonly_password": "", "admin_radius_enable": true }, "outbound_policy_managed": true, "firewall_rules_managed": true, "is_apply_import_lan": true, "is_apply_csv_override": true, "is_wlc_enabled": true, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan": 0, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns": [ "" ], "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type": "", "mgnt_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_vlans": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "max_lacp_group_support": 0, "max_port_per_lacp_group": 0, "endpoint_support": true, "slow_response": true, "slow_response_start_time": "", "wlan_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio_band": "", "radio": "", "security": "", "enabled": true, "encryption": "", "portal_id": 0 } ], "slot_module_list": [ { "slot": 0, "hw_ver": "", "sn": "", "model": "", "product_name": "", "expiry_date": "" } ], "vlan_managed": true, "icmg_mvpn": true, "icmg_wan": true, "icmg_schedule_reboot": true, "icmg_schedule": true, "icmg_wlan": true, "icmg_portal": true, "icmg_lan": true, "icmg_sdswitch": true, "icmg_outbound": true, "icmg_firewall": true, "icmg_admin": true } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[device] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
usage | number |
Current bandwidth usage
tx | number |
Current upload usage
rx | number |
Current download usage
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
client_count | integer |
Current client count
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
config_rollback | boolean |
Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl.
config_rollback_date | string |
Config roll back date and time
ic2_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl
outstanding_patch_ids | array[string] |
Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches
device_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device
sp_default | boolean |
Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
tag_info | array[tag_info] |
List of Device tags information
note | string |
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
address | string |
Location address
location_timestamp | string |
Location recorded time
follow_loc_dev | integer |
Device's ID of the followed location device
follow_loc_dev_info | follow_loc_dev_info |
Followed location device information
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if the returned location is a static one
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
gps_support | boolean |
Indicates if the device support gps
gps_exist | boolean |
Indicates if the device with any gps records
support_ssid_count | number |
Supported number of SSIDs
radio_modules | array[radio_module] |
Supported radio modules
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
v6_license | string |
Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license
enabled, disabled |
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
fw_pending_trial_round | integer |
Firmware update trial count
fw_pending_max_no_of_trial | integer |
Maximum number of firmware update trial count
fw_pending_ver | string |
Version of the firmware to be updated
fw_pending_schedule_time | string |
Scheduled firmware update start time
fw_pending_upgrade_time | string |
Actual firmware update time
fw_pending_status | integer |
Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive
0, 1 |
fw_pending_group_time | string |
Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone
is_master_device | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device
fw_managmed | string |
(only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level
wifi_cfg | string |
Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device
group, device, not_managed |
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_available | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time
ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
ssid_profiles | array[ssid_profile] |
SSID profiles
ssid_profiles_applied | array[ssid_profiles_applied] |
Applied SSID profiles
hardware_version | string |
Hardware version
mvpn_version | string |
MVPN version
radio_bands | array[radio_band] |
Radio bands
loc_display | boolean |
Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude
extap_proxy_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a AP controller
extap_proxy_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller
wlan_probe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data"
wlan_probe_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl
dpi_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection
dpi_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection
low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode
ra_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ra_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ap_router_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
handshake_port | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port
refuse_legacy | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware
peer_connections | integer |
PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
is_default_password | boolean |
Indicates if default password is used in device web admin
is_apply_bulk_config | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config
is_wlan_ap_suspended | boolean |
Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended
is_ap_schedule_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled
is_ha_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if high availability enabled
is_ha_slave | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit
ha_role | string |
High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave)
ha_status | string |
High Availability Status
ha_transition_time | string |
Last Transition Date and time
periph_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if periph status is available
periph_status | periph_status |
Periph status
port_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if port status is available
port_status | port_status |
Port status
gobi_sim_lock_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support SIM lock
gobi_sim_locks | array[string] | |
poe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support poe
admin_conf | admin_conf |
Admin configuration
outbound_policy_managed | boolean | |
firewall_rules_managed | boolean | |
is_apply_import_lan | boolean | |
is_apply_csv_override | boolean | |
is_wlc_enabled | boolean | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan | integer | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns | array[string] | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type | string | |
mgnt_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_vlans | array[vlan_interface] | |
max_lacp_group_support | integer | |
max_port_per_lacp_group | integer | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
slow_response | boolean | |
slow_response_start_time | string | |
wlan_mac_list | array[wlan_mac_list] | |
slot_module_list | array[slot_module] |
List of slot module information
vlan_managed | boolean |
(device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed
icmg_mvpn | boolean | |
icmg_wan | boolean |
Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl
icmg_schedule_reboot | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot
icmg_schedule | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule
icmg_wlan | boolean |
Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl
icmg_portal | boolean |
Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl
icmg_lan | boolean |
Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl
icmg_sdswitch | boolean | |
icmg_outbound | boolean |
Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl
icmg_firewall | boolean |
Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl
icmg_admin | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the followed device
sn | string |
S/N of the followed device
name | string |
Device name of the followed device
onlineStatus | string |
Online status of the followed device
Field | Type | Description |
module_id | integer |
System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier
frequency_band | string |
Supported radio frequency bands
active_frequency_band | string |
The active frequency band
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated SSID profile identifier
ssid | string |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl
vlan_id | integer |
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the portal is external captive portal
wpa_passphrase | string |
WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users
Field | Type | Description |
radio_bands | integer |
Unique identifier of the radio band
active_band | string |
The active frequency band
txpower | number |
Output power
channel | integer |
channel_mode | string |
Channel Mode
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Field | Type | Description |
cpu_load | usage_data |
CPU load
power_state | power_state |
Power State
power_usage | usage_data |
Power Usage
fan_speed | usage_data |
Fan speed
thermal_sensor | temperature |
Thermal Sensor
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
value | number |
total | number |
voltage | number |
current | number |
percentage | number |
active | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
connect | boolean |
Indicates if the power is connected
Field | Type | Description |
temperature | number |
max | number |
threshold | number |
min | number |
Field | Type | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
managed | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is enabled
protocol | string | |
admin_auth | string | |
admin_user_auth | string | |
version | integer | |
admin_name | string |
Admin User Name
admin_password | string |
Admin password
admin_readonly_name | string |
Read-only User Name
admin_readonly_password | string |
Read-only User password
admin_radius_enable | boolean |
Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio_band | string |
Radio band
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
enabled | boolean | |
encryption | string | |
portal_id | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
slot | integer |
Module slot
hw_ver | string |
Module hardware version
sn | string |
Module S/N
model | string |
Module model
product_name | string |
Module product name
expiry_date | string |
Module expiry date and time
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
sn | Path | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (sp_default): Response data object, } sp_default { ticket_id (string): Ticket ID, devices (array[device]): , } device { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, usage (number): Current bandwidth usage, tx (number): Current upload usage, rx (number): Current download usage, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, client_count (integer): Current client count, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, config_rollback (boolean): Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl., config_rollback_date (string): Config roll back date and time, ic2_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl, outstanding_patch_ids (array[string]): Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches, device_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device, sp_default (boolean): Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, tag_info (array[tag_info]): List of Device tags information, note (string): Note, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, address (string): Location address, location_timestamp (string): Location recorded time, follow_loc_dev (integer): Device's ID of the followed location device, follow_loc_dev_info (follow_loc_dev_info): Followed location device information, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if the returned location is a static one, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, gps_support (boolean): Indicates if the device support gps, gps_exist (boolean): Indicates if the device with any gps records, support_ssid_count (number): Supported number of SSIDs, radio_modules (array[radio_module]): Supported radio modules, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, v6_license (string): Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, fw_pending_trial_round (integer): Firmware update trial count, fw_pending_max_no_of_trial (integer): Maximum number of firmware update trial count, fw_pending_ver (string): Version of the firmware to be updated, fw_pending_schedule_time (string): Scheduled firmware update start time, fw_pending_upgrade_time (string): Actual firmware update time, fw_pending_status (integer): Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive, fw_pending_group_time (string): Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone, is_master_device (boolean): Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device, fw_managmed (string): (only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level, wifi_cfg (string): Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_available (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time, ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time, onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, ssid_profiles (array[ssid_profile]): SSID profiles, ssid_profiles_applied (array[ssid_profiles_applied]): Applied SSID profiles, hardware_version (string): Hardware version, mvpn_version (string): MVPN version, radio_bands (array[radio_band]): Radio bands, loc_display (boolean): Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude, extap_proxy_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device is a AP controller, extap_proxy_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller, wlan_probe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data", wlan_probe_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl, dpi_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection, dpi_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection, low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode, ra_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance, watchdog_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog, ra_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support remote assistance, watchdog_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog, ap_router_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, handshake_port (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port, refuse_legacy (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware, peer_connections (integer): PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, is_default_password (boolean): Indicates if default password is used in device web admin, is_apply_bulk_config (boolean): Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config, is_wlan_ap_suspended (boolean): Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended, is_ap_schedule_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled, is_ha_enabled (boolean): Indicates if high availability enabled, is_ha_slave (boolean): Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit, ha_role (string): High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave), ha_status (string): High Availability Status, ha_transition_time (string): Last Transition Date and time, periph_status_available (boolean): Indicates if periph status is available, periph_status (periph_status): Periph status, port_status_available (boolean): Indicates if port status is available, port_status (port_status): Port status, gobi_sim_lock_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support SIM lock, gobi_sim_locks (array[string]): , poe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support poe, admin_conf (admin_conf): Admin configuration, outbound_policy_managed (boolean): , firewall_rules_managed (boolean): , is_apply_import_lan (boolean): , is_apply_csv_override (boolean): , is_wlc_enabled (boolean): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan (integer): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns (array[string]): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type (string): , mgnt_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_vlans (array[vlan_interface]): , max_lacp_group_support (integer): , max_port_per_lacp_group (integer): , endpoint_support (boolean): , slow_response (boolean): , slow_response_start_time (string): , wlan_mac_list (array[wlan_mac_list]): , slot_module_list (array[slot_module]): List of slot module information, vlan_managed (boolean): (device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed, icmg_mvpn (boolean): , icmg_wan (boolean): Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl, icmg_schedule_reboot (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot, icmg_schedule (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule, icmg_wlan (boolean): Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl, icmg_portal (boolean): Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl, icmg_lan (boolean): Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl, icmg_sdswitch (boolean): , icmg_outbound (boolean): Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl, icmg_firewall (boolean): Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl, icmg_admin (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } follow_loc_dev_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the followed device, sn (string): S/N of the followed device, name (string): Device name of the followed device, onlineStatus (string): Online status of the followed device, } radio_module { module_id (integer): System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier, frequency_band (string): Supported radio frequency bands, active_frequency_band (string): The active frequency band, } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, } ssid_profiles_applied { id (integer): System generated SSID profile identifier, ssid (string): SSID, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the portal is external captive portal, wpa_passphrase (string): WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users, } radio_band { radio_bands (integer): Unique identifier of the radio band, active_band (string): The active frequency band, txpower (number): Output power, channel (integer): Channel, channel_mode (string): Channel Mode, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, } periph_status { cpu_load (usage_data): CPU load, power_state (power_state): Power State, power_usage (usage_data): Power Usage, fan_speed (usage_data): Fan speed, thermal_sensor (temperature): Thermal Sensor, } usage_data { name (string): Name, value (number): Value, total (number): Total, voltage (number): Voltage, current (number): Current, percentage (number): Percentage, active (boolean): Active, } power_state { name (string): Name, connect (boolean): Indicates if the power is connected, } temperature { temperature (number): Temperature, max (number): Maximum, threshold (number): Threshold, min (number): Minimum, } port_status { } admin_conf { managed (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is enabled, protocol (string): , admin_auth (string): , admin_user_auth (string): , version (integer): , admin_name (string): Admin User Name, admin_password (string): Admin password, admin_readonly_name (string): Read-only User Name, admin_readonly_password (string): Read-only User password, admin_radius_enable (boolean): Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled, } wlan_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio_band (string): Radio band, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, enabled (boolean): , encryption (string): , portal_id (integer): , } slot_module { slot (integer): Module slot, hw_ver (string): Module hardware version, sn (string): Module S/N, model (string): Module model, product_name (string): Module product name, expiry_date (string): Module expiry date and time, }
Response Sample
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{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "ticket_id": "", "devices": [ { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "usage": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "product_id": 0, "client_count": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "config_rollback": true, "config_rollback_date": "", "ic2_config_apply_locked": true, "outstanding_patch_ids": [ "" ], "device_config_apply_locked": true, "sp_default": true, "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "tag_info": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "note": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "address": "", "location_timestamp": "", "follow_loc_dev": 0, "follow_loc_dev_info": { "id": 0, "sn": "", "name": "", "onlineStatus": "" }, "isStatic": true, "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "gps_support": true, "gps_exist": true, "support_ssid_count": 0.0, "radio_modules": [ { "module_id": 0, "frequency_band": "", "active_frequency_band": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "v6_license": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "fw_pending_trial_round": 0, "fw_pending_max_no_of_trial": 0, "fw_pending_ver": "", "fw_pending_schedule_time": "", "fw_pending_upgrade_time": "", "fw_pending_status": 0, "fw_pending_group_time": "", "is_master_device": true, "fw_managmed": "", "wifi_cfg": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_available": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date": "", "ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date": "", "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "ssid_profiles": [ { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } ], "ssid_profiles_applied": [ { "id": 0, "ssid": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "portal_id": 0, "enabled": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "wpa_passphrase": "" } ], "hardware_version": "", "mvpn_version": "", "radio_bands": [ { "radio_bands": 0, "active_band": "", "txpower": 0.0, "channel": 0, "channel_mode": "" } ], "loc_display": true, "extap_proxy_supported": true, "extap_proxy_enabled": true, "wlan_probe_supported": true, "wlan_probe_enabled": true, "dpi_supported": true, "dpi_enabled": true, "low_data_usage_mode": true, "ra_enabled": true, "watchdog_enabled": true, "ra_supported": true, "watchdog_supported": true, "ap_router_mode": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "site_id": "", "handshake_port": true, "refuse_legacy": true, "peer_connections": 0, "pepvpn_peers": 0, "is_default_password": true, "is_apply_bulk_config": true, "is_wlan_ap_suspended": true, "is_ap_schedule_enabled": true, "is_ha_enabled": true, "is_ha_slave": true, "ha_role": "", "ha_status": "", "ha_transition_time": "", "periph_status_available": true, "periph_status": { "cpu_load": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "power_state": { "name": "", "connect": true }, "power_usage": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "fan_speed": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "thermal_sensor": { "temperature": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "threshold": 0.0, "min": 0.0 } }, "port_status_available": true, "port_status": {}, "gobi_sim_lock_supported": true, "gobi_sim_locks": [ "" ], "poe_supported": true, "admin_conf": { "managed": true, "protocol": "", "admin_auth": "", "admin_user_auth": "", "version": 0, "admin_name": "", "admin_password": "", "admin_readonly_name": "", "admin_readonly_password": "", "admin_radius_enable": true }, "outbound_policy_managed": true, "firewall_rules_managed": true, "is_apply_import_lan": true, "is_apply_csv_override": true, "is_wlc_enabled": true, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan": 0, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns": [ "" ], "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type": "", "mgnt_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_vlans": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "max_lacp_group_support": 0, "max_port_per_lacp_group": 0, "endpoint_support": true, "slow_response": true, "slow_response_start_time": "", "wlan_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio_band": "", "radio": "", "security": "", "enabled": true, "encryption": "", "portal_id": 0 } ], "slot_module_list": [ { "slot": 0, "hw_ver": "", "sn": "", "model": "", "product_name": "", "expiry_date": "" } ], "vlan_managed": true, "icmg_mvpn": true, "icmg_wan": true, "icmg_schedule_reboot": true, "icmg_schedule": true, "icmg_wlan": true, "icmg_portal": true, "icmg_lan": true, "icmg_sdswitch": true, "icmg_outbound": true, "icmg_firewall": true, "icmg_admin": true } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | sp_default |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
ticket_id | string |
Ticket ID
devices | array[device] |
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
usage | number |
Current bandwidth usage
tx | number |
Current upload usage
rx | number |
Current download usage
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
client_count | integer |
Current client count
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
config_rollback | boolean |
Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl.
config_rollback_date | string |
Config roll back date and time
ic2_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl
outstanding_patch_ids | array[string] |
Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches
device_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device
sp_default | boolean |
Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
tag_info | array[tag_info] |
List of Device tags information
note | string |
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
address | string |
Location address
location_timestamp | string |
Location recorded time
follow_loc_dev | integer |
Device's ID of the followed location device
follow_loc_dev_info | follow_loc_dev_info |
Followed location device information
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if the returned location is a static one
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
gps_support | boolean |
Indicates if the device support gps
gps_exist | boolean |
Indicates if the device with any gps records
support_ssid_count | number |
Supported number of SSIDs
radio_modules | array[radio_module] |
Supported radio modules
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
v6_license | string |
Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license
enabled, disabled |
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
fw_pending_trial_round | integer |
Firmware update trial count
fw_pending_max_no_of_trial | integer |
Maximum number of firmware update trial count
fw_pending_ver | string |
Version of the firmware to be updated
fw_pending_schedule_time | string |
Scheduled firmware update start time
fw_pending_upgrade_time | string |
Actual firmware update time
fw_pending_status | integer |
Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive
0, 1 |
fw_pending_group_time | string |
Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone
is_master_device | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device
fw_managmed | string |
(only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level
wifi_cfg | string |
Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device
group, device, not_managed |
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_available | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time
ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
ssid_profiles | array[ssid_profile] |
SSID profiles
ssid_profiles_applied | array[ssid_profiles_applied] |
Applied SSID profiles
hardware_version | string |
Hardware version
mvpn_version | string |
MVPN version
radio_bands | array[radio_band] |
Radio bands
loc_display | boolean |
Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude
extap_proxy_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a AP controller
extap_proxy_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller
wlan_probe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data"
wlan_probe_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl
dpi_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection
dpi_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection
low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode
ra_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ra_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ap_router_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
handshake_port | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port
refuse_legacy | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware
peer_connections | integer |
PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
is_default_password | boolean |
Indicates if default password is used in device web admin
is_apply_bulk_config | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config
is_wlan_ap_suspended | boolean |
Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended
is_ap_schedule_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled
is_ha_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if high availability enabled
is_ha_slave | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit
ha_role | string |
High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave)
ha_status | string |
High Availability Status
ha_transition_time | string |
Last Transition Date and time
periph_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if periph status is available
periph_status | periph_status |
Periph status
port_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if port status is available
port_status | port_status |
Port status
gobi_sim_lock_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support SIM lock
gobi_sim_locks | array[string] | |
poe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support poe
admin_conf | admin_conf |
Admin configuration
outbound_policy_managed | boolean | |
firewall_rules_managed | boolean | |
is_apply_import_lan | boolean | |
is_apply_csv_override | boolean | |
is_wlc_enabled | boolean | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan | integer | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns | array[string] | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type | string | |
mgnt_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_vlans | array[vlan_interface] | |
max_lacp_group_support | integer | |
max_port_per_lacp_group | integer | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
slow_response | boolean | |
slow_response_start_time | string | |
wlan_mac_list | array[wlan_mac_list] | |
slot_module_list | array[slot_module] |
List of slot module information
vlan_managed | boolean |
(device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed
icmg_mvpn | boolean | |
icmg_wan | boolean |
Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl
icmg_schedule_reboot | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot
icmg_schedule | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule
icmg_wlan | boolean |
Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl
icmg_portal | boolean |
Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl
icmg_lan | boolean |
Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl
icmg_sdswitch | boolean | |
icmg_outbound | boolean |
Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl
icmg_firewall | boolean |
Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl
icmg_admin | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the followed device
sn | string |
S/N of the followed device
name | string |
Device name of the followed device
onlineStatus | string |
Online status of the followed device
Field | Type | Description |
module_id | integer |
System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier
frequency_band | string |
Supported radio frequency bands
active_frequency_band | string |
The active frequency band
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated SSID profile identifier
ssid | string |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl
vlan_id | integer |
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the portal is external captive portal
wpa_passphrase | string |
WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users
Field | Type | Description |
radio_bands | integer |
Unique identifier of the radio band
active_band | string |
The active frequency band
txpower | number |
Output power
channel | integer |
channel_mode | string |
Channel Mode
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Field | Type | Description |
cpu_load | usage_data |
CPU load
power_state | power_state |
Power State
power_usage | usage_data |
Power Usage
fan_speed | usage_data |
Fan speed
thermal_sensor | temperature |
Thermal Sensor
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
value | number |
total | number |
voltage | number |
current | number |
percentage | number |
active | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
connect | boolean |
Indicates if the power is connected
Field | Type | Description |
temperature | number |
max | number |
threshold | number |
min | number |
Field | Type | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
managed | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is enabled
protocol | string | |
admin_auth | string | |
admin_user_auth | string | |
version | integer | |
admin_name | string |
Admin User Name
admin_password | string |
Admin password
admin_readonly_name | string |
Read-only User Name
admin_readonly_password | string |
Read-only User password
admin_radius_enable | boolean |
Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio_band | string |
Radio band
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
enabled | boolean | |
encryption | string | |
portal_id | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
slot | integer |
Module slot
hw_ver | string |
Module hardware version
sn | string |
Module S/N
model | string |
Module model
product_name | string |
Module product name
expiry_date | string |
Module expiry date and time
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
ticket_id | Query | String |
Trigger devices to delete or save active config as service provider default
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
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response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (sp_default): Response data object, } sp_default { ticket_id (string): Ticket ID, devices (array[device]): , } device { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, group_name (string): Name of the group, sn (string): Device S/N, name (string): Device name, status (string): Device status, usage (number): Current bandwidth usage, tx (number): Current upload usage, rx (number): Current download usage, product_id (integer): Unique identifier of the product, client_count (integer): Current client count, fw_ver (string): Firmware version using, last_online (string): Last online date and time, offline_at (string): Last offline date and time, first_appear (string): First appeared date and time, lan_mac (string): LAN MAC address, config_rollback (boolean): Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl., config_rollback_date (string): Config roll back date and time, ic2_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl, outstanding_patch_ids (array[string]): Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches, device_config_apply_locked (boolean): Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device, sp_default (boolean): Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default, product_name (string): Product name, product_code (string): Product code, mv (string): Model variant, tags (array[string]): List of Device tags name, tag_info (array[tag_info]): List of Device tags information, note (string): Note, longitude (number): Location longitude, latitude (number): Location latitude, address (string): Location address, location_timestamp (string): Location recorded time, follow_loc_dev (integer): Device's ID of the followed location device, follow_loc_dev_info (follow_loc_dev_info): Followed location device information, isStatic (boolean): Indicates if the returned location is a static one, expiry_date (string): Warranty expiry date, sub_expiry_date (string): Subscription expiry date, prime_expiry_date (string): Prime expiry date, prime_type (integer): Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription, expired (boolean): Indicates if the device warranty has expired, sub_expired (boolean): Indicates if the device subscription has expired, gps_support (boolean): Indicates if the device support gps, gps_exist (boolean): Indicates if the device with any gps records, support_ssid_count (number): Supported number of SSIDs, radio_modules (array[radio_module]): Supported radio modules, group_type (string): Group type, device_type (string): Device type, last_sync_date (string): Last config applied date and time, v6_license (string): Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license, uptime (integer): Device up time, uptime_appear (string): Retrieval time of the device up time, fw_pending_trial_round (integer): Firmware update trial count, fw_pending_max_no_of_trial (integer): Maximum number of firmware update trial count, fw_pending_ver (string): Version of the firmware to be updated, fw_pending_schedule_time (string): Scheduled firmware update start time, fw_pending_upgrade_time (string): Actual firmware update time, fw_pending_status (integer): Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive, fw_pending_group_time (string): Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone, is_master_device (boolean): Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device, fw_managmed (string): (only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level, wifi_cfg (string): Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled, ddns_available (boolean): Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available, ddns_letsencrypt_enabled (boolean): Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service", ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time, ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date (string): Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time, onlineStatus (string): Current online status, wtp_ip (string): Last Detected IP, interfaces (array[interface]): Device interfaces, vlan_interfaces (array[vlan_interface]): VLAN interfaces, ssid_profiles (array[ssid_profile]): SSID profiles, ssid_profiles_applied (array[ssid_profiles_applied]): Applied SSID profiles, hardware_version (string): Hardware version, mvpn_version (string): MVPN version, radio_bands (array[radio_band]): Radio bands, loc_display (boolean): Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude, extap_proxy_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device is a AP controller, extap_proxy_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller, wlan_probe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data", wlan_probe_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl, dpi_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection, dpi_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection, low_data_usage_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode, ra_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance, watchdog_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog, ra_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support remote assistance, watchdog_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog, ap_router_mode (boolean): Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode, ssid_mac_list (array[ssid_mac_list]): SSID mac list, site_id (string): PepVPN Site ID, handshake_port (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port, refuse_legacy (boolean): (PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware, peer_connections (integer): PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, pepvpn_peers (integer): Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections, is_default_password (boolean): Indicates if default password is used in device web admin, is_apply_bulk_config (boolean): Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config, is_wlan_ap_suspended (boolean): Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended, is_ap_schedule_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled, is_ha_enabled (boolean): Indicates if high availability enabled, is_ha_slave (boolean): Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit, ha_role (string): High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave), ha_status (string): High Availability Status, ha_transition_time (string): Last Transition Date and time, periph_status_available (boolean): Indicates if periph status is available, periph_status (periph_status): Periph status, port_status_available (boolean): Indicates if port status is available, port_status (port_status): Port status, gobi_sim_lock_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support SIM lock, gobi_sim_locks (array[string]): , poe_supported (boolean): Indicates if the device support poe, admin_conf (admin_conf): Admin configuration, outbound_policy_managed (boolean): , firewall_rules_managed (boolean): , is_apply_import_lan (boolean): , is_apply_csv_override (boolean): , is_wlc_enabled (boolean): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan (integer): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway (string): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns (array[string]): , mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type (string): , mgnt_vlan_ip (string): , mgnt_vlans (array[vlan_interface]): , max_lacp_group_support (integer): , max_port_per_lacp_group (integer): , endpoint_support (boolean): , slow_response (boolean): , slow_response_start_time (string): , wlan_mac_list (array[wlan_mac_list]): , slot_module_list (array[slot_module]): List of slot module information, vlan_managed (boolean): (device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed, icmg_mvpn (boolean): , icmg_wan (boolean): Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl, icmg_schedule_reboot (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot, icmg_schedule (boolean): Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule, icmg_wlan (boolean): Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl, icmg_portal (boolean): Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl, icmg_lan (boolean): Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl, icmg_sdswitch (boolean): , icmg_outbound (boolean): Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl, icmg_firewall (boolean): Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl, icmg_admin (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl, } tag_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the device tag, name (string): Device tag name, } follow_loc_dev_info { id (integer): Unique identifier of the followed device, sn (string): S/N of the followed device, name (string): Device name of the followed device, onlineStatus (string): Online status of the followed device, } radio_module { module_id (integer): System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier, frequency_band (string): Supported radio frequency bands, active_frequency_band (string): The active frequency band, } interface { id (integer): System generated interface identifier, type (string): Interface type, status (string): Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected, last_status (string): Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline, name (string): Interface name, ddns_host (string): DDNS host, ddns_name (string): Find My Peplink Address, ddns_enabled (boolean): Indicates if DDNS is enabled, dns_servers (array[string]): List of dns servers, ip_status (string): , conn_len (integer): , ip (string): IP, netmask (string): Netmask, is_enable (boolean): Indicates if the interface is enabled, conn_mode (integer): Routing mode, port_type (integer): Port type, gateway (string): Default gateway, mtu (number): MTU, healthcheck (string): Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP, sims (interface_sims): SIMs info, meid_hex (string): MEID DEC, esn (string): ESN, imei (string): IMEI, imei_cdf (string): Cellular Module, apn (string): APN, username (string): Username for APN, password (string): Password for APN, dialnum (string): Dial Number for APN, carrier_name (string): Carrier, carrier_settings (string): Carrier settings, s2g3glte (string): Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE", signal_bar (integer): Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level, gobi_data_tech (string): Network, gobi_band_class_name (string): Network band, gobi_band_2_class_name (string): Secondary band, cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, gobi_band_2_cellular_signals (interface_cellular_signals): Cellular signals, cell_id (integer): Cell ID, adaptor_type (string): Modem adaptor type, vendor_id (integer): Modem adaptor vendor ID, product_id (integer): Modem adaptor product ID, modem_name (string): Modem adaptor name, modem_manufacturer (string): Modem adaptor manufacturer, status_led (string): Indicates the interface status in color in InControl, is_overall_up (integer): , standby_state (string): Standby state, connected|disconnect, mtu_state (integer): , healthy_state (integer): , connection_state (integer): Connection state, physical_state (integer): Physical state, is_backup (integer): , is_quota_exceed (integer): , is_manual_disconnect (integer): , conn_config_method (string): Connection Method, standby_mode (string): Standby mode, mtu_config (integer): MTU config, group (integer): Indicates the priority group id, updated_at (string): Interface info updated date and time, } interface_sims { imsi (string): IMSI, iccid (string): ICCID, status (string): SIM Status, active (boolean): Indicates if the SIM is active, bandwidthAllowanceMonitor (interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor): Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM, } interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor { enable (boolean): Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled, } interface_cellular_signals { rssi (number): Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm), sinr (number): Signal Quality in SINR (dB), rsrp (number): Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm), rsrq (number): Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB), } vlan_interface { vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, vlan_ip (string): VLAN IP, netmask (string): VLAN netmask, name (string): VLAN name, icmg (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of VLAN portal, portal_name (string): Name of the VLAN portal, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled, } ssid_profile { tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag selected, exempt_tags (array[tag_info]): Device tag exempted, fast_transition (boolean): Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled, acl_id (integer): Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied, access_control_list (access_control_list): Access Control List, device_select (string): Device Selection, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the applied captive portal, access_mode (array[string]): Access mode of the applied captive portal, id (integer): Unique identifier of the SSID profile, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled, ssid (string): SSID, security (string): SSID security type, wep (wep_settings): WEP Security settings, layer2_isolation (boolean): Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled, mac_filter (string): MAC address filtering type, mac_list (array[string]): MAC Address List, multicast_filter (boolean): Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled, multicast_rate (string): Multicast Rate, broadcast (boolean): Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, radio_band (string): Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on, radio_select (string): Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both, band_steering (string): Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred', igmp_snooping (boolean): Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled, portal_enabled (boolean): Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, portal_url (string): , portal_cacheId (string): , portal_auth (string): , portal_cna_bypass (boolean): , portal_domain_accept (string): , portal_idle_sec (integer): , portal_inactive_timeout (integer): , portal_logout_kick (boolean): , radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings, bandwidth_control (boolean): , client_bandwidth_upstream (integer): Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), client_bandwidth_downstream (integer): Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_upstream (integer): Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), bandwidth_downstream (integer): Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only), block_lan_access (boolean): Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only), block_custom_subnet (boolean): Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied, block_custom_subnet_list (string): Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only), block_except (boolean): Indicates if Block Exception is applied, block_except_list (string): Block Exception (Pepwave AP only), block_mvpn (boolean): Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled, client_limit (integer): Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz, client_limit_5g (integer): Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz, qos (integer): Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze, wpa_personal (wpa_personal_settings): WPA/WPA2 Security settings, schedule_id (integer): Device schedule, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile, radius_servers (array[radius_server]): List of RADIUS Server settings, } access_control_list { id (integer): Unique identifier of the access control list, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, name (string): Name of the access control list, address (array[string]): List of MAC addresses, referenced_by (array[access_control_list_referenced_by]): List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true, } access_control_list_referenced_by { type (string): Type of reference object, id (integer): Unique identifier of the reference object, name (string): Name of the reference object, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, } wep_settings { key_format (string): Key Format, key_size (integer): Key size, encrypt_key (string): Encryption key., shared_key_auth (boolean): Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled, } wpa_personal_settings { psk_enable (boolean): Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled, shared_key (string): The pre-shared key, shared_key_type (string): Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key
"lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address
"random" - Random, shared_key_random_prefix (string): required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key, shared_key_random_alphas (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key, shared_key_random_digits (integer): required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key, regenerate_shared_key (boolean): when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled, regenerate_shared_key_device_tags (array[integer]): when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key, } radius_server { id (integer): RADIUS server identifier, host (string): Server host name, secret (string): Server secret, auth_port (integer): RADIUS server authentication port, account_port (integer): RADIUS server accounting port, radius_nasid_type (string): NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name, radius_nasid_custom (string): NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom, } ssid_profiles_applied { id (integer): System generated SSID profile identifier, ssid (string): SSID, group_id (integer): Unique identifier of the group, device_id (integer): Unique identifier of the device, portal_id (integer): Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal, enabled (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled, icMg (boolean): Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl, vlan_id (integer): VLAN ID, portal_custom (boolean): Indicates if the portal is external captive portal, wpa_passphrase (string): WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users, } radio_band { radio_bands (integer): Unique identifier of the radio band, active_band (string): The active frequency band, txpower (number): Output power, channel (integer): Channel, channel_mode (string): Channel Mode, } ssid_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, } periph_status { cpu_load (usage_data): CPU load, power_state (power_state): Power State, power_usage (usage_data): Power Usage, fan_speed (usage_data): Fan speed, thermal_sensor (temperature): Thermal Sensor, } usage_data { name (string): Name, value (number): Value, total (number): Total, voltage (number): Voltage, current (number): Current, percentage (number): Percentage, active (boolean): Active, } power_state { name (string): Name, connect (boolean): Indicates if the power is connected, } temperature { temperature (number): Temperature, max (number): Maximum, threshold (number): Threshold, min (number): Minimum, } port_status { } admin_conf { managed (boolean): Indicates if device web admin management is enabled, protocol (string): , admin_auth (string): , admin_user_auth (string): , version (integer): , admin_name (string): Admin User Name, admin_password (string): Admin password, admin_readonly_name (string): Read-only User Name, admin_readonly_password (string): Read-only User password, admin_radius_enable (boolean): Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled, } wlan_mac_list { bssid (string): BSSID of the ESSID, essid (string): ESSID, radio_band (string): Radio band, radio (string): Radio band, security (string): the security policy of the SSID, enabled (boolean): , encryption (string): , portal_id (integer): , } slot_module { slot (integer): Module slot, hw_ver (string): Module hardware version, sn (string): Module S/N, model (string): Module model, product_name (string): Module product name, expiry_date (string): Module expiry date and time, }
Response Sample
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{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "ticket_id": "", "devices": [ { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "group_name": "", "sn": "", "name": "", "status": "", "usage": 0.0, "tx": 0.0, "rx": 0.0, "product_id": 0, "client_count": 0, "fw_ver": "", "last_online": "", "offline_at": "", "first_appear": "", "lan_mac": "", "config_rollback": true, "config_rollback_date": "", "ic2_config_apply_locked": true, "outstanding_patch_ids": [ "" ], "device_config_apply_locked": true, "sp_default": true, "product_name": "", "product_code": "", "mv": "", "tags": [ "" ], "tag_info": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "note": "", "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "address": "", "location_timestamp": "", "follow_loc_dev": 0, "follow_loc_dev_info": { "id": 0, "sn": "", "name": "", "onlineStatus": "" }, "isStatic": true, "expiry_date": "", "sub_expiry_date": "", "prime_expiry_date": "", "prime_type": 0, "expired": true, "sub_expired": true, "gps_support": true, "gps_exist": true, "support_ssid_count": 0.0, "radio_modules": [ { "module_id": 0, "frequency_band": "", "active_frequency_band": "" } ], "group_type": "", "device_type": "", "last_sync_date": "", "v6_license": "", "uptime": 0, "uptime_appear": "", "fw_pending_trial_round": 0, "fw_pending_max_no_of_trial": 0, "fw_pending_ver": "", "fw_pending_schedule_time": "", "fw_pending_upgrade_time": "", "fw_pending_status": 0, "fw_pending_group_time": "", "is_master_device": true, "fw_managmed": "", "wifi_cfg": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "ddns_available": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_enabled": true, "ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date": "", "ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date": "", "onlineStatus": "", "wtp_ip": "", "interfaces": [ { "id": 0, "type": "", "status": "", "last_status": "", "name": "", "ddns_host": "", "ddns_name": "", "ddns_enabled": true, "dns_servers": [ "" ], "ip_status": "", "conn_len": 0, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "is_enable": true, "conn_mode": 0, "port_type": 0, "gateway": "", "mtu": 0.0, "healthcheck": "", "sims": { "imsi": "", "iccid": "", "status": "", "active": true, "bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": { "enable": true } }, "meid_hex": "", "esn": "", "imei": "", "imei_cdf": "", "apn": "", "username": "", "password": "", "dialnum": "", "carrier_name": "", "carrier_settings": "", "s2g3glte": "", "signal_bar": 0, "gobi_data_tech": "", "gobi_band_class_name": "", "gobi_band_2_class_name": "", "cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "gobi_band_2_cellular_signals": { "rssi": 0.0, "sinr": 0.0, "rsrp": 0.0, "rsrq": 0.0 }, "cell_id": 0, "adaptor_type": "", "vendor_id": 0, "product_id": 0, "modem_name": "", "modem_manufacturer": "", "status_led": "", "is_overall_up": 0, "standby_state": "", "mtu_state": 0, "healthy_state": 0, "connection_state": 0, "physical_state": 0, "is_backup": 0, "is_quota_exceed": 0, "is_manual_disconnect": 0, "conn_config_method": "", "standby_mode": "", "mtu_config": 0, "group": 0, "updated_at": "" } ], "vlan_interfaces": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "ssid_profiles": [ { "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "exempt_tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": "" } ], "fast_transition": true, "acl_id": 0, "access_control_list": { "id": 0, "group_id": 0, "name": "", "address": [ "" ], "referenced_by": [ { "type": "", "id": 0, "name": "", "device_id": 0, "group_id": 0 } ] }, "device_select": "", "portal_id": 0, "access_mode": [ "" ], "id": 0, "enabled": true, "ssid": "", "security": "", "wep": { "key_format": "", "key_size": 0, "encrypt_key": "", "shared_key_auth": true }, "layer2_isolation": true, "mac_filter": "", "mac_list": [ "" ], "multicast_filter": true, "multicast_rate": "", "broadcast": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "radio_band": "", "radio_select": "", "band_steering": "", "igmp_snooping": true, "portal_enabled": true, "portal_url": "", "portal_cacheId": "", "portal_auth": "", "portal_cna_bypass": true, "portal_domain_accept": "", "portal_idle_sec": 0, "portal_inactive_timeout": 0, "portal_logout_kick": true, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "", "bandwidth_control": true, "client_bandwidth_upstream": 0, "client_bandwidth_downstream": 0, "bandwidth_upstream": 0, "bandwidth_downstream": 0, "block_lan_access": true, "block_custom_subnet": true, "block_custom_subnet_list": "", "block_except": true, "block_except_list": "", "block_mvpn": true, "client_limit": 0, "client_limit_5g": 0, "qos": 0, "wpa_personal": { "psk_enable": true, "shared_key": "", "shared_key_type": "", "shared_key_random_prefix": "", "shared_key_random_alphas": 0, "shared_key_random_digits": 0, "regenerate_shared_key": true, "regenerate_shared_key_device_tags": [ 0 ] }, "schedule_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "radius_servers": [ { "id": 0, "host": "", "secret": "", "auth_port": 0, "account_port": 0, "radius_nasid_type": "", "radius_nasid_custom": "" } ] } ], "ssid_profiles_applied": [ { "id": 0, "ssid": "", "group_id": 0, "device_id": 0, "portal_id": 0, "enabled": true, "icMg": true, "vlan_id": 0, "portal_custom": true, "wpa_passphrase": "" } ], "hardware_version": "", "mvpn_version": "", "radio_bands": [ { "radio_bands": 0, "active_band": "", "txpower": 0.0, "channel": 0, "channel_mode": "" } ], "loc_display": true, "extap_proxy_supported": true, "extap_proxy_enabled": true, "wlan_probe_supported": true, "wlan_probe_enabled": true, "dpi_supported": true, "dpi_enabled": true, "low_data_usage_mode": true, "ra_enabled": true, "watchdog_enabled": true, "ra_supported": true, "watchdog_supported": true, "ap_router_mode": true, "ssid_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio": "", "security": "" } ], "site_id": "", "handshake_port": true, "refuse_legacy": true, "peer_connections": 0, "pepvpn_peers": 0, "is_default_password": true, "is_apply_bulk_config": true, "is_wlan_ap_suspended": true, "is_ap_schedule_enabled": true, "is_ha_enabled": true, "is_ha_slave": true, "ha_role": "", "ha_status": "", "ha_transition_time": "", "periph_status_available": true, "periph_status": { "cpu_load": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "power_state": { "name": "", "connect": true }, "power_usage": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "fan_speed": { "name": "", "value": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "voltage": 0.0, "current": 0.0, "percentage": 0.0, "active": true }, "thermal_sensor": { "temperature": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "threshold": 0.0, "min": 0.0 } }, "port_status_available": true, "port_status": {}, "gobi_sim_lock_supported": true, "gobi_sim_locks": [ "" ], "poe_supported": true, "admin_conf": { "managed": true, "protocol": "", "admin_auth": "", "admin_user_auth": "", "version": 0, "admin_name": "", "admin_password": "", "admin_readonly_name": "", "admin_readonly_password": "", "admin_radius_enable": true }, "outbound_policy_managed": true, "firewall_rules_managed": true, "is_apply_import_lan": true, "is_apply_csv_override": true, "is_wlc_enabled": true, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan": 0, "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway": "", "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns": [ "" ], "mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type": "", "mgnt_vlan_ip": "", "mgnt_vlans": [ { "vlan_id": 0, "vlan_ip": "", "netmask": "", "name": "", "icmg": true, "portal_id": 0, "portal_name": "", "portal_enabled": true } ], "max_lacp_group_support": 0, "max_port_per_lacp_group": 0, "endpoint_support": true, "slow_response": true, "slow_response_start_time": "", "wlan_mac_list": [ { "bssid": "", "essid": "", "radio_band": "", "radio": "", "security": "", "enabled": true, "encryption": "", "portal_id": 0 } ], "slot_module_list": [ { "slot": 0, "hw_ver": "", "sn": "", "model": "", "product_name": "", "expiry_date": "" } ], "vlan_managed": true, "icmg_mvpn": true, "icmg_wan": true, "icmg_schedule_reboot": true, "icmg_schedule": true, "icmg_wlan": true, "icmg_portal": true, "icmg_lan": true, "icmg_sdswitch": true, "icmg_outbound": true, "icmg_firewall": true, "icmg_admin": true } ] } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | sp_default |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
ticket_id | string |
Ticket ID
devices | array[device] |
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
group_name | string |
Name of the group
sn | string |
Device S/N
name | string |
Device name
status | string |
Device status
online, offline |
usage | number |
Current bandwidth usage
tx | number |
Current upload usage
rx | number |
Current download usage
product_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the product
client_count | integer |
Current client count
fw_ver | string |
Firmware version using
last_online | string |
Last online date and time
offline_at | string |
Last offline date and time
first_appear | string |
First appeared date and time
lan_mac | string |
LAN MAC address
config_rollback | boolean |
Indicates if the recent change in outbound policy or firewall rules applied from InControl has been rolled back as the device was unable to reach InControl.
config_rollback_date | string |
Config roll back date and time
ic2_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by InControl
outstanding_patch_ids | array[string] |
Unique identifier of the outstanding configuration patches
device_config_apply_locked | boolean |
Indicates if the device is "Config Locked" by device
sp_default | boolean |
Indicates if the active configuration is saved as SP default
product_name | string |
Product name
product_code | string |
Product code
mv | string |
Model variant
tags | array[string] |
List of Device tags name
tag_info | array[tag_info] |
List of Device tags information
note | string |
longitude | number |
Location longitude
latitude | number |
Location latitude
address | string |
Location address
location_timestamp | string |
Location recorded time
follow_loc_dev | integer |
Device's ID of the followed location device
follow_loc_dev_info | follow_loc_dev_info |
Followed location device information
isStatic | boolean |
Indicates if the returned location is a static one
expiry_date | string |
Warranty expiry date
sub_expiry_date | string |
Subscription expiry date
prime_expiry_date | string |
Prime expiry date
prime_type | integer |
Prime Type: 1 - with prime subscription, 0 or undefined - without prime subscription
0, 1 |
expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device warranty has expired
sub_expired | boolean |
Indicates if the device subscription has expired
gps_support | boolean |
Indicates if the device support gps
gps_exist | boolean |
Indicates if the device with any gps records
support_ssid_count | number |
Supported number of SSIDs
radio_modules | array[radio_module] |
Supported radio modules
group_type | string |
Group type
peplink |
device_type | string |
Device type
last_sync_date | string |
Last config applied date and time
v6_license | string |
Indicates if the device has activated firmware 6.x license
enabled, disabled |
uptime | integer |
Device up time
uptime_appear | string |
Retrieval time of the device up time
fw_pending_trial_round | integer |
Firmware update trial count
fw_pending_max_no_of_trial | integer |
Maximum number of firmware update trial count
fw_pending_ver | string |
Version of the firmware to be updated
fw_pending_schedule_time | string |
Scheduled firmware update start time
fw_pending_upgrade_time | string |
Actual firmware update time
fw_pending_status | integer |
Firmware update status, 1 - active, 0 - inactive
0, 1 |
fw_pending_group_time | string |
Pending firmware update time in the group's time zone
is_master_device | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a master configuration cloning device
fw_managmed | string |
(only for device detail call) Indicates if the firmware is managed by organization level, group level or device level
wifi_cfg | string |
Indicates the device follows group or device level's SSID settings, or locally managed on the device
group, device, not_managed |
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" enabled
ddns_available | boolean |
Indicates if "Find My Peplink Service" available
ddns_letsencrypt_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if "Manage Web Admin SSL Certificate" is enabled for "Find My Peplink Service"
ddns_letsencrypt_cert_expiry_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate expiry date and time
ddns_letsencrypt_apply_date | string |
Web Admin SSL certificate apply date and time
onlineStatus | string |
Current online status
wtp_ip | string |
Last Detected IP
interfaces | array[interface] |
Device interfaces
vlan_interfaces | array[vlan_interface] |
VLAN interfaces
ssid_profiles | array[ssid_profile] |
SSID profiles
ssid_profiles_applied | array[ssid_profiles_applied] |
Applied SSID profiles
hardware_version | string |
Hardware version
mvpn_version | string |
MVPN version
radio_bands | array[radio_band] |
Radio bands
loc_display | boolean |
Indicates if address displayed on "Location" field in InControl Device Detail Page: true - display address, false - display latitude/longitude
extap_proxy_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a AP controller
extap_proxy_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a managed by AP controller
wlan_probe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data"
wlan_probe_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled "Collecting Wi-Fi Analytics Data" in InControl
dpi_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device supports deep packet inspection
dpi_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled deep packet inspection
low_data_usage_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled low data usage mode
ra_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device enabled hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ra_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support remote assistance
2.8.3 |
watchdog_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support hardware watchdog
2.8.3 |
ap_router_mode | boolean |
Indicates if the device applied router mode, true - router mode, false - bridge mode
ssid_mac_list | array[ssid_mac_list] |
SSID mac list
site_id | string |
PepVPN Site ID
handshake_port | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Handshake port
refuse_legacy | boolean |
(PepVPN / SpeedFusion) Indicates if the device accept connections from legacy firmware
peer_connections | integer |
PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
pepvpn_peers | integer |
Maximum number of PepVPN / SpeedFusion Peer Connections
is_default_password | boolean |
Indicates if default password is used in device web admin
is_apply_bulk_config | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applied with bulk config
is_wlan_ap_suspended | boolean |
Indicates if the device WLAN AP is suspended
is_ap_schedule_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the device AP schedule enabled
is_ha_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if high availability enabled
is_ha_slave | boolean |
Indicates if the device is a high availability slave unit
ha_role | string |
High Availability Preferred Role (master|slave)
ha_status | string |
High Availability Status
ha_transition_time | string |
Last Transition Date and time
periph_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if periph status is available
periph_status | periph_status |
Periph status
port_status_available | boolean |
Indicates if port status is available
port_status | port_status |
Port status
gobi_sim_lock_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support SIM lock
gobi_sim_locks | array[string] | |
poe_supported | boolean |
Indicates if the device support poe
admin_conf | admin_conf |
Admin configuration
outbound_policy_managed | boolean | |
firewall_rules_managed | boolean | |
is_apply_import_lan | boolean | |
is_apply_csv_override | boolean | |
is_wlc_enabled | boolean | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan | integer | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_gateway | string | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_dns | array[string] | |
mgnt_incontrol_vlan_connection_type | string | |
mgnt_vlan_ip | string | |
mgnt_vlans | array[vlan_interface] | |
max_lacp_group_support | integer | |
max_port_per_lacp_group | integer | |
endpoint_support | boolean | |
slow_response | boolean | |
slow_response_start_time | string | |
wlan_mac_list | array[wlan_mac_list] | |
slot_module_list | array[slot_module] |
List of slot module information
vlan_managed | boolean |
(device detail) Indicates if the device has VLAN managed
icmg_mvpn | boolean | |
icmg_wan | boolean |
Indicates if Device WAN settings is managed by InControl
icmg_schedule_reboot | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule Reboot
icmg_schedule | boolean |
Indicates if the device is applying Device Schedule
icmg_wlan | boolean |
Indicates if SSID and Radio settings is managed by InControl
icmg_portal | boolean |
Indicates if Captive Portal is managed by InControl
icmg_lan | boolean |
Indicates if Device LAN IP settings is managed by InControl
icmg_sdswitch | boolean | |
icmg_outbound | boolean |
Indicates if Outbound Policy managed by InControl
icmg_firewall | boolean |
Indicates if Firewall Rules is managed by InControl
icmg_admin | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is managed by InControl
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device tag
name | string |
Device tag name
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the followed device
sn | string |
S/N of the followed device
name | string |
Device name of the followed device
onlineStatus | string |
Online status of the followed device
Field | Type | Description |
module_id | integer |
System generated Wi-Fi radio module identifier
frequency_band | string |
Supported radio frequency bands
active_frequency_band | string |
The active frequency band
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated interface identifier
type | string |
Interface type
status | string |
Interface status for InControl, Connected|Disconnected|Disabled|No SIM Card Detected|No Cable Detected
last_status | string |
Wan status, Only exists if the device is offline
name | string |
Interface name
ddns_host | string |
DDNS host
ddns_name | string |
Find My Peplink Address
ddns_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if DDNS is enabled
dns_servers | array[string] |
List of dns servers
ip_status | string | |
conn_len | integer | |
ip | string |
netmask | string |
is_enable | boolean |
Indicates if the interface is enabled
conn_mode | integer |
Routing mode
port_type | integer |
Port type
gateway | string |
Default gateway
mtu | number |
healthcheck | string |
Health check method, "nslookup" - DNS Lookup, "pstr" - SmartCheck, "disabled" - Disabled, "ping" - PING, "http" - HTTP
sims | interface_sims |
SIMs info
meid_hex | string |
esn | string |
imei | string |
imei_cdf | string |
Cellular Module
apn | string |
username | string |
Username for APN
password | string |
Password for APN
dialnum | string |
Dial Number for APN
carrier_name | string |
carrier_settings | string |
Carrier settings
s2g3glte | string |
Indicates if the network is "3G", "4G" or "LTE"
signal_bar | integer |
Indicates the signal bar level, -1: no signal, 0-5: signal bar level
gobi_data_tech | string |
gobi_band_class_name | string |
Network band
gobi_band_2_class_name | string |
Secondary band
cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
gobi_band_2_cellular_signals | interface_cellular_signals |
Cellular signals
cell_id | integer |
Cell ID
adaptor_type | string |
Modem adaptor type
vendor_id | integer |
Modem adaptor vendor ID
product_id | integer |
Modem adaptor product ID
modem_name | string |
Modem adaptor name
modem_manufacturer | string |
Modem adaptor manufacturer
status_led | string |
Indicates the interface status in color in InControl
is_overall_up | integer | |
standby_state | string |
Standby state, connected|disconnect
mtu_state | integer | |
healthy_state | integer | |
connection_state | integer |
Connection state
physical_state | integer |
Physical state
is_backup | integer | |
is_quota_exceed | integer | |
is_manual_disconnect | integer | |
conn_config_method | string |
Connection Method
standby_mode | string |
Standby mode
mtu_config | integer |
MTU config
group | integer |
Indicates the priority group id
updated_at | string |
Interface info updated date and time
Field | Type | Description |
imsi | string |
iccid | string |
status | string |
SIM Status
active | boolean |
Indicates if the SIM is active
bandwidthAllowanceMonitor | interface_sims_bandwdith_allowance_monitor |
Bandwidth allowance monitor information of the WAN connection or SIM
Field | Type | Description |
enable | boolean |
Indicates if the bandwidth allowance monitor is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
rssi | number |
Signal Strength in RSSI (dBm)
sinr | number |
Signal Quality in SINR (dB)
rsrp | number |
Signal Strength in RSRP (dBm)
rsrq | number |
Signal Quality in RSRQ (dB)
Field | Type | Description |
vlan_id | integer |
vlan_ip | string |
netmask | string |
VLAN netmask
name | string |
VLAN name
icmg | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN is managed by InControl
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of VLAN portal
portal_name | string |
Name of the VLAN portal
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the VLAN portal is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag selected
exempt_tags | array[tag_info] |
Device tag exempted
fast_transition | boolean |
Indicates if Fast Transition is enabled
acl_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the Access Control List applied
access_control_list | access_control_list |
Access Control List
device_select | string |
Device Selection
disable, enable, exempt |
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the applied captive portal
access_mode | array[string] |
Access mode of the applied captive portal
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the SSID profile
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is enabled
ssid | string |
security | string |
SSID security type
open, wpa_wpa2_personal, wpa_wpa2_enterprise |
wep | wep_settings |
WEP Security settings
layer2_isolation | boolean |
Indicates if Layer 2 Isolation is enabled
mac_filter | string |
MAC address filtering type
none, deny, allow |
mac_list | array[string] |
MAC Address List
multicast_filter | boolean |
Indicates if multicast Filter is enabled
multicast_rate | string |
Multicast Rate
mcs0, mcs1, mcs2, mcs3, mcs4, mcs5, mcs6, mcs7 |
broadcast | boolean |
Indicates whether SSID is broadcasted, otherwise hidden
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the SSID profile is managed in InControl
vlan_id | integer |
radio_band | string |
Radio Band(s) the SSID is available on
2_4ghz, 5ghz, dual |
radio_select | string |
Radio Band selected, 1 - 2.4ghz, 2 - 5ghz, 3 - both
band_steering | string |
Band Steering, Default value: 'preferred'
disable, preferred, forced |
igmp_snooping | boolean |
Indicates if IGMP snooping is enabled
portal_enabled | boolean |
Indicates if captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
portal_url | string | |
portal_cacheId | string | |
portal_auth | string | |
portal_cna_bypass | boolean | |
portal_domain_accept | string | |
portal_idle_sec | integer | |
portal_inactive_timeout | integer | |
portal_logout_kick | boolean | |
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier in RADUIS server settings
device_name, lan_mac, sn, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value in RADUIS server settings
bandwidth_control | boolean | |
client_bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Per client upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
client_bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Per client downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_upstream | integer |
Upstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
bandwidth_downstream | integer |
Downstream limit in kbps (0: Unlimited) (Pepwave AP only)
block_lan_access | boolean |
Indicates if Block LAN Access is enabled (Pepwave AP only)
block_custom_subnet | boolean |
Indicates if Custom Subnet is applied
block_custom_subnet_list | string |
Custom Subnet (Pepwave AP only)
block_except | boolean |
Indicates if Block Exception is applied
block_except_list | string |
Block Exception (Pepwave AP only)
block_mvpn | boolean |
Indicates Block PepVPN is enabled
client_limit | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 2.4 GHz
client_limit_5g | integer |
Maximum number of clients for 5 GHz
qos | integer |
Network Priority (QoS), 0 - Gold, 1 - Silver, 2 - Bronze
wpa_personal | wpa_personal_settings |
WPA/WPA2 Security settings
schedule_id | integer |
Device schedule
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if external captive portal is applied for the SSID profile
radius_servers | array[radius_server] |
List of RADIUS Server settings
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the access control list
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
name | string |
Name of the access control list
address | array[string] |
List of MAC addresses
referenced_by | array[access_control_list_referenced_by] |
List of access control list reference by object, Only appears when with_reference=true
Field | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of reference object
firewall, outbound, ssid, portal, custom_portal |
id | integer |
Unique identifier of the reference object
name | string |
Name of the reference object
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
Field | Type | Description |
key_format | string |
Key Format
key_size | integer |
Key size
encrypt_key | string |
Encryption key.
shared_key_auth | boolean |
Indicates whether shared key authentication is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
psk_enable | boolean |
Indicates whether pre-shared key is enabled
shared_key | string |
The pre-shared key
shared_key_type | string |
Shared Key Option
"static" - Static shared key "lan_mac" - Last 8 octets of LAN MAC address "random" - Random static, lan_mac, random |
shared_key_random_prefix | string |
required when shared_key_type=random, Prefix in generated shared key
shared_key_random_alphas | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of alphabets generated in shared key
shared_key_random_digits | integer |
required when shared_key_type=random, Number of digits generated in shared key
regenerate_shared_key | boolean |
when update a SSID profile, Indicates if regenerate key is enabled
regenerate_shared_key_device_tags | array[integer] |
when update a SSID profile, List of device tags IDs applied for the regenerate key
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
RADIUS server identifier
host | string |
Server host name
secret | string |
Server secret
auth_port | integer |
RADIUS server authentication port
account_port | integer |
RADIUS server accounting port
radius_nasid_type | string |
NAS-Identifier, Default: device_name
device_name, sn, lan_mac, custom |
radius_nasid_custom | string |
NAS-Identifier custom value, required when radius_nasid_type=custom
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
System generated SSID profile identifier
ssid | string |
group_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the group
device_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the device
portal_id | integer |
Unique identifier of the captive portal/external captive portal
enabled | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is enabled
icMg | boolean |
Indicates if the ssid profile is managed by InControl
vlan_id | integer |
portal_custom | boolean |
Indicates if the portal is external captive portal
wpa_passphrase | string |
WPA passphrase, the field would be hidden for read-only users
Field | Type | Description |
radio_bands | integer |
Unique identifier of the radio band
active_band | string |
The active frequency band
txpower | number |
Output power
channel | integer |
channel_mode | string |
Channel Mode
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
Field | Type | Description |
cpu_load | usage_data |
CPU load
power_state | power_state |
Power State
power_usage | usage_data |
Power Usage
fan_speed | usage_data |
Fan speed
thermal_sensor | temperature |
Thermal Sensor
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
value | number |
total | number |
voltage | number |
current | number |
percentage | number |
active | boolean |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string |
connect | boolean |
Indicates if the power is connected
Field | Type | Description |
temperature | number |
max | number |
threshold | number |
min | number |
Field | Type | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
managed | boolean |
Indicates if device web admin management is enabled
protocol | string | |
admin_auth | string | |
admin_user_auth | string | |
version | integer | |
admin_name | string |
Admin User Name
admin_password | string |
Admin password
admin_readonly_name | string |
Read-only User Name
admin_readonly_password | string |
Read-only User password
admin_radius_enable | boolean |
Indicates if Authentication by RADIUS is enabled
Field | Type | Description |
bssid | string |
essid | string |
radio_band | string |
Radio band
radio | string |
Radio band
security | string |
the security policy of the SSID
enabled | boolean | |
encryption | string | |
portal_id | integer |
Field | Type | Description |
slot | integer |
Module slot
hw_ver | string |
Module hardware version
sn | string |
Module S/N
model | string |
Module model
product_name | string |
Module product name
expiry_date | string |
Module expiry date and time
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
data |
Example: {"data":{"active":true,"device_ids":[0,1,2]}}
"true" means to save the active configuration as the SP default "false" means to remove existing SP default |
Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String |
Download dynamic WPA shared key of a specified SSID
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
ssid_id | Path | int |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
data |
Example: {"data":{"active":true,"device_ids":[0,1,2]}}
"true" means to enable Air Monitor Mode "false" means to disable Air Monitor Mode |
Raw | String |
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Request Content Type:
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
organization_id | Path | String | ||
data |
Raw | String |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (user): Response data object, } user { user_id (string): User identifier, email (string): Email, fullname (string): Full name, status (string): User status, user_preference (user_preference): user_preference object, } user_preference { full_name (string): Full name, first_name (string): First name, last_name (string): Last name, locale (string): Language preference, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": { "user_id": "", "email": "", "fullname": "", "status": "", "user_preference": { "full_name": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "locale": "" } } }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | user |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
user_id | string |
User identifier
string |
fullname | string |
Full name
status | string |
User status
active, inactive |
user_preference | user_preference |
user_preference object
Field | Type | Description |
full_name | string |
Full name
first_name | string |
First name
last_name | string |
Last name
locale | string |
Language preference
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
Response Content Type:
Model Schema
Model Schema
[expand] | [collapse]
response { resp_code (string): Response code, caller_ref (string): Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified, server_ref (string): Server reference identifier, generated on server side, message (string): Response message, data (array[access_log]): Response data object, } access_log { id (integer): Access log entry identifier, user_id (string): User identifier, ip_address (string): Login IP address, location (string): Login location, created_at (string): Login date and time, updated_at (string): Last updated date and time, }
Response Sample
[expand] | [collapse]
{ "resp_code": "", "caller_ref": "", "server_ref": "", "message": "", "data": [ { "id": 0, "user_id": "", "ip_address": "", "location": "", "created_at": "", "updated_at": "" } ] }
Model Description
[expand] | [collapse]
Field | Type | Description |
resp_code | string |
Response code
caller_ref | string |
Caller reference identifier, auto generated if not specified
server_ref | string |
Server reference identifier, generated on server side
message | string |
Response message
data | array[access_log] |
Response data object
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Access log entry identifier
user_id | string |
User identifier
ip_address | string |
Login IP address
location | string |
Login location
created_at | string |
Login date and time
updated_at | string |
Last updated date and time
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
user_id | Path | String | ||
limit | Query | int |
Response Content Type:
Parameter | Value | Remark | Parameter Type | Data Type |
user_id | Path | String |